Recruiting - Kingmaker Adventure Path PBP

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Von Doom, how goes the concept for your magus?

Here's the latest rundown of character concepts submitted...


Von Doom - Magus


Ringtail - ?
martinaj - Sigurd Mjornson, Human Inquisitor of Erastil
Celestial Half-Porc - Wilkes Wanderway, Halfling Oracle of Life
randall793 - Krill Thirstslaken, Human Ranger
Vanulf Wolfson - Orin Ro, Half-Elf Ranger
motteditor - Mozi Cobbmil Barrygan, Gnome Alchemist
Bobthemighty - Stavros d'Argent, Human Rogue
Fatty - ?
Christopher Tomas - ?
Vil-hatarn - Aeldris, Elven Cavalier (Order of the Lion)
Sethious - Shana Lebeda, Human Rogue
Xixia-pangma - Ollo Leatherbreeches, Halfling Outrider (Warslinging Ranger)
garabbott - Rupert Hentzau, Human Rogue (Swashbuckler)
Adrian Granberg - Cleric (of Erastil?)
nomadicc - ?
normanak - Garion Tathos, Half-Elf Cleric of Desna
Solarious - Targon Aldori, Human Fighter (Weapon Master)
Scipion del Ferro - Peiter Teskerton, Human Monk
Chris Banks - Estrik Levden, Human Cleric of Calistria

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

Has anyone ever seen Kung-fu Hustle? Cause my monk is totally inspired by that movie. I love Stephen Chow.

Man, HfH, really sorry it's taking me so long, the last few days have been a bit of a pain. So far I have a direction for the personality I'd like to play, as noted below, though I'll probably expand on it some more soon.

I'll try finding a background that works this evening after work. Incidentally, don't be weirded out by my using [Magus] in there. I suck at naming people. I'll do that once I have the background.

[Magus] is a rather proud individual, a trait that is a result of his training as a Magus, teaching both self-discipline and instilling a sense of entitlement. Because of this, to the world around him he seems both haughty and arrogant at times, but once he has taken a liking to people and accepted them as comrades he eases up a little. Once he is more comfortable with others, he actually turns out to be a man of strong morals who is happy to help others when needed.

He has realized that some people view him as haughty, and when he starts caring about others often goes out of his way to be kind and nice, ironically often giving the wrong impression of trying to butter others up or wanting something.

The worst thing one can seemingly do to him is insult his school and trade, as he considers those above reproach. That some people have never even heard of the practice is a continued irritation.

Alignment: Chaotic Good.

Scipion del Ferro wrote:

Have you considered making him a half-elf and using the Ancestral Arms alternate trait?

No, I hadn't, but I'd rather get the free human feat giving me both Dodge and Weapon Finesse at 1st level, and the extra human skills to keep my skills up without dumping too much into Intelligence, and it leaves me room to put all my favored class bonuses into HP.

Not getting a whip isn't really a blow to my character concept, it just came as an afterthought because I have no idea what use I'm going to have for throwing axes or any other martial weapon. Either way, I'll probably change my martial proficiency to a longbow and pick up a composite longbow somewhere along the line if I get the chance to play the character, hah.

The other option is to take longsword proficiency and up things to a d8 instead of a d6 damage-wise, and then Weapon Finesse is a feat I won't need and I can put that into Combat Expertise. But I've got to focus on Dexterity for AC purposes, and would like some of those ability points to help with my combat abilities as well. Decisions, decisions.

Also, uh. If at all possible and no one minds too much, would it be too much to ask to write dialogue like you would in a novel, rather than all weird and bold like some games here do? It's pretty irritating to me.

Rupert, look at the Sword Scion trait from the KM guide. The Aldori Dueling Blade is a d8 damage AND is Finessable. You'd need to take a EWP to use it though since it is an Exotic weapon.

Doesn't that give Proficiency, too?

Unfortunately, no. You get the weapon for free and a +1 to hit with that weapon but you still need the proficiency to use the weapon in the first place.

Sword Scion: You have lived all your life in and around
the city of Restov, growing up on tales of Baron Sirian
Aldori and the exploits of your home city’s heroic and
legendary swordlords. Perhaps one of your family members
was an Aldori swordlord, you have a contact among their
members, or you have dreamed since childhood of joining.
Regardless, you idolize the heroes, styles, and philosophies
of the Aldori and have sought to mimic their vaunted art.
Before you can petition to join their ranks, however, you
feel that you must test your mettle. Joining an expedition
into the Stolen Lands seems like a perfect way to improve
your skills and begin a legend comparable to that of Baron
Aldori. You begin play with a longsword or Aldori dueling
sword and gain a +1 trait bonus on all attacks and combat
maneuvers made with such weapons.

Vanulf Wulfson wrote:
Rupert, look at the Sword Scion trait from the KM guide. The Aldori Dueling Blade is a d8 damage AND is Finessable. You'd need to take a EWP to use it though since it is an Exotic weapon.

Done, and done. I read that, but I never looked at the stats of the Aldori Dueling Blade, therefore never saw it was finesseable. Thanks for the tip.

I can drop Weapon Finesse at 1st level, but pick it up immediately with the rogue talent at 2nd level, and I don't lose any to-hit with the sword at first level because of that +1. I am going to miss that 18-20 crit threat, though, but I don't usually have great luck with criticals anyway.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Any idea, H4H, about character starts, if we get selected? Would we begin at first-level? Point buy, I assume*?

(* Am I the only one who likes actually rolling? I love the "heroic" option, 2d6+6, for stats.)

motteditor wrote:

Any idea, H4H, about character starts, if we get selected? Would we begin at first-level? Point buy, I assume*?

(* Am I the only one who likes actually rolling? I love the "heroic" option, 2d6+6, for stats.)

I'm leaning toward a 20 point buy. I have enough fondness for old-school sensibilities to enjoy rolling stats as well, but I think that point buy is a better option for pbp. And, yeah, first level PCs to begin.

Von Doom wrote:
Also, uh. If at all possible and no one minds too much, would it be too much to ask to write dialogue like you would in a novel, rather than all weird and bold like some games here do? It's pretty irritating to me.

That's fine for me, VD. I can do so for NPC dialogue. But, potential players, please know that it's a bit of a non-issue for me personally. I won't insist you do so.

Whew, awesome, that's a huge plus point for me. Von Doom here.

Also, now that I could finally manage to decide on a picture and that I have a visual, I'll be writing up the background and expand on the personality direction I noted above. I've found that recently I like to choose a picture before actually finishing the character concept.

Liberty's Edge

Two concepts, a fighter and a cleric.

Garrud the Axe
Born in Restov, Garrud has never really been very far from the city. Raised to look out for himself, he's been hiring out as whatever anyone needs him to be since he was a kid running messages for local thieves. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer, Garrud has never had much of a taste for anything high-minded, and prefers simpler, straightforward tasks like guard duty, or dragging whining thieves back to guards. His favorite jobs are the ones where he gets to hit people with his axe, Vyrca, though people aren't usually quick to offer him jobs like that again because he tends to leave his enemies in large pieces. Simple, but good-natured and loyal to those who give him an honest deal, which has been lacking rather critically of late. When Garrud heard about the call for people to head out into the wilds he looked about, and finding no one left in town who'd give him good pay for lots of axing, he decided he'd rather just leave and find some axing of his own to do.

Herben Moore, Dawnfollower
Raised out in the villages that scatter Brevoy, Herben has been an itinerant since the day he was born. His parents, both priests of Sarenrae, inducted him into the priesthood once he was old enough to carry his own scimitar, and he's been wandering the roads and paths of the country bringing honest folk the hope they need to keep going. Though he is of two minds about this whole expedition, Herben has decided to venture forth into new territory. The folk that live out there deserve the light of the Dawnflower just as much as any in Brevoy, and they just might need it a bit more.

Hi, i'd like to submit Treshiell (a human witch) for consideration.

You would never guess just by looking at her that Treshiell, or Elise Tellenja which is her real name, has blue blood running through her veins. She wears old torn clothes stained with mud that might be upwards of one or two years old. Leaves and weeds are interwoven with her long matted hair. Her fair skin is stained with mud and dirt which works in contrast to her pure green eyes to create a intense piercing stare. A stare that can instil uncertainty in even the most rough-mannered person. To add to Treshiell's unkempt and eerie appearance is a small green snake, that slithers up and down her arm or rests on her shoulder.


Treshiell's father, a Restov noble man named Robberig Stahlshild, had a unquenchable thirst for women that eventually caught up with him. After many years of visiting the brothels of Restov he finally sired a child out of wedlock. Terrified of the potential scandal should anyone find out Robbering visited the mother of his bastard daughter and beat her within an inch of her life and threatened her that he would come back and finish the job should it ever be known that he was the father.

While Robbering continued his life of riches Treshiell and her mother lived a life of poverty. The young girl grew up as a street urchin with begging and stealing as the only means to survive. Blessed with her mother's beauty and timid image she was always able to warm enough hearts to gain her daily bread.

The years passed an eventually so did her mother. On her deathbed she told her daughter the identity of her father. Treshiell, now in her late teens, decided to seek him out. But the reaction she got when her father opened the door to his townhouse manor was not the one she expected. Surprised and infuriated with his bastard daughter showing up he threw her back out on the street and slammed the door. Shocked by her father's actions Treshiell returned the next day only to be thrown back out. Shock turned to stubbornness and the otherwise timid girl remained steadfast to be accepted into her father's manor.

After a four days it became apparent to Robbering that his daughter would not disappear on her own. He would have to make it happen. He hired a thug to dress as a coachman and pick her up in the morning with a message that he had business to attend to in a nearby village and a promise that he would meet up with her there. Relieved with her father's sudden change of heart Treshiell naively agreed to follow the coachman.

Well outside Restov the thug suddenly stopped the coach. He drew a dagger and thrust it at Treshiell but lost his footing which drove the lethal strike away from her heart and instead made a nasty cut on her shoulder. Treshiell jumped off the coach and ran screaming into the forest with the thug in pursuit. Not used to running in the forest she soon tripped on a root and fell flat on her stomach. She heard the thug closing in behind her and as she turned around to face him he was standing no more than a few feet away from her grinning with the dagger in his hand.

Suddenly she felt something slither up her arm and a faint hiss beside her ear. The thug halted his next step just enough to bring it down on some loose mud causing him to fall backwards. His gave a sickening wet thud as it cracked against a stone and warm blood poured onto the ground. Panicked Treshiell turned her head and met the intense gaze of a viper staring back at her. But she wasn't afraid. Somehow the creature instilled her with peace. When it spoke it was with a lazy voice that seemed to come from inside her head.

"I have been watching you", it said and slithered down to the ground. "Follow me. I shall call you Treshiell and you shall call me Thaal".

Treshiell spent the next nine months wandering around the river kingdoms with Thall as her guide. Stories about the pale maiden that lived in the mists emerged among the people. Witnesses that claimed to have met her all said that she had spoken with them and left, sometimes with one of their possessions, but no one has been able recall what she had said to them.

While travelling down a road near Restov Treshiell was passed by a group of five men on horseback flying past almost knocking her off her feet. As she regained her balance and looked towards the way they went a piece of paper fluttered in the wind and landed at her feet. She bent down to pick it up. The note read:

Greetings adventurers,

The Lords of Restov are looking for a few adventurers to explore, map and tame the Greenbelt area of the Stolen Lands. Apply at the Lord Mayor's Palace by Calistril 22nd, 4710. Those selected will be given charter and directed to Oleg's Trading Post to begin their exploration.

<signed> Lord Mayor of Restov

With a smile she folded the note and started walking towards Restov.

Brand Terren

Human Magus 1

Favored Class: Magus

Str 14
Dex 12
Con 14
Int 16
Wis 8
Cha 14


Brand Tarren is the third son of a minor noble house belonging to the Chelaxian empire; having demonstrated a talent with the sword at an early age and, later, the ability to perform magic. This proved a detriment to him when he reached the young age of twelve, after his father had remarried -- none of his new wife's children were close enough to be in line for inheritance of the title, thus a hunger for power was not the cause of Brand eventually being sent away. No, that was the newly renamed and retitled Lady Valeria Tarren's superstition in regards to magic.

Still, it wouldn't do to send him to any wizard guild or academy, when he was clearly apt with the blade -- and his father, at least, valued such skill greatly. Thus he was sent to a rather new and unorthodox, but nonetheless very expensive, school which taught him a combination of both arts -- magical and martial.

He took to their practices like a sponge, growing not only tall and strong-limbed under their tutelage, but also quite intelligent and learned in the arcane ways. His natural charm quickly made him a favorite amongst his peers and endeared him to his tutors and he began to grow proud of his rather rare skills.

Not all was happy sunshine, however, as after a good seven years of intense instructions his father fell out of favor in court and, soon, was ruined by his rivals. Shortly before the money stopped coming, Lord Pellius Tarren ended his life -- suicide, as they called it, by duel, when he challenged a known superior master of the sword and was killed. With his own mother dead and his stepmother being pretty much a stranger, Brand was devastated.

Enough money remained to complete his instructions, but his friends there soon found that he had grown more distant and a little cold, concentrating far more on perfecting his technique than interpersonal relations.

Once deemed a proper Magus he set about traveling Golarion, earning some money here and there with minor heroics while seeking some sort of purpose in life.

He eventually wound up in Brevoy, a land that suited him rather well, with its penchant for nobles that actually are regal as well as skilled warriors. Once he heard of efforts to secure the Stolen Lands, he quickly stepped forward to lend his aid.

Motivation and Goals:

His main motivation in aiding the securing of the Stolen Lands is to be recognized for his abilities and deeds, but once he learns that a new nation may be established he will be out to reclaim part of his heritage and secure himself a position of worth, so that he can both protect a budding nation and its people and honor the memory of his fallen noble ancestors.


Brand is proud of his skills and school, and rightfully so. Challenges or insults to both are met with strong opposition. He is well-disciplined, intelligent and holds a certain charm and regality, but the dishonor and death of his father has left him bitter. He'll need some time to get over it and good friends and comrades to return to his more open, friendly self of the past.

He likes to help people when possible, but is pragmatic enough to understand that being utterly selfless will get no one anywhere and thus is likely not to reject rewards and, when in need of it, even ask for one when not offered in the first place, though dependent on the circumstances involved he may well relent and help nevertheless, as he can't really abide just standing by when he could change something for the better.

Chaotic Good.

Liberty's Edge

I have been looking for a way to get back into the groove of PbP and this sounds like an excellent game to play. I do own the modules, but have not read them. My character idea is fairly simple, but with a lot of room for growth as the campaign goes on. Here is a basic run down of the character and the concept behind him.

Concept: “I put no stock in religion. By the word Religion I have seen atrocities from every faith be called the will of the Gods. Holiness is in Right Action, courage on behalf of the weak, and in goodness. What the Gods desire is in your heart and in your head, and by what you do every day you will be a good man…or you will not.”

Description: Brother John is a simple looking man in brown robes. Under his robes, however, can be seen the outline of armor. A simple sturdy sword hangs from his hip and a large kite shield is slung over his back. The symbol shown upon his shield and stitched upon the breast of his cloak is not recognizable as belonging to any of the known gods of this world. It is a white cross upon a brown field. There is little else of note about Brother John, save for his eyes. They are a deep blue and seem to be able to look into a person’s very soul. There is no judgment in his gaze, however, only a sense of acceptance and peace.

Character: Brother John is a Human Cleric of Healing and Good. He is not aligned with a single god for he feels that none of them carry the whole truth to the people. Instead he prays to many of them and seeks to combine their wisdom into one set of teachings that can help everyone. He is a man of peace, but is not unused to the arts of war having been a soldier before taking up the cloth. Because of this he tends to have a practical outlook on things.

Me, I can post Sunday through Thursday once a day. I may be able to post on the weekends, but it is not certain.

So we've got one day before the hammer falls! Any notion of what time we ought to expect the verdict?

Also, what method are you using to determine starting wealth for these 1st level PCs?

Heh. So far, from reading the various profiles, I really like Rupert -- too bad it won't be the monocled gentlemen picture going all swashbuckler on us --, Sigurd -- who can probably relate to my character fairly well, what with the whole father thing going on -- and Treshiell. Always fun to have a blue-blooded Witch with a pet snake around.

Not to say that all the others aren't great as well, I just wanted to express my compliments to those that stood out to me in particular.

Mozi and Shana sounds pretty awesome as well. Master Spy always looked really neat to me, and I've been wanting to see an Alchemist in action.

martinaj wrote:

So we've got one day before the hammer falls! Any notion of what time we ought to expect the verdict?

Also, what method are you using to determine starting wealth for these 1st level PCs?

The verdict should arrive just about 24 hours from now!

Starting PC wealth will be the average amount, according to class.

Brand Tarren wrote:

Heh. So far, from reading the various profiles, I really like Rupert -- too bad it won't be the monocled gentlemen going all swashbuckler on us --, Sigurd -- who can probably relate to my character fairly well, what with the whole father thing going on -- and Treshiell. Always fun to have a blue-blooded Witch with a pet snake around.

Not to say that all the others aren't great as well, I just wanted to express my compliments to those in particular!

Mozi and Shana sounds pretty awesome as well. Master Spy always looked really neat to me, and I've been wanting to see an Alchemist in action.

All I'll say right now is that there are many excellent characters to choose from, so this will be a tough cut. I'll update the list shortly.

If any other prospective Kingmaker DMs are watching, there will be no problem finding good players for a game. :)

Aye. How'd you like my writeup, by the way? Any suggestions?

Finals have finally ended so I will get my concept up before bed tonight so you can have it to consider tomorrow. Thanks.

Brand Tarren wrote:

So far, from reading the various profiles, I really like Rupert -- too bad it won't be the monocled gentlemen picture going all swashbuckler on us --, Sigurd -- who can probably relate to my character fairly well, what with the whole father thing going on -- and Treshiell. Always fun to have a blue-blooded Witch with a pet snake around.

"You give me too much honor, m´mate, thank'yeh," Rupert tips his hat and continues, "just make sure you don't do any gamblin´ without lettin´ me join in, unless you'd like t'keep all your coins."

EDIT: For the starting gold I just used the listed average and my extra 100 gp from one of my starting traits.

Also, I've enjoyed reading one and all of the character concepts. Given me tons of ideas. I like reading random PbP threads for story-telling inspiration, but the actual recruitment threads have some brilliant chracter concepts as well, this has given me lots of things to keep in mind.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

"Typical," Mozi grumbled under his breath. "Chelaxian nobles always thinking they know best. Just kick all the poor gnomes under some wagon wheel and they won't be around to bother us. You see how it is, right, Rupert?"

"Bah! If you've got so much wealth that you can throw it away at the tables, then there's too much leisure in your life. Hear me well, because those soft hands will fail you when you really need them!"

"You misunderstand me, m'friend: I don't leave things up t´luck, I make me own luck--one poor sucker at a time. And t'be honest, I don't see a point in livin' wit'out leisure. If'n I can't kick back and relax each night, have a brew and a smoke and some good company, I'm doin' somethin' wrong.

"And m'little friend Mozi, I don't know much about the Chelaxian ways, but if'n they're nobles, they're untrustworthy, and will be treated as such."

And now we play the waiting game, haha.

Better late than never
Presenting Hilrune , a bard from Absalom educated by the pathfinder lodge and trying to offset the negative image most people have of half orcs

Wow this thread as attracted a lot of attention! With the hour nearly upon us, just want to say good luck to you all! Well, to three of you, anyways.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Aren't you reading, Martin? Rupert doesn't leave things up to luck. : )

Well yeah, Rupert doesn't but I don't think I have much of a choice. Best of luck to all.

Indeed, best of luck.

Here is the developing character concept for Ollo Leatherbreeeches (aka. Ollie Awsomefree).
Halfling Warslinger Ranger

Growing restless, Targon begins to pace... Rattleing his Dueling sword in his Sheath every so Often...

Did i miss weither there are Traits allowed?, and if so how many, and from where?

Also, Changing the Fight type to Mobile Fighter, rather than Weapon master.

I made a few adjustments to the halfling slingers's story...

Known as Ollo Leatherbreeches in the Rostland. He changes his own name from time to time just to throw people off.

Stableboy, farm hand, shepherd, labourer, hunter, cowboy. Olly developed a reputation among the local Rostlander villages for being a resourceful little man - although some know him more for his ill manners and mischievous ways. According to rumours he is a refugee from a life on skid row in New Stetven. Most of the time locals don't trust him simply because he is an outsider - a transient - a vagabond. Some say he rides with rustlers and outlaws...but the accusations rarely stick..and he has successfully defended his honour by duking it out with local bravos.

Ollie is a traveller at heart - always on the move - following his own impulse and always curious to discover what adventure lies around the bend. Seeking to distance himself from some recent scandalous dealings with a local moonshiner's frisky girlfirend - Ollie finds himself loitering about in Restov. He has heard that adventurers are in demand for a local charter. Here is a chance for more adventure and spoils!

Everyone, I apologize for my absence the last couple of days. Unfortunately, I am the bearer of bad news. Some things have developed in my personal life which are going to leave me without the free time necessary to properly run this game, at least for now. I thought it best to make a quick and honest announcement, rather than leave you all hanging or just disappear.

I'm truly sorry for the disappointment. Maybe I can take another stab at it when things calm down.

Apologies, again. I thank you all and wish you the best.

Thank you for letting us know. I wish you all the best and hope that you will be able to work it out.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Bummer. Any other potential GMs out there, just looking for a thread full of character ideas?

(I'm tempted, but my only PBP experience ended after a few pages, before we even got to combat, so don't know if I've got enough handle on the medium to run a campaign.)

I don't think anyone would mind you giving it a shot Mottededitor. Seems like quite a few people in here are quite new to this medium for a game (Myself included) and wouldn't mind learning the ropes with you. I've personally only attempted a play-by-post before, albeit on another site that ended quite similarly to your previous example.

Sorry to hear that Hero for Hire, best of luck with whatever came up. Hope it's a good thing and not a bad thing.

Yeaawwww, give it a shot, motteditor!

Let's do it, motteditor!
The medium should be an easy hurdle. If you can post - you can do it. we can sort out the wrinkles in an OOC thread as we go!

Don't worry about the learning curve too much. I was in a similiar situation when a GM of a game I was in suddenly disappeared. We tried to get another GM to take over, to no avail. So I stepped up and took over. I also had never run a PbP before and had only played in that one until that time.
As long as you are familiar with the basic rules there should be no problem. Given the nature of PbP's, any ruling can be researched before needing to be answered. Take your time. Everyone will understand your situation and will be supportive.

If you want to try your hand at GMing a PbP, I'd say this would be ideal. You're working with an adventure path, and you've got an enormous pool of interested players, so you're free to select the party that you think would best suit your style and experience.

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

There are also a half dozen good Kingmaker PBPs running right now. Looking in any of them will give you an idea not only how to run a PBP, but how people have run Kingmaker.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

All right, you lot have talked me into it. I'll have to download the module (and man, it's been a long time since I've done anything from a module, though this one does sound really cool, and as noted, that's one less thing to worry about for the new medium) and read over it, which I'll do this weekend.

I'll announce players then. I like a lot of the concepts here, and I'm trying to figure out the most equitable way to choose. I like all the rogues presented for example, but I don't think we want half the party to be the same class. I'm thinking I'll go with six players.

Since this whole thing was set up for Von Doom, it seems like it'd be unfair to exclude him, so he'll get a spot as H4H promised. However, I'd rather not deal with the Magus; sorry. Can Brand be remade as a wizard/sorcerer (or if you want to go in a completely different direction...)?

Also, as noted, I really dislike the point buy system. I like my big damn heroes to actually be big damn heroes, so will go with the Heroic system: 2d6+6 for each stat, put in whatever order you'd like. You can do the rolls in this thread if you want, or wait until I've picked the players. I'm fine with anything from core PF player's guide and APG. Two traits allowed. Any other questions, feel free to ask and I'll try to make up an answer.

Can you please just confirm interest, considering the new DM and

I am certainly still interested. Ever since having conceived him, I've desperately wanted to play Sigurd, though I think I'd rather wait for approval before making rolls so I don't have to wade through this post later to find them (I'd rather not flood my profile with aliases that I only might use).

Three cheers for motteditor!

I am still interested as well. Rupert captured my heart and I didn't even play him, haha. If I find the spare time I'll do the rolls right here in this thread, but with the character concept, traits, feats, and equipment already picked out I imagine simply changing around my ability scores will be a simple matter.

Thanks for giving us all another chance.


2d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 6) + 6 = 13
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 1) + 6 = 12
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 5) + 6 = 13
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 6) + 6 = 18
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 5) + 6 = 12
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 4) + 6 = 14

Oh look, found the spare time.

OTHER EDIT: Oh G-damn, I hope I don't get excluded for having too good of stats. Now I really AM a big damn hero.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

No problem waiting to make rolls -- I was waiting to stat Mozi out to make sure I wouldn't be wasting my time, so I certainly understand that. Sigurd seems like a fun character, and definitely one I'm leaning toward including (I like the way you and Rupert already started interacting).

And no problem with those stats, Rupert. Like I said, I think the PCs should be big.damn.heroes, with the stats to match.

Threshiell and Thaal are still very interested.

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