APs and beyond

Pathfinder Adventure Path General Discussion

So if one of the APs was novelized or made into a series of movies, which AP would you be most interested in reading/seeing?

Barbarossa wrote:

So if one of the APs was novelized or made into a series of movies, which AP would you be most interested in reading/seeing?

as a movie series?

Legacy of Fire i think would have some stunning visuals.
Kingmaker could have the same growing Scope of the LoTR trilogy.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Most obviously:

Rise of the Runelords. It's the iconic Golarion AP, has everything from goblins to giants, stars the most iconic iconics. It explores the most interesting region of Golarion (Varisia), and has everything from high adventure, to horror, to comedy (love those Goblins).

You know, the APs really lend themselves to a convenient tv-serial format.
Picture it: Rise of the Runelords Year One: Burnt Offerings.
Of course, they could only run for six years, but it would have to be better than the Sword of Truth series.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

What? Why only six years? I mean Friends ran for 10, so did E.R. IIRC and I certainly think that a serialized T.V. series based on Paizo's Pathfinder APs would be at least as good as E.R. (and likely better than Friends... don't get me wrong... I enjoyed the series a lot... sure there were periods I didn't know what they were trying to accomplish... but it ended on a good note and redeemed itself in the end). That is of course just my opinion.

Anyway... IF such a thing ever happened... it could potentially be an incredibly long-lived (long-aired) series. A whole year (season) to tell an Adventure Path... yeah I'd watch it... record it... and buy the DVDs as they came out.


Paizo Employee Creative Director

Barbarossa wrote:

So if one of the APs was novelized or made into a series of movies, which AP would you be most interested in reading/seeing?

"Burnt Offerings" has already been adapted into a stage play, so that means Rise of the Runelords has a head start, with a script for one adventure already having been successfully written and produced.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Though who wants to play a Graul? :-)


Barbarossa wrote:

So if one of the APs was novelized or made into a series of movies, which AP would you be most interested in reading/seeing?

I say CotCT... I want to see a CGI imp vs psydodragon fight over Korvosa, and I think it has a more cohesive story. While I liked RotRL, the story seemed too fragmented at the beginning for a TV series, it would be like 6 or 7 weeks in before the story arc comes to light, and with recent series, in that time series can already be canceled


CotCT would be great. It has the best 'get the party together' beginning than any other AP. Though Serpent's Skull is excellent as well.

I think CoT would do well.

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