LeleyX |
Awesome stuff, Dudemeister...I'm gonna be easing my group into RRR this coming weekend, so I'll definetelly be using most of your stuff, even though I'm still trying to figure out how, as my PCs didn't really kill anyone they didn't need to (so the Kobolds, Garum and the faeries are all alive and kicking) but they also didn't really care to befriend them....
They DID manage to kill 4 trolls at level 2 (in a combination of good tactics on their part, and horrible, horrible dice rolls on my part)
Well, thanks again...
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Just a real quick update:
In order to make Mass Combat work at lower levels after a bit of reviewing I'm implementing the following house rule into my game:
Armies gain bonus HP based on the size of the army.
Fine: +0
Diminutive: +1
Tiny: +2
Small: +5
Medium: +10
Large: +20
Huge: +50
Gargantuan: +100
Colossal: +200
Creatures of Large size or Larger are treated as having an army of one size category larger. Creatures of Tiny Size or smaller are treated as being one size category smaller when determining bonus HP. If using mounted armies, only use the mount's size if the mounts are of higher CR than the riders.
Understanding the Rule:
This is basically just to prevent any army getting one-shot.
Using this house rule. The CR 1 army of trolls would have 9 HP while the CR 1 army of warrior 3 (Barony Militia) would have HP of 15. (There is still a slight chance the PCs could one-shot the trolls, but I prefer to favour the PCs in what is ultimately a mini-game).
I don't recall any armies of Gargantuan or Colossal size in the book.
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So. I just ran the Battle of Fanberry Farm tonight.
Pretty much went as I expected it. PCs used an Ambush and full defense to minimize casualties, then used the PC mission to capture the barn and decisively beat the trolls on the third mass-combat turn.
PC's Army only lost 1 hp throughout the entire battle.
They killed Thrundogg the Coward but managed to capture a random troll soldier. From him they learned the location of Hargulka's lair, but little else of value. Overall a very fun and successful session.
Next week the PCs are going to be using Diplomacy to gain access to Tyresia's Grig Fiddlers, and scouting to find out the extent of the troll threat in the south of the Kingdom. They are in for a nasty surprise >:)
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@ Dudemeister:
How much in-game time did you give Hargulka to build up his Kingdom, going by the Kingdom Building rules? I'm trying to decide how big I should make his city.
I've discussed the size of Hargulka's kingdom with other DMs before and it seems that as far as Kingdom size goes, Hargulka's is only one Hex. That's not to say his city isn't multiple districts, but I don't want to create something too big for the PC's to be overwhelmed by, and I really don't want too big of a city to fall into their laps should they defeat Hargulka.
Do you have any info to share on Hargulka's city IYC, or any other DM reading this thread, for that matter who wants to chime in?
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In my campaign Hargulka's kingdom is 2 hexes. It was three while the lizardfolk were under his sway paying tribute. Part of what drives Hargulka's actions is that he can't feed "his people" trolls have notoriously large appetites and. Not really into farming.
While full details of Hargulka's kingdom occurs next update, he essentially has a fort, some houses (troll huts) and some walls. Nothing too flashy. I handwaved Hargulka's kingdom, he annexed far less territory than he claims, and spent most of his BP putting together troll armies that he couldn't feed. His "kingdom" is already crumbling but the PCs have little way of knowing that until they get there.
There's, after all, a reason why Trolls and monsters haven't already forged their own kingdom.
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Having just finished the Hargulka's Monster Kingdom Quest in last night's game, I finally have the chance to post the big finish. I'd like to thank everyone for their patience.
Area R
As the PCs approach area R you should describe the trees getting thin, and an abundance of tree stumps and cut down trees.
If the PCs approach the lair without an army at their back run the following encounter (perhaps they are scouting ahead). This encounter happens at a border hex between area R and any adjacent hex.
The Trapped Slaves
A massive tree lays felled at the edge of the forest. Pinned beneath it is a long chain, shackling a group of 5 humans and elves. They appear to be barely conscious.
The travellers can be freed from the tree with a successful strength check (DC 20) to lift the tree. Or with a few hours work to dig the slaves free.
These humanoids are travellers and merchants who were captured by Hargulka's trolls and made to work as slave labor. The tree they were felling was rotten on the inside and broke unexpectedly crushing one of the slaves to death and pinning the others to the ground by the chain. The trolls have left these slaves to starve to death.
The NPC most likely to do the talking is Caleb Northwood, an Elven Magus and member of the Kyonin court. He was on his way to the PC's Kingdom to broker a deal allowing Elves an opportunity to study the ruins the PCs had come across.
He was captured months ago by the trolls and made to work as a logger in Hargulka's chain gangs. Hargulka had been capturing travellers coming north from Mivon for months, pressing them into slavery or feeding them to his army if they were too weak for work.
Caleb informs the PCs that Hargulka has been making the slaves work endlessly to build pike-walls and palisades around his town. Many have died or been eaten in the last few months and at this point there are only about 40 living slaves left in the village.
He says that there is probably around 50-70 trolls living in the village most of whom are combat ready.
Caleb can draw a map of the fort and its defensible locations.
He would prefer to be taken somewhere safe first though, and hopefully his information would obviate any need for the PCs to enter troll infested territory.
Hargulka's "Kingdom"
Consisting of a series of mud huts surrounding a hill with a fortified stone structure. Hargulka's city appears to be little more than a prison to hold slaves and for their troll masters to rest.
Tenements x 3
Palisade Walls x1
Defense +4
Depending on how many armies the PCs brought with them Hargulka has either two tiny armies or one small army. When the PCs arrive with their armies in tow there is no opportunity for Ambush (Hargulka has cut down too much of the forest surrounding his fort for that).
Hargulka's army has +4 DV for the Palisade walls and +2 OM and DV for "Familiar ground". Hargulka acts as General of one army and Nagrundi will likely act as general for the other.
Mission: With the possibility that Hargulka may use the slaves as shields or hostages it becomes imperative that they be rescued.
Trigger: Before the first Melee Phase.
Development: For the Slave camp use the map for Lizarfolk Village (Area N). There are forty slaves in these huts. N5 houses the Slave Keeper, the other huts house the slaves. The Slave Pens are guarded by a group of trolls (1 troll per PC, and 1 troll per 10 NPC soldiers brought along).
To rescue the slaves they must be led off the edge of the battle map. They are kept shackled together in groups of 5-6, and their speed is reduced to 10 feet as a result. A PC can spend a full-round action to make a disable device check to unlock a group from their chains, increasing their speed to 30 ft.
The Slave Keeper
Advanced Troll
Rewards: For each group of slaves rescued the PC's armies gain a +1 bonus to OM and Morale.
On Failure: For each group of slaves that die or are left behind the PC's army take a -1 penalty to DV and Morale.
Once the Mass Combat has been resolved make it clear to the PCs that the few remaining stragglers in Hargulka's force run into the Fort. Run area R as written but treat all the trolls as alerted. If the PCs ask to bring soldiers along mention that the soldiers are likely busy setting fire to troll corpses in order to prevent a mass regeneration. Hitting Hargulka now while he's weak is the best way to deal with him.
If that doesn't work be frank: If PCs bring armies into dungeons with them then the game will stop being fun for everyone. Mass Combat has its place, but at some point the PCs should step up and be the heroes.
Here are some changes to implement:
R4: Main Hall When the PCs climb the stairs to reach this room the troll within uses a readied action and a 10 ft. wide table to make a CMB check vs the PC's CMD at the top of the stairs.
If successful the PCs are bullrushed backwards, they must make an Acrobatics check (vs the Troll's CMB) or roll down the stairs taking 1d6 nonlethal damage for the fall.
R8: Troll Barracks
The two trolls in here have lifted the pallets to use as cover against the PCs. These trolls are armed with caravan ballistae. They use a readied action to fire at the first PC to enter the room (they take a -4 non-proficiency penalty to the attack).
Caravan Ballista Large Sized Two-Handed Weapon
Requires: Siege Weapon Proficiency
Damage: 2d8. Critical: 19-20 x2. Reload: Full-Round Action.
They drop the ballistae after the first shot and run into combat.
One round later Kargadd joins the fray.
When the PCs look like they are about to win have the PCs make Reflex saves as Hargulka throws an 8d6 fireball into the room (finishing off the trolls inside (except Kargadd who can regenerate even from fire damage) and hopefully injuring the PCs.
R10: Hargulka's Room
Depending on your party you may want to give Hargulka a troll minion or a troll-hound to keep the PCs on their toes. Hargulka is frothing mad by this point and if the Baron/ess is in the party he focuses his attacks on his "rival".
Hargulka should be spitting threats the whole time:
"It's too late for your puny kingdom! After I kill you I will be king of your little ruined castle!"
"It's too late, the beast has been unleashed. Your city will be crushed under the talons of the Kameland's greatest beast! BAHAHAHA!"
"She promised me victory! She wouldn't lie to me. Not to her king! SHE PROMISED!"
After being put down, as the players are inevitably search the corpse, have Hargulka's severed head roll upright, his eyes open with clear emerald green energy bursting forth. He speaks the following in loud sylvan:
"He comes, and he can't be stopped. The promise will be filled."
Treasure: Caleb's spell-book and other gear totalling 3,000 gp can be found in the treasure chest in this room. He would like it returned. If the PCs do so he is favorable towards them in negotiations earning a gift from Kyonin (choose an elf-themed magic item to give each PC in the following month).
Cut Scene
At this point cut to your kingdom, presumably some defenders were left behind. Describe the owlbear attack on your PC's capital.
If the PCs left behind defenders they can make an Offense Check vs DV 20. For each point they beat 20 they deal one damage to the Giant Owlbear in area V. Have the Owlbear make an Offense check (OM +10) vs the DV of any army in the city (they gain bonuses for defensive structures built in the city) or vs 10 + Defense of the city. For every point it beats the DV of the city or it's army it kills 10 people. For every 5 points it beats the DV of the city it deals 1 BP of damage to the structures.
If it fails to beat the DV of the defenders then instead assume there was 30 injuries but no fatalities as the PC's city manages to drive off the Owlbear in time.
Finishing the Saga
In area V6, the bodies are those of slaves and the ring is worn by a mashed up mess of a troll. At somewhere approaching -250 hit points the Owlbear often picks and eats at the troll preventing it from regenerating completely.
With Hargulka defeated and the few surviving trolls fleeing west. The kingdom shall be safe for a few months. Give the PCs some well deserved downtime and a chance to finish exploring the map.
Thanks to:
James Jacobs, Rob McReary and Paizo for their inspirational adventure :)
I'd also like to thank my fellow Paizo Board Members for encouragement. I hope you enjoy running this as much as I enjoyed prepping it.
The Dudemeister.
Disciple of Sakura |
Thanks very much, Dudemeister, for the inspiration that this thread created. Hargulka's kingdom in my campaign took a decidedly different turn, and actually occupies most of the southern three rows on the map. He's also managed to recruit orcs and goblins into his growing "monster nation." The PCs are likely to face the final act against him today, likely dealing with mass battles against a small force of trolls, and a larger force of goblins and orcs. The owlbear was actually already sent to hit the PCs by way of the orcs and trolls attempting to destroy the PCs' kingdom without violating their supposed non-aggression treaty.
This has been a terrific plot seed, and I thank you very much for the inspiration. I'll see if I remember to post an update as to how everything resolved once it's done.
BornofHate |
Love this thread. Some is some really inspiring encounters.
My favorite part is that it is not one story line that you just dropped in. Its many tidbits, each of which can enhance the story.
I'm definitely cherry pickin your goods Meister.
(I'm thinking of implementing a female troll oracle at the sootscale feast instead of Hargulka. In case things get too dicey)
Well done.
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Thanks all, my goal was to make the Stolen Land a reactive location. Where player's actions would have repercussions on NPC's and monsters reactions.
For example if the PCs decide to war with Hargulka before dealing with the Lizardfolk then Hargulka has a force of Lizardfolk acting as a second army.
I like that Kingmaker actually has a series of escalating villains, each acting as a capstone to each book so the players feel a sense of escalation and accomplishment as their kingdom grows.
Stag Lord>Hargulka>Vordekai>Barbarian King>Irovetti and finally Nyressa herself.
My next expansion/transformation project is transforming Irovetti and Pitax into a steampunk analogue of Victor Von Doom and Latveria.
That will be the biggest change from the book as I will be replacing encounters and monsters whole-cloth to fit my vision of an Irovetti who is also attempting to stop the mad dryad's plan in his own amoral, nature unfriendly way :)
In any case I hope to read about how your versions of the Monster Kingdom turn out. I tried to definitely lowball the troll armies, as I didn't want the mass combat here to outshine that which is to come later in books 4-5.
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![Corvin Tergsvor](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9045_Corvin.jpg)
Having just finished the Hargulka's Monster Kingdom Quest in last night's game, I finally have the chance to post the big finish. I'd like to thank everyone for their patience.
Area R
As the PCs approach area R you should describe the trees getting thin, and an abundance of tree stumps and cut down trees.
If the PCs approach the lair without an army at their back run the following encounter (perhaps they are scouting ahead). This encounter happens at a border hex between area R and any adjacent hex.
The Trapped Slaves
A massive tree lays felled at the edge of the forest. Pinned beneath it is a long chain, shackling a group of 5 humans and elves. They appear to be barely conscious.
The travellers can be freed from the tree with a successful strength check (DC 20) to lift the tree. Or with a few hours work to dig the slaves free.
These humanoids are travellers and merchants who were captured by Hargulka's trolls and made to work as slave labor. The tree they were felling was rotten on the inside and broke unexpectedly crushing one of the slaves to death and pinning the others to the ground by the chain. The trolls have left these slaves to starve to death.
The NPC most likely to do the talking is Caleb Northwood, an Elven Magus and member of the Kyonin court. He was on his way to the PC's Kingdom to broker a deal allowing Elves an opportunity to study the ruins the PCs had come across.
He was captured months ago by the trolls and made to work as a logger in Hargulka's chain gangs. Hargulka had been capturing travellers coming north from Mivon for months, pressing them into slavery or feeding them to his army if they were too weak for work.
Caleb informs the PCs that Hargulka has been making the slaves work endlessly to build pike-walls and palisades around his town. Many have died or been eaten in the last few months and at this point there are only about 40 living slaves left in the village.
He says that there is probably around 50-70 trolls living in...
Dude! Very inspiring and very enjoyable!
Adrien Meyer |
Hey DM Dudemeister, I just thought I should thank you for this very cool idea. Your topic was a great inspiration to keep my PC's kingdom challenged in Rivers Run Red.
Since the Narthropple Expedition encounter more or less implies there is another Kobold tribe in the Narlmarches, I made them thralls of Hargulka's kingdom, scouts and skirmishers for his army.
I really liked the idea of a monster kingdom ruled by trolls, so I gave him Hobgoblin soldiers as well. I'll have them raid the PC's Kingdom and ambush merchant convoys crossing the Slough for slaves and loot.
Thanks for sharing your ideas again !
Bobson |
![King Ezelgar](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/KingEzelgar.jpg)
Oooh, I really like this. I'm going to have to read it over in more detail later, and possibly integrate it into my game (we start RRR tomorrow night, but after spending time kingdom building, we shouldn't get too far that this would get too derailed.
One piece of advice I'd need, though. The PCs returned the statue to the kobolds, but because of the way it played out (the PCs confronted both at once), both the chief and the shaman remained alive. The party left on speaking terms with the Kobolds, but certainly are not allies.
My plan was to have the shaman continue to carry out his plan without the PCs interference, then have him goad the remainder into attacking the ones who "cursed" their idol and caused the run of "accidents" - the PCs. I'm willing to go with a different plan to tie into this scenario, though. Any suggestions?
Side note: Since from the Kobold's standpoint, they defeated a social encounter with 6 3rd level adventurers, they got a boatload of XP and have leveled up ;)
Philip Knowsley |
I made the red kobold tribe rivals of the Sootscales. Hargulka has recruited the red scales into his monster kingdom.
Heh - We're still in the first book & I'm running my PCs through an old
Dungeon Mag adventure (with a few changes) called 'Depths of Rage'. I'vechanged the Goblins in that to Kobolds - without knowing that there was
another Kobold tribe alluded to later on = sweet!
I'll now make these Barbarian Kobolds a recurring enemy, & part of the
'Monster Kingdom' which I shall also be borrowing. (Thanks by the way!)
These Kobolds are called the Broken Skull tribe. Lvl 1 Barbarians by
the dozens & my party is sending them through the meat grinder...
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Oooh, I really like this. I'm going to have to read it over in more detail later, and possibly integrate it into my game (we start RRR tomorrow night, but after spending time kingdom building, we shouldn't get too far that this would get too derailed.
One piece of advice I'd need, though. The PCs returned the statue to the kobolds, but because of the way it played out (the PCs confronted both at once), both the chief and the shaman remained alive. The party left on speaking terms with the Kobolds, but certainly are not allies.
My plan was to have the shaman continue to carry out his plan without the PCs interference, then have him goad the remainder into attacking the ones who "cursed" their idol and caused the run of "accidents" - the PCs. I'm willing to go with a different plan to tie into this scenario, though. Any suggestions?
Side note: Since from the Kobold's standpoint, they defeated a social encounter with 6 3rd level adventurers, they got a boatload of XP and have leveled up ;)
I don't know how fast you're doing your kingdom building stuff, but you could have the Sootscales have a civil war. Tartuk drives Sootscale and about half the kobolds out into the hills. Your party might stumble across them in their explorations. Or perhaps Chief Sootscale's loyalists get blamed for the attack on the Narthropple Expedition (Tartuk's effort to drive the gnomes out of the kingdom as they remind him of his past).
In any case having the dichotomy of co-operative kobolds and twisted kobolds could prove fun.
As to how I handled the attack on the Narthropple Expedition.
The Kingdom of Kyshahn (my PC's kingdom) were quick to add the Kobold mines to their kingdom. When the council encountered the Narthropple Expedition they realized the trouble with adding wild kobolds to the kingdom.
They proceeded directly to the Sootscale Caverns to confront Chief Sootscale. I had Hargulka in there giving his speech. The party comported themselves very well, offering the kobolds full citizenship to the kingdom, and even extending their offer to Hargulka. The troll laughed at the PCs offer and walked away.
The council then spoke to Chief Sootscale about the attack on the gnomes and the kobolds explained: "Kobolds excellent vassals! We find gnomes sneeaaking around mapping things. They probably work for fugly troll king. Lucky kobolds was there to throw gnomes in river! We brave defenders of realm!"
The PCs calmly explained that the Gnomes were not enemies of the realm. That kobolds were not to act violently if they were to retain the protection of the kingdom against creatures like the Trolls, and Shambling Mounds and Mite.
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DoomCrow wrote:I made the red kobold tribe rivals of the Sootscales. Hargulka has recruited the red scales into his monster kingdom.Which hex did you put them in?
They are in Hargulka's Hex, inhabiting the abandoned Dwarven Monastery, where they train as Monks and Ninjas for his fighting forces. Hargulka, of course, has long since moved out of the Monastery and resides in his capital city.
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![Priest of Pharasma](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9418-Pharasma1_90.jpeg)
So before I found kingmaker I was going to run Legacy of Fire, but that stalled out and never happened. However during it I found I had a certain love for gremlins and the trouble they could cause a party, or any situation. I found Nuglubs in the Bestiary and would love to add them into my RRR experience as some of Hargulka's favored servants/snacks. Any suggestions in adding these nasty fey to Narissia machinations and to a kingdom of monsters?
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Perhaps they were proving a nuisance to Narrissa so she palmer them off on Hargulka? He in turn sends them to sabotage PC buildings, causing 1d3 BP damage a month until they can be found and driven out?
I'm not familiar with that monster sorry :-( so that's a rough idea.
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I've begun incorporation of Hargulka's kingdom in my game. The party just beat back a raid of lizardfolk and kobolds that were attacking the gnomish trading caravan. They have some prisoners, so they'll likely give some solid intelligence into what Hargulka has planned.
Great stuff, can't wait to see how it pans out for your guys.
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![Corvin Tergsvor](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9045_Corvin.jpg)
noblejohn wrote:this is awesome, makes the module more interesting.Thank you very much, but I owe it all to the original authors. I was just adding to the already excellent source material.
Just wanted to share that I just started book 2 and they've already met some trolls. Random encounter!
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So ive run your monster kingdom and my players love it. I as a DM loved the happy coincidence of 1 hex northeast of hargulka and one week before running the Attack! portion of this my players got a random encounter of seven trolls (reworked it as deserters going to join the group prepairing to raid fangberry farm) dice were hot and one dead cleric later the party retreated. The starving trolls start eating the abandoned horses after the party outruns them.
My party's marshal awakens surrounded by the five remaining trolls and a few half eaten horses. The trolls see an opportunity of easy food. "Boils" the cowardly interigates the marshal for an easy farm to hit which set the timing perfectly for the attack on fangberry farm.
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Very much so, Thrundogg (aka boils as the partys come to call him) has become very memorable to the party.
Marshal is an elf female fighter who's being starved lead on a leash pissed on and the army's entertainment as she leads them to the farm. Not sure how to let her escape once she serves her purpose thinking ill have them lock all the farmers up in barns and eat 25 to 50 people per day until the Pc army arrives. Gives the take the barn mission a good introduction and leaves it to chance/roll of the dice weather the tolls got to her yet picking ppl at random to eat.
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Very much so, Thrundogg (aka boils as the partys come to call him) has become very memorable to the party.
Marshal is an elf female fighter who's being starved lead on a leash pissed on and the army's entertainment as she leads them to the farm. Not sure how to let her escape once she serves her purpose thinking ill have them lock all the farmers up in barns and eat 25 to 50 people per day until the Pc army arrives. Gives the take the barn mission a good introduction and leaves it to chance/roll of the dice weather the tolls got to her yet picking ppl at random to eat.
Lt. John Holder |
![Eando Kline](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/36-absalompathfinder.jpg)
Well I'm a bit nervous now. Party of 6 cavalier baron, elf ranger., elf fighter (dex based disarmed), elf alchemist, half elf bard/rogue and a gnome sorc are raiding hargulkas they just got to the barracks. Hargulka dropped his fireball and killed my sorc so now theyhave no chance at magical fire except the sorc had 1 bead left on a necklace of fireballs. Players are not min maxers and no cleric left so I'm running the encounter as written but still baron has 2hp fighter has 10 after that fireball with nargundi hargulka and the rock troll all still up. I don't want a TPK but not sure why hargulka wouldn't throw more fireballs if they flee. Any advice on where to go would be great. Akiros's army beat the troll army 10 rounds ago so I was going to bring him in with a half dozen men but I don't know how much help that will be
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Hargulka's army is beaten, but he's still alive. Take a hostage and demand the PCs let him free. The hostage will certainly die but Hargulka can come back as a recurring villain in book 4 or 5 taking over the Tiger Lords or as a general for Irovetti.
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![Laori Vaus](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A12-Yvos-Tanguany.jpg)
I tried this tweak in my game, and it went over very well.
Since we were already far into the module and the trolls had disrupted PCs' trade with Varnhold and other River Kingdoms, they were hopping mad and planning to ambush the trolls with a decoy. I decided it would blow their minds to counter-ambush them with this plot.
So I had Chief Sootscale invite the PCs for a feast to thank them for their services to his kingdom. As the PCs entered, they noted that the kobolds seemed oddly uncomfortable - because, of course, as they turned the corner they ran right into a massive feast set before Hargulka and five trolls. "Welcome, Lords of the Greenbelt! I was beginning to wonder if you would ever arrive!"
And then I stopped the game right there. The PCs' reaction was priceless :P
One week later we continued. I ran the feast and the kobolds' rejection of Hargulka pretty much as written, except that Hargulka explained his devious plot: to slowly bleed the PCs' kingdom by a thousand cuts, so that the kingdom crumbles so slowly that Brevoy will be blind to the PCs' pleas for aid until it is too late to matter.
From there on the PCs recruited their fey allies to help them scout, so I revealed that Twig had been captured by the trolls and had the faerie dragon lead them to the trolls' stronghold. From there on I ran the module largely as it appears, except to add an NPC from an allied kingdom (Hymbria) who promised a reward to the PCs, which is when I will give them the quest reward from Brevoy.
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Fantastic work DM_aka, finished off this part of RRR the other week, the mass battle stuff was great as my PCs are now thinking about armies and planning on how to use them where before they had almost forgotten about them, so they should be more prepared later on and not have to learn when the stakes are higher.
By the end of the fight at the trolls lair Hargulka was dead and the players were pretty much all on single figure HPs and had used just about every spell and consumable they had. They felt like they'd truly beaten a BBEG and helped save their kingdom from the trolls depredations, many thanks for the additional plot!
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Thanks Suthainn, I'm glad you enjoyed it, but make sure you thank the Paizo team too!
"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." - Isaac Newton.
Everything I have posted in these threads could not have happened without the amazing and imagination sparking material that the geniuses at Paizo have created.