Paraxis |
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Anyone done any groundwork to convert Dragon Age to d20/Pathfinder? I own the Green Ronin game and well it doesn't do it for me. I can't think for the life of me why a company that has a great d20 base with 3 core classes and a default level range of 1-20 (I'm talking about True 20 here) didn't just use that instead of trying to come up with a bunch of new rules from the ground up.
So yeah any good homebrew stuff for DA out on the interweb?

Renvale999 |
You could play core Pathfinder set in the Dragon Age world. Call half-orcs qunari. All casters are sorcerers and can learn cleric spells. No divine casters. Done.
A couple of suggestions.
Use regular orcs as Qunari
I agree with the casters. The other classes are really just specializations from the fighter/rogue/sorcerer, so personally, I would say you have to be at least level 7 before taking any other class other then fighter/rogue/sorcerer. Maybe draw up a quick and dirty enchanting system, or simply say that certain weapons you pick up can only have so many enchantments on them, so max +3 (or three glyph slots) for on weapon or armor. And base the number of enchantments you can have on a certain weapon or armor based on the material its made out of.
So Darkwood is max +3
Mithril +4
Adamantine +5 and so on.
As far as monsters goes...just take the darkspawn and convert them on a one for one basis to regular demons/devils from the bestairy, so make genlocks, the annoying archer ones, as dretches, same stats, just give them a bow...make hurlocks a bearded devil, but take away some of the abilities that don't make sense, and maybe slap on the young template to reduce CR and damage.
Idk, this is all quick and dirty and off the top of my head. Hope it helps. Kinda makes me want to work on this a bit lol :)

Drejk |

Darkspawn: genlock -> goblin, hurlock -> hobgoblin, ogre -> ogre (what a surprise), shriek -> bugbear? Generally use class levels for them when party is above their basic HD, with a rare occurence of using them as quick dying hordes.
For Qunari I would rather go with Half Orcs and not full Orcs, however.
Item Creation feats should be off-limits for PCs, with exception of Brew Potion and maybe Scribe Scroll if one wishes to add scrolls.

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Ok, off the top of my head...
Human – Unchanged
Elf – Unchanged (possibly a different set of racial traits to differentiate between Dailish and City Elf)
Dwarf – Unchanged.
Quanarri – Hobgoblins or bugbears
Classes: Short of the excellent suggestion of using the UA generic classes (good call!) I see them as the following.
Warrior = Fighter
Rogue = Rogue (Duh)
Mage = Sorcerer. Most are going to default to the arcane bloodline, though all should have the following ability. (maybe in lieu of bonded item?)
Staff (Ex) Mages have the ability to channel energy through specially prepared staves. The staves, often with lyrium etched in them, allow the mage to expend a cantrip to instead fire a bolt of force. The bolt has a range of medium and does 1d3 points of damage. Spell resistance applies, but it automatically hits.
(Maybe a feat at higher levels to make the damage higher?)
Rather than allowing cleric spells to mages, I’d allow them the bard healing spells. Make full clerical healing a prestige class, Likewise with bards, rangers, etc.

The_Grumm |

The way I plan on running it is with the following changes:
Starting HP is equal to the max roll on the hit die + Con SCORE, with hit points per level being equal to half the max roll + Con MOD.
Armor provides DR, not AC; shields provide AC as normal.
Weapons go up one step in their damage (d4 becomes d6); piercing weapons ignore 2 points of DR, while a point of DR is ignored for each +1 of STR mod.
Spellcasters may cast spells beyond their normal limit, but must take a Fort save with a DC based on the spell's level plus the number of additional spells already cast or suffer damage and becomed stunned.
For the races, humans will remain unchanged, as will dwarves and Dalish Elves; city Elves will use half-elf stats (they've been underneath the heel of humans for so long that they have lost much of what makes them elves). Qunari will use a custom race build, since I don't think any of the monster races really reflect them well (they're strong and militaristic, but also seem deeply introspective and thoughtful).
I'm also thinking of doing an 'Awakened Darkspawn' race; given the events in Awakenings and in the novels, it seems reasonable (I should say that, in the campaign I'm planning, the awakened darkspawn who follow the architect have established their own kingdom deep in the Wilds and are making tenative gestures of peace with humans and the other races, though they're hated and not well recieved... yet).
For Darkspawn, I see genlocks= goblins, hurlocks= orcs, ogres=ogres, with the alpha and emissary versions equating to class levels in barbarian and sorcerer, respectively. I'm also looking at doing up new darkspawn.
For Grey Wardens, I'm thinking of a template, though the particulars haven't been hammered out yet.

vp21ct |
The spellcasting in dragonage, as I've said, and shall continue to repeat, really, really, really, should be done with the Spellpoint system. There's even rules for Vitality, spellcasters becoming more and more tired as their spellpoints are used up. This means that spellpoints are also restored as a mage would become less tired. As the generic Mage class hasn't been adapted yet (and likely never will be), I think Sorcerers fit best for Dragonage, specifically those of the Arcane or Destiny bloodlines, but, in theory, the others may work, with those just being the most common.

SpaceChomp |

I am not familiar with the d20 version of Dragon Age, but the video game had enough similarities to D&D I was quite curious the first time I saw the actual Dragon Age tabletop book.
You could just just DA tabletop book as setting information and rely on regular pathfinder to play your campaign. If the tabletop is similar to the videogame there are already fighters/barbarians/paladins(templars could just have smite spellcaster), rogue/rangers/bards, and sorcerer/oracles in pathfinder. Which would fill all of the slots for characters available in the video game.
Then just find monsters that have stat blocks similar to monsters you would present in DA and change their name/description.
Sorry for the uneducated post, but i hope it helps.

BPorter |
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I think it's far more important to focus on the thematic elements than trying to shoehorn Pathfinder into closely mirroring the DA mechanics.
DA Specialties/specializations are effectively prestige classes. Trying to adapt Ranger, Bard, etc. in prestige classes is more trouble than it's worth.
Thematic Elements I'd want to include:
Lyrium (or whatever it's called)
The Fade
Demons drawn to mages
The Mage Order
Lack of divine magic
Blood Mages
Mechanics Adapatations
Mages = Wizard or Sorcerer (they study, but are born with the disposition towards magic). I'd revise it to say that becoming a mage shapes the development of how the user manipulates magic, converting it to a Wizard. Sorcerer represents Apostates who never study with the mages - the bloodline fully manifests. Abyssal/Infernal represent those who succumb to the demons early on or have strong tendencies to do so.
No cleric class. Priest is an occupation/calling, not a character class.
Apostate Mages - Sorcerers, per above. Witches are also a good fit, but the "power" they bargain with should most commonly be demonic in nature.
Blood Mage - Utilize diabolist prestige class or similar-themed prestige class.
Templars - Inquisitors (without the divine/religious link)
Reclassify spells if you like to encompass DA-style groupings. i.e. certain schools are grouped together to represent Natural magic, Blood Magic, etc.
That's all I can think of off the top of my head.

martinaj |
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I agree with BPorter here. If you want to adapt the Dragon Age setting to the Pathfinder system, then - as the wording indicates - you've already got the system. Your job then becomes to figure out how the elements of the world that you're converting fits into that system. Doing the reverse - taking the pathfinder system and adapting it to the mechanics of Dragon Age - is needlessly difficult, and you'd probably be better served by building a new system from the ground up.
I'd think very carefully before eliminating classes from the game, especially the 11 core classes. The rest of the game was balanced with the assumption that the PCs have access to these resources, so you've got to be careful about removing too much. That's not to say that you shouldn't cut any at all - just that you need to be aware of the repurcussions of doing so. Before making a decision, I'd ask yourself "is there a way I can adapt this class to function within the setting?"
Most of the classes that don't gain spellcasting should be fine, since the function of magic is what really sets Dragon Age apart from other fantasy RPGS. The fighter, the rogue, the barbarian, the ranger - I don't see any reason these can't work as written. Some of them indicate one of the in-game specializations, but as mentioned before, you're asking for trouble if you want take a system like Pathfinder and hack it down to only 3 character classes (unless you're using the generic class option that's already been mentioned). You don't really need to convert them to prestige classes, because from a realistic point of view, there's no reason someone couldn't, for example, learn to survive and stalk in the wilderness from the beginning of their adventurering career (being a 1st level ranger as opposed to a rogue).
I could see cutting the monk out entirely. Their place in a traditional fantasy setting has always been a little sketchy - usually as a foreigner. However, they fill vital no role that can't be performed by another class, and Dragon Age doesn't really have place for them.
You might consider cutting bards. Yes, I know that bards exist both in the mechanics and in the lore of Dragon Age, but the Master Spy prestige class more accurately represents them mechanicaly. Bards are reliant enough on arcane spellcasting that if you want to edit them, you've got a bit of work to do.
Paladins would be chantry knights almost exclusively. Cavalier offers a good path for other types of knights (and a good representation of the Champion specialization). As suggested, inquisitors make ideal templars, though I'd consider modifying their spell list and bane ability slightly to reflect their focus towards spellcasters.
And now we get to magic. First of all, I'd make it all arcane, regardless of class. Leave the option for multiple types of casters, but assign a distinction of apostate or circle to each one. Druids, witches, and sorcerers fit in the role of apostates with very little modication (druids become arcane casters, but that's about it).
Wizards are definitely circle mages. Clerics go here as well, but I think they present your greatest challenge. It's tempting to remove their proficiency with medium armor, but you'd need to come up with something to balance that. I'd say that they can select any two domains - no longer tied to a specific deity. That may or may not even things out.
I'd allow summoners in as mages who were corrupted very early on. Eidelons are always demons, but the class is otherwise unchanged. There's a definite stigma that comes with it though.
I don't really see a place for oracles.
As far as races go...
Humans, elves, and dwarves work as written. The alternate racial traits in the APG give a good way to differentiate the different backgrounds - I'd just encourage players to make use of these.
I rather like the idea of Quanari as half-orcs, but you might consider giving them the old powerful build racial trait (at the cost of several others, of course).
Gnomes, halflings, and half-elves can all be removed without trouble.

Stewart Perkins |

Honestly I'd do most of what Bporter and Martinaj say, except a few things I personally would change:
First I would go ahead and cut clerics, but I would fold all of their spells into the wizard class and combine the lists. The casters now choose from one list but have options to specialize. That's just me though.
I'd probably craft a few prestige classes for very specific points, such as the Blood Mages, Grey Wardens, and a few others.
To be honest though, those are the only changes I would be likely to make. Just because the video games work that way doesn't mean the setting shoehorns in the mechanics properly. You see characters who break the mold all the time by beind unique and these characters have the other classes is why. Also I would pretty much use the standard bestiary as, the world is probably populated by plenty of monsters, other than the darkspawn... and in general I would just consider them to be tainted creatures (as the archdemon seems to be a corrupted Dragon).

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Since I'm not really a big fan of the Dragon Age RPG game system, it seems natural to try and D20 it instead. Here's what I've written so far regarding this. I'm still working on it and this is very much just initial framework for classes and the spells.
A good example of where needs some thought is for the classes; I was at first thinking of filtering many of the DA specialization abilities as abilities to reflect in Pathfinder, but I'm not sure how much of that stuff really matters (like, the name of certain abilities) versus the Pathfinder ones. Such as, do you REALLY need to be able to perform that 'Punisher' ability from Dragon Age to make it Dragon Age? Probably not; the feel and flavor would be more important. Some abilities like the Templar (PF Paladin) have been re-written to reflect the magical angle.
I would try to limit the class and race tweaking the players do; try to limit the class changes from the APG except where suggested. I'm also unsure about the APG Base Classes though the Alchemist would likely work pretty good in Dragon Age, and also give the ability to access magical-like abilities. The Witch class might fit well for the Morrigan-type casters; truly wild casters that have nothing to do with the civilized mages and such magic.
Speaking of magic, I haven't quite ironed all that out yet. I was basing the ideas on the UA magic points, but I think I have the points down wrong for the spells I've put together. Of course, this could also allow for reason to be afraid of DA casters, and also for the ability for others to use the mana pools as weapons. Right now I'm trying to put the meat together, then will clean up after.
I also tweaked the 'Arcane' schools a bit too since the ones found in Dragon Age (and the ones added in Awakenings) don't really fit as general spells but are more like class abilities or the like. I broke Arcane into Arcane, Utility, Fade and Secrecy. DA lacked a number 'useful' spells that I couldn't see someone with magical abilities would overlook. Fade are spells the deal with dreams or the Fade itself and Secrecy spells would be invaluable for any wizard triyng to hide themselves.
I haven't done anything with the hexes yet; would likely work as a glyph or the like. More to come.
As for sources, I'm drawing on my experiences in the game, the DA wiki, the Ferelden's Travelers Guide found in the Prima DA guide and finally the Green Ronin Dragon Age RPG.
Pathfinder's Dragon Age (pf:DA)
https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=10V7Jr278JBfwZie6gxsMVUODpTI6txrpYm j0BnAl3Qo
https://docs.google.com/document/pub?id=1xeBSag7Zc1cpqIBBlAK-zoxwywg-ertmka dhvcDa264

HalfOrcHeavyMetal |

Just adding something to this as I weep over my Tiefling Fighter getting pounded on by the Bastards of Erebus in the Council of Thieves. He's alive, but the party is up to their eyeballs in angry Tieflings and I'm at 7 Hitpoints with those damn Undead Wolves snapping at my unholy ass!:
1) Fighter, Rogue and a Hybrid Sorcerer/Cleric seem to be the three available classes to PCs. (more on the Hybrid later).
The Mage seems to be a Caster that learns 1 spell at every level, but in exchange seems to be able to cast their Spells as 'Spell-Like' Abilities. At First Level, a Mage knows two 'Spells' of their choice and one 'Spell' of their Chosen 'School'. I'd rule that the Mage can cast a spell every round, but there is a 'recharge' on their spells, so if a Mage casts Magic Missile in one round, he can't cast it again in the next round unless he is high enough level that the Recharge function has bypassed that level of Spells. For example, a Mage has a 'recharge' of 4 rounds on their highest level spells, 3 rounds on the next level down of Spells they can cast, 2 rounds on the next lowest level they can cast. A Mage could learn the next 'level' of Spell at the same rate as a Wizard, but the Spell's DC scales not upon the level of the spell, but the Caster Level of the Mage, to make up for the lack of spells a Mage has in comparison to a 'Standard' Caster. Instead of the Save DCs being DC 10 + Spell Level + Caster Ability Score, a Mage's Spell DCs are DC 10 + Caster Level + Caster Ability Score.
Arcane: Force Effects, Universal Magic, Spells that otherwise Enhance or Affect the Mage in some personal manner.
Primal: Most of the Evocation School, some Enchantment and Transmutation effects that involve imbuing elemental properties into weapons or other objects.
Creation: Spells that rely upon Sigils, Signs or Runes, Spells that Heal or provide low-level defences or cures to status ailments such as Lesser Restoration. Higher-level Restoration Spells are the purview of the Spirit Healer PrC.
Spirit: A Selection of Spells from the Abjuration and some Necromancy Spells that focus upon meddling with a rival Caster's magical abilities, infecting with diseases or otherwise ruining somebody's day. Raising the Dead is a tricky little number with this, but given that the Templars don't go 'BWAAAAAAAARGH!' the instant they see your Mage, it's safe to say that the Zombie or Skeleton you raise is a Neutral Construct (just with a Fleshy Shell) rather than a Demon-possessed abomination. Still, except Joe the Farmer to get pissed you've yoinked his dear old granny out of her grave to carry things for you.
Entropy: Focuses fairly heavily on Enchantment, Necromancy Spells that drain Life, rather than interfere with Magic, Transmutation spells that make the target(s) more likely to get hit or suffer more damage from Elemental Sources and the like.
I'll draw up some rough 'School Spell Lists' tomorrow, but while there is nothing to penalize a Caster from dragging spells out from all over the Schools, focusing upon a specific School should provide some concrete rewards, such as scaling DCs from using Spells from the same School in a row. This is all just off the top of my head as I wait for the rest of the group to finish arguing over who should go buy the next few bottles of coke for our next game.
Spells that deal with Teleportation, Conjuring Monsters onto the Battlefield and similar should be restricted to spells reserved only for the First Enchanter (such as sending mortals into the Fade) or for Apostates (summoning Demons into the world is the act of a maleificar, regardless of the intent!)
I would argue that a Mage requires an Wisdom Score of suitable level to cast/learn the Spell in the first place, but they use their Intelligence Score to determine the DC and other effects of the Spell, thus giving them the same MAD as the other Classes. Mages are trained to be studious and must always gird their minds for the chance of a Demon from the Fade attempting to turn them into Abominations, or in the case of 'Apostates', steeped in tradition, mythos and folk-lore from long before the Chantry ever existed.
2) Barbarian, Bard, Assassin, Cavalier, Paladin, Druid, Eldritch Knight, Witch, Ranger and Duelist seem to be the choices available as 'Prestige' Classes within the Setting. It's not hard to see these as 5-10 level PrCs available to Players who have the right 'starting' Class.
Barbarians gain the ability to rage as per normal, but I'd double their rage points so they can rage as long as a normal barbarian can, but also remove the magical rage powers, given the setting.
Bards ... loose their Spells but gain the ability to infuse their allies with the effects of their spells for an hour at a time. The singing or what-have-you lasts for as long as normal, but the actual benefits linger for much longer. I would also give them some class-abilities revolving around being a subtle manipulator as well as a repository of lore and being a civilized person ... although Skalds are fun too!
Assassin ... not much I would change from the Pathfinder Version except adding an ability for the Assassin to use the Ranger Ability 'Companion Bond' so that other PCs can have an easier time beating the tar out of the Target, and the Alchemist's 'Sticky Poison' ability.
Cavalier, would not really change it all that much, but I need to check my books and it's very, very later where I am. I'll do it tomorrow.
Druid, wouldn't change overmuch, except for removing the Elemental Forms and the Animal Companion ability.
Eldritch Knight gains the ability to use their Intellect Score in place of their Strength Score to determine their 'Strength' Score for the purposes of maximum weight and melee attack rolls. This comes at a penalty of tying up a Spell of their Highest Level, meaning they can't cast their 'biggest' Spell.
Witch, I would rename the Spirit Healer and remove the Familiar and the Bonus Spells.
Ranger I would keep as it is, but again, no Spells, gaining instead an Animal Companion at the same level as a Druid of their Character Level.
Duelist as the standard PrC Pathfinder.

Vardaen |
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Over at Brennor's RPG Corner I have a Dragon Age game using the Pathfinder RPG.
The resource theread for my conversion is located here:
My Dragon Age Conversion
What I did, as you'll see if you look, is make healthy use of Traits to give the various races and organiztions the right feel for things. Basically left Quanri as "human" but if you take the Qunari Trait to be a typical Qunari that we've seen in the games so far then you get what you'd expect from Sten.
Various organizations and background work well for this as well, such as Apostate or Circle Mage.
As someone else used, I also went withe Spellpoints/Mana out of the 3.5 Unearthed Arcana/SRD. And turned all mages into a cross between Sorcerer and Wizard. Made up a new Bloodline for Spirit Healer, and more could easily be formulated this way for other specialties.
Templar became an order of Chevilers, as did the Orlesian Cheveilers of course!
I've set my game during the very end of the last age, just before the Dragon Age started. The PCs are heroes in the Rebellion with Maric and Logain, and will eventually be intsurmental in helping refound the Grey Wardens in Ferelden (and will be the first new wardens once the order is officially returned). Much of the timeline is taken from the two novels that are out about it.
Core Classes
Fighter – As Is
Barbarian – As Is
Rogue – Remove Minor and Major Magic Talent Options
Ranger – No Spells, Replace with Skirmisher Options from Advanced Player Guide.
Bard – Remove Spells, add Rogue Talents at 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th, 13th, 16th.
Templar - New (See Above Post)
Sorcerer – Special See Own Magic Entry.
Cleric – Banned
Druid – Banned
Wizard – Banned
Paladin - Banned
Advanced Classes
Cavelier - Orlesian Chevaliers (Order of Lion, Shield, Star, Sword)
Cavalier – Ferelden Knight (Order of the Cockatrice, Lion, Shield, Sword)
Cavalier – Grey Warden (Order of the Dragon)
Many of the variant options from the Advanced Player's Guide fit perfectly into the setting and can be handled on a case by case basis, the same goes for some of the Prestige Classes and Advanced Classes.
Mage (Based on Sorcerer)
Most mages in Thedas belong to the Circle of Magi. As such, they are taken from their families while still children, and highborn children who are able to use magic will lose all claims to their family's estates and titles when they are taken to the Circle. This helps to create a bond stronger than social class or race, since everybody in the Circle is raised and taught the same way.
All mages undergo a process of having their blood taken while apprentices and placed in a Phylactery. This ensures the mages' compliance as well as the ability to track down any mage who decides to run away, since a Templar can track anyone through their blood.
Some mages manage to escape the notice of the Chantry and the Circle, and grow up without the training that those who are taken from their families will have. Any mage not a part of the Circle is considered to be an apostate, and will be hunted by templars if discovered.
Some groups, such as the Dalish, are, for all intents and purposes, outside of the jurisdiction of the Chantry and the Circle, and will carry on their own magical traditions. A Dalish Keeper has considerably different training than a Circle Mage, as their tradition is supposedly based on the old elven magics. A Keeper typically has a First, the Dalish term for an apprentice.
Another example of an extra-traditional mage organization are the Witches of the Wilds, to which Flemeth and Morrigan belong.
In Thedas, magic is a natural phenomenon like air pressure, gravity, inertia, or anything else. Some people are born with the ability to interact, control, and shape it.
Magic originates from the Fade, the realm where Spirits dwell and humans and elves visit when they dream. As such, using it can draw the attention of the beings on the other side of the Veil, leading to an increased risk of demonic possession. A possessed mage becomes a distortion of their former self, a twisted monster known as an Abomination.
What a mage is able to do with magic in Thedas is somewhat limited when compared to other fantasy worlds, namely those used by Dungeons and Dragons. Interdimensional travel (discounting interaction with the Fade) and teleportation are non-existent although occasionally attempted, and the average person will rarely ever see any true example of magical power.
Mages are, however, capable of manipulating the basic elements, such as conjuring gouts of flame and small localized ice and electrical storms. There are also spells that allow for the temporary reanimation of corpses and the draining of an opponent's life-force.
Hit Die: d6
Starting Wealth: 2d6 × 10 gp (average 70 gp)
Class Skills: The mage's class skills are Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Fly (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (all) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.
BAB: Poor
Fort Save: Poor
Ref Save: Poor
Will Save: Good
Spell Casting: See below
Mana/Spellpoints are used in place of traditional daily spell slots. As SRD ruling, you can find the full variant here:
Level 1
Mage's Staff:
Arcane Bond (Ex or Sp)
At 1st level, a mage forms a powerful bond with a staff and begins play with one at no cost. The staff acquired at 1st level is not made of any special material but is masterwork. The staff must be wieldied to grant any of its bonuses.
A staff can be used to cast any cantrip spells the mage can cast without costing mana. Without the staff cantrips cost mana as if they were 1st level spells.
The magic properties of a staff only functions for the mage who bonds with it.
If a staff is damaged, it is restored to full hit points the next time the mage prepares his mana. Bonding with a new staff takes a 1 hour ritual.
Eschew Materials Bonus Feat
Cantrips (Also see Mage's Staff)
Spells Known: As Sorcerer, with Bonus Spells for High INT
Mana/Spellpoints: As Sorcerer, with Bonus for High CHA
These are more representative of study, than power in the blood, but in some cases (such as Dragons) this may be more the case. They function as normal with the exception of Arcane Bloodline and Spirit Healer (noted in above post) as noted.
From PHB:
Infernal (Is Forbidden, and many are termed Blood Mages that use this style.)
From APG:
Deep Earth
Verdant (Dalish Keeper)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----
Arcane Bloodline - Mage Specilization
Arcane Bond (Su): At 1st level, you gain a greater bonus with your staff, and when you have your staff in hand it can channel mana for the casting of spells. Mana used from the staff can not be combined with a Mage's normal mana reserve, and must be used alone. The mana in a staff recharges once a day when the mage rests and refreshes his bond with the staff and regain his own mana normally.
The staff contains the following bonus mana:
Mage Lvl (Mana Bonus)
1-2 (1)
3-4 (2)
5-6 (2)
7-8 (3)
9-10 (3)
11-12 (4)
13-14 (4)
15-16 (5)
17-18 (5)
19-20 (6)
After this I tackled Darkspawn, and am working on Deepstalkers (my group is traveling with the rebels through the Deep Roads under the Brecilian Forest as the Orlesians have them cut off after the battle of West Hill.
My Darkspawn
Has anyone actually been playing in a game using their conversions?

raven1272 |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Dragon Age Pathfinder
I started playing the game again and realised how much I do enjoy the world. This is my "first pass" notes document on creating a Dragon Age-like world using d20. More specifically, it uses Pathfinder, Super Genius Games, Arcana Evolved, and Iron Heroes. One could get by without Iron Heroes. The portions I am using are mostly concept in nautre, already in the variant d20 documents, or are easy one line rules. One could get along without Arcana Evolved, but my replacement suggestion would be to use the spell point system from the d20 SRD and allow all casters access to any sorcerer or cleric spell since Dragon Age has a unified magical system. One of the things that is of note is that Dragon Age really isn't a low magic setting per say. It is a gritty/ dark setting. But, it is more of a restricted magic setting.
- As per AE/IH, there is no alignment.
- People make the decisions they make.
Low magic items:
- +1 to attack and damage rolls: 2, 7, 12, 17 (does not grant iterative attacks)
- +1 to ac, fort, ref, will: 4, 9, 14, 19
- Reserve points
- Turn hit points into 1d4 + x
- Alchemy related feats are ok (such as brew potion)
- Magic item creation feats are barred
Arcana Evolved Spells
- Use the Arcana Evolved magic system
- Spell weaving -> exchange on slot for 2 slots of a lower level. Exhcnage 3 slots for one of a higher level
- Unified spell set
- Simple/Complex
- Spells readied
- Heightened/diminished versions of spells
- Planned: Arcana Evolved, AE Spell Treasury, Complete Book of Eldritch Might
Iron Heroes
- Flavor
- Lowered magic item reliance theme
- Demonic taint themes
- Sword and Sorcery themes
- Reserve points
- Hit point system (1d4 + X format)
- Planned: Iron Heroes core revised
d20 Variant Rules
- Reserve points
- Demonic Taint and spell casting
Super Genius Games
- Witch Hunter class
- Additional evolutions
- Additional curses
- Additional arcana
- Additional orders
- Base game engine
- Class system foundation
- APG generic trait system
- Planned: Core Rules, Game Mastery Guide, Advanced Player's Guide, Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Magic, Bestiary 1, Bestiary 2
Notes about the magic
- Anything that deals with outsiders, necromancy, demons, or undead is blood magic.
- There are no angels or celestials.
- Alignment plays no part in this world. All spells or affects that are related to alignment are barred. People make their own moral decisions at the time. People may or may not remain consistent in their “alignment” from decision to decision.
- Flight and teleport spells are barred. You must walk, sail, ride a horse, or ride a wagon to get there. Flight skill is similarly barred.
- You will not find any divine casters. There are no gods. Dragon age uses a monotheistic, philosophical religion much like our modern ones. The Maker has turned away from his creations when they took up magic and thus became tainted by demons. From that point on, we are trying to regain her favor and to do so must cleanse ourselves of demons. Extremists from the Maker’s Chantry would have everyone believe that means removing magic from the world. Others thing that removing the taint is sufficient, It should also be noted that the chantry controls magic. Magi are allowed to study their art, but only within sanctioned Circles of Magi, and only under the watchful supervision of the Chantry’s Templar. Their Templars are trained to destroy mages and they exhibit tight control on all the mage towers of the Circle of Magi. If any mage demonstrates the taint of demons, they are dealt with accordingly.
- All spell casting classes raised outside of a Circle of Magi are considered apostates. They are rogue mages and the Chantry will hunt them down and subdue or destroy regardless of whether they are a blood mage or not. They have no restrictions on the magic they may learn. However, they are prone to suffering prejudice in civilized lands.
- Mages that openly embrace demonic magic are known as blood mages. Most blood mages are evil, tainted, and are hunted down and destroyed. A small few are allowed to exist in some Circles of Magi or within the Gray Wardens. Mainly, their presence is justified as a “necessary evil.” They are they to help provide expertise on demons and provide the backing firepower of their demonic magic.
- Note however, that magi can know a blood spell or two without being a full blood mage. Mages that do so face social stigmata, open persecution, and outright discrimination.
- At level 2, all circle mages must undergo the Harrowing. A ritual is performed with the high templar and the high enchanter of the circle. The mage is cast into the fade where the mages have lured a demon. While in this dreaming state, she must understand the confusion world of dreams and nightmares and must conquer the demon. If the mage successfully conquers the demon and returns, they become a circle mage. If they do not survive and become possessed, the Templars kill the mage in her slumber. If the mage takes too long, the Templar assumes she is being possessed and they kill her in her slumber. In short, the mage must do or die, literally. The alternative to the Harrowing is to voluntarily request to become tranquil. (see template tranquil)
- Dragon age doesn’t have elementals. They have demons, animals, dragons, and a handful of constructs. Mechanically, all the elemental powers and abilities can stay as is, but their cosmetic description changes (most likely to demon).
- The “shape changing” class is the witch the with the transformation patron. Conveniently, she is limited to only beasts and dragons as her options. Note, however, that players should stick to beasts that are part of the Dragon Age ecosystems.
Notes about the conversion
- The list of barred class material may look high for some classes. I assure you, you still have dozens of options. Many of the barred options are related to overly magical classes, inappropriate mechanics, or barred magical options (alignment, angles, divine etc…)
- If a class has a “hard coded spell” or ability that function like one of the pathfinder spells, leave it. For flavor’s sake, it is just a unique ability that type of character has access to. For mechanics sake, it is there as part of the classes’ balance.
Notes about the world
- A dragon age world encompasses a very small amount of ecosystems. It is essentially a western European world. Ecosystems include: cave, mountain, forest, swamp, plains, oceans, hills, hinterlands, and highlands. This means, that animals of those ecosystems are common, and animals of say, deserts, are out of place.
- Please note that, although some archetypes exist and are appropriate to the world. They are not necessarily great for adventuring in small parties. However, in a large enough party, they are perfect fine, even extremely useful. They also give a have a useful function in the larger view of the world.
Basic World:
Basic world should be dark and gritty. It is reminiscent to Iron Heroes where the strong rule and magic is universally mistrusted (because it is a conduit for demonic taint). The commoner is ruled by the sword. Kingdoms are ruled by the sword. But when the darkspawn and demons get involved, it is the magi that become more important.
Replenishing reserve points:
Characters naturally regain lost reserve points at the same rate that they naturally heal lost hit points. If a character receives any magical healing, that healing is applied first to the character’s lost hit points. Any excess healing left over after the character’s hit points are restored to full normal is applied to increase the character’s current reserve point total (up to its normal maximum). For this reason, it is not strictly necessary to have a party healer.
Template: the tranquil
These are mages that have had the spell casting power removed. Some voluntarily request this so that they are not susceptible to demonic influence, possession, taint etc… Some mages, particularly evil or dangerous mages, are forced to undergo the procedure. Tranquil have no emotions or feelings. They are immune to demonic possession as well. But, no one knows if that is because of their lack of emotions or their lack of spell casting.
Template and Faction: Gray Warden
Can sense blight creatures because they can hear the call of the archdemons and the voice of their “hivemind” as nightmares. Your natural life is capped at 30 years from the time you join. The taint will slowly kill you.
Tolkien races: Dwarf, elf, man

raven1272 |
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Spells and Demonic Taint
Casting spells exposes mages to the Fade. The Fade is the realm of dreams, nightmares and demons.
Hence, casting a spell exposes a mage to the potential attention of demons. Every time a character casts a spell, he or she must roll a percentile dice. If they roll a natural 1 (“01” on the dice), the character receives 1 point of taint. For each point of taint a character has, they receive a -1 penalty to constitution and wisdom. In addition to these effects, a tainted character experiences other penalties in a variety of ways, from mild nausea, joint pain, or disorientation to rotting flesh, severe skeletal warping, and irresistible murderous urges. See below of categorized effects according to whether a character is mildly, moderately, or severely tainted. A character that has lost 25% of his or her Constitution to taint is mildly tainted. A character that has lost 50% of his or her Constitution to taint is moderately tainted. A character that has lost 75% of his or her Constitution to taint is severely tainted. The effects on Table: Taint Effects are primarily meant as role-playing features, though the GM can apply minor game-related modifiers to represent some of these effects if he so chooses.
If a character’s Constitution score reaches 0 from the effects of taint, he dies—and 1d6 hours later he rises as a hideous, evil creature under the control of the GM. What sort of creature he becomes depends on his character level before dying.
Character Level Before Death Transforms Into
- 2nd or lower -> Ghoul
- 3rd-5th -> Ghast
- 6th-8th -> Wraith
- 9th or higher -> Bodak*
* Advance the bodak until its HD equals the character’s level before death.
Cleansing Taint by Good Deeds
Simple good deeds are not enough to remove taint. A character wishing to reduce his taint score through good deeds must undertake a particular ritual. The ritual prepares the character to undertake the deed.
The Chantry has a list of ritual good deeds that the faithful may perform to prove their dedication to the Maker. For example, church followers may choose to put on garments sacred to their faith (and which identify their faith to anyone who sees them) and patrol a particular part of their home as part of the militia or city guard. Adventuring is never part of a good deed, and a character who undertakes an adventure prior to completing his good deed must begin again with the ritual.
Deeds must be repeated every day for a week. Upon completion, the character’s taint score is reduced by 1 point. The character may continue the deed for another week to continue losing taint, or may return to the temple to undertake the ritual again and begin a different deed.
Alternatively, deeds may be quests undertaken on behalf of the Chantry. After the quest ends, the character’s taint score is reduced by 1 point per week required to complete the quest.
Good deeds may reduce a character’s taint score to 0.
It should be noted, that if a character fails to complete the task of cleansing, it is likely the Chantry Templars will kill the tainted character.
Cleansing Taint by Sacred Spring
Springs sacred to the Maker are located in remote regions, requiring long and dangerous travel to reach. For each day a character spends resting and cleansing himself at a sacred spring, his taint score is reduced by 1 point. Characters using this method to reduce his taint score can undertake no activities other than resting, eating, sleeping, and normal conversation. Cleansing at a sacred spring may reduce a character’s taint score to 0.

raven1272 |
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Class information
Alchemists receive full spells, not formulae. However, many of their abilities revolve around alchemical powers. 1d4 + 4 hit points. 7th level AE spells. simple spells. Readied as a mageblade. More discoveries in APG, UM, UC, and SGG. Approved Archetypes: Default (APG), Chiuregeon (UM), Mind Chemist (UM), Vivisectionist (UM), Beast Morph (UC)
- APG: elixir of life discovery, eternal potion discovery
- UM: Alchemical simulacrum discovery, alchemical zombie discovery, bottled ooze discovery, doppelganger simulacrum discovery, greater alchemical simulacrum discovery, mummification discovery, parasitic twin discovery, preserve organs discovery, tentacle discover, tumor familiar discovery, vestigial arm discovery, wings discovery
- UC: breath weapon bomb discovery
- SGG: amphibious mutagen discovery, chitinous mutagen, cliffwalking mutagen discovery, essence of an aberration discovery, essence of an eagle discovery, essence of an cheetah discovery, essence of an wolf discovery, homunculus discovery, phantom mutagen
More powers in Core, APG, and UC, 1d4 + 8 hit points, Approved Archetypes: Default (Core), Breaker (APG), Brutal Pugilist (APG), Drunken Brute (APG), Hurler (APG), Invulnerable Rager (APG), Mounted Fury (APG), Superstitious (APG), Armored Hulk (UC)
- Core: animal fury power, night vision power, raging climber power, raging leaper power, raging swimmer power, scent power
- APG: beast totem lesser power, beast totem power, beast totem greater power, elemental rage power, elemental rage greater power, elemental rage lesser power, fiend totem lesser power, fiend totem power, fiend totem greater power, spirit totem lesser power, spirit totem power, spirit totem greater power
- UC: bestial climber power, bestial leaper power, bestial swimmer power, dragon totem power, dragon totem resilience power, dragon totem wings power, hive totem power, hive totem resilience power, hive totem toxicity power, primal scent power, sprint power, world serpent totem power, world serpent spirit power, world serpent totem utility power
The bard loses access to all spells. Bards may wear up to medium armor. Bards may select a rogue power at levels 1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, and 19. 1d4 + 4 hit points. Approved Archetypes: Default (Custom), Archivist (APG), Court Bard (APG), Savage Skald (APG), Street Performer (APG), Animal Friend (UM), Demagogue (UM), Songhealer (UM), Archeologist (UC), Daredevil (UC), Dervish Dancer (UC)
- All spell casting and spell casting related options
More orders in APG, SGG. 1d4 + 6 hit points. Approved Archetypes: Default (APG), Hound Master (boards), Emissary (UC), Gendarme (UC), Honor Guard (UC), Luring Cavalier (UC), Standard Bearer (UC), Strategist (UC). Approved Orders: Cockatrice (APG), Dragon (APG), Lion (APG), Shield (APG), Sword (APG), Blue Rose (UC), Bow (SGG), Citadel (SGG), Gauntlet (SGG), Glaive (SGG), Rose (SGG), Shroud (SGG), Skull (SGG)
Expanded weapon groups in Core, UC. 1d4 + 6 hit points. Approved Archetypes: Default (Core), Archer (APG), Crossbowman (APG), Free Hand Fighter (APG), Mobile Fighter (APG), Phalanx Soldier (APG), Polearm Master (APG), Roughrider (APG), Shielded Fighter (APG), Two handed Fighter (APG), Two Weapon Fighter (APG), Weapon Master (APG), Armor Master (UC), Brawler (UC), Cad (UC), Dragoon (UC), Tactician (UC), Unarmed Fighter (UC), Unbreakable (UC)
1d4 + 4 hit points. 7th level AE spells as mageblade. simple spells. spells readied as a mageblade. More arcana UM, SGG. Approved Archetypes: Default (UM), Hexcrafter (APG), Staff Magus (APG), Kensai (UC), Myrmidarch (UC), Skirnir (UC)
- UM: Arcane pool weapon enhancement options: dancing, vorpal
- UM: broad study power, familiar power, reflection power, spell blending power, wand wielder power
- UC: devoted blade power, ghost blade power, pool strike thunderous power, rod mastery power, rod wielder power
- SGG: elemental assault power, harmonic blending power, imbue spell power, invisible assault power, junx blending power, mounted assault power, protected assault power, wand lord power
9th level AE spells. simple and complex. spells readied as a magister. 1d4 + 4 hit points. Note: oracles will receive a handful of pathfinder spells through their mysteries. These are ok and should be considered unique or rare spells oracles know. APG, SGG has additional curses to choose from. APG, UM has additional mysteries to choose from. Note: the bone mystery and the dark tapestry mystery are blood magic
Approved Archetypes: Default (APG), Dual Cursed (UM), Enlightened Philosopher (UM), Seer (UM), Star Gazer (UM)
- APG: Heavens Mystery, Waves Mystery, Wind Mystery
- UM: Ancestor Mystery, Time Mystery
- SGG: Misshapen Curse, Unbelievable Curse
1d4 + 6 hit points. Spell less. The default form of the ranger, from the core rules, is barred. Instead of spells, a ranger receives a rogue talent at levels 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20. There are new combat styles in the Core, APG. Note: the skirmisher and trapper archetypes now replaces the rogue talents with hunter’s tricks or traps respectively. Approved Archetypes: Default (Custom), Beast Master (APG), Guide (APG), Horse Lord (APG), Skrimisher (APG), Trapper (UM), Battle Scount (UC), Deep Walker (UC), Falconer (UC), Warden (UC)
- All spell casting and spell casting related options
1d4 + 4 hit points. Note: even though the swashbuckler is an approved archetype, the rapier and the standard “swashbuckler” weapons are not present in the setting. However, there is nothing that prevents this archetype with working with a broad sword etc… Note: there is a rogue talent in UC that allows you to take ninja tricks instead. However, many of them require ki points. Luckily, there is another rogue trick that allows you to gain a ki pool. Approved Archetypes: Default(core), Acrobat (APG), Burglar (APG), Cutpurse (APG), Poisoner (APG), Rake (APG), Scout (APG), Sniper (APG), Swashbuckler (APG), Thug (APG), Trapsmith (APG), Bandit (UC), Knife Master (UC), Roof Runner (UC), Survivalist (UC)
- Core: Major magic talent, Minor magic talent, dispelling attack
- UC ninja trick: darkvision, deflect arrow, feather fall, flurry of stars, forgotten trick, ki block, ki charge, shadow clone, slow metabolism, snatch arrows, style master, sudden disguise, vanishing trick, wall climber
- UC: firearm training, Getaway artist (fly barred), grit, familiar
[\list]Runethane (Arcana Evolved)
7th level AE spells. medium BAB. 1d4 + 4 hit points. simple spells. readied as a mageblade. see Arcana Evolved. Dwarves are the most likely race to select this class, but that is not strictly mandatory. Runethanes have no archetypes. One could consider them an alternate class to the magus.Templar (Super Genius Games)
See SSG Witch Hunter for the basic class description. Templar have no archetypes. All templar have a minor addiction to lyrium. The Pathfinder’s Game Mastery Guide provides rules on drug addictions. For the purpose of this class, “witch” is any creature that uses magic. Templar are proficient in all weapons and armors that a normal fighter is. This includes heavy plate, shield, and all martial weapons. Bias against arcane works against all spells. Templar gain the smite ability as a paladin of equal level. However, it may only be used on witches (therefore spell casters) and it only adds damage equal to half the templar’s level. Basically you get it at the frequency of the paladin class, but it is only half as powerful and only useable against casters.
- Bias against divine power, dedicated smite power
1d4 + 4 hit points, 9th level AE spells. simple and complex. spells readied as a magister. Note: it is possible, through witch’s patrons, for a witch to gain access to pathfinder spells. This is ok. They represent unique or rare spells that the witch knows. Note: witches walk the edge between normal and blood magic. Their dark evil powers and spells are blood magic, while their others are not. Among others, powers and spells related to evil, necromancy, demons, outsiders, or undead are blood magic. Approved
Archetypes: Default (APG), Gravewalker (UM), Hedge Witch (UM)
- APG hexes: coven, flight, waxen image, weather control, eternal slumber, forced reincarnation
- APG patrons: agility, elements, water
- UM hexes: beast of ill-omen, child scent, prehensile hair, water lung, cook people, summon spirit, witches hut
- UM patrons: light, spirits, time
1d4 + 4 hit points. 7th level spells. simple spells. spells readied as a mageblade. Summoners are blood mages. Their eidolons are enslaved demons. However, they have the sheer willpower necessary to keep the demon, at least mostly, in check. This grants them some leniency within certain Circles of Magi. Their ability to summon and control other creatures as well buys them at least a modicum of discretion. However, the Chantry always keeps close tabs on Summoners. Creatures summoned by this class are always animals, dragons, or demons. Make cosmetic changes to the summoned creature as appropriate. APG, SGG has additional eidolon evolutions. The UM provides some eidolon models. They are some suggested powers to pick if you want your eidolon to mirror a certain type of creature. Approved
Archetypes: Default (APG), Broodmaster (UM), Master Summoner (UM)
- APG: gills (1 pt evolution), flight (2 pt evolution), burrow (3 pt evolution)
- UM: aquatic base form, basic magic (1 pt evolution), channel resistance (2pt evolutions), minor magic (2 pt evolution), major magic (3 pt evolution), dimension door (4 pt evolution), incorporeal form (4 pt evolution), ultimate magic (4 pt evolution)
- SGG: air mastery (1 pt evolution), earth mastery (1 pt evolution), hidden compartment (1 pt evolution), ink cloud (1 pt evolution), water mastery (1 pt evolution), corrode metal (2 pt evolution), drench (2 pt evolution), suction (2 pt evolution)

The Shaman |

Impressive. BTW, why did you choose the witch as the major arcane caster rather than the wizard or the sorcerer?
One more thing - I had a supplement for using 3.5/pathfinder for games in civil war/shogunate-era Japan, and it discussed spell-less bards. It suggested giving them sneak attack to allow for better damage potential than what they'd otherwise have - I think that you should allow that, at least to some extent. Rogue tricks are nice, but without spells and arcane strike, bards will have a serious issue with doing damage. Instead, consider either allowing bards to have a few rogue talents "free" (spells, even 6 levels, are quite a useful resource) or in exchange of some of their other powers.

raven1272 |

Impressive. BTW, why did you choose the witch as the major arcane caster rather than the wizard or the sorcerer?
One more thing - I had a supplement for using 3.5/pathfinder for games in civil war/shogunate-era Japan, and it discussed spell-less bards. It suggested giving them sneak attack to allow for better damage potential than what they'd otherwise have - I think that you should allow that, at least to some extent. Rogue tricks are nice, but without spells and arcane strike, bards will have a serious issue with doing damage. Instead, consider either allowing bards to have a few rogue talents "free" (spells, even 6 levels, are quite a useful resource) or in exchange of some of their other powers.
As to witch and oracles over wizards and sorcerers.
In one of my scribbling notes version I did include the sorcerer. I was thinking to myself that some of the more evil, demonic bloodlines would have been good for a blood mage. Some sort of mage that has drifted toward a demon/abomination. It would likely make a good NPC/monster as an abomination mage or hurlock. Ultimately I ended up cutting them in favor of adding the summoner. Of course, the summoner isn't strictly part of the universe either. But it felt good to throw in there. So I guess it was opinion. The wizard I cut because they don't really have any powers. The Arcana Evolved spell system is a bit weaker than the normal pathfinder spells, so I didn't know how well the wizard would survive. Same with the magister. The witch and the oracle just "felt" better than the sorcerer/wizard when all magic has the potential to be tainted by demons.For bard
Good suggestion. Again, during my scribble phase I just gave the bard combat feats instead of spells. That didn't feel right though. The Dragon Age bard is a rogue. This is completely untested, so I'm not sure what kind of tweaking the bard would need. But sneak attack is a good option for a damage boost if the rogue tricks turn out to not be enough.
Glad you like it. I have had fun the last few days working over things in my head.

xorial |

For the feel of the magic system, you may want to look at Recharge Magic from Unearthed Arcana.

George Velez |
I have an ongoing DARPG campaign, but I am not happy with the rules light system and the LONG time between box set releases. I am going to adapt my campaign to the PF rules set, and be posting some conversion notes as I do so (I need to read and incorporate all the info already posted above). One thing I want to take a good look at is if I can create the Qunari race with the new ARG options, and if I need to modify any of the core races to make it more DA theme oriented.
And I want to thank everyone who has already posted on this thread, many of the ideas here are a good starting point and time saver. :)

George Velez |
Humanoid [qunari] (0 RP)
Humanoid races have few or no supernatural or spell-like abilities, but most can speak and have well-developed societies. Humanoids are usually Small or Medium, unless they have the giant subtype, in which case they are Large. Every humanoid creature also has a subtype to match its race, such as human, giant, goblinoid, reptilian, or tengu. If you are making a new humanoid race, you should either find an existing subtype to match or make a new one by using the name of the race as the subtype. If you are making a half-breed race, it should have the racial type of both parent races. For example, a half-elf has both the human and the elf subtypes. Subtypes are often important to qualify for other racial abilities and feats. If a humanoid has a racial subtype, it is considered a member of that race in the case of race prerequisites. A humanoid race has the following features.
• Humanoids breathe, eat, and sleep.
Medium (0 RP): Medium races have no bonuses or penalties due to their size. A Medium creature has a space of 5 feet by 5 feet and a reach of 5 feet.
Normal Speed (0 RP): The race has a base speed of 30 feet.
Flexible (2 RP): Members of this race gain a +2 bonus to any two ability scores (Str & Con)
Standard (0 RP): Members of this race start with Common plus their racial language (if any). Furthermore, choose up to seven languages (except for Druidic or other secret languages). Members of this race with high Intelligence scores can choose from any of these additional languages.
•Defense Racial Traits
The following racial traits augment the defenses of members of the race.
Fearless (1 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit: Members of this race gain a +2 racial bonus on all saving throws against fear effects. Special: This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by the lucky (greater or lesser) racial trait.
Healthy (2 RP): Prerequisite: The race has at least a +2 racial bonus to Constitution; Benefit: Members of this race gain a +4 bonus on Fortitude saves against disease and poison, including magical diseases.
Stability (1 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit: Members of this race receive a +4 racial bonus to their CMD when resisting bull rush or trip attempts while standing on the ground.
•Feat and Skill Racial Traits
Feat and skill racial traits typically grant bonuses on particular skills or grant bonus feats.
Skill Bonus (2 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefits: Pick a single skill. Members of this race gain a +2 racial bonus on skill checks made with this skill. Alternatively, pick two related skills—each member of this race gains a +1 racial bonus on these skills during character creation. Special: This trait can be taken up to three times. Each time it is taken, choose a different skill (+2 bonus) or two different skills (+1 bonus on one of character's choice).
•Offense Racial Traits
The following racial traits augment a race's fighting prowess.
Gatecrasher (2 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit: Members of this race gain a +2 racial bonus on Strength checks to break objects and a +2 racial bonus on combat maneuver checks to sunder.
Relentless (1 RP): Prerequisites: None; Benefit: Members of this race gain a +2 bonus on combat maneuver checks made to bull rush or overrun an opponent. This bonus only applies while both the member of this race and its opponent are standing on the ground.
•Senses Racial Traits
All races start with normal vision. The following traits augment their vision or otherwise enhance their senses.
•Weakness Racial Traits
The following racial traits apply weaknesses to members of the race. All weakness racial traits cost negative RP, which means they subtract from a race's total RP spent for the purposes of meeting the race's power level restrictions.
Magic Weakness (-2 RP): Prerequisites: None; Penalty: Members of this race gain a -2 racial penalty on saving throws against spells and spell-like effects.

George Velez |
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I have been working on more conversion notes for my Pathfinder Dragon Age game, newest addition is updating the “Fear Level/TN” rules to a PF Will save equivalent. Here is what I have so far:
Fear Level (TN/Will Save)
Unsettling (TN 7/DC 6)____Bronto, Darkspawn
Disturbing (TN 9/DC 9)____Bear, Corpse, Skeleton
Frightening (TN 11/DC 12)_Bereskan, Werewolf
Ghastly (TN 13/DC 15)____Ogre, Sylvan
Harrowing (TN 15/DC 18)__Rage/Sloth Demon
Dreadful (TN 17/DC 21)___Dragon, Revenant
Horrifying (TN 19/DC 24)__High Dragon, Pride Demon
Terrifying (TN 21/DC 27) __Arch-Demon

![]() |

I really like the Stunt aspect to Dragon Age and I would probably convert that to Pathfinder by way of hero points. Spend a hero point, roll a d6 and get to perform the stunts listed.
As far as fluff goes, I think there is enough Pathfinder/DnD 3.5 material to reconstruct almost anything. I would probably make Darkspawn outsiders then go from there with subtypes. Grey Wardens could be either a paladin archetype or a prestige class, I might go with the later but make it a prestige class that can be obtained early with out too many feats or other requirements.

Uthak |
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Has anyone given any thought to adding a touch of the Dragon Age feel to Golarion? After picking up the game once more after a lone time away, I want to put some sort DA feel into my game. I thought about starting with the introduction of Red Steel & Veridium. The mechanics would look some thing like this.
- Red Steel:reduce the price of enchantment by 25%
- Veridium:Weapons are treated as if they are light for the purpose of feats and abilities; Armors are treated as one category lighter(ie. Heavy armor becomes medium armor)