Lrdpanther's page
52 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
The game is a game I run every six months for friends from my home town several states away. They currently have a halfling sorcerer, a Dwarven barbarian, human cleric, Elf Ranger, and a dwarven mage. I like the idea of constructs, and traps. My question is what monsters would make a good demonic influenced type of monster, since the demon is trapped at the bottom but he is effecting everything around him. I am going for a exorcist type of feel.
OK DM's I need some help. I have an idea for a one day adventure, the main concept is an ancient dwarven temple which was abandoned several hundred years in the past. The temple has now become a crypt of sorts , since the reason for the dwarves abandoning it is they trapped a possessed dwarf in the main temple. Using holy relic chains. Now the new group is coming into the crypt in search of the relic chains as artifact collectors. The problem is I know what I want the big baddy at the end to be, the demon trapped in the dwarf. ( kinda like exorcist). however what else can I populate this sealed crypt/temple with? I am stuck. The adventure is for 8th level characters.
any ideas would be welcome!
Are you still looking for players we are looking for players as well and we are in Salisbury md
WOW!!!! I never really thought I would get all this awesome ideas !! You guys rock!
The idea of fey is a cool one since I haven't ever really used good aligned fey. Perhaps an Evil Treant which has become corrupted (somehow). Keep the ideas coming they are awesome !!!
Thank you
Calling all DM's !! I am having a horrible bout of writers block and need some creative ideas!
I am running a weekend long game with my best friends and decided to use the map from the 4e Tomb of horrors the Garden of Graves. I like the concept of an ancient elvin graveyard.
Set-up: The players need to enter this long hidden grave yard to find an ancient tomb that will explain how they can destroy this artifact they recently found out about.
I have NO IDEA what in the world to place in the graveyard, I really don't want to do undead, I would like to try and go with something different. Its for 4 10th level characters ...
any ideas would be awesomely awesome! we are playing in Pathfinder rules set
Thanks in advance !!!
How come the AP Carrion Crown hasn't gotten a plastic line of Pathfinder battles Miniatures? Just curious, always thought that line would produce some wicked undead minis
Here is a shot in the darkness and well you know how good that usually ends up, but hey when all else fails!
I am looking for people in the Delmarva area that's lower eastern-shore of Maryland. I would like to put a group together for a weekly table top pathfinder game. If there are any Easternshore Maryland players who would like to get a group together , please e-mail me
Thanks and I hope I rolled a crit on this attempt...
Hey gang,
I am going to run the temple of elemental evil for a once a month group. This classic module i loved when i ran it back in 1e and I have had the urge to convert it and run it, so now I am. I have found some very impressive maps on line, but I was wondering if anyone knows of any resources (hands outs and other stuff) that people have created which I could use. I have access to the pictures with in the module itself, however I wasn't sure if anyone else has attempted to convert this for pathfinder and had stuff which i could use in my conversion. Thanks for the help
Hey guys,
There are very easy ways to get a online game going. I personally use maptools (rptools.net) and a vent server and that pretty much is it. I am in the maryland area so again way far away from you guys, but if you start up a pathfinder game, I would be intrested in playing in it. Let me know lrdpanther2006@yahoo.com
I have been playing D&D for over 20 years and have enjoyed many aspects of 1st and 2nd ed. I mostly play a fighter type. I have never been offended by wizards who bust out thier nasty spells. I have enjoyed the game without the wizard needing to be nerfed in order to bring balance to the world. I find that when " people" try to bring balance to the game we end up with these splits and now look at the game.... The old saying still holds true. If it aint broke don't fix it. In my humble opnion the wizard was broke , but yet we still feel the need to fix it
Grummik wrote: Lrdpanther wrote: I am from the old days when each class had its own xp tables. so Fighter needed 2,000xp for 2nd level while the rogue needed 1250xp for 2nd level. Has anyone attempted to try this in pathfinder? Is there a reason I should not. will it unbalance everything if I use it? let me know if anyone out there has tried this I am from the "old days" as well but one mechanic I actually like in the newer systems is the exp balance. It keeps the party on an even keel and prevents that one-shot kill because the BBEG just attacks the Wizard that is 3 levels below the rest of the party. That is a very good point. I remember people avioded playing 1st level wizards because of just that ... thanks
Crimson Jester wrote: Unless you feel that the classes are unbalanced, and some do, then there is little to no reason to use individual experience charts for different classes. In 1E, of the worlds previously most popular and oldest roleplaying game, the individual charts were a method of somewhat arbitrarily building s semblance of balance betwixt the various classes. With the different mechanics of Pathfinder this does not hold up quite as well, and as such you can and should use the same XP chart. But if I did use it , would it totally unbalance the game? My thoughts is it would also allow for multi-classing , allowing the fighter mage to truely be played once again. I understand we have the magus, which is a very good class, but what if someone wished to play the classic fighter mage elf. in the current system it doesn't work. Just thinking out loud, and picking your brain.
I am from the old days when each class had its own xp tables. so Fighter needed 2,000xp for 2nd level while the rogue needed 1250xp for 2nd level. Has anyone attempted to try this in pathfinder? Is there a reason I should not. will it unbalance everything if I use it? let me know if anyone out there has tried this

Jeremy Mac Donald wrote: Lrdpanther wrote: Jeremy Mac Donald wrote: I'm not familiar with the weapon but if you tell me what it does I'll happily translate it into 4E powerese or throw in a suggestion of what a power might look like. here is my thought on it
Valnarin the Foeseeker
Longspear (not sure plus for 13th level)
powers I would like to see it have :
it would be a holy weapon; bane versus undead.
grant the weilder protection versus negitive energy (necrotic in 4e right?)
1/day may throw the spear which becomes a holy bolt of energy dealing X amount of damage.
thats what I thought about off the top of my head Doing this as a rare (not an artifact). In 4E the difference is that a rare items are powerful magical items but once found they are yours forever while an artifact is pure story based - its meant to show up for X number of levels (5 is pretty reasonable) and then it leaves.
13th level would make the item +3 - here I might call it a 16th level item and make it +4 if you want it to be the players go to weapon for a significant portion of the game.
Bane versus undead is anything with that does radiant damage. You might also want to give it better criticals versus undead, so dd10's instead of d6s when a critical is scored against undead.
Protection versus necromancy is, yes necrotic, so it has a property of resist 10 necrotic.
Daily power that is a bolt for good damage.
Here is what I have...
Valnarin the Foreseeker
Level 16 +4 45,000 GP value Rare
Weapon: Spear
Enhancement Bonus: Attack rolls and damage rolls.
critical: +1d6 damage per plus, 1d10 damage per plus against undead creatures.
* Half the damage dealt by this weapon is radiant damage.
* Resist 10 Necrotic
* Undead creatures hit by Valnarin the Foreseeker take ongoing 5 radiant damage (save ends).
Power (radiant) * Daily (standard action)
Attack: ranged 10 +19 versus will
Hit: 5d6 radiant damage and is knocked prone and... Man that is very cool. It will work nicely! Thank you so much it really helped me out
Jeremy Mac Donald wrote: I'm not familiar with the weapon but if you tell me what it does I'll happily translate it into 4E powerese or throw in a suggestion of what a power might look like. here is my thought on it
Valnarin the Foeseeker
Longspear (not sure plus for 13th level)
powers I would like to see it have :
it would be a holy weapon; bane versus undead.
grant the weilder protection versus negitive energy (necrotic in 4e right?)
1/day may throw the spear which becomes a holy bolt of energy dealing X amount of damage.
thats what I thought about off the top of my head

Calvanna DM wrote: I have had alot of experience converting 3.5 artifacts to 4.0. I prefer the 4.0 system for many reasons but its easy to overpower the artifacts.
The same things that make 4.0 a better strategy RPG are what makes converting items a problem. Its not so much the power of the item or how many it has but rather what those powers do to the fights. Game balance is a must. Ive converted over 25 artifacts from a long running very well tested 25 modules 3.5 campaign into the 4.0 version. It took 5 testplays to get the balance right.
You need to determine what the items importance or impact on the game is. For instance is it the AXE OF MORADIN or just another item. This is determine the powers. When in doubt try to scale the powers into the item. i.e; make the powers increase or add new powers as the character possesing it hits different levels (usually at the tier increases).
Its usually good to give it a power active always (defense, protection/resistances), a at-will that is personal, a enc. pwer, and a daily. But if those powers are blasts or bursts that changes the situation.
What I ran into in creating our campaign guide and trying to make wandering monster list was the fact that in 4.0 you can set the right # of creature for the characters level and still accidentally kill them if those creates have a Blast or Burst power.
Again its a great system but with that comes greater responsibility in creating and balancing the game.
I had a group of 6 player 1st level get ambushed by 3 creatures of 1st level. Sounds easy right? It almost killed them because each of those 3 creatures had a rechargeable blast 5 breath weapon type attack.
Sam with items. Its not like 3.5 where the power types are not as touchy or significant to the fight outcome. Thats why I think its tough for game designers to write in 4.0.
let me know if you need some artifact examples. I can send it to your email. I should be able to dig up the 3.5 version of the item and the 4.0. Let me know.
Yes any examples would be great. I noticed that this game is very much based on balance, that is why I was hesitant to just make it up on the fly. anything you could provide would rock

Calvanna DM wrote: Matthew Koelbl wrote: Blah, had a detailed post that got eaten by the terrible Paizo forums. :(
The gist of it was that there is an existing Paragon level Artifact spear - the Heartwood Spear from Dark Sun. It might well be worth looking into, and might provide a pretty good starting point.
It has many abilities focused towards fighting Defilers, which you could probably swap to working against undead instead.
As a general power level, here is a summary of it:
-It is a +4 Spear. Given the party's level, you might start it as a +3 Spear, and have it become a +4 Spear once enough concordance has been gained.
-It starts with 2-3 constant benefits and one daily power.
-At each level of Concordance, it typically gains one benefit and one new activated power.
So that might give a bit of a starting point. Do you have any more specific ideas in mind as far as what you want it to do, who is likely to use it, and what role it might play in the campaign?
I am currently running the tomb of horrors 4e campaigne, one of my players has an eladrin warpriest of pharasma (we are in the golarian world). I pretty much modeled the god after the ravenqueen. The idea is that they will enter a sacred tomb inorder to get to the second section of the adventure. there is where the artifiact will be found. I would like it to have powers against undead and goals of defeating orcus or plans of orcus. unfortunately I am not up to speed on artifacts in 4E yet. is there a book which talks about them?
powers wise, anything which would make it useful against undead. In 3.5 i would say baned against undead, with perhasp some resistances against energy drain and such. I would also like it to have radiant energy and the player be able to throw it like a raidient bolt 1/day
thanks for your help
I had an idea for an artifact of Pharasma- its this silvered long spear. but my group plays 4E not sure what type of weapon to make it, I was thinking some sort of undead slaying weapon. I figured I would pick the creative minds of the message boards :o) what type of powers should I give it so that it is not over powered. my group is 13th level.
Has anyone used the new armor as DR rules from the ultimate combat ? I was reading it last night and It looks very intresting and I figured I would see if anyone has used the rule, and also how it is working for them?
Let me know if you have and what you think.
wraithstrike wrote: Lrdpanther wrote: I am currently running a Summoner and I am trying to find a secondary class to add something to my summoner so when my eidilon goes down I can be somewhat effective.
My thoughts were possible sorcerer or wizard? but was wonder what other thoughts were
The summoner is a great buffer. You have haste among other spells. Now if you are not happy buffing you might want to tell us what you would like to do and we can try to help with that. I was looking through and I saw that they do have some really cool abilities that would be missed out on by multi-classing. I will definitly need to look over the summoner and learn how to be a buffer :o)
I am currently running a Summoner and I am trying to find a secondary class to add something to my summoner so when my eidilon goes down I can be somewhat effective.
My thoughts were possible sorcerer or wizard? but was wonder what other thoughts were
I am starting a secondary group with my players for a plot line, in essence running two groups. The players have made the characters which start at 10 level. here is the problem, the core rules stat that the players who start at 10th level should have 62,000 gold to purchase equipment and such. this will allow them to purchase items which are over what i would like them to start with. I thought about cutting the gold they are allowed, but I didn't know if there were better ideas out there to handle Magic Item purchase.
Are wrote: Yes. However, many effects that bestow temporary negative levels specify that those negative levels become permanent if you fail the save after the first 24 hours (the energy drain spell, for instance). In such cases, you don't get further saves to remove them.
Ok so it depends on what the description of the power states. thanks for the help
Are wrote: A character with Temporary negative levels receives a new saving throw each day to remove them.
A character with Permanent negative levels don't receive new saving throws, and must use other means to remove them, such as the restoration spell.
So if they recieve a temporary neg level they can continue to attempt to save each day until they remove it? or once they miss it become permenant?
We had a question come up in my game last night and I couldn't figure out the answer to. What is the difference between temp. negative level and a permenant negative level. when a Vampire bites you you gain negative levels (permenant) but you still make a save do you only get that one save or do you get a save each 24 hrs.
Temp negative levels allow you a save each day ? I am confused can anyone help?
I recently had a player ask how the spell Magic Vestment works with an already magic suit of armor, I read the spell and it doesn't mention anything about no stacking so my question is does magic vestment stack with an already magical suit of armor.
example: player is wearing a chainshirt +1 does the spell stack with that or over ride it?
Question I have an inquistor in my campaigne and they fought a creature with a SR, is the bane ability blocked by the SR? It doesn't say if the baning is a spell like ability or not
Sean FitzSimon wrote: Yeah, animal companions can be a real pain in the butt. Generally speaking, you have to either ditch them at the entrance, take the long way around, or assist with your considerable magic abilities. It's a small price to pay in a game that values the action economy above all else.
As a quick reference, the following spells are decent ones to keep on scroll/memorized when you're going dungeon delving:
1- Jump // 2- Glide, Spider Climb // 3 - Stone Shape // 4 - Air Walk
Yeah thats not a bad idea, it just stinks because druids spell allowance at first level is very small. but hey like you said small price to pay to have a bear buddy :o)
I am currently playing in a campaigne where I am playing a druid. I have a bear as an animal companion. I have encountered numerous things which make having this pet very difficult. for example there was a 30' cavern wall that the party had to climb. The bear is small in size so my thought was to place the bear on my shoulders and climb, however My DM thought different. then we had a 1' wide ledge we had to cross , again my bear was an issue and almost fell to his death. Then there was a 5' break in the ledge we had to jump over, I had the bear make a jump check but appearently bears can jump well, and again the bear almost feel to his death.
are there things I am missing that will make this easier to include my bear or should I just leave him outside
Benicio Del Espada wrote: I also like the idea of trying to "purify" the cloak. This would make a good side-quest for the party, and give the LG characters some face-time.
They could find out that traveling to a particular site and casting certain spells in a certain order will do the job. I don't know what level they are, but it should be something the characters are able to do now, rather than 3 levels from now. The cloak may get a saving throw to resist the good magic, but it shouldn't be beyond their abilites to change it into an inoffensive item.
I'd have some evil spirit come screaming out of it and attack the nearest character. It would be in a weakened state, due to the magic they're using, so they should be able to smack it out of existence pretty easily.
Pally defeated evil, wizzie gets a cloak. Win-win!
oh.... good idea
Mahorfeus wrote: Personally I think that the paladin is right to be wary of the aura the cloak holds, regardless of whether or not it actually has any effect on the one wearing it. It's an interesting plot device, that could make for excellent roleplay - however, if your PCs are arguing about it OOC, then you have a few choices to make.
Perhaps you could have the PCs find a way to purify the cloak, or maybe its evil aura came from a number of spirits within it that they have to defeat. Or, you could just say that the aura dissipated, having originally been fueled by the necromancer's power. There are plenty of ways to do it, but my advice is to deal with the problem through roleplay rather than just banishing it from existence.
Thanks , I couldn't agree more. I orignally placed it in the adventure for a motivation for role play and character development. Your ideas are very good, Thanks
I had a question about magical items. I am currently DMing for a group of friends and family and we had a discussion come up. I wanted to swing it past the great minds here on paizo and see what you guys thought. They fought and killed a evil necromancer and found that his cloak had some magical properties to it. There is a paladin and a cleric both of lawful good gods. The paladin noticed that when he detected evil on the item it gave off a faint evil aura.
here is where the debate comes in. how would a paladin react to another party member wearing the cloak? It has useful properties for mages , however the debate over this evil taint on the item has cause some irratation in the group. I as the dm added the aura for a couple of reasons, but if its going to cause my palyers to revolt, then I will not persue it. Should I bother to add the aura or continue using it? Thoughts?

Happler wrote: Lrdpanther wrote: Is a druid allowed to take the Martial weapon proff. feat in order to use a different weapon not on thier list or is that a no no? I remember in 2nd ed. the druid couldn't use any other weapons, however I cannot find if they can or can't in Pathfinder
anyone know where I can find this rule?
From what I can see, there is nothing stopping them. The only rule is :
Quote: Druids are proficient with light and medium armor but are prohibited from wearing metal armor; thus, they may wear only padded, leather, or hide armor. A druid may also wear wooden armor that has been altered by the ironwood spell so that it functions as though it were steel. Druids are proficient with shields (except tower shields) but must use only those crafted from wood.
A druid who wears prohibited armor or uses a prohibited shield is unable to cast druid spells or use any of her supernatural or spell-like class abilities while doing so and for 24 hours thereafter. Which mostly stops them from using metal armor or shields. Yeah Thats all I could find as well. Thanks
Is a druid allowed to take the Martial weapon proff. feat in order to use a different weapon not on thier list or is that a no no? I remember in 2nd ed. the druid couldn't use any other weapons, however I cannot find if they can or can't in Pathfinder
anyone know where I can find this rule?

GeraintElberion wrote: Lrdpanther wrote: It says in the description of the player's option that at 2nd level they can polymorph into an aspect of the totem animal, in this case the lion. Can this aspect be likened to the werewolf's hybrid form; in which they walk upright and have lion and human features? It really doesn't explain it very well.
Any ideas?
The full rules (Lion Shaman text with the stuff that was only written once in the Bear Shaman entry combined).
Totem Transformation (Su): At 2nd level, a lion shaman may adopt an aspect of the lion while retaining her normal form. She gains one of the following bonuses: movement (+20 enhancement bonus to land speed), senses (low-light vision, scent), or natural weapons (bite [1d4], 2 claws [1d4] for a Medium druid, rake, +2 CMB to grapple). While using totem transformation, the lion shaman may speak normally and can cast speak with animals (felines only) at will. Using this ability is a standard action at 2nd level, a move action at 7th level, and a swift action at 12th level. The bear shaman can use this ability for a number of minutes per day equal to her druid level. These minutes do not need to be consecutive, but they must be used in 1-minute increments. This is a polymorph effect and cannot be used while the druid is using another polymorph effect, such as wild shape.
** spoiler omitted ** I was simply asking a question, if I knew I was going to be graded on my post I would have checked it over more closely , I am so so sorry
It says in the description of the players option that @ 2nd level they can polymorph into an aspect of the totem animal this case lion. Can this aspect be liken to the were wolfs hybred form where they walk up right and have lion and human features. It really does explain it very well.
any idea?
These are very good, are you going to be convert all the 4e races? Great job keep it up!
Drejk wrote: 2. New levels should be added normaly per advancement. Existing levels should replace animal's HD otherwise character gets HD (which increase XP needed for next level, quite much in case of the lion) with not so much associated benefits.
3. Natural Spell feat is your friend when having animal body. It allows making of somatic components with avialable appendages and use of material components being in your possession without handling them.
cool, some things to think about. I like the spell my only problem is that it does totally change a players character, so I am willing to work with players who may get something strange when they are reincarnated. But like somebody said earlier in the post, I don't want them to come out with awesome power from it.
Ok I think I am going with a lion awakened animal template. here are some questions to kick by you.
1. what would be the str con dex adjustments for a lion
2. how would classes come into play if I wanted to add class levels to the creature
3. how would you handle spell casting by a lion, since using hands would be impossible
4. armor ? would he have to have barding made?
just thoughts which popped into my head, what do you all think?!?!?

Eric Clingenpeel wrote: Yeah, I miss having animals on the reincarnate table... I had a TPK back in 3.0 that I had raised by a passing druid once (because any game we tried after the TPK didn't seem to work well so we went back to the old game and characters). Let's see our greatsword fighter became a centaur, our barbarian became a black or brown bear, our elven archer lucked out and was still an elf, while our half-elf bard became a full elf and our wand focused sorcerer became a hawk who promptly flew off because he didn't think he could play him that way. It was quite interesting after that. :D
Here's the table from 3.0:
d% Incarnation Str Dex Con
01–03 Badger +4 +8 +4
04–09 Bear, black +8 +2 +4
10–13 Bear, brown +15 +2 +8
14–17 Boar +4 0 +6
18–25 Centaur +8 +4 +4
26–28 Dryad 0 +4 0
29–32 Eagle 0 +4 +2
33–42 Elf 0 +2 –2
43–46 Gnome –2 0 +2
47–48 Hawk –4 +6 0
49–58 Halfling –2 +2 0
59–78 Human 0 0 0
79–80 Leopard +6 +8 +4
81–82 Owl –4 +6 0
83–86 Pixie –4 +8 0
87–90 Satyr 0 +2 +2
91–96 Wolf +2 +4 +4
97–99 Wolverine +10 +8 +8
100 Other ? ? ?
(DM’s choice)
I also once played a bard that was turned into a wolf... Had to look up every spell that had only vocal components since at that point you couldn't do somatic components without humanoid hands. Animals on the table had its problems to be sure, but it could be quite fun as well.
This is pretty cool, thanks
RuyanVe wrote: an animal the spell awaken was cast (up)on, awaken is on the druid spell list, 5th level Ok how would one use that as a reincarnation? let say that the NPC comes back as an awakened Big cat ( tiger, lion)
do i take the lions stats change them from the spell ( i.e add int & wis) then what? do I include levels in the class he had or start from that point? I like this idea, it would be cool and different.
Adam Daigle wrote: I made a list a while back for my home game. Here it is, and I hope it helps. what is an awakened animal?
Jajk Ironsgaard wrote: I'd add Svirfnablin (Deep Gnome), and for sure Hobgoblin myself :) good choices , I agree
RuyanVe wrote: Greetings, fellow travellers.
I would roll on that table in secret or just decree what race the NPC is reborn as.
For a player this would be different of course, but for a NPC under your control - DM fiat.
I may just do that, was just looking to see if there were any players/DM's that have come up with a better table to roll on
Wyrven wrote: I have the same problem on my table.
Can i add some questions ?
- an area dispel magic can be a solution ?
- Can't find the rule about the "re-summon the same creature for 24 hours." Where is it ?
Yeah where do we find the re-summon rule?
james maissen wrote: Lrdpanther wrote: I tried looking to see if there is a limit to the number for creatures allowed to be summoned at once but couldn't find anything. Is there such a rule or is he allowed to summon as many as he wants. what say you ?? First, don't single the player out but rather make a general rule for the players.
Second, it's not about summoning lots of creatures but about slowing down combat, focus on that.
Tell the player that its fine to do what they are doing but that they have to keep pace with the rest of the players.
-James Yeah I really don't see anything wrong with what he is doing I just feel bad for tha other players at the table. I may bring it up for a table top discussion. have all the players chime in and discuss how we can tweek it to speed up play.
thanks for your input
Adam Daigle wrote: I made a list a while back for my home game. Here it is, and I hope it helps. Thanks a ton, I like it ! give many more options
1 person marked this as a favorite.
An NPC I was playing in my current campaigne died last night ( dramtic pause). the players have taken the body to a druid ( only healer who could do anything) and she casted reincarnate. my question is are there any alternate tables because the core book list I am not a fan of. does any one have alternate ways to handle the spell? could it change sex, class , or just race? just picking your massive brains please don't get upset I'll put everything back where I found it :o)
I had a small question I wanted to throw out there to you all. I have a player whom is constantly using the monster summoning spells during combat. he will summon 1d4+1 monsters each round sometimes having as much as 15 monster out on the map at one time. I tried looking to see if there is a limit to the number for creatures allowed to be summoned at once but couldn't find anything. Is there such a rule or is he allowed to summon as many as he wants. I personally don't care that he is doing it, but some of my players are complaining that it is slowing down the combat horribly, which in truth it is. what say you ??
Turin the Mad wrote: James Jacobs wrote: Also: Thanks for the kind words! It's cool to see folks are enjoying this adventure! :-) I am a huge fan of this adventure! Does anyone know if there are some larger versions of the fane of tiamat and ghostlords lair maps which I could use to make dungeon tiles from. I have ones for almost all the other maps and they help with these encounters