roguemoon's page

Organized Play Member. 12 posts (17 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


RE: Vent

Downloading the latest tonight. let me know about servers so I can join in properly on the 12th.

RE: d20Pro

what, if anything, do I need to do for this? I'm using a guest pass or something right? does this program do the die rolling as well?

roguemoon wrote:
Heaven's Agent wrote:
I'm going to keep working on my summoner, but I'm starting to hit a wall with the concept. Things aren't quite meshing as I had hoped. I might consider something else, as we've got enough time for me to start a character from scratch. What's the party's current class composition?
I'm putting together a more "physical" party memeber - either a monk, a bard, a rogue or a fighter. Leaning toward a monk/rogue (acrobat) dual class later down the road. (Though a Magician Bard would certainly compliment the spell-cast heavy party) What kind of character are you thinking you want if not the Summoner?

I wouldn't mind playing around with a Summoner if we got a more physical party member - instead of the monk I've got worked up. You still thinking of doing something besides a summoner?

DM Barcas wrote:
I once had a player and friend who had unbelievably good rolls.

I knew a guy like this. We never suspected him of cheating in any way because he always rolled in the open and didn't touch his dice until he had someone confirm them if he was far enough from the GM for the GM in question to have trouble seeing the results.

Guy just had insane luck. Never Crit failed, never rolled '1's', almost always got between a 15 and a 20 - no matter who's dice he had.

It happens.

Now... I also find it suspicious that the guy in OP makes a point of sitting as far from the GM as possible all the time, rolls where no one can really see it and 'catches' his dice so it doesn't 'go all over the place'.

Any time a table I've been at has had an issue with dice flying around upon being rolled, we just pulled out a large cardboard box (never bigger than a pizza box) and rolled in that.

For easy to fix methods, I think the suggestion to make a good number of rolls in advance for someone other than yourself is a great one. Though I definitely wouldn't lie about whose name goes on which paper. I'd just hand out papers so they all are writing on the same stock, tell them you'd like to try something to speed up the game as far as the d20 goes and that to make it interesting everyone will be rolling a set amount of times, recording them and handing the paper back to you. You will then shuffle them and go around the table letting people choose a sheet. Your friend, farthest from the GM as is his habit, will be the last or next to last to choose a sheet - simply by virtue of his seating choice. Which gives the best opportunity for someone else to draw his sheet as well as give him a reason not to lie about what he rolls - he doesn't know for sure that he'll get 'his' sheet back.

If the game goes faster- as the exercise is 'inteneded' to help with and it seems like fun, then keep doing it every so often when you expect a roll-heavy session. This might even encourage him to change where he sits so he can have first shot at choosing which sheet to take - which will only benefit you as he'll be closer and you can see what he rolls on his non-d20 dice as he rolls them.

But unless you can be sure he *is* cheating, don't assume he is and call him out on it. That will just hurt your friendship all the more.

Heaven's Agent wrote:
I'm going to keep working on my summoner, but I'm starting to hit a wall with the concept. Things aren't quite meshing as I had hoped. I might consider something else, as we've got enough time for me to start a character from scratch. What's the party's current class composition?

I'm putting together a more "physical" party memeber - either a monk, a bard, a rogue or a fighter. Leaning toward a monk/rogue (acrobat) dual class later down the road. (Though a Magician Bard would certainly compliment the spell-cast heavy party) What kind of character are you thinking you want if not the Summoner?

Who doesn't have a d20pro license? I have two guest passes, but everyone else will have to pay the $10 license fee to d20pro.

I do not have a d20pro license, nor am I familiar with it's use. A guest pass would be lovely.

Does everyone have a working microphone? Are you comfortable with Ventrillo? Does anyone have a vent server?

Have a working mic, but I do not have a vent server. I'd have to set up vent on my comp before signing in.

I'll be busy this Sunday, and, unfortunately, the next (my work's x-mas party, then my wife's) but I'm looking to get in two sessions on the 12th and 19th of December, and then regularly in the New Year. Once I have everyone's characters and backgrounds, I'm going to be posting some background material to keep up interest, mostly dealing with how you came to Whitethrone.

I should be able to make both of those, though I may be late on the 19th (I work until 3:30 and it takes an hour to drive home normally - holiday shopping traffic could prolong travel time)

One last thing: is there any topic you'd rather not see in-game? I generally don't go much darker in my games than the typical fantasy novel (sometimes Edgar Allen Poe, but rarely), but if anyone has a particularly touchy subject feel free to send me an email and let me know to steer clear.

Will do if it's needed.

Fairly new to the boards, so forgive me if I'm not understanding the terminology in the title, but is this a PHP, online VOIP, or a tabletop invitation?

Are you still looking for players? If so, what would I need to look at/know for info on the campaign?

I can't make it every Sunday (I work retail) but I can make it at least two or three times a month.


Doug Miles wrote:
Yes, but mentioning your miming Glanydd's mute pleading & furious scribbling would have taken the spotlight off of me in the retelling...

You Venture Captains and your wanting us to kiss your rings... So selfish! :P


I'm an avid roleplayer, and my IC expectations differ by character while my OOC ones remain a general neutral, but cooperative middle ground.

1. What class is your primary character?

#1: Hungry Ghost Monk 2

#2: Life Oracle 1

(relatively new to the PFS)

2. What duties do you consider your responsibility within the group?

Monk: Scout, Rogue-lite, Grapple Control, Diplomat only if no one else will step up, Keeping the goal of the Mission in Focus, Occasional Comic Relief

Oracle: Healing (or at least making sure people stay alive, if not fully healed), Puppy-dog eye diplomacy, keeping my camel in line

Me: I will take up whatever role my character is designed to do. If the others make an unfair assumption about what that role is based on class alone, they will quickly be shown their error via the RP.

3. What gold-based resources are you willing to expend for other characters in the group without the possibility of repayment?

Monk: Whatever is necessary, my Cheliaxian Master has been most clear about that. But shhh, no one's supposed to know I'm still serving them. I'm pretending to be an 'escaped slave' of the empire, so don't spread that around. Or I'll gut you.

Oracle: The bare minimum. I don't carry a happy stick or happy potions, you make it so the only way I can heal you is with a healer's kit, it's your own fault for being so reckless and stupid.

Me: Whatever is necessary and makes sense RP wise. If my pc doesn't like a pc due to IC interaction, then that's going to affect my expectations insofar as what I'm IC'ly going to do and what I will ask for from them... as well as what makes the game more enjoyable for everyone over all.

4. What do you expect other members of your PFS session to do to support you?

Monk: Follow "suggestions" (orders); Don't do stupid s~&+ (if you do, I will make you regret it); Keep me from dying - I am rather squishy

Oracle: Talk directly to me so I can read your lips, alert me to any sounds you hear because I can't hear them, pay attention when I'm writing and stay patient enough to finish a conversation because 99% of you don't know sign language.

Me: To not be stupid IC'ly unless their character has a low intel or wisdom. If your pc isn't stupid, don't do stupid s$#%. Don't do stupid s!+~ because you think it's funny or will be enjoyable for you at the expense of the other player's enjoyment. Don't screw the party.
If you do, be warned that I am quite vindictive and hold grudges for a long time. I will make sure you pay for your transgressions - and I will do it in a way that will not harm anyone else's enjoyment but your own. Because I'm considerate like that.

5. Do you expect them to expend gold-based resources on your behalf?

Monk: Yes.

Oracle: Meh.

Me: Depends on the situation and the game and how necessary it is for my or the party's goals. I don't get bent out of shape if you don't want to expend 20 gold to bribe someone so I can complete my goal, but the healy-healy goodness of a happy stick shot or two would be nice if I'm really, really low.

6. Do you expect them to risk their character's lives on your behalf? If so, do you take this into consideration before you get yourself into dangerous situations?

Monk: A) Yes and no. B) Sometimes. It depends on if they're the one's putting me out front to troll for traps or if I decide to run across a couple rooftops and split myself off from the party.

Oracle: A) Yes, because I'm already risking mine for theirs. B) All the time!

Me: Depends on the party.


Doug Miles wrote:
much hilarity

You forgot to mention that the Oracle of life was deaf and effectively mute, too. :)


Still new here, so I have lots of questions and while this isn't completely on topic to the thread it is somewhat related:

Is playing a slave allowed?

Now, see, that is entirely unfair. That the female dwarf is excluded from the highly detailed culture surrounding beards is a travesty!

I am totally making a female dwarf with a beard. She shall be known as Glanydd the Bearded!