TWF & Grapple

Rules Questions

The Exchange

If a fighter is being grappled by a creature, does the fighter have the ability to shield bash AND attack with his light weapon? Assume no iterative attacks.

Rithralas wrote:
If a fighter is being grappled by a creature, does the fighter have the ability to shield bash AND attack with his light weapon? Assume no iterative attacks.

If you're grappled, you can do anything as long as it only involves one hand. So TWF is out.

The Exchange

Well, I tend to agree. However:

"Instead of attempting to break or reverse the grapple, you can take any action that requires only one hand to perform, such as cast a spell or make an attack with a light or one-handed weapon against any creature within your reach, including the creature that is grappling you."


"In addition, grappled creatures can take no action that requires two hands to perform."

In my example, isn't a shield considered a one-handed weapon? Likewise, each since each "weapon" is in a seperate hand, the attacks don't technically "require two hands to perform".

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 16

A TWF fighter could arguably use a "no hands" attack to get a second shot in, such as a barbazu beard, armor spikes, or an unarmed attack (head butt, knee in the coddes...).

Rithralas wrote:

"In addition, grappled creatures can take no action that requires two hands to perform."

In my example, isn't a shield considered a one-handed weapon? Likewise, each since each "weapon" is in a seperate hand, the attacks don't technically "require two hands to perform".

I would call "fighting with two weapons" an action that requires two hands to perform (unless one of them is armor spikes or something like that, as Sir_Wulf points out).

2WF is done via the Full Attack Action, that is the relevant action here, and that action needs 2 hands (conventionally).
Even if you focus on individual attacks as ´actions´, the very first main-hand attack is taking a -2 penalty if you are 2WF - which couldn`t happen unless you were using 2 hands (or have a non-hand off-hand attack, as mentioned). If the 2WF penalty isn´t applied from the very first attack, you aren`t going to get any off-hand attacks.

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