Swift as Shadows + Stealthy Sniper = No penalty?

Rules Questions

I have a player who plans on taking both of these traits with his halfling(the Swift as Shadows is a racial thing, the Stealthy Sniper is a talent thing). Since both of these reduce the stealth penalty of sniping by -10, do they stack and reduce the penalty down to 0?

Any help would be appreciated.

Technically yes, but as the GM you always have last say. If you think this will be a problem tell the player and forbid him to take that combination (but try to be nice about it).

Shadow Lodge

Yeah, like Mr. Alarm said they would stack. Stealthy Sniper makes the penalty -10 instead of -20 and Swift as Shadows reduces the penalty by 10. Of course this is at least a 10th lvl character and by then could have access to Improved Invisibility so I don't see that it would make that much of a problem.

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