Lrdpanther |
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An NPC I was playing in my current campaigne died last night ( dramtic pause). the players have taken the body to a druid ( only healer who could do anything) and she casted reincarnate. my question is are there any alternate tables because the core book list I am not a fan of. does any one have alternate ways to handle the spell? could it change sex, class , or just race? just picking your massive brains please don't get upset I'll put everything back where I found it :o)

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I made a list a while back for my home game. Here it is, and I hope it helps.

Lrdpanther |

I made a list a while back for my home game. Here it is, and I hope it helps.
Thanks a ton, I like it ! give many more options

Lrdpanther |

Greetings, fellow travellers.
I would roll on that table in secret or just decree what race the NPC is reborn as.
For a player this would be different of course, but for a NPC under your control - DM fiat.
I may just do that, was just looking to see if there were any players/DM's that have come up with a better table to roll on

Lrdpanther |

I made a list a while back for my home game. Here it is, and I hope it helps.
what is an awakened animal?

ericthecleric |
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Since I thought you’d find it interesting, here’s the 1e AD&D druid reincarnate list:
04-08__black bear
09-12__brown bear
13-16__wild boar
86-00__use magic-user reincarnation table
Reincarnation (Magic-user table)
91-95__ogre mage
Note: Very good or very evil persons will not be reincarnated as creatures whose general alignment is the opposite.

Lrdpanther |

an animal the spell awaken was cast (up)on, awaken is on the druid spell list, 5th level
Ok how would one use that as a reincarnation? let say that the NPC comes back as an awakened Big cat ( tiger, lion)
do i take the lions stats change them from the spell ( i.e add int & wis) then what? do I include levels in the class he had or start from that point? I like this idea, it would be cool and different.

Drejk |

It would require calculating racial Strength, Dexterity and Constitution modifiers of the animal and applying them in place of racial modifiers of previous body. Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma would be of the orginal form, as the reincarnate does not seem to change them in any way - awaken normaly replaces animal's intelligence with 3d6 and adds 1d3 to Charisma, but in such instance I think that whole awakening would be replaced by subject's souls (giving more or less equivalent effect).

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Yeah, I miss having animals on the reincarnate table... I had a TPK back in 3.0 that I had raised by a passing druid once (because any game we tried after the TPK didn't seem to work well so we went back to the old game and characters). Let's see our greatsword fighter became a centaur, our barbarian became a black or brown bear, our elven archer lucked out and was still an elf, while our half-elf bard became a full elf and our wand focused sorcerer became a hawk who promptly flew off because he didn't think he could play him that way. It was quite interesting after that. :D
Here's the table from 3.0:
d% Incarnation Str Dex Con
01–03 Badger +4 +8 +4
04–09 Bear, black +8 +2 +4
10–13 Bear, brown +15 +2 +8
14–17 Boar +4 0 +6
18–25 Centaur +8 +4 +4
26–28 Dryad 0 +4 0
29–32 Eagle 0 +4 +2
33–42 Elf 0 +2 –2
43–46 Gnome –2 0 +2
47–48 Hawk –4 +6 0
49–58 Halfling –2 +2 0
59–78 Human 0 0 0
79–80 Leopard +6 +8 +4
81–82 Owl –4 +6 0
83–86 Pixie –4 +8 0
87–90 Satyr 0 +2 +2
91–96 Wolf +2 +4 +4
97–99 Wolverine +10 +8 +8
100 Other ? ? ?
(DM’s choice)
I also once played a bard that was turned into a wolf... Had to look up every spell that had only vocal components since at that point you couldn't do somatic components without humanoid hands. Animals on the table had its problems to be sure, but it could be quite fun as well.

Lrdpanther |

Yeah, I miss having animals on the reincarnate table... I had a TPK back in 3.0 that I had raised by a passing druid once (because any game we tried after the TPK didn't seem to work well so we went back to the old game and characters). Let's see our greatsword fighter became a centaur, our barbarian became a black or brown bear, our elven archer lucked out and was still an elf, while our half-elf bard became a full elf and our wand focused sorcerer became a hawk who promptly flew off because he didn't think he could play him that way. It was quite interesting after that. :D
Here's the table from 3.0:
d% Incarnation Str Dex Con
01–03 Badger +4 +8 +4
04–09 Bear, black +8 +2 +4
10–13 Bear, brown +15 +2 +8
14–17 Boar +4 0 +6
18–25 Centaur +8 +4 +4
26–28 Dryad 0 +4 0
29–32 Eagle 0 +4 +2
33–42 Elf 0 +2 –2
43–46 Gnome –2 0 +2
47–48 Hawk –4 +6 0
49–58 Halfling –2 +2 0
59–78 Human 0 0 0
79–80 Leopard +6 +8 +4
81–82 Owl –4 +6 0
83–86 Pixie –4 +8 0
87–90 Satyr 0 +2 +2
91–96 Wolf +2 +4 +4
97–99 Wolverine +10 +8 +8
100 Other ? ? ?
(DM’s choice)I also once played a bard that was turned into a wolf... Had to look up every spell that had only vocal components since at that point you couldn't do somatic components without humanoid hands. Animals on the table had its problems to be sure, but it could be quite fun as well.
This is pretty cool, thanks

Lrdpanther |

Ok I think I am going with a lion awakened animal template. here are some questions to kick by you.
1. what would be the str con dex adjustments for a lion
2. how would classes come into play if I wanted to add class levels to the creature
3. how would you handle spell casting by a lion, since using hands would be impossible
4. armor ? would he have to have barding made?
just thoughts which popped into my head, what do you all think?!?!?

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1) With reincarnate you take the base physical statistics for the animal. End of story, you don't adjust them whatsoever.
2) You simply add class levels as per normal on top of the base creature just like advancing any other creature.
3) Well, of course you have to fudge things a little bit, but as for spells with somatic components I would simply let them complete it with their fore limbs. For material components I would be a little bit tougher... the spell is NOT meant to function as a way of making your character more powerful, it is simply a rez... with side effects.
4) If the character has the armor proficiency then let them have whatever armor they are able to wear made for them, yeah the body structure is different but it shouldn't be too much of a problem to some chainmail made for a lion.

Abraham spalding |

1) With reincarnate you take the base physical statistics for the animal. End of story, you don't adjust them whatsoever.
2) You simply add class levels as per normal on top of the base creature just like advancing any other creature.
3) Well, of course you have to fudge things a little bit, but as for spells with somatic components I would simply let them complete it with their fore limbs. For material components I would be a little bit tougher... the spell is NOT meant to function as a way of making your character more powerful, it is simply a rez... with side effects.
4) If the character has the armor proficiency then let them have whatever armor they are able to wear made for them, yeah the body structure is different but it shouldn't be too much of a problem to some chainmail made for a lion.
1) makes no sense and doesn't follow the reincarnate spell, pathfinder polymorph theory in general, and doesn't follow any basic rule in the game.
3) General agreement -- though tails might be useful for this as well in the case of animals like cats -- the thing is to have something you can wave about as needed.

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Ok I think I am going with a lion awakened animal template. here are some questions to kick by you.
1. what would be the str con dex adjustments for a lion
2. how would classes come into play if I wanted to add class levels to the creature
3. how would you handle spell casting by a lion, since using hands would be impossible
4. armor ? would he have to have barding made?just thoughts which popped into my head, what do you all think?!?!?
1. Subtract 10 from even numbers or 11 from odd numbers in its listed ability scores to find its modifiers: STR +10, DEX +6, CON +4.
2. The reincarnated creature has the same class levels as before it died.
3. Verbal components only. It can use a focus object if it's carried in a suitable position on its body.

Drejk |

2. New levels should be added normaly per advancement. Existing levels should replace animal's HD otherwise character gets HD (which increase XP needed for next level, quite much in case of the lion) with not so much associated benefits.
3. Natural Spell feat is your friend when having animal body. It allows making of somatic components with avialable appendages and use of material components being in your possession without handling them.

Lrdpanther |

2. New levels should be added normaly per advancement. Existing levels should replace animal's HD otherwise character gets HD (which increase XP needed for next level, quite much in case of the lion) with not so much associated benefits.
3. Natural Spell feat is your friend when having animal body. It allows making of somatic components with avialable appendages and use of material components being in your possession without handling them.
cool, some things to think about. I like the spell my only problem is that it does totally change a players character, so I am willing to work with players who may get something strange when they are reincarnated. But like somebody said earlier in the post, I don't want them to come out with awesome power from it.