Spell cost modifiers

Round 2: Words of Power Discussion

Dark Archive

This is along the lines of "what is missing", and I'm hijacking this from another thread where I saw a mention that sparked my interest.

Just as increasing the targeting area of a spell (from single to multi to cone, etc) increases the cost, or reducing what would have been the traditional area of effect reduces the cost, it might be interesting to explore how modifying other aspects could affect the cost of the spell.

Two that come to mind are:

Casting time:

immediate -> standard -> full round -> 1 minute -> 10 minutes

Perhaps each increment to the right along this path might present a -1 or -2 modifier to the spell cost, allowing larger effects or targeting, but at the increased cost of casting time.

By that same token, duration might also be an effect worth modifying

1 round -> 1 round/level -> 1 minute/level -> 10 minutes/level -> 1 hour/level -> 1 day/level

(I think Instantaneous would be a special case that doesn't quite fit, but I'm writing this on the fly)

Moving to the right along the duration track could add an exponential progression: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 points.

Thus a summon spell could be moved to a full minute casting time, but the summoned creature might stick around for 1 hour per level.

I guess there are two problems with allowing or incorporating these options.

1) Complexity. Even with the simplified Target+Effect system, the huge flexibility has the possibility of slowing down game play while a caster decides how he's going to compose his spell. As a GM, after the first 10 seconds of a caster contemplating his spell, I'd say: "Okay, you're delaying while you think. Let me know when you are ready to cast and you can come off delay." But that's just me, and I can be less than serene while waiting for others. Adding more options, just increases the number of factors that a player will have to decide on, and will increase everyone's waiting time. (Spontaneous casters. Wizards will have to have their spells memorized how they want them cast.)

2) Balance. Again, when we're just talking Target+Effect, balance is still something that needs a lot of consideration. (Sense Magic as a cone is no longer level 0, but making a cone cheaper affects a lot of other things.) Each added factor makes for something else to be playtested to determine where the balance point lies. This may not be possible in the limited playtest that we're in the midst of.

Ah well.

First thought:

Brother Elias wrote:

Casting time:

immediate -> standard -> full round -> 1 minute -> 10 minutes

Perhaps each increment to the right along this path might present a -1 or -2 modifier to the spell cost, allowing larger effects or targeting, but at the increased cost of casting time.

Immediate should not be available in this way - as far as I understand metamagic feats are still used in the Word Of Power mechanics and that would make Quicken Spell obsolete (not to mention that it would be more powerful than Quicken).

Specific effect words could have option to be cast as immediate or swift action, albeit at high increase to their cost.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Drejk wrote:

First thought:

Brother Elias wrote:

Casting time:

immediate -> standard -> full round -> 1 minute -> 10 minutes

Perhaps each increment to the right along this path might present a -1 or -2 modifier to the spell cost, allowing larger effects or targeting, but at the increased cost of casting time.

Immediate should not be available in this way - as far as I understand metamagic feats are still used in the Word Of Power mechanics and that would make Quicken Spell obsolete (not to mention that it would be more powerful than Quicken).

I think (and could be wrong) that the suggestion was to only be able to move right on the list. You could increase casting time with this meta word, but not decrease.


Specific effect words could have option to be cast as immediate or swift action, albeit at high increase to their cost.

I think there's at least one word that already does this.

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