DM Tanner Presents Legacy of Fire


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HP -12/64, AC 19/18/16 CMD 29, Speed 50 feet, F +8, R +8, W +11, P +12, In +4, AOO +12, EF 6/6, Ki 9/9

To bed.

Human Cleric 7 | hp 36/51 | channel 6/7

"We thank you for your help. Be careful on your way back and be safe", Linah says and curtseys to Undrella as she departs.

To bed! Anyone in need of some last minute healing?

HP -12/64, AC 19/18/16 CMD 29, Speed 50 feet, F +8, R +8, W +11, P +12, In +4, AOO +12, EF 6/6, Ki 9/9

A single channel or cure should suffice.

Male HP(104/104 or 125*/125*) Gnoll Barbarian 7 - Invulnerable Rager
Undrella AKA DM Dan E wrote:

Well sounds like the emissary is already here.

She yawns, flourishing her parchment map filled with notations in a neat script.

OK its all here. I will go see if I can find out where these new gnolls are to be quartered. I can’t see Kardswann allowing them to stay in the battle market but he won’t leave them in the lower town either, not with you running around killing his allies there. Best to limit any trips to the tannery. I don’t want to be found out. I’ll return here at dusk.

She moves to leave.

** spoiler omitted **

List repeated on my profile. The map may take me a little longer to put up I will confirm when this is updated. Its just before midnight and the Kulldis’ nightly sing-a-long. To bed?

Undrrrella, I will escort you safely out of the camp.

Grall says with more authority than he has ever said before. He walks out almost expecting Undrella to follow. Garavel arches an eye at his statement.

When they are outside,

Grall moves to where he can not be heard buy the others and then speaks softly to her in Gnoll, Can I ask you a favor? I know we got off to an unfortunate start but I would be very grateful for your help. assumes she says yes. I seek a young human women, she would have come a few months ago, her name is Haleen. Do you know of her? Is she safe? Do you know what she is doing here?

HP -12/64, AC 19/18/16 CMD 29, Speed 50 feet, F +8, R +8, W +11, P +12, In +4, AOO +12, EF 6/6, Ki 9/9

DM Only:

After Grall leaves in such a manner, Sajan approaches Garavel briefly to have a quiet word.

I do not mean to cause trouble or bring harm upon him, but the Gnoll seems to be forgetting his place. He has tried to establish his authority and give orders several times; perhaps the freedom or the prize of freedom is making him forget himself.

Human Cleric 7 | hp 36/51 | channel 6/7

Channel positive energy: 2d6 ⇒ (1, 5) = 6


Grall wrote:

Grall moves to where he can not be heard buy the others and then speaks softly to her in Gnoll, Can I ask you a favor? I know we got off to an unfortunate start but I would be very grateful for your help. assumes she says yes. I seek a young human women, she would have come a few months ago, her name is Haleen. Do you know of her? Is she safe? Do you know what she is doing here?

The harpy seems curious about your request, Well, depends on what it is dear but ask away. In response to your question, she asks for Haleen's description.

After you give it, she thinks for a long moment.

So this would have been a few months ago, right? I'm sorry. If I've seen her I didn't know it. Plenty of human slaves have come in and out of the town though and the gnolls didn't exactly call them by name. There are a couple of slave buyers in the battle market though, maybe waiting for a fresh shipment or bargaining for one. They might know more.


Sajan wrote:

After Grall leaves in such a manner, Sajan approaches Garavel briefly to have a quiet word.

I do not mean to cause trouble or bring harm upon him, but the Gnoll seems to be forgetting his place. He has tried to establish his authority and give orders several times; perhaps the freedom or the prize of freedom is making him forget himself.

First, LOL.

You are right Sajan. Grall has acted in a most unslavelike fashion on several occasions.

I will confess though. The circumstances in which he came into my lady's possession were far from orthodox. His price was low, a pittance really given his fighting skills, but it came with two conditions: that he be permitted to pursue a task of his own, provided it did not conflict with the mission and that he earn his freedom when the town is reclaimed.

I have spoken to lady Almah on the subject and she believes that Grall's involvement is critical to our success.

Do you have any reason to suspect that his allegiances are in question?

Male HP(104/104 or 125*/125*) Gnoll Barbarian 7 - Invulnerable Rager
DM Dan E wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

I am not sure if she would have been a slave, she is a good fighter and very smart...I search for her hoping she is not a slave...I don't know, she means much to me, but I am just a slave myself...I am supposed to rescue her like she rescued me...thank you for considering my request Undrella, you have my word that if you live up to your end of the bargain I will support your claim no matter what Almah says. It is not the creature that makes the monster, it is their actions... he makes sure she gets off safely then returns to the tent.

HP -12/64, AC 19/18/16 CMD 29, Speed 50 feet, F +8, R +8, W +11, P +12, In +4, AOO +12, EF 6/6, Ki 9/9


No- his loyalty is not in question but he is at the bottom of the hei... heir... group. It does not... sit well with me to see an unenlightened one attempting to command others. A slave does not command free men. Perhaps a few whips of the lash would remind him of his place in the order of things. If he was to earn his freedom, I would afford him the respect due.


Further LOLs

Garavel strokes his beard thoughtfully.

I will think on it. You are correct, it is right and proper that a lawfully bonded slave act within the limits imposed by his station. Doing otherwise is offensive to the Gods.

On my lady's estate discipline would be a simple matter, yet here there is already considerable tension between Grall and the other mercenaries. They fear his prowess I think but an overt punishment might encourage them. Yes, I will think on it.


For reference in the AP as written the harpy would have replied 'Why yes I know exactly where she is, shes fine by the way'. Horribly anti-climactic and just bad story telling. Thats not the only reason why I changed things or even the main one but it was a factor.

OK when we go to night I'm going to do something to Grall thats horribly rascist and is just plain picking on him due to him being a gnoll. The sort of thing that I would only do in a face to face game if I knew the player was the sort who was up for it. As this isn't a face to face game I'm going to do something I normally wouldn't and give you the player the chance to veto the whole thing if you dislike it. The initial part will be spoilered and the game will be just fine either way but I originally wrote a scripted encounter that was to occur if nothing happened to defuse the tension created by Grall's presence in the group and nothing has. I've tried to make Grall's race meaningful but if this goes in a direction you don't like, just say so. OK?

Female Halfling Barbarian (superstitious) 7 | hp 72/72 (86/86 raging)

Nuveril stretches approvingly as Linah's channel heals the last of the hyena bites.

Grall wrote:

Undrrrella, I will escort you safely out of the camp.

Grall says with more authority than he has ever said before. He walks out almost expecting Undrella to follow.

Everyone but Grall:
The halfling watches her two monstrous allies leave with a quizzical look. "A bit suspicious?" she asks lightly. "What could the gnoll slave have to discuss with her? His odds of winning favor with the Kuldis were he to turncoat? Or does he just hope she's learned to like the feel of rough fur in her bed?"

Nuveril wrote:

Nuveril stretches approvingly as Linah's channel heals the last of the hyena bites.

Grall wrote:

Undrrrella, I will escort you safely out of the camp.

Grall says with more authority than he has ever said before. He walks out almost expecting Undrella to follow.
** spoiler omitted **

I just spat red wine all over my hotel bed. Thanks a lot :)

*delurk* You are not the only one!*relurk*
also dot, this is an AMAZING game

Male HP(104/104 or 125*/125*) Gnoll Barbarian 7 - Invulnerable Rager
DM Dan E wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

GM Dan:
I am totally fine with whatever you come up with. I say make things interesting, I am glad that Nuveril brings some tension to the group. It is all actually a little too easy for Grall so far, he has faced very bad things from humans in his life, it is partially deserved, for his kind are not very nice in general. But it is in general the "players" way to just kind of accept people not of their own kind because a 7 foot tall hulking brute of a dog man is not actually in the room. Would Linah really be as accepting if a smelly, scarred, beastial creature was in the room? Maybe...maybe not. I haven't seen it yet, but I say go ahead.

Human Cleric 7 | hp 36/51 | channel 6/7
Nuveril wrote:

Nuveril stretches approvingly as Linah's channel heals the last of the hyena bites.

** spoiler omitted **

Everyone except Grall:

"That is enough!", Linah says sharply. "Grall has proven time and time again on who's side he stands. We need to stand united if we are to banish the Kuldis from Kelmare, not try to find enemies amongst our own ranks."

Female Halfling Barbarian (superstitious) 7 | hp 72/72 (86/86 raging)

Everyone but Grall:
Nuveril shrugs. "It's no affair of mine where he sheathes his dagger; I should think you'd be relieved were he not sniffing around your skirts anymore. As for the other, I am not the only one who sees this as his opportunity to escape enslavement. Dashki approached me about it our first night in this ruin; that one is looking for any excuse to denounce him. I would not bear Grall any ill will if he took his chance. If I were a slave enlisted to fight against free halflings, I would bury my hammer in any one of your skulls happily enough. Better to die free than to live a slave."

HP -12/64, AC 19/18/16 CMD 29, Speed 50 feet, F +8, R +8, W +11, P +12, In +4, AOO +12, EF 6/6, Ki 9/9

Everyone but Grall:

Sajan joins the group after his brief chat with Garavel, nodding slowly to Nuveril's words but saying little. Eventually he speaks up-

His loyalty is not in question- but he does not act like a slave. He has forgotten his place.

We need some combat before this becomes a sitcom ;)...

Male Vishkanya Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade) 11 -- HP 123 : AC 26 CMD 26 TAC 20 FAC 17 : F+8 R+15 W+5 : INIT+8 Perception+16

Arjun has a gag reflex before he can stop himself and puts his hand to his mouth. "That is a most unpleasant thought! Are such things common in the wastes you hail from? By the Thousand Gods of Vudra, why would that even be a possibility in your mind!?"

Male HP(104/104 or 125*/125*) Gnoll Barbarian 7 - Invulnerable Rager

Grall is only gone for a short time before he everyone looks at him a little strange...
sense motive 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22
Didn't read the spoilers but guessing that his alligence may have come under question... Grall appears to get defensive and possibly a little angry, he looks pointedly at Garavel,
Master, is there a prrroblem with escorrrting an ally and guest from our camp?


As you entered, the group's attention was focused on Nuveril. She was clearly central to whatever discussions were going on. Linah looks a little angry. Arjun looks shocked as per his open post above.

As usual, Garavel shows little emotion.

There is no problem. Although I would suggest you consider phrasing you requests with more .. decorum in the future.

Turning to regard everyone, It has been a long day and you have all performed above expectations yet again. Let us all find our beds if our discussions are complete.

Poor Wandering One wrote:

*delurk* You are not the only one!*relurk*

also dot, this is an AMAZING game

Lurkers are welcome. Feel free to post in the OOC thread.

Still working on the next post which is very lengthy. This will likely be tomorrow evening GMT. You might like to allocate gear and discuss plans for tomorrow. While Khalid was unable to identify the pack from its aura, simply opening it reveals that it contains multiple extra-dimensional spaces which allow for considerable storage. Currently the pack is full of mundane supplies: food, water, spare clothing and a large tent. It will take a while to sort through it all.

Female Halfling Barbarian (superstitious) 7 | hp 72/72 (86/86 raging)
Grall wrote:
Didn't read the spoilers but guessing that his alligence may have come under question...

Simply because he sneaked off and had a secret conversation with a harpy? What could be more harmless? ;)

When Khalid opens up the magical pack and begins to pull things much too large to fit out of it, Nuveril recoils in horror. "It is accursed! I have heard of such evil apparati: All seems well until one evening the monstrous thing simply swallows the camp and everyone in it and waits for its next dinner to come along. Keep it well away from me!"

Male HP(104/104 or 125*/125*) Gnoll Barbarian 7 - Invulnerable Rager
Garavel AKA Dan E wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

As usual, Garavel shows little emotion.

There is no problem. Although I would suggest you consider phrasing you requests with more .. decorum in the future.

Turning to regard everyone, It has been a long day and you have all performed above expectations yet again. Let us all find our beds if our discussions are complete.

Grall seems to gather himself and calms quickly, Yes Masterrr, you arrre rrright, is theirr anything else you rrrequire? he says sincerely.

DM Dan:
[ooc]Dan, as more time passes, Grall will become more and more impatient about finding Haleen. This latest round of no clues to her whereabouts has him very worried. He will slowly become harder to deal with and less complacent about waiting to find her. He would never work against the team, particularly Khalid or Linah, but he might do somthing out of character in the coming days. Just a warning. I am having fun with figuring out where he is going, I have no pre-set vision for him and letting it play out due to circumstances.

Sovereign Court

HP: 49/49 AC: 22 Init: +6 Kelishite Human Inquisitor 7

Bloody Hell! I go to work for the day and the thread explodes!

A mild retcon...

Everyone but Grall:
"I suspect Grall's recent forwardness is a result of my encouragement. I have been treating him as I have treated the rest of you. I'm sure this is an uncommon occurrence at best for a slave."

Khalid has difficulty holding back a chuckle after hearing Nuveril's comments about the backpack...

"Very well, we shall keep it away from you, if that is what you wish. A small matter of business before retiring for the evening, who would like the backpack, and who would like the armor?"

HP -12/64, AC 19/18/16 CMD 29, Speed 50 feet, F +8, R +8, W +11, P +12, In +4, AOO +12, EF 6/6, Ki 9/9

I must have missed something, what was the backpack identified as? Bag of holding I guess?

Sovereign Court

HP: 49/49 AC: 22 Init: +6 Kelishite Human Inquisitor 7
Sajan Krama Sumna wrote:
I must have missed something, what was the backpack identified as? Bag of holding I guess?

Wasn't fully identified, but the description matches a Handy Haversack.

Khalid Al Ha'zareen wrote:
Sajan Krama Sumna wrote:
I must have missed something, what was the backpack identified as? Bag of holding I guess?
Wasn't fully identified, but the description matches a Handy Haversack.

Yes. Its holds lots of stuff function is obvious when it is opened. Its bring whatever you want to the top function will need a succesful spellcraft roll.

Grall wrote:
Garavel AKA Dan E wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

As usual, Garavel shows little emotion.

There is no problem. Although I would suggest you consider phrasing you requests with more .. decorum in the future.

Turning to regard everyone, It has been a long day and you have all performed above expectations yet again. Let us all find our beds if our discussions are complete.

Grall seems to gather himself and calms quickly, Yes Masterrr, you arrre rrright, is theirr anything else you rrrequire? he says sincerely.

** spoiler omitted **


Sounds good to me.

Human Cleric 7 | hp 36/51 | channel 6/7

Everyone but Grall:

"I do not care who shares your concerns. It will have to stop. You will have to learn to trust Grall if we are to successfully defeat the Kelmare gnolls. Just as i entrust my life to you", Linah replies to Nuveril.

Linah returns Sajan's comment with a pained expression, a hint of disappointment showing in her eyes.

Question to Dan: It the "earning your freedom"-trait thingie common knowledge, or is that me meta-gaming that Grall is working his way towards freedom.

Khalid Al Ha'zareen wrote:

"Very well, we shall keep it away from you, if that is what you wish. A small matter of business before retiring for the evening, who would like the backpack, and who would like the armor?"

Sounds like something for you or Grall (because i guess it's to big for Nuveril and Sajan and Arjun doesn't wear armor, unless i'm mistaken)

Male HP(104/104 or 125*/125*) Gnoll Barbarian 7 - Invulnerable Rager

Khalid, you should take the arrrmorrr. It is much morrre imporrrtant to keep you prrrotected, I am used to injurrries.

As per usual, Grall is more worried about your safety than his.

Male Vishkanya Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade) 11 -- HP 123 : AC 26 CMD 26 TAC 20 FAC 17 : F+8 R+15 W+5 : INIT+8 Perception+16

"Now that the disposition of the equipment is settled, are we off again to the town?"

Male HP(104/104 or 125*/125*) Gnoll Barbarian 7 - Invulnerable Rager

We need to have a couple of the sticky bags crrreated if this Karrrdswan can fly.
Arrrjun, do you have any magic that can make me big?

We were going to rest overnight and then look at taking them on tomorrow.

Male Vishkanya Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade) 11 -- HP 123 : AC 26 CMD 26 TAC 20 FAC 17 : F+8 R+15 W+5 : INIT+8 Perception+16

"Indeed I do, honorable Grall, but I do not know if I could brew up a potion by tomorrow morning. I can make the attempt, though.

Alchemy 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (20) + 13 = 33

DM: So working late into the night, with an alchemical lab, my trainer assisting, and a natural 20, can I brew it in one night? Lots of circumstantial modifiers so I wanted to check.

Human Cleric 7 | hp 36/51 | channel 6/7

@DM: Do the monestary have an armory of some sort. I was wondering if it would be possible to borrow a light steel shield (or heavy steel shield), unless that would effect my ability to channel positive energy and cast spells.

To confirm it was 10pm when you got back, its nearly midnight now. Arjun's superlative roll means he can bang out a bag in roughly six hours (including a +2 circumstance bonus for the lab, +2 assistance, x2 time for alchemy skill and up to x3 for the roll). But that means not enough rest for relearning extracts unless you take time during the day. Please confirm as that will affect my night post.

Someone snag the backpack please or you'll be leaving it behind.

Linah. You can poach a spare shield. No problem with abilities.


Unless I've missed something you know virtually nothing about Grall's motivations. When you met him he was serving Garavel. You might have surmised that he was trying to earn his freedom but I don't think you've had any confirmation of that. On a meta level he doesn't actually have that trait :)

Male HP(104/104 or 125*/125*) Gnoll Barbarian 7 - Invulnerable Rager
Arjun Srivastava wrote:

"Indeed I do, honorable Grall, but I do not know if I could brew up a potion by tomorrow morning. I can make the attempt, though.

Alchemy 1d20+13

DM: So working late into the night, with an alchemical lab, my trainer assisting, and a natural 20, can I brew it in one night? Lots of circumstantial modifiers so I wanted to check.

It can't take longer than making a magic item potion, you have brew potion correct as a free feat so that takes 8 hours per thousand gold pieces and the potion is 50gp so according to the feat it takes 2 hours. Dan do you agree?

I was being pretty nice to be honest. 500sp base item. DC25. Check of 37 so 925sp result for the week (I rounded this up to 2x speed you have a good lab), 132 gp for the day. Applying the multipliers (I couldn't find on a quick search whether the x2 for being an alchemist multiplies the double speed from the check to x4 or just x3). I gave the benefit of the doubt and concluded 6 hours.

The other option of course is to have Father Zanthus, a competent alchemist, try to make the item. You could set him to it tomorrow while you explore.

Male Vishkanya Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade) 11 -- HP 123 : AC 26 CMD 26 TAC 20 FAC 17 : F+8 R+15 W+5 : INIT+8 Perception+16

I cannot access the SRD from work right now. Do extracts expire and need to be re-prepared, or do they last until consumed? I didn't use any of my own extracts yesterday, only the healing ones from Zantus.

They last 1 day so you need to renew. Plus please note you used shield and true strike. The later in the fight with the perytons the former while botted against the hyena.

Male Vishkanya Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade) 11 -- HP 123 : AC 26 CMD 26 TAC 20 FAC 17 : F+8 R+15 W+5 : INIT+8 Perception+16

Thanks for the reminder. I think I will forego the extractions and work on the potion of enlarge person.

OK you do so. Two hours as Grall says so I assume you finish and go to sleep. That changes gargantuan post a bit.

Its been a long day and all but Arjun, who gets to work in the lab, find their beds quickly. As you are settling in, you hear the gnoll’s call, cutting through the night. There seems to be an edge to it. Anger. You’ve hurt them. But they know their enemy now. As you know yours.


You sleep and the waking dreams come again.

You drain the waterskin and throw it aside. Water supplies are running low. Best have the priest do something about that. Right after the battle assuming you both survive it.

Men in clothing and armour of an unfamiliar style run around you, moving to and from their assigned positions. Goddess. The sun is like a furnace. The priest offered a blessing against the heat but with the healing supplies long since used that would have been one less spell of healing available, perhaps one more of your men dead.

Its been seven days since the gnolls launched their assault on the fort and they’ve attacked every day and night since. The nights are worse. The gnolls see like cats in the dark and your running out of fuel for the fires. Assuming any of your scouts even made it through the gnoll lines, nine more days is the earliest you can hope to receive relief from the city.

The units on the west wall defend furiously against the gnolls below. You send the 6th squad of spearmen to reinforce. The beasts have been clever, more clever than you’d ever expected. These constant attacks are wearing your men down. Running your fuel and ammunition down. Sooner or later they’ll break your defences in force.

A shout draws your attention to the east wall. A massive gnoll, has made it over the wall. Screaming with rage, it lays about itself with an enormous club, making a hole for other climbers to follow. A wide horizontal sweep sends two spearmen flying off the battlement into the air. They fall the forty feet to the ground screaming.


More and more gnolls pour over the wall and in seconds your men are falling back. Eight gnolls break free of the melee and race along the battlement toward tower three. You have only four men there. Raw recruits, you wanted them out of the hand to hand fighting. They’ll not hold.


You draw your scimitar but can do nothing but watch as the gnolls collide with the defenders. One, a tall dark haired youth, little more than a boy, faces them squarely, his spear thrusting out to take the foremost in the throat. Rally! Rally! For Salkua! For Vardishal!

For a moment the attack falters but there are just too many gnolls. Your soldiers fall, one by one, to axe, spear and teeth. Last is the boy. As he struggles to retrieve his spear from a gnoll’s belly, an axe catches him in the side and he crumples to the ground.
Your reserve archers finally get to you and form up smoothly into a firing line.

Too late for your men. But not to save the fort. Sweep that trash from my walls! You’ve drilled the archers well and volley after volley of broadhead arrows slam into the invaders. After what seems like an eternity, but which is perhaps a minute, they break, the survivors retreating back over the wall. Moments later horns sound the gnoll’s general retreat. You’ve held on. At least for today.

Later, you search through the bodies. He was a boy, just a boy. You find him below an arrow riven gnoll. You feel for a pulse, knowing what you’ll find but doing it anyway. Then shock. A heartbeat! Get that priest up here, get him here now! The boy’s eyes flutter open. Did we win my lord?

Yes, we won. Hold on we’ll get you some healing. By the Dawnflower you’ve got enough bravery for ten! What’s your name lad?

Kardswann my lord.


You dream the familiar dream although this time there is no pagoda, no mountain. You stand admidst the vibrant greenery of a great jungle with trees as wide as houses and as tall as hills. The enormous canopy blocks the sun, letting only a few sparse rays of light penetrate the interior. The air is very cool and smells of fetid things.

You turn at a sound and see a grey monkey, sitting casually on a branch above you, although it must be as big as you are. It smiles at you, a large wide smile, but there is something in that smile that gives you pause.

Greetings Sajan. I am Monkey.

I think by now you know how this works. I’m offering to train you as my student. You’ve already made great strides in my Four Elements style by yourself but I could teach you more, much more.

Suddenly, the monkey is standing next to you although all you saw was a blur as if time had slowed down.

The things that Tiger teaches can be useful I suppose but that old duffer is too rigid, too passive. There is only one way to deal with your enemies. Put them down as hard and fast as possible.

I bet he gave you that bit about training a bunch of Sajan Krama Sumnas. It might suprise you to know that I’ve trained more. It shouldn’t. You come from a mighty line, for a mortal. Men of action. Men of power. You will face another of my disciples by the end, if you live that long. He is lesser now but he will not remain so. How will you defeat him without my training?

You can only have one Master though. Don’t worry I’ll tell Tiger for you. Well what do you say?


Your dreams are full of Haleen again. The harpy’s statement that the Kulldis sold all of their slaves seem to reverberate around your consciousness.

You dream of her, in a torn shift and iron manacles, being dragged by leering gnolls to the block. They throw her to the ground laughing.
Men and gnolls with cruel faces are sitting on layers of stone seats, bidding on the merchandise.

Sitting at the back is a shadowed figure, features hidden behind a baggy cloak. But even the cloak seems too small somehow, the thing rippling beneath too large, as if what you can see is superimposed over its real, hidden, form.

It jiggles a bagful of coin and Halleen screams, No not you! Not you! I am not a slave! Please don’t show me its face!

You thrash and wake. It seems like you haven’t been asleep for very long at all. You also have a full bladder. Shrugging on your leather jerkin and taking your falchion you leave the dormitory walking east down the hallway, crossing the nave and ducking under the ropes of the camel enclosure you walk a little way, your eyes cutting through the darkness.

You are about to return when you realise there are figures behind you, also ducking under the rope, about thirty feet away. Three of the mercenaries, Brotis, Dullen and Utarchus. Brotis and Dullen would have been on outside watch, and wear their scalemail and weapons. The other is unarmored but has a scimitar thrust through his belt. None have drawn steel.

Blocking your direct route back inside, they form a triangle facing you, the black bearded Brotis at the point.

Brotis addresses you sternly, Hey gnoll. You don’t belong here. We think its time for you to go. Back to your own kind. We know that you want to go. We’re here to see that you do.

Dullen adds, more nervously, Look your a slave to the humans. Well we’re humans. We’re saying you ain’t no slave no more. Just go. Noone will chase you or nothing.

The last, Utarchus, looks a bit dreamy, he doesn’t even seem to be looking at you. He mutters something to himself and the other two spare a glance at him before looking back at you. You can see his hand twitching near his scimitar hilt.

What do you do?


You settle down for the night, your bedroll as usual doing little to cushion the hard stone floor. But your used to it. One night, when you were just a teenager learning the ways of the hunt, you had to climb a tree to escape a dire lion looking for a quick snack. To big to climb but unable to knock the tree down it watched you hungrily from the bottom for hours. The other hunters found you in the morning, sleeping blissfully wedged into the topmost branch. You received a nick name from that, roughly translated “She-who-sleeps-with-lion-below”. A credit to receive a name when so young.

Sleep comes quickly and you dream.

Of soft hands and a round, kindly, face peering down at you.

Tan curtains and a blue river beyond. The smell of jasmine flowers from the window.

There is singing, in a language you do not know but which seems familiar.

You are safe and protected although a tinge of sadness intrudes. This will not last.

The fire will come.

I need two perception rolls from you please.


You settle down for the night.

And dream.

You stand in a church to the Dawnflower, a holy place of light and air, sitting atop a high hill. Grand windows beyond the altar open out showing a grant vista below. The hills, the mountains including a distinct pale grey one, a fast flowing river.

A male priest dressed in red and yellow vestments of Saranrae, not disimilar to your own, is reciting the Litany of the Light from the holy book to the assembled congregation, a mixed group of humans, halflings and even a few dwarves. The high roof reverberates with the sound of his voice, praising the Goddess’s love for all with a desire for redemption in their hearts.

It is if you are standing invisible to the side, able to watch the events but not seen by any present.

The sermon continues but you see something disturbing. Some kind of malignancy, some dark canker, sprouts unnoticed from the breast of the priest. As you watch it grows, bigger and bigger, until it is a great dark mass spreading dark tendrils through his body. He continues to speak but his expression seems to change, taking on an aspect of cruelty, of malevolent hate. The congregation does not seem to notice, they laugh and smile.

And then the darkness spreads. Slowly but surely. To mothers, fathers, children. From one to the other. They too begin to change. Becoming hateful, till all of them are consumed. And then there is nothing but the priest, beholding what has been wrought. And then there is nothing but the cold of the void, nothing but for the hatred.

The threads of the dream fade but you remember all of this one when you wake.


You work. Not very exciting I'm afraid. Spellcraft rolls for each potion you make and you'll need money for the materials from somewhere.

OK all spoilered it doesn't look gargantuan but trust me. A few people have some actions while others don't. Sorry about that but some things to resolve before morning.

Female Halfling Barbarian (superstitious) 7 | hp 72/72 (86/86 raging)

Perception 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

HP -12/64, AC 19/18/16 CMD 29, Speed 50 feet, F +8, R +8, W +11, P +12, In +4, AOO +12, EF 6/6, Ki 9/9

Arjun I have as much use for potions of enlarge person as Grall does, perhaps more, if you are able to make more Sajan will pay the cost of them out of his next loot share.


Sajan bows stiffly to Monkey, his mind already made up. With no hesitation in his mind, he replies-

Great and powerful Monkey; your offer humbles this simple Vudrani. I would learn much from your teachings, I am sure. But I have already given my word to Tiger, and it binds me as surely as the mightiest chains in the land. If I am to meet your disciple in battle, I will honour him; in either victory or defeat. his piece said, Sajan salutes Monkey with a traditional show of respect from a Vudrani- a clenched fist against an open palm with a deep bow.

Male HP(104/104 or 125*/125*) Gnoll Barbarian 7 - Invulnerable Rager

DM Dan:
the showdown....
So humans, you finally summoned the courrrage to trrry what you have been wanting. I have watched you, waited forrr this moment. It would be easy to kill all thrrree of you. I have killed in the Arrrenas, I have slain Demons, I have slain magical beasts, slain so many....Do you really think to trrry me? Look into yourrr souls, what you think to trrry now is yourrr doom.
he draws out his holy symbol,
Sarrrenrrrae is with me, she is the rrredemer. She brrrought me here to prrrotect and save you, even though you don't want it frrrom me. All you see is the furrr and what my people arrre. If you kill me herrre, it will mean the doom of you all. Only the beast within me can slay the beast in that city. Perrrhaps that is my test, to save you in spite of yourrrselves... he waits for their response, making no aggressive moves.

Sovereign Court

HP: 49/49 AC: 22 Init: +6 Kelishite Human Inquisitor 7

DM Dan:
Khalid awakens from his dream in a cold sweat, having gained what he believes to be a crucial clue about Kardswann. The inqusitor sits up muttering to himself, "He served Vardishal, and through him Sarenrae. What could have changed him from what he once was? This shrine was Vardishal's...perhaps there is something within the library yet that will provide us more information about this Kardswann."

Determined to find any clue that may be there, Khalid heads for the shrine's library, or at least what is left of it...

Human Cleric 7 | hp 36/51 | channel 6/7

Linah wakes up with a gasp and looks around the room. She takes a few seconds to gather her wits then gathers her equipment and heads for the chapel to pray and contemplate her dream.


A minor thing about the dream. You wrote that the priest wore red and yellow vestments. I thought Sarenrae's color was blue and yellow?

Male Vishkanya Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade) 11 -- HP 123 : AC 26 CMD 26 TAC 20 FAC 17 : F+8 R+15 W+5 : INIT+8 Perception+16

I would try to make two potions in total; one for Grall and one for Sajan.

Craft (alchemy) 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (12) + 17 = 29

Arjun Srivastava wrote:

I would try to make two potions in total; one for Grall and one for Sajan.

Craft (alchemy) 1d20+17

Gah not being able to post on my bb is getting really annoying. I'm going to have to post a help thread.

As per previous spellcraft rolls for potions and one for each.

Update shortly. Some of your timelines are out of sync. If I'm not responding to your last post I haven't forgotten you I'm syncing them up. Sorry if this seems arbitrary. Me not being able to post continuously during the day as I normally can is making things harder. Sorry also if things are a little bit more expository than you'd like but I think we're going to rapidly (in game time) accelerate toward the looming showdown now so wanted to get some things out of the way.

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