Quandary |

That´s right... (Question = Blue Square AC Bonus -> CMD?)
For the image editing, you can draw new shapes and ´stretch´ existing ones... For Invisiblity effects, you need to select ´Custom Color´ in the Fill section, and adjust the vertical slider that has grey checkerboards fading out (grey checkerboards indicate transparency).
I like Kaze´s representation of his Mirror Images, but I think it would look wierd if I did that on Hyundai, given he is BIG, and the images would be ´normal´ sized. If anybody has any other visually noticeable effects, feel free to indicate them on your Avatar however you can!

Quandary |

FYI, people should describe their movement path more exactly if they are moving in or near somebody´s potential threat zone, since AoO´s are a possibility... Especially given Invisiblity is in play, in which case most characters shouldn´t know to avoid the threat areas. I think avoiding my threat area was easily possible for Lethe´s movement (and I´m not Invisible), so I´ll just assume she did avoid it.

Quandary |

Exactly, I didn´t explicitly say I wasn´t ´wielding´ (theatening with) the Bardiche since it´s a 2H-only weapon, but that it is.
To your question in the game thread:
Did you role the miss chance somewhere else? It should really be posted for posterity.
I actually DID roll miss chance (it would have been an image anyways),
but then realized you roll ´image miss chance´ AFTER seeing if you hit AC or not.He missed my AC, but by 5 or less, so the miss destroyed an image.
I didn´t want to write that because I didn´t actually have to roll any miss chance to know that result,
and discussing details like ´within 5 of my AC´ encourages meta-gaming. so forget you ever read this :-)

Torinath |

Let's keep the chat in the arena to a bare minimum. I get excited because I see posts on my Paizo list... only find out it is chatter :(
All rolls that are proactive please put in your post. Any spell effects that are contingent on a failed save, ask the person rolling the save to roll it in their post.
For simplicity do not roll percentages for mirror image. If the person has four images, like Hyundai, Just roll a 1d5, if the roll is a 1 you hit the original, and no images are lost.
First Attack: 1d5 ⇒ 5 One image is consumed, three left
Second Attack: 1d4 ⇒ 2 Another image goes poof, two left
Third Attack: 1d3 ⇒ 1 Hyundai is struck! and has two images remaining
(This is only an example. Sorry Hyundai for using you as the example :) )
It's not that hard :)

Quandary |

It´s OK Torinath... As long as I still have all my images :-)
And yeah, that´s the best way to do it IMHO, at least with this Paizo dice-roller that can handle 3,4,7 sided dice.
Definitely please keep the discussion in this thread people, I don´t have the game thread on a feed, but it just makes the actual action hard to follow if it´s half action half discussion. Carry on... ;-)

Daveth Bloodseeker |

How are you guys adding things/layers to your picture?
For example, Daveth has an opaque oval on top of his picture. How did you do that?
Thanks for the help.
I think someone else edited my picture after me o-o all I did was add an oval over Daveth. I have no clue how it became transparent.

Torinath |

Ray struggles against the tentacles..
CMB to break the grapple:1d20+8+1+2
+1 from Haste, +2 from Good Hope..but he is unable to break free He starts to retch as the noxious cloud overcomes him.
Forgot the Fort Save:1d20+4+2 +2 from Shield Ally
Don't forget about the Stinking Cloud Ray, regardless we can move onto round 2 :)

Otm-Shank |

Now that I think about it you might want to change Lobo's turn as it looks like you are nauseated from the stinking cloud and won't be able to try to break out of the grapple on your next turn.
Also, don't forget about your Archons.

Quandary |

I am keeping an accurate number of mirror images listed at the top of my profile (so anybody can roll a ´dice´ of that number+1 for ´image miss chance´). Some people prefer letting the target roll the Mirror Image/Miss Chance instead, which is fine, but if you attack and roll a Critical Threat, go ahead and roll the Crit Confirm EVEN IF YOU DON´T KNOW IT WILL ACTUALLY HIT (because of Invisibility, Mirror Image, etc), it will just speed the game up alot that way. It´s also more dramatic when you know it ´would have been´ a Crit except for the Image/Invis/etc. :-)

Quandary |

Ray, are you planning for Lobo Gris to Aid Another to your CMD (against Tentacles´ Maintain)?
Because that´s the only thing that he could possibly help with...
Once you´re nauseous you can´t make attempts to escape yourself (unless you have some special Move Action Escape method) since you´re limited to 1 Move Action which persists ´as long as the creature is in the cloud and for 1d4+1 rounds after it leaves´. You only keep making new Saves IF you passed all the previous ones, which you haven´t.
Just mentioning this because you may want to have Lobo Gris do something more useful, since you look likely to be Nauseated for some time anyways, and thus not Casting or doing much else. I don´t know if Wraith would let you update Lobo´s actions for this last turn (possibly Delayed to current Init) or not, since it looks like Lobo basically did nothing this turn. ...???
And weren´t you the one who summoned Lantern Archons?
So you need to roll their Saves vs. Nausea, and do their actions, which I presume would be using their SLA to Teleport out of Cloud + Tentacles... I´m not sure, but I THINK that requires a Concentration check, but I think they have a non-zero chances to pass one... That´s something that pretty straight-forward, and wouldn´t really affect any other´s characters´ options (IMHO), so Wraith might just let you roll that as if it happened on your last turn, so that the Archons can act again on your next turn. ...???
Question for Wraith: How does it work if I step so half of my space is off the wall, and half is on? Do I remain standing on the wall? Do I fall, which would shunt me further?

Torinath |

Mofiddy, dismissing a spell is a standard action
A spell that depends on concentration is dismissible by its very nature, and dismissing it does not take an action, since all you have to do to end the spell is to stop concentrating on your turn.

Otm-Shank |

Mofiddy, dismissing a spell is a standard action
Not only that but Ryllandaras and Daveth are more than 30ft apart so you wouldn't have been able to target all of them with it anyway.
Kaze, how were you able to see Deverau? He was stealthing, rather than just invisible, I think his stealth was 30 if I remember correctly?

Vistarius |
So what's the chances of throwing up a second Arena for a bit more PvP action?
Also, what about testing some of the other material that's out there? Like Psionics-Dreamscarred Press, or stuff from Super Genius Games?
Don't want to step on any toes by asking for someone to start one, and patience isn't my strong point so I figured I'd ask here :p

wraithstrike |

Ray, are you planning for Lobo Gris to Aid Another to your CMD (against Tentacles´ Maintain)?
Because that´s the only thing that he could possibly help with...
Once you´re nauseous you can´t make attempts to escape yourself (unless you have some special Move Action Escape method) since you´re limited to 1 Move Action which persists ´as long as the creature is in the cloud and for 1d4+1 rounds after it leaves´. You only keep making new Saves IF you passed all the previous ones, which you haven´t.Just mentioning this because you may want to have Lobo Gris do something more useful, since you look likely to be Nauseated for some time anyways, and thus not Casting or doing much else. I don´t know if Wraith would let you update Lobo´s actions for this last turn (possibly Delayed to current Init) or not, since it looks like Lobo basically did nothing this turn. ...???
And weren´t you the one who summoned Lantern Archons?
So you need to roll their Saves vs. Nausea, and do their actions, which I presume would be using their SLA to Teleport out of Cloud + Tentacles... I´m not sure, but I THINK that requires a Concentration check, but I think they have a non-zero chances to pass one... That´s something that pretty straight-forward, and wouldn´t really affect any other´s characters´ options (IMHO), so Wraith might just let you roll that as if it happened on your last turn, so that the Archons can act again on your next turn. ...???------------------------------
Question for Wraith: How does it work if I step so half of my space is off the wall, and half is on? Do I remain standing on the wall? Do I fall, which would shunt me further?
If you have a displacement type spell up then you would be shunted if you share space with a physical object. If you are an Eidolon then you would need a balance check. I have not been home for a while so I will have to go back and read to see your current status affects.

NPC d'Eben |

Kaze, how were you able to see Deverau? He was stealthing, rather than just invisible, I think his stealth was 30 if I remember correctly?
A person has to have cover/concealment to stealth, if I remember correctly. Which Deverau has against everyone else via Invisibility. Kaze, however, can pierce your invisibility, so once Kaze came around the wall, he could see you standing by the wall plain as day.
Was there some other reason he should be able to stealth against Kaze?

Torinath |

Otm-Shank wrote:Kaze, how were you able to see Deverau? He was stealthing, rather than just invisible, I think his stealth was 30 if I remember correctly?A person has to have cover/concealment to stealth, if I remember correctly. Which Deverau has against everyone else via Invisibility. Kaze, however, can pierce your invisibility, so once Kaze came around the wall, he could see you standing by the wall plain as day.
Was there some other reason he should be able to stealth against Kaze?
#1: Deverau still has concealment from Kaze, not but much but legally he does.
To determine whether your target has concealment from your ranged attack, choose a corner of your square. If any line from this corner to any corner of the target's square passes through a square or border that provides concealment, the target has concealment.
When making a melee attack against an adjacent target, your target has concealment if his space is entirely within an effect that grants concealment. When making a melee attack against a target that isn't adjacent to you, use the rules for determining concealment from ranged attacks.
In addition, some magical effects provide concealment against all attacks, regardless of whether any intervening concealment exists.
#2: I am not sure a 10' spread is going to hit someone 15' away and 20' in the air from someone on the ground at the same time. Not to mention the 10' wall...
#3: Mofiddy, no one needs to make a save, Dispelling is a standard action, meaning you cannot cast another spell.

wraithstrike |

Ray, are you planning for Lobo Gris to Aid Another to your CMD (against Tentacles´ Maintain)?
Because that´s the only thing that he could possibly help with...
Once you´re nauseous you can´t make attempts to escape yourself (unless you have some special Move Action Escape method) since you´re limited to 1 Move Action which persists ´as long as the creature is in the cloud and for 1d4+1 rounds after it leaves´. You only keep making new Saves IF you passed all the previous ones, which you haven´t.Just mentioning this because you may want to have Lobo Gris do something more useful, since you look likely to be Nauseated for some time anyways, and thus not Casting or doing much else. I don´t know if Wraith would let you update Lobo´s actions for this last turn (possibly Delayed to current Init) or not, since it looks like Lobo basically did nothing this turn. ...???
And weren´t you the one who summoned Lantern Archons?
So you need to roll their Saves vs. Nausea, and do their actions, which I presume would be using their SLA to Teleport out of Cloud + Tentacles... I´m not sure, but I THINK that requires a Concentration check, but I think they have a non-zero chances to pass one... That´s something that pretty straight-forward, and wouldn´t really affect any other´s characters´ options (IMHO), so Wraith might just let you roll that as if it happened on your last turn, so that the Archons can act again on your next turn. ...???
I think the question is do the Lantern Archons have to roll a concentration check if grappled to teleport.
Summoned creatures can not use teleportation abilities.

Quandary |

@Deiros: The wall is 10´ high, and Hyundai is standing on it (my space is 10x10x10)
So re: Kaze/Deverau, BOTH have Concealment, so BOTH aren´t aware of either´s position?
(though Deverau may have HEARD Kaze´s casting and knows he´s in that general area)
@Wraith: I´m not sure why you mentioned displacement-type spells in the context of my question about standing on the edges of the wall... Can I take it that Hyundai (even though I am not an Eidolon) would also have to make a balance (Acrobatics?) check to stand on the edge of the wall? What kind of DC is that? In the Acrobatics description, moving across a surface more than 3´ is DC 0, and 1-3´ wide is DC 5. Can I choose to fail the check, thus falling? My actions for my turn (which is up) somewhat depend on my maneuevering options, which depend on how I can stand on the edges.
I forgot that Summons can´t use Teleport abilities... Still, it seems like they´ve just been abandoned when I doubt 1 round of Tentacle damage actually killed them (13 base hp. + 4 augment summoning feat = 17 hp vs. 1d6+4 per round... augment summoning also boosts their CMD and Fort Saves by 2, which also benefit from Good Hope/Haste). Any that aren´t nauseated could probably do a Full Defense Action to buff their CMD vs. the Tentacles´ maintain next round, possibly escaping after that.
Anyhow, @Dragonborn, I don´t think you should get so down... I don´t think Ray is going to be contributing much PERSONALLY (though Lobo could), but the Tentacles don´t really do all that much damage, so he very well could SURVIVE the match, at least if we actually win it (which is why I was asking about Lobo and any Lantern Archons).

Quandary |

I think your view-point is/was blocked - Being Medium at the bottom corner of a 10´ wall... even across the corner in the square north of you, your LoS would be limited to above 45*, so at most you possibly could have seen 5´ ABOVE me. ...But you certainly heard me before (and possibly Daveth´s attack against me), so you know of my general presence.
... And now I´m on the ground! (presumably you heard my landing, revealing my general presence if not exact location)

wraithstrike |

@Deiros: The wall is 10´ high, and Hyundai is standing on it (my space is 10x10x10)
So re: Kaze/Deverau, BOTH have Concealment, so BOTH aren´t aware of either´s position?
(though Deverau may have HEARD Kaze´s casting and knows he´s in that general area)@Wraith: I´m not sure why you mentioned displacement-type spells in the context of my question about standing on the edges of the wall... Can I take it that Hyundai (even though I am not an Eidolon) would also have to make a balance (Acrobatics?) check to stand on the edge of the wall? What kind of DC is that? In the Acrobatics description, moving across a surface more than 3´ is DC 0, and 1-3´ wide is DC 5. Can I choose to fail the check, thus falling? My actions for my turn (which is up) somewhat depend on my maneuevering options, which depend on how I can stand on the edges.
I forgot that Summons can´t use Teleport abilities... Still, it seems like they´ve just been abandoned when I doubt 1 round of Tentacle damage actually killed them (13 base hp. + 4 augment summoning feat = 17 hp vs. 1d6+4 per round... augment summoning also boosts their CMD and Fort Saves by 2, which also benefit from Good Hope/Haste). Any that aren´t nauseated could probably do a Full Defense Action to buff their CMD vs. the Tentacles´ maintain next round, possibly escaping after that.
Anyhow, @Dragonborn, I don´t think you should get so down... I don´t think Ray is going to be contributing much PERSONALLY (though Lobo could), but the Tentacles don´t really do all that much damage, so he very well could SURVIVE the match, at least if we actually win it (which is why I was asking about Lobo and any Lantern Archons).
I meant to say blink not displacement since teleporting into an object is the only way I know to be shunted.
Now that I am awake and coherent ignore the issue of the balance check, assuming it has not been affected by any magical affects. I thought the wall was only 1 square wide. Sorry about the confusion. I am now about to check the other thread for any questions.
Daveth Ashvale |

Quick question, as Hyundai is large sized. Can I attack him from atop the wall? The wall is 10Ft I believe and(i think) large sized creatures fall in around that tall >.>
Another thing, since Hyundai was moving away from me would I not get an attack of opportunity? I've never been good with AoO rules so hopefully someone can clear this up for me.

Daveth Bloodseeker |

Daveth, don't forget to confirm your crit on the last attack, It's also probably easier if you roll for damage now as well. Then everything is already done as soon as hits and misses are declared and we can move on that much quicker.
The reason i didn't was because I'm pretty sure it hit a image but Ill do it now.
1d20 + 15 ⇒ (7) + 15 = 22
Attack 1
2d4 + 14 ⇒ (2, 2) + 14 = 18
Attack 2
2d4 + 14 ⇒ (2, 3) + 14 = 19
Attack 3
2d4 + 14 ⇒ (4, 2) + 14 = 20
Edit: WOW 18-19-20. That's kinda hilarious.

wraithstrike |

Rallick is correct. It is best to make all the rolls in one post. I am going to go back and read both post in entirety to make sure I have not missed anything. I am off all day today so if there is anything that I have not addressed let me know. Sorry about the lack of participation. Things should be back to normal from this point on.

Rallick Nom |

I'm pretty sure RAW says I'm fine to use pounce vs mirror image but I would like to hear your thoughts regardless. Thanks!

Quandary |

Aaargh... Post eaten... OK:
Deiros said the bomb fell at S-14, but splash weapons (which I assume this is treated as) need to either be targetted at INTERSECTIONS or if a big creature is occupying an intersectoin, at the creature itself. So you need to either specify an INTERSECTION (not the one at my center), from which you can specify the AoE precisely... or you will target Hyundai personally... Which brings Mirror Image into play.
If he hits Hyundai personally, I interpret that to mean it is centered on the Intersection I was occupying (which in this case doesn´t target anybody else in the AoE - Daveth barely escapes by being 10´). If he hits a Mirror Image, (besides destroying an Image) I would suppose that the random scatter rules would come into play for where the bomb actually lands... meaning that Hyundai is still going to be affected, but so could other allies like Daveth or even Deverau himself. What is the range increment for bombs? Other alchemical splash weapons have a 10´ range, meaning Deverau could possibly be within the AoE if it misses by the max possible distance towards his side.
This some-what seems like knowledge he could have used, but Lethe has already declared her attack against me (when Deverau wasn´t aware of her exact location, or plan to attack Hyundai AFAIK), so letting him choose after the fact also isn´t exactly neutral... EDIT: I just realized that taking into account the down-side to targetting me personally, namely hitting an image (which itself is a benefit) and the possible scattering, is something that rather depends on exactly understanding how Mirror Image works, which his character DOESN´T necessarily...
Since he just said he was throwing a bomb at Hyundai (definitely not @ an intersection),
should I go ahead and roll Mirror Image miss-chance, and Random Scatter if it hits an Image?
I guess we have to wait until we know the range increment since that affects scatter distance.
(IF it´s a Miss... He could very well hit me directly, not an Image, and thus not have any chance to scatter)

Quandary |

I realized Deiros MUST not have been including the +20 bonus from Stealth,
meaning that IF he has Greater Invisible (which doesn´t end after attack), then I DON´T notice him.
...Then again, I still would have seen the bomb as soon as it left his hand, so I should have a good idea of his location (or at least from where the last attack was made... he COULD have moved afterward and I wouldn´t know), right? (he would just still be Invisible with Full Concealment Miss Chance, vs. not if he doesn´t have Grt Invis)
Actually, I never rolled the 2nd Perception (vs. re-Stealthing/Sniping) because it was auto-pass with the Sniping Penalty. *IF* he has Grt Invis, and thus still benefits from the +20 after attacking, then it isn´t auto-pass, but it IS a DC I COULD pass (unlike his 1st check). For clarity´s sake, I will make the 2nd check here...
Perception vs. DC 19/-1 (Grt Invis/Normal Invis expired):1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Which fails if Grt Invis is in play...
But I still saw the bomb be thrown, so I´d say thats a good clue to his locale.

![]() |

I will do it, post it again and roll right now, just need to find the number roll again possible post monster as usual.
Well the bomb says
Smoke Bombs (Ex): This ability allows a ninja to throw
a smoke bomb that creates a cloud of smoke with a 15-
foot radius. This acts like the smoke from a smokestick.
The ninja can center this smoke on herself, or throw the
bomb as a ranged touch attack with a range of 20 feet.
Using this ability is a standard action. The ninja can use
this ability once per day for free. Each additional use of
this ability uses up 1 ki point.
So I do need to throw it at you, I even need to roll sneak attack? This would be funny...