Mind Flayers in Golarion?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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Interestingly, the neothelid provides some non-canonical evidence that mind flayers did inhabit Golarion at some point.

In D&D lore, neothelid form from mind flayer tadpoles who do not complete their transformation, without the supervision of an elder brain. In theory, the neothelid of Golarion might be the successors of a fallen mind flayer colony, destroyed by any number of competitors.

Shizvestus wrote:
To Bad Gygax isnt here to have his say ;)

Gygax wouldn't have a say because he wrote off his IP to TSR and it has been so meddled with it won't be in the public domain for at least a century

Wheldrake wrote:

Yow! The necromancers are hard at work, I see.

Perhaps the lack of any mention of mindflayers and their twisted evil society is not due to any mundane copyright concerns, but rather to the ultimate success of their mind-bending campaign of disinformation and obfuscation. Their very existence has become a secret beyond the ken of mortal man. Bwahaha!

Kind of like The Silence originally were in Dr. Who?

Wheldrake wrote:
Perhaps the lack of any mention of mindflayers and their twisted evil society is not due to any mundane copyright concerns, but rather to the ultimate success of their mind-bending campaign of disinformation and obfuscation. Their very existence has become a secret beyond the ken of mortal man. Bwahaha!

I figure I can't be the only person whose personal canon has the Pactmasters of Katapesh as mind flayers. The masks and robes plus the fact that nobody can remember quite how they came to power points at mind flayers. To me, anyway. Why they're there is still an open question. Probably something to do with the Dominion of the Black.

Lots of mercane in my Katapesh, too. Not that my game will ever go there, but still.

Silver Crusade

I believe in canon most of the Pactmasters are that four armed race that can catch magic missiles. They're in one of the Bestiaries but I can't remember their name >_<

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Rysky wrote:
I believe in canon most of the Pactmasters are that four armed race that can catch magic missiles. They're in one of the Bestiaries but I can't remember their name >_<


Silver Crusade

Ah, yes, Thankies.

Rysky wrote:
I believe in canon most of the Pactmasters are that four armed race that can catch magic missiles. They're in one of the Bestiaries but I can't remember their name >_<

Huh. Missed that one. Thanks.

Silver Crusade

Np, can't remember if it's in Legacy of Fire that they talk about it or elsewhere.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

It's not in Legacy of Fire.

Silver Crusade

Hmmm, Dark Markets maybe?

You could always retool Mindflayers as lesser Star Spawn of Cthulhu.

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