Pathfinder PbP Sought!

Gamer Connection

The original thread I started to, er, advertise that I'm looking for a game in sort of turned into a horror-themed Pathfinder campaign discussion, as multiple people noted their own interest in getting involved in a game, which I wasn't really looking for.

So, in order not to confuse things further by asking other DMs to look into a thread that largely has served as a starting off point for another game by now, I'm starting a new one. I hope that's not unreasonable, but if it is, I'll gladly remove this post.

I'm on these boards in particular for the first time, and haven't played here before. I have played various PbP games as well as Pathfinder, however, just no Pathfinder PbP campaign. To make things short, I'm looking to change that.

I'm particularly interested in Kingmaker at the moment, though I'd be up for almost any Pathfinder game (except, as noted above, horror - I get plenty of that in the various VtM games I'm involved in).

My preference goes to social characters as well as swashbuckling ones, though I'm also not opposed to other concepts and if any particular role needs filling I could probably think of a good concept around it. Evil characters are a guilty pleasure for me. If at all viable, I'd also be interested in trying out the current Magus beta for a character.

I'm a little peculiar about prefering games in which the participants have a good grasp of English (not using 'your' when it should be 'you're', etc), which may ironically be because ... it's not my first language. I'm a native German speaker living in Vienna, Austria. My timezone is GMT+1, meaning I'm basically an hour ahead of the British folk.


I'm considering taking you up on your interest in playing a Kingmaker game! Assuming we can come up with some other interested players, I'd be willing to DM.

I'm like you in many regards, having some experience as player and DM in pbp games on other boards, yet new to this forum. It looks like a thriving pbp game community though! Also like you, I really enjoy games with interesting and well-written characters.

There are a couple of caveats I would have with your original ideas. One is that I am hesitant about playtesting the magus. This is mostly just because the rules aren't official yet, and things could change midstream. Also, I would usually shy away from evil PCs. If you can live with those restrictions, we might have the start of a new game!

What do you think, Von Doom?

I know I've already got my name in the afore-mentioned horror game, but if that one doesn't take off (it does seem to be going rather slowly) I'd like to toss my name in here. I'm fairly versatile, so I'm down for most anything. I'll leave initial suggestions to the OP, since we kind of hijacked his initial search (sorry about that man).

I've limited experience with play-by-post in general, and have yet to do so on the Paizo boards, but I'd be interested in playing if there is an open seat and you wouldn't mind having me. I like to play all sorts of characters in all sorts of games, but generally get stuck GM'ing in my groups and it would be nice to actually develope a character for once. My schedule is a bit erratic, but as long as I'm not swamped at work I'm able to spend a good chunk of my shift online and it would be nice to have something to do to pass the time.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Sorry Von Doom for butting in like this, but if you're looking in for fellow pbp'ers i'd like to join in. Don't mind the adventure, Kingmaker sounds fun though.

Hero for Hire,

I don't really have any problems with that. Just because I like playing evil doesn't mean I -have- to do so. Playing one of the regular classes wouldn't pose much of a problem, either, though I would have loved to try what so far looks like an extremely interesting mage-fighter hybrid; I'd have to think about which class, though. Possibly something Rogue-y. Or maybe a Sorcerer.

Anyway, I'd love to try. I'll come up with a concept tomorrow, tonight I'm already all booked out with my pen&paper group.

And it's fine, martinaj. It happens.

Von Doom wrote:

Hero for Hire,

I don't really have any problems with that. Just because I like playing evil doesn't mean I -have- to do so. Playing one of the regular classes wouldn't pose much of a problem, either, though I would have loved to try what so far looks like an extremely interesting mage-fighter hybrid; I'd have to think about which class, though. Possibly something Rogue-y. Or maybe a Sorcerer.

Anyway, I'd love to try. I'll come up with a concept tomorrow, tonight I'm already all booked out with my pen&paper group.

And it's fine, martinaj. It happens.

You know, having thought a bit more about it, I'd be okay with you running a Magus, Von Doom, so long as you're okay with any changes made to the class as further updates come down from Paizo. When all is said and done, I think I'd rather have you play the official version, as opposed to a beta version. But, we can cross that bridge when we come to it.

As for rounding out the party, I think I'd lean towards opening a separate recruiting thread (with all those who have expressed interest here, of course, encouraged to chime in there as well)! I'd be more comfortable choosing players based on a written background, not just on a first-come, first-served basis.

Cool beans. Just give us a little notice once there are more details about the game (sounds like Kingmaker is likely?) so we can work out a character that suits it.

martinaj wrote:
Cool beans. Just give us a little notice once there are more details about the game (sounds like Kingmaker is likely?) so we can work out a character that suits it.

Will do! I'll create a link here for the official recruiting post once it goes live. And yes, this will be a Kingmaker campaign, so get those ideas flowing! :)

That means we start in River Kingdoms, right? All I really know about the campaign is that that's where it takes place and that eventually the PCs are supposed to build their won kingdom. I've got a couple ideas already, if this is the case.

In fact, I have a 4E character that I've been dying to convert into Pathfinder. In that game, he was a tiefling, but they aren't one of the core races here, so that can easily be changed. A wizard (likely a conjurer under PF rules). His alignment I'm not too clear on - I've always envisioned a personality first then stuck an alignment onto them. In 4E, he was unaligned, but I don't know about him here. He could be borderline LE, so if you don't want him running around in your game, just let me know and I'll come up with something more benevolent.

He's very much a field wizard, sort of like an archaeologist. He likes to explore ancient ruins (in 4th ed it was Bael Turath he was obsessed with. I could easily change this to Old Azlanti or Thasilonian, and he might be chasing down rumors of a relic in the River Kingdoms). He's not so much a villainous bastard as he is ruthlessly practical, and not without ambition. He studies old kingdoms because he idolizes their majesty and greatness. Secretly, he'd love to sit at the seat of such an empire himself - to mold a nation he can be proud of, but he's just a low-level wizard right now, and he figures that's a pipe dream. He has an usual moral code of his own that deals enormously with respect and conviction. He's a little derisive of clerics for their subservience to their gods, but he respects the dedication that this requires. His ethics are somewhat Niezstchean (I'm certain I mispelled that), and he might not get along too well with those who coddle the masses. He believes in helping others to achieve their potential, but to do this for them is - in his eyes - the greatest sin one can commit.

His father was a majordomo to a noble house in (most likely) Cheliax, so he has an intricate understanding of how to manage estates and some knowledge of politics. I figure in a nation like Cheliax, studying wizardry would be more common than most regions. He studied history growing up, becoming enamored with kings and emperors of old, and eventually packed his things and left to study them, not content to a life - privelaged as it may be - beneath a noble's heel.

martinaj, have you read the Kingmaker player's guide? You can download the PDF for free, so I highly recommend you check it out if you haven't already done so. This will be helpful in letting you know more about the setup for KM.

The official recruiting thread for the Kingmaker campaign is open: HERE. Von Doom is assured a spot (it's his idea, after all). After him, I'll take four others. Best of luck, everyone!

I'll download it when I'm back home, myself.

I think my decision on whether I'll play a Magus will also partially depend on ... the stat setup we get. From what I've seen they're sort of like the monk and need at least a couple of stats at a decent range to ... not suck horribly at what they do. I don't care too much about powergaming, but I do like my characters actually being competent at their chosen profession.

Von Doom wrote:

I'll download it when I'm back home, myself.

I think my decision on whether I'll play a Magus will also partially depend on ... the stat setup we get. From what I've seen they're sort of like the monk and need at least a couple of stats at a decent range to ... not suck horribly at what they do. I don't care too much about powergaming, but I do like my characters actually being competent at their chosen profession.

We'll definitely do a point buy; most likely 20 points. So, you should be able to work out a usable ability array.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I would like to throw a character concept out there. A Female Gnome Cavalier Wolfrider, basically a Green Faith Knight. She is looking to establish balance in an area rife with violence.

More to follow if accepted. Thanks for considering.

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