AoO's and Vital Strike / Two Weapon Fighting

Rules Questions

Scarab Sages

This is a really dumb set of questions for me to ask, but...

- If you have Vital Strike, and used it that round, does it mean that provoked AoO's also use the Vital Strike damage? I'm very much figuring that is "no", but players argue "Well, but Power Attack carries over!!!"

- If you have TWF, and are using it, can you use both of those attacks on an AoO? Again, I say "no".

Anyone who can give my arguments weight by citing specific legalities of the rules would be appreciated. The ambiguous wording of several pieces of things is hurting my ability to explain these things, and I'm surprised these aren't in the FAQ yet.

Liberty's Edge

The general rule on carry-over is "no." Power attack specifically says otherwise. In other words, if the feat doesn't specifically say it can do something and no rule in another location says it can, then it can't.

The general rule on attacks is "only one attack unless you take a full-round attack action." TWF is no exception. (Combat->Standard Actions->Attacks->Multiple Attacks).

pfsrd wrote:
Multiple Attacks: A character who can make more than one attack per round must use the full-attack action (see Full-Round Actions) in order to get more than one attack.

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