
Product Discussion

Is there a place on the boards where minor mistakes in the core rules, like typographical errors, are collected?

Edit: Actually, I guess I should make sure that I have the ost up to date PDF first. My APG was downloaded on Aug 6th, and the title page says First Printing, Aug 2010. Anyone know if there is a later edition?

Core Rule Book (from typos to rule FAQs)



Some errors may be already fixed in the last errata.

There isn't an APG errata yet, but there is a useful FAQ:

On the Magic Item Creation page
Source: http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/magicItems/magicItemCreation.html

The "Charges Per Day" is is difficult to understand because of this potential typo
Charges per day Divide by (5 divided by charges per day)

Should the 5 be there? if so can someone write a clear instruction on how this works?
If not then I assume I would divide the final cost of the item by the number of charges per day I want it to have, as it states, to get the new final cost.

That's an old thread.

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