Berselius |
Agathion, Cerotidal
Agathion, Loxodonal
Ape, Tyrant (Megaprimatus)
Archon, Feather
Archon, Sword
Azata, Apsara
Azata, Nedagha
Bogey Man
Daemon, Baernadaemon
Devil, Lust (Luxuriagon)
Dinosaur, Spinosaurus
Dire, Vulture
Dire, Kangaroo
Dire, Platypus
Dragon (Chromatic), Orange
Dragon (Chromatic), Yellow
Dragon (Chromatic), Violet
Dragon (Metallic), Iron
Dragon (Metallic), Mercury
Dragon (Metallic), Steel
Dragon (Primal), Brimestone
Dragon (Primal), Radiant
Elemental (Negative), Blood
Elemental (Negative), Grave
Elemental (Negative), Mist
Elemental (Negative), Pyre
Golem, Bone
Golem, Doll
Golem, Gold
Golem, Steel
Lycanthrope, Werecrow
Lycanthrope, Werelizard
Lycanthrope, Wereshark
Lycanthrope, Wereskunk
Skeleton, Nova
Zombie, Oozing
Evil Midnight Lurker |
Dragon78 wrote:There will be Azura and more Rakshasa in the Beastairy 3. The list I posted is what is known to be in there.Hum... from the looks of it, the "what we know" part of that list is abooooout... 85% true...
Speculate away! ;)
The final list will be about... 20% cooler. :D
Dragon78 |
20% cooler with a rainbow maned pegasus.
I really hope they release the complete list of monsters for this book soon, the wait is killing me.
elephantfolk and hippo people sound interesting
Well there will be Dragons here, Imperial dragons(Forest, Sea, Sky, Sovereign, Underworld)Linnorms(Cairn, Fyord, Tiaga, Tor)Drakes(Sea,?)and more.
asaenvolk |
Might as well throw my two CP in here. First off some more outsiders would be nice, but please refrain from Demons and Devils proper, we have enough, more Daemons would be cool!
I also love lovecraftian monsters, even though I think they tend to over do the INT and WIS scores on them when they are produced.
I would not be a missed to some cat people >.>
Making stats for things mentioned in the Gazetteer, like the Numerian Robo..Golums, or some of the races from the planets neighboring Golarian
Doesn't need: More dragons, hey its not called Dungeons and Dragons! we don't have to pander to them any more!
Dragon78 |
There is already Dragons in this book(4 new Linnorms, 5 Imperial Dragons, at least one Drake, the Faerie Dragon, and one other weak dragon probably the Tatzl Wyrm).
Catfolk were already confirmed.
I agree about having less(or none) Demons and Devils.
There will be more outsiders but sadly no new Proteons.
There are two new Daemons in the Beastairy 3 and more in the Book of the Damned.
I hope for more Lovecraftian goodness my self.
darth_borehd |
This is another chance for Awakened creatures.
Any naturalist that has tracked foxes, anyone who has worked with dolphins, or anyone who is owned by a cat knows they are not Int. 2 or
Is it intelligence or a complex pattern of instinctual behavior that has evolved over millions of years?
Just about every behavior we see in our pet dogs and cats has an analog in wolves and wild cats.
Lisa Stevens CEO |
Dragon78 |
Alraune- I have been waiting a long time for this one and I love Castlevania syphony of the night.
Hungry Fog- a monster based on a movie is always cool.
Jotund Troll- didn't expect this one, a huge size nine headed troll, though the pic makes it look like it is much bigger.
Yithian- finally a non-evil(LN) Aberration other then the Flumph(LG) now all we need are some CN aberations.
I love that Paizo has cretures from myth(Scylla, Charibdis, Dullahan, etc.), classic literature(Jaberwocky, Bandersnatch, etc.), cryptids(Mothman, Sea serpents, Yeti, etc.), Lovecraft(Gugs, Colour from out of space, Leng spider, etc.) and classic D@D(Faerie dragons, Flumph, Lamia Matriarch, Disenchanter, etc.).
Dragon78 |
The Jotend Troll only gets one bite attack unless this is a mistake. Also it doesn't list what is attacks woulb without the club.
I am really surprised more people haven't commented or shown interest in these 4 "little" monsters.
I wonder how many previews will get for the Beastairy 3?
I wonder if we will get a list of content before the book is released?
Justin Franklin |
The Jotend Troll only gets one bite attack unless this is a mistake. Also it doesn't list what is attacks woulb without the club.
I am really surprised more people haven't commented or shown interest in these 4 "little" monsters.
I wonder how many previews will get for the Beastairy 3?
I wonder if we will get a list of content before the book is released?
I think the 3 attacks with the club, the one bite and the one claw is enough. Based on the monster description the single bite attack makes sense. If he doesn't have the club the other hand would get the same claw attack.
We should get a preview a week until the release date.
Usually right before release there is a list of all of the monsters released.
Sincubus |
Humans are NOT MONSTERS, so please no more humans and normal horses... I hate those things in MONSTER manuals...
I can't stand that people call everything except for the beholder-like argus, the problem-solver for all the beholder-lovers.
Nobody mentioned ZORBO's... or anything else that can absorb their surroundings into themselves and nobody mentioned the Deepspawn, really the best monster out there.
My personal favorite missing creature is the Morkoth, but its probably copyrighted by D&D... I PRAY ITS NOT!
Sincubus |
"Humans are not monsters", don't you ever watch the news:)
Normals do have a place the beastiaries.
I think the Deepspawn, Zorbo, and the Morkoth is copyrighted by wizards.
I don't know what your talking about with whole beholder/argus thing?
You never heard the greek-mythology story of the Argus? The argus was a eye-covered giant, well good enough for a re-named beholder. Remember Charybdis wasn't a giant insect aswel, so they can do anything they like with Argus.
Deepspawn and Morkoth ok, but why would they copyright the Zorbo and never use it again? Last book the Zorbo was used in was 2ND edition... They probably replaced the Zorbo with the Skindancer in 3rd edition.
Dragon78 |
A lot of companies would buy or keep the rights for something for years and never use it. I have seen companies buy the rights to a show hold on to it for several years and never release it. So I would go with yes for Wizards has the rights to many monsters and never used them for 3.0/3.5 edition at all.
I have always liked Argus as a Giant but the 2nd edition verision as a blob with many eyes was lame.
If you have any questions about monsters owned by wizards ask James Jacobs.
Sincubus |
A lot of companies would buy or keep the rights for something for years and never use it. I have seen companies buy the rights to a show hold on to it for several years and never release it. So I would go with yes for Wizards has the rights to many monsters and never used them for 3.0/3.5 edition at all.
I have always liked Argus as a Giant but the 2nd edition verision as a blob with many eyes was lame.
If you have any questions about monsters owned by wizards ask James Jacobs.
I found this on the internet:
The following items are designated Product Identity, as defined in Section 1(e)
of the Open Game License Version 1.0a, and are subject to the conditions set
forth in Section 7 of the OGL, and are not Open Content: Dungeons & Dragons,
D&D, Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master, Monster Manual, d20 System, Wizards of
the Coast, d20 (when used as a trademark), Forgotten Realms, Faerûn, proper
names (including those used in the names of spells or items), places, Red Wizard
of Thay, the City of Union, Heroic Domains of Ysgard, Ever-Changing Chaos of
Limbo, Windswept Depths of Pandemonium, Infinite Layers of the Abyss, Tarterian
Depths of Carceri, Gray Waste of Hades, Bleak Eternity of Gehenna, Nine Hells of
Baator, Infernal Battlefield of Acheron, Clockwork Nirvana of Mechanus,
Peaceable Kingdoms of Arcadia, Seven Mounting Heavens of Celestia, Twin
Paradises of Bytopia, Blessed Fields of Elysium, Wilderness of the Beastlands,
Olympian Glades of Arborea, Concordant Domain of the Outlands, Sigil, Lady of
Pain, Book of Exalted Deeds, Book of Vile Darkness, beholder, gauth, carrion
crawler, tanar’ri, baatezu, displacer beast, githyanki, githzerai, mind flayer,
illithid, umber hulk, yuan-ti.
When I read this I only see that few creatures are copyrighted... so only beholder, gauth, carrion crawler, tanar'ri, baatezu (name groups), displacer beast, githyanki, githzerai, mind flayer, umber hulk and yuan-ti are copyrighted... I don't see deepspawn, hook horror or zorbo anywhere...
see |
The way copyright law works, anything published by Hasbro/WotC/TSR is copyrighted by default, and therefore by default cannot be republished without the permission of Hasbro. Deepspawn, hook horrors, and zorbos are thus covered by copyright.
Then, the declaration of Product Identity and the Open Game License section on PI in combination say, "We're giving you permission to use stuff in the System Reference Document, but anything we declared PI we really, really, absolutely do not give you permission to use, even if for some reason we accidentally included it in the System Reference Document."
For example, the Chaos Beast entry in the 3.5 SRD file MonstersB-C.rtf accidentally gave the environment of the monster as "Ever-Changing Chaos of Limbo". Since that's defined as PI in the declaration in Legal.rtf, you can't use that phrase in an SRD-derived OGL work even though it was accidentally included in the SRD.
darth_borehd |
The way copyright law works, anything published by Hasbro/WotC/TSR is copyrighted by default, and therefore by default cannot be republished without the permission of Hasbro. Deepspawn, hook horrors, and zorbos are thus covered by copyright.
Not quite. I am not a copyright lawyer, but I know copyright isn't as black and white as that. For example, game rules are not copyrightable, but the actual text explaining them is copyrightable.
You can write it out in your words and have the mechanics work exactly the same and be perfectly legal, even without the SRD legal document.
You also can't copyright something mythological. So even if WOTC writes an entry on Argus doesn't stop other people from doing their own version.
see |
see wrote:Not quite. I am not a copyright lawyer, but I know copyright isn't as black and white as that.The way copyright law works, anything published by Hasbro/WotC/TSR is copyrighted by default, and therefore by default cannot be republished without the permission of Hasbro. Deepspawn, hook horrors, and zorbos are thus covered by copyright.
Everything I said that you quoted is, in fact, exactly, 100% true. You will, on close examination, note that I said absolutely nothing about the rules on publishing new works based on existing works, but solely addressed the matter of republishing. Republishing is a very, very black-and-white area of copyright law.
My phrasing was very, very carefully selected to avoid the whole matter of what is or is not a derivative work covered by the original's copyright, which is what you go on to deal with. That is a situation that has massive amounts of area not merely complicated, but in fact deliberately left up to the judgment of judges. Further, how the laws apply to the field of tabletop roleplaying game monsters has not a single on-point precedent. The oft-quoted bit from the U.S. Copyright Office about game rules is based court rulings that were based on cases of games entirely unlike roleplaying games, and the application of those cases is not remotely straightforward to the mix of fiction, graphic art, and game mechanics that constitute a monster entry in an RPG book.
If you want to publish deepspawn, hook horrors, and zorbos without written consent of Hasbro, for any game system whatsoever, I strongly recommend you start by paying a lawyer, expert in copyright, several thousand dollars for a detailed opinion. And I'll bet that he tells you not to try it.
Sincubus |
I'm sure if you use Zorbo, Julajimus, Gravorg and Metalmaster in your own work Wizards-of-the-coast sends you a letter with in it:
Thank you for giving our almost-lost-creations some love!
They are much better drawn and worked-out than we ever published and because of you we now start to use them again in our own products, thanks of re-inventing our lost and forgotten babies.
With high regards
Wizards of the Coast.
Or option B: They won't notice as they didn't used those creatures for a long time and all the old Wizards-of-the-coast members are gone and the new ones won't remember ALL of the wizards-creations.