UK City / Docklands - 4e

Gamer Connection

The Exchange

Looking for one or two players to add to an existing group, but starting a new campaign. Berik, you mentioned an interest in another thread, but any interest is welcome. We are a bit light on strikers.

Fairly new to the boards, so forgive me if I'm not understanding the terminology in the title, but is this a PHP, online VOIP, or a tabletop invitation?

Which is it city or docklands :)

The Exchange

Tabletop, in a pub, on Monday evenings every few weeks or so from 5.30-6.00 for two-and-a-half to three hours. The mood of the group, who are old work colleagues of mine, is fairly irreverent.

And it is in the City, although I work in the Docklands and therefore will have to travel there (which is not a big deal, since the pub is off Cannon St and five minutes walk from the Monument entrance to the DLR).

For people who don't know I think he means Docklands in Central London in the UK. City boys can only say the City and expect everyone to know :D

The Exchange

If you don't know what it means, you clearly aren't close enough to play. And it says UK in the thread title.

Liberty's Edge

I'm scared of pubs.
It's either football hooligans or old Scotsmen who portend a werewolf attack on the walk home.
Or werewolf football hooligans.

The Exchange

That's only pubs in Yorkshire.

Ahem. May I also point out that Yorkshire pubs also have sticky floors, horse brasses and often interesting and potent beer. Heath's on the button with the rest of it though.

cool. I love when I don't know what I'm talking about but I do anyway.

Only just noticed this thread, but if you're still after someone I'm still keen! I don't have my 4E books with me, but I'm back home for a couple of weeks over Christmas so should be able to pick up my Player's Handbook then.

email is jmoo050 at yahoo . com if you want to get in touch

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