Midnightoker |

Seltyiel is the iconic for multi-class, hes a half elf,who's race is most adept at multi classing, I dont think they are going to make him a straight magus, especially since he exists in so many publications as a ftr/wiz at the beginning of his adventuring career.
although there could be some fudge room with his, seeing as magus is a ftr wizard... but you all dont forget, seltyiel has his bat, dargenti. So his build will use an arcanna to get a familiar, boo hoo to all those trying to optimize him out.
Keep in mind multiclassing and prestige classing are the same thing, only one requires some prestige.
It is still a class, and as a half elf Setyiel could consider both the Eldritch Knight and Magus as his favored classes.
Makes sense to me anyways.

Pendagast |

Pendagast wrote:Seltyiel is the iconic for multi-class, hes a half elf,who's race is most adept at multi classing, I dont think they are going to make him a straight magus, especially since he exists in so many publications as a ftr/wiz at the beginning of his adventuring career.
although there could be some fudge room with his, seeing as magus is a ftr wizard... but you all dont forget, seltyiel has his bat, dargenti. So his build will use an arcanna to get a familiar, boo hoo to all those trying to optimize him out.
Keep in mind multiclassing and prestige classing are the same thing, only one requires some prestige.
It is still a class, and as a half elf Setyiel could consider both the Eldritch Knight and Magus as his favored classes.
Makes sense to me anyways.
it doesnt make too much sense for him to go magus/ek..not alot to be gained there without the wizard spell list.
IF he went magus/wiz/ek like previously mentioned he COULD get 7th level spells (and more of a varied spell list).IF i were to do a magus/wiz/ek Id take all utility spells from the wizard list (things like greater invisibility, knock, i dunno stuff like that) seeing as I couldnt spellcombat with them.

Ardenup |
Typo earlier.
My build was actually Magus6/Wiz5/EK9.
Funnily I think he's probably a better blaster than the original. Less competent a fighter but obviously the addition of spell combat is better.
With a bit more thought he could probably be better but i'd rather play this version than the original build (less hurt in the mid levels)
Anyone got a better build in mind?

Midnightoker |

Midnightoker wrote:as a half elf Setyiel could consider both the Eldritch Knight and Magus as his favored classes.Not true; the favored class rules state that prestige classes can never be a favored class.
you are correct sir.
*face palm*
why paizo? is prestiging that unencouraged?

Midnightoker |

Midnightoker wrote:why paizo? is prestiging that unencouraged?Multiclassing in general is very strongly discouraged in Pathfinder. It's one of my few big problems with the system.
I mean I am all for the whole making prestige classes less of a common thing, I like the whole tantalizing abilities that come with every level of the classes.
But not allowing favored class bonuses to be with a prestige class? (pretty much only half-elves would benefit from this and it is one of their racial abilities after all) it just seems way over the top to discourage the picking multiple classes thing. Especially when it should be realistic to multi class (people do change professions from time to time) every now and then.
oh well minor qualm I can live with I suppose.

Pendagast |

i dont think its unbalancing, its 1 hp or 1 skill point...oooohhh aaaaahhh.
and it would only apply to half elves. so what question is does this put half-elves over the top in comparison to other races.
A half-elf bard/fighter could get both preferred classes, but a half-elf bard/pathfinder chronicler could not?
Kinda Lame.
what about a half-elf figher/wiz/ek? could he prefer the wiz and the ek? would that unbalance the race?

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i dont think its unbalancing, its 1 hp or 1 skill point...oooohhh aaaaahhh.
and it would only apply to half elves. so what question is does this put half-elves over the top in comparison to other races.A half-elf bard/fighter could get both preferred classes, but a half-elf bard/pathfinder chronicler could not?
Kinda Lame.
what about a half-elf figher/wiz/ek? could he prefer the wiz and the ek? would that unbalance the race?
Apparantly Paizo feels that it would. Or rather that half-elves don't merit any exception to the no PrC class for favored class rule.

James Sutter Contributor |

While his image may be used for art orders (thus making him one of the "iconics"), Seltyiel is a character, not a physical personification of a given class. He's a living, breathing person (or at least the idea of one). He wasn't tapped by the Rule Fairy at birth--he was just born, and grew up, and got good at some things while ignoring others.
He is indeed the iconic magus. It's a good fit for him. Before, we didn't have a single class that appropriately simulated the character concept we'd assembled, so we had to get more complicated with the stats. Now that we have the magus, we can simplify. But there's no need to rewrite his biography, because *he* hasn't changed--just the math that we use to represent him.

Ardenup |
While his image may be used for art orders (thus making him one of the "iconics"), Seltyiel is a character, not a physical personification of a given class. He's a living, breathing person (or at least the idea of one). He wasn't tapped by the Rule Fairy at birth--he was just born, and grew up, and got good at some things while ignoring others.
He is indeed the iconic magus. It's a good fit for him. Before, we didn't have a single class that appropriately simulated the character concept we'd assembled, so we had to get more complicated with the stats. Now that we have the magus, we can simplify. But there's no need to rewrite his biography, because *he* hasn't changed--just the math that we use to represent him.
You guys ARE gonna redo his statblock?

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But not allowing favored class bonuses to be with a prestige class? (pretty much only half-elves would benefit from this and it is one of their racial abilities after all) it just seems way over the top to discourage the picking multiple classes thing. Especially when it should be realistic to multi class (people do change professions from time to time) every now and then.
oh well minor qualm I can live with I suppose.
Doing so would fly in the face of logic. Favored classes are those you would potentially start out with. and you can't be a PrC at level one.

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James Sutter wrote:While his image may be used for art orders (thus making him one of the "iconics"), Seltyiel is a character, not a physical personification of a given class. He's a living, breathing person (or at least the idea of one). He wasn't tapped by the Rule Fairy at birth--he was just born, and grew up, and got good at some things while ignoring others.
He is indeed the iconic magus. It's a good fit for him. Before, we didn't have a single class that appropriately simulated the character concept we'd assembled, so we had to get more complicated with the stats. Now that we have the magus, we can simplify. But there's no need to rewrite his biography, because *he* hasn't changed--just the math that we use to represent him.
You guys ARE gonna redo his statblock?
We're not saying we won't.
If we DO, we'll stat him up as a magus, I bet. And we certainly won't be trying that until the magus class is locked down and in print.
We aren't presenting sample characters at the end of our modules or Adventure Paths anymore, though, so we won't be rebuilding Seltyiel as a magus there.
But again, as Sutter says, there's no need to adjust his bio at all.

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im a little wary of wandering into combat and trying to hit things with my sword and cast a spell in their face, are there feats im missing that should help me with this (ive considered skill focus spellcraft and combat casting) but anyone in threat range can get a AoO on me...ewww. help me out with this one.
Extra spellcraft is always nice, but I don't see that it'll help you a ton. Combat casting, on the other hand, is extremely valuable. Spellcraft doesn't factor into your concentration rolls, but combat casting gives you a nice +4 bonus to make sure you cast in combat.
It sys i can cast a spell for or last but not in the middle of attacks... if i cast a spell first (free hand) then shoot my bow in the other hand (using the free for the arrow) i think this breaks the rules doesnt it...says you need a light or one handed weapon in the other hand, which technically a bow is... but it's not listed that way...
seems like i should be able to shoot a ray and pluck my bow. but maybe not. (probably not)
That would be nice if you could, and I kinda expect a ranged magus archetype will address this. As written, the magus works great as a sword-n-spell kinda guy, and I would not try to Spell Combat with anything else. It just doesn't make sense to be casting a spell with the hand that needs to draw your bowstring.
is that the weakness of the class? (this class's strength being two weapon fighting sword/spell is also its weakness ...ie "bring on a pile of AoOs)?
The class is weak at ranged combat, yes. You can't spell combat with a bow, I'm pretty sure. It is extremely strong at melee & spell. But why would that bring on a pile of AoO's? You can always defensive cast to avoid drawing an op, and why would a magus not do this? Especially if you take Combat Casting.
let me see what else did i run into last night besides alot of (not in the face not in the face!) Oh, never in the history of me playing, have i ever lost a spell because of an AoO i provoked.... so there is a first. (done it as a DM, but not playing)
This class seems to be a "come and get me with your AoOs" as written...maybe the should be a feat or two to help out witht his? Unless Im missing something, it otherwise seems hard to use the class to its fullest without given the baddies tons of free shots.
You are missing the defensive cast, it sounds like. It's a concentration roll (at 15 + Spell Level x2, IIRC), and if you fail, then you lose the spell. If you succeed, you cast the spell. No attack of opportunity is drawn.