Neverwinter Nights Mod / Framework


Sovereign Court

You think they ever will? Or someone smart enough with code with enough time on his hands and equal love of PF will save us from our avid desires?

Seriously, though. Every time I jump back into the wonderful game I'm hit with the hard reality - this is not PF. It was be awesome if they could somehow adapt it to work. The baseline is there, and I know people would eat it up.

Well, maybe they won't, but It'd be cool nonetheless.

ZangRavnos wrote:

You think they ever will? Or someone smart enough with code with enough time on his hands and equal love of PF will save us from our avid desires?

Seriously, though. Every time I jump back into the wonderful game I'm hit with the hard reality - this is not PF. It was be awesome if they could somehow adapt it to work. The baseline is there, and I know people would eat it up.

Well, maybe they won't, but It'd be cool nonetheless.

God, I wish. Surprisingly, the NWN2 bard plays very similarly to the PF bard. It's been a fun ride. :D

If NWN were not well into it's sunset years, I'd be all over making a Golarion mod. I was a builder for many years, and eventually hosted a fairly popular server. It's basically a full time job and I can't justify putting in the hours when it looks like Bioware is on the verge of discontinuing NWN1 support.

Too bad no RPG has included such a versatile, easy to use tool set since then. Developers are too greedy and want subscription fees or shorter games that they can reproduce every couple years.

Hopefully someone is going to figure it out sooner or later, and give us a fantastic fully functional development tools that are user friendly.

For me the mechanics are secondary, I just want a Golarion world to digital game in.

Sovereign Court

NWN2 was definately a step up. Harder to code for, from what I've been led to understand, and had a little bit of a graphics issue or two. But man...would be so nice.

I find it insane how so many melee optimized builds include bard in them for NWN2. I threw together a character that had levels of bard, pale master, and blackguard and was absolutely floored by how well it did.

Back on topic, I know there are hunches and whispers in dark corners about there being a NWN3 with a possible Golarion setting mod. I just KNOW that if they do that they'll be using 4E rules since that's Wizards' standard now.

*cringe* ....4e.......*CRINGE*

Oddly I swore off 3rd edition until NWN pulled me into the new ruleset.

I don't expect the same results with NWN3, but you never know.

The NWN2 engine was far more complicated to use than the original aurora engine. It also had some serious limitations that the original did not.

There is also that fact the NWN2 runs terrible unless you have a high end system. No multi core support so you need to have a a substantially high clock speed for decent performance. Quad core 2.2s and cpus of that nature won't net you many FPS in NWN2.

I think it's safe to assume that any Golarion mods created for NWN3 will be unofficial user creations. Also, from what I've read about NWN3, it is geared for small party adventures, not semi-massive multiplayer persistent worlds, which is what I would be interested in.

Isn't the scuttlebutt that Cryptic will be the studio doing for NWN3 (under Atari)? I wouldn't put much faith in it being 3rd party development friendly nor really bendable to Pathfinder. With a 4e based backbone I don't see it being viable at all. I have my doubts that it will be called Neverwinter Nights 3.

NWN2 is a great game to do this on, but as said before, it is fairly hard to code with. There are, however, several toutorials on how to code for it, and I would be ALL behind this idea. You might want to check the NWVault for some of their class expansions and ask how they did those.

organized wrote:
If NWN were not well into it's sunset years, I'd be all over making a Golarion mod. I was a builder for many years, and eventually hosted a fairly popular server. It's basically a full time job and I can't justify putting in the hours when it looks like Bioware is on the verge of discontinuing NWN1 support.

What server was it, if you don't mind namedropping? I had many great times with NWN1, roaming about on a few different persistent worlds. I always marvelled at the devotion that the builders/scripters had toward crafting those worlds, all for the love of the game, without getting paid for their efforts.

I just wanted to post that the work on persistent worlds/servers by people like you really translated to hours of fun and even some genuinely good RP between those of us that played that wonderful game - thanks!

ZangRavnos wrote:
You think they ever will?

The short answer is no. Bot NWN and NWN2 were not made to be easily modified by the end-user. All the haks you see require quite a lot of programing knowledge and time and even then they cannot modify many aspects of the ruleset. They could have placed the ruleset in XML files for easy updating but they hardcoded most of it on purpose.

The only hope would be for Paizo (or another group) to license the NWN's Aurora Engine and update it to OpenGL 3 levels (remember Aurora is built upon OpenGL), with the added bonus of delivering DX10-level graphics even on Windows XP machines. BTW, it has already been done before, a polish group of programmers licensed it to make the Witcher (and it's sequel) videogame, which has become quite sucessful IMO.

If this becomes a reality I hope that this time they make the ruleset easy to modify so the end user may update, house-rule or even implement another ruleset; an open platform is always more popular than a closed one.

Actually Witcher 2 will be using its own engine, writen specifically by CD Project for the sequel and will be probably used in their further games.

There is possibility that Tsood Engine (Witcher 2 planned engine) Editor will be made available to players after the premiere of the game (planned on May 2011).

As difficult as it is to change thins like classes and skills, it is not impossible. Several fan mods have revamped and updated core classes in NWN2, particularly Kaedrin's Class Pack. So, I think, with some effort, you can actually do this. The important thing to remember is that pathfinder uses, essentially, DnD 3.5 with updated classes and updated rules for skills.

On the other hand, Paizo would become awesome to a rediculous extent if they ever had a game made along these lines. I would seriously pre-order it right now if I knew it were coming out.

Drejk wrote:
Actually Witcher 2 will be using its own engine, writen specifically by CD Project for the sequel and will be probably used in their further games.

That is not a 100% accurate. Their engine is nothing but an updated version of the Aurora engine just the same as the NWN2 engine. Figures is easy to update an already existing engine to modern standards (better graphics, multiple cores, 64bits) than to create a new one.

I realize the chances of Paizo making their own computer game game are close to zero because it would require a lot of money and either they will make tons of profit or lose all their investment and then some (anyone remember Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor or The Temple of Elemental Evil?)

I remember Pool Of Radiance very fondly. Wait, there were no Myth Drannor there, only Moonsea. Myth Drannor wasn't accessible until Curse Of Azure Bonds... ;)

Drejk wrote:
I remember Pool Of Radiance very fondly. Wait, there were no Myth Drannor there, only Moonsea. Myth Drannor wasn't accessible until Curse Of Azure Bonds... ;) r

Now that you realize you never heard of it you get an idea the kinda fluke it was (and the amount of money they must have lost in its creation)

I think the key to that is good advertising. If you never hear about it, you're never going to buy it. Paizo has been GREAT with advertising, especially by word of mouth. Just imagine how rapidly the word would spread if they put out that Paizo's updating the aurora engine to Pathfinder, especially considering how rapidly Pathfinder grew after it's creation.

I have very find memories of playing on a NWN1 server called Escape from Underdark. If if a pf alternative was possible, I'd even go back to NWN1!

vp21ct wrote:
I think the key to that is good advertising.

In this day and age of messengers and social networks word of mouth advertising is a given. But that does not help games that are badly designed or are released before they are functional. NWN2 was released in a record time because it was built upon an already existing well designed game, it only required an update, that is why I suggest using again the aurora engine as a working start, since publishers will always attempt to rush it to recover their investment without realizing they might get the cake out of the oven before it is edible at all.

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