Can you milk a Summoned Creature?

Rules Questions

Poison for example.

Dark Archive

We've always house-ruled that anything derived from a summoned creature that hasn't already been 'used' somehow vanishes when it does.

Hack off a summoned unicorn's horn and it vanishes when the unicorn does. Poison injected into a living target by a summoned creature counts as 'used' and remains in existence. Poison saved in a jar goes away. If a stirge drains blood from a summoned creature, the stirge doesn't implode messily as the blood vanishes, since the blood has been 'used.' Blood from a summoned creature that has been splattered all over the ground when it vanishes also goes away, on the other hand.

But that's just a house-rule we've used since 1st edition. I have no idea what the official rule would be.

Grand Lodge

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For some reason you title made me envision horses. That, and Unicorn milk. I blame the internet.

Dark Archive

blackbloodtroll wrote:
For some reason you title made me envision horses. That, and Unicorn milk. I blame the internet.

Well, yeah, my first thought was an old joke;

"I went out to milk the cows. The one with the horns nearly killed me!"

"You idiot, that was the bull!"

"Oh. Well I don't feel so bad that I only got half a cup..."

Silver Crusade


Although that, in a round-about sort of way, leads to the question of what happens if an extraplanar pregnant creature gives birth while summoned.

Core Rulebook p210 wrote:
When the spell that summoned a creature ends and the creature disappears, all the spells it has cast expire.

I would use this as the basis that any non-instantaneous effects a summoned creature performs vanish after it returns. Thus, no milking poison or salvaging blood. However, this is not RAW, just my extrapolation.

A calling spell would be better if you want salvagable body parts.

- Gauss

Excellent troll headline. : D

No, I don't think you can, long-term. I suppose you could milk your eidolon or longish-term summon for poison and use it so long as the eidolon remains summoned.... Maybe.

Set wrote:
If a stirge drains blood from a summoned creature, the stirge doesn't implode messily as the blood vanishes, since the blood has been 'used.'

Interesting. So, under these rules, do the various summon spells double as create food and water?

A certain joke from Meet the Parents came to mind...

blahpers wrote:

Interesting. So, under these rules, do the various summon spells double as create food and water?

I've done it like this, and yes they can be used as food. But two problems arises: 1) If you kill the summoned creature it disappears, so you'll need to eat parts of it while keeping it alive. 2) Most humanoids have digestive systems that require some degree of cooking of meat, which is hard to manage during the duratin of summons.

HaraldKlak wrote:
blahpers wrote:

Interesting. So, under these rules, do the various summon spells double as create food and water?
I've done it like this, and yes they can be used as food. But two problems arises: 1) If you kill the summoned creature it disappears, so you'll need to eat parts of it while keeping it alive. 2) Most humanoids have digestive systems that require some degree of cooking of meat, which is hard to manage during the duratin of summons.

I eat raw meat quite frequently (mmm, sushi) with no ill effects, and I'm given to understand that steak tartare is quite tasty. But I could always stick to summon monster instead of summon nature's ally. I mean, how diseased can a celestial squid be? : D

Eventually, people will start wondering why all celestial squids are short an arm or two....

HaraldKlak wrote:
1) If you kill the summoned creature it disappears, so you'll need to eat parts of it while keeping it alive.

I'm pretty sure some Good aligned people will have a problem with this. :P

Odraude wrote:
A certain joke from Meet the Parents came to mind...

"I have nipples, Greg. Could you milk me?"

Best line in the movie.

Spes Magna Mark wrote:
Odraude wrote:
A certain joke from Meet the Parents came to mind...

"I have nipples, Greg. Could you milk me?"

Best line in the movie.

I loved that movie so much! Didn't see the third one though.

blahpers wrote:
Interesting. So, under these rules, do the various summon spells double as create food and water?

Only if you can somehow eat/drink from the creature without reducing it to 0 hit points.

"Can you milk a Summoned Creature?"

I can add that to my growing list of questions I never imagined I would need to ponder an answer for.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

no, but you can milk a cow summoned with the Mount spell. longer duration too.


Orcadorsala wrote:
HaraldKlak wrote:
1) If you kill the summoned creature it disappears, so you'll need to eat parts of it while keeping it alive.
I'm pretty sure some Good aligned people will have a problem with this. :P

Good aligned people have problems with a lot of things. You learn to ignore them. Or have them drugged and sold into slavery...

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