DM Tanner Presents Legacy of Fire


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Male Vishkanya Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade) 11 -- HP 123 : AC 26 CMD 26 TAC 20 FAC 17 : F+8 R+15 W+5 : INIT+8 Perception+16

"Discretion is the better part of valor..." Arjun readies himself to retreat back to the monastery.

That would have restored it to 0hp and prone. Let us say Arjun brains it with his quarterstaff. That is critical mass for fleeing.

With a broken neck and no head you feel confident that the demon will not be getting back up. Grall grasps his grisly prize while Sajan takes the halberd leaving behind only the rancid loin cloth. Taking the head or not?

You head out the way you came in,through the buildings and along the river, bruised but triumphant. Grall and Nuveril are slow initially but soon recover and you head south for the relative safety of the hills.

Male HP(104/104 or 125*/125*) Gnoll Barbarian 7 - Invulnerable Rager

I think there was some disagreement about the head between Sajan and Grall...I think they were going to wrestle for it :)

Male Vishkanya Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade) 11 -- HP 123 : AC 26 CMD 26 TAC 20 FAC 17 : F+8 R+15 W+5 : INIT+8 Perception+16
Grall wrote:
I think there was some disagreement about the head between Sajan and Grall...I think they were going to wrassle for it :)

Fixed it for you.

HP -12/64, AC 19/18/16 CMD 29, Speed 50 feet, F +8, R +8, W +11, P +12, In +4, AOO +12, EF 6/6, Ki 9/9

Actually, figured Grall would accept Sajan's decision, being a slave ;).

Looking back at the town several hundred yards away from cover you see that the gnolls have hastily assembled a strike force. At least a dozen gnolls and a half dozen hyenas. Admidst their bulk you almost miss a slim figure, fully covered in black chador and veil. It seems to be ordering the gnolls around and they hop to obey. They do not see you but they seem to be trying to find your trail..

Sovereign Court

HP: 49/49 AC: 22 Init: +6 Kelishite Human Inquisitor 7

"Gnolls and hyenas following us. Perhaps too many to strike back at without a proper ambush. But on the other hand we can't risk leading them back to the shrine. What do the rest of you think?"

HP -12/64, AC 19/18/16 CMD 29, Speed 50 feet, F +8, R +8, W +11, P +12, In +4, AOO +12, EF 6/6, Ki 9/9

Maybe make footsteps hard to follow? Sajan asks, suddenly out of his element once more. The shrine is more protectable. And the other mercenaries could help...

Female Halfling Barbarian (superstitious) 7 | hp 72/72 (86/86 raging)

Having dropped her foe, Nuveril turned with a smile of triumph, despite her wounds and fatigue. "Two more notches for my hammer today!" she crows. Her face darkens when she sees the demon lying broken on the ground, but she joins the party in victorious retreat, with only a kick for the caprine body lying still in the dust.

Later, away from the town, as they look back to see the hunting party assembling for pursuit, she suggests, "The ancestor dogs? If we can make it to their hills, perhaps their pawprints will cover our trail and we can return to our camp."

Male HP(104/104 or 125*/125*) Gnoll Barbarian 7 - Invulnerable Rager

True, Grall would just look at Sajan surprised, grunt an affirmative and move on.
Seeing the Hyenas..he makes an assessment.
Take 10 on knowledge nature check, can I remember if the Hyenas have scent?

If you'd like to anti-track I need someone to make a survival track check with up to two assists. An assist fail will deduct from the main check.

Grall wrote:

True, Grall would just look at Sajan surprised, grunt an affirmative and move on.

Seeing the Hyenas..he makes an assessment.
Take 10 on knowledge nature check, can I remember if the Hyenas have scent?

That's enough for Grall to know whatever is on their entry.

Female Halfling Barbarian (superstitious) 7 | hp 72/72 (86/86 raging)

Looks like Grall has the best Survival. Khalid and Nuveril can try Aid Anothers. Aid Another: Survival 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20

Human Cleric 7 | hp 36/51 | channel 6/7

How are we doing health-wise?

Female Halfling Barbarian (superstitious) 7 | hp 72/72 (86/86 raging)

Nuveril's left arm is soaked in blood from the still-slowly-seeping cuts on her shoulder.

Nuveril is down 9 HP and has 10 left.

HP -12/64, AC 19/18/16 CMD 29, Speed 50 feet, F +8, R +8, W +11, P +12, In +4, AOO +12, EF 6/6, Ki 9/9

Sajan's fine.

Human Cleric 7 | hp 36/51 | channel 6/7
Nuveril wrote:

Nuveril's left arm is soaked in blood from the still-slowly-seeping cuts on her shoulder.

Nuveril is down 9 HP and has 10 left.

Have one on the house!

Cure light wounds on Nuveril: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

Male Vishkanya Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade) 11 -- HP 123 : AC 26 CMD 26 TAC 20 FAC 17 : F+8 R+15 W+5 : INIT+8 Perception+16

Arjun, the cautionary fellow he is, has no damage.

Sovereign Court

HP: 49/49 AC: 22 Init: +6 Kelishite Human Inquisitor 7

Back to full after the spell I cast.

Aid Survival:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

Female Halfling Barbarian (superstitious) 7 | hp 72/72 (86/86 raging)
Linah Jamil'Kaid wrote:
Nuveril wrote:

Nuveril's left arm is soaked in blood from the still-slowly-seeping cuts on her shoulder.

Nuveril is down 9 HP and has 10 left.

Have one on the house!

Cure light wounds on Nuveril: 1d8+2

The halfling gives Linah a grudging nod of gratitude, working her shoulder in its socket as the cuts heal. "Even if they track us now, we could take them," she boasts.

Male HP(104/104 or 125*/125*) Gnoll Barbarian 7 - Invulnerable Rager

Blood trickles from one large wound and several small ones.
He is down 11 points out of 33.

Can I take a 10? If not here is the roll survival1d20 + 11 ⇒ (14) + 11 = 25

HP -12/64, AC 19/18/16 CMD 29, Speed 50 feet, F +8, R +8, W +11, P +12, In +4, AOO +12, EF 6/6, Ki 9/9
Nuveril wrote:
"Even if they track us now, we could take them," she boasts.

Never has Sajan fought a foe as strong as the one who wielded this halberd- or as slippery to hold onto... Sajan would like to crush Gnoll's tomorrow.

Human Cleric 7 | hp 36/51 | channel 6/7

D'oh, i should have saved the cure light wounds and used two channels instead.

Linah releases a burst of positive energy to close the worst of Grall's wounds. Channel positive energy: 1d6 ⇒ 4

"We should try get to the mountain terrain where it will be easier to loose them. My reserves are being stretched thin, i do not want to face the horde right after the trial with the demon."

All spells are gone and i've got 4 channels left for today. Can probably handle another fight but Linah would prefer not to.

Male HP(104/104 or 125*/125*) Gnoll Barbarian 7 - Invulnerable Rager

Grall lines them up in single fil, Khalid in the front, Nuveril in the middle helping to keep the group focused and moving, and we start to move at half speed with Grall in the rear wth a bush covering the tracks.
We will move slower, but be harder to track. We must go now!

Its 12:45pm and hot! Battle was at about 12:30pm

I'm OK with Grall taking 10 on tracking. They're not, as yet, breathing down the back of your neck.

Between them Grall, Khalid and Nuveril use every trick they know to try and throw the gnolls off your trail: cutting false trails, moving back and forward over rocky ground, sweeping your tracks, even using a rare cactus sap to try and thwart the following hyenas sense of smell.

DM only:

1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 9 + 2 = 16 fail!
1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 9 + 2 = 15 fail!

Proceeding as you are the going is fairly slow. But you reach the shelter of the high hills surrounding the monastery and note with some relief that the gnolls are not following. Whether they lost the trail or just gave up is unclear. Nevertheless, it seems it is only a matter of time until the gnolls locate your camp. Where else could you be?

Fighting and running in the heat is taking its toll and you spare a few minutes rest before setting off for the monastery. Fort saves for an hour exposure please. Seperate survival checks for bonuses.

Before much longer its stone walls are in sight. But something seems wrong... You are used to seeing one of the mercenaries stationed permanantly at the entrance, both as a guard and to keep watch over the camels. But no guard stands there now. And as you approach you hear yells and some sort of shriek from inside.

Yeah inconvenient timing but a scripted event.

Female Halfling Barbarian (superstitious) 7 | hp 72/72 (86/86 raging)

Fortitude 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23

Survival 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

Bored with all the work to cover their tracks (and slightly disappointed that the ruse seems to have worked), Nuveril perks up as the shriek reaches her ears. "Trouble," she gloats, clutching her hammer, as she runs for the monastery entrance.

Perception to find the source of the trouble 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

Sovereign Court

HP: 49/49 AC: 22 Init: +6 Kelishite Human Inquisitor 7

Fort Save:1d20 + 4 - 1 ⇒ (12) + 4 - 1 = 15 (Con Damage)

Aid Survival:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

"There will be no respite for us it appears..."

Male HP(104/104 or 125*/125*) Gnoll Barbarian 7 - Invulnerable Rager

Fortitude Save 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20
survival1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27
he follows Nuveril but looks to make sure we are not walking into an ambush... perception 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

Human Cleric 7 | hp 36/51 | channel 6/7

Fort save: 1d20 + 4 - 4 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 4 - 4 + 2 = 16 (-4 for armor and i'm going to snag one of those survival assists if you don't mind :)

Linah follows close behind with her scimitar drawn. While running she prays that they are not to late.

HP -12/64, AC 19/18/16 CMD 29, Speed 50 feet, F +8, R +8, W +11, P +12, In +4, AOO +12, EF 6/6, Ki 9/9

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

Big men don't cope well in the heat ya see...

Male HP(104/104 or 125*/125*) Gnoll Barbarian 7 - Invulnerable Rager
Sajan Krama Sumna wrote:


Big men don't cope well in the heat ya see...

You can go on Grall's all Alpo diet? Will thin you right up...

Arjun fort 1d20 + 5 - 4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 5 - 4 + 2 = 4

Grall's assisted survival is enough for a +2 for everyone (-4 for any armour). DC 15.

The heat took its toll. You had plenty of time to heal this before you made it back to the monastery if you wish to have done so.
Arjun 1d4 ⇒ 1 non-lethal
Sajan 1d4 ⇒ 2 non-lethal
Linah 1d4 ⇒ 1 non-lethal
Khalid 1d4 ⇒ 3 non-lethal

Niveril pinpoints the noise of battle from the courtyard and you run there, Grall alert for ambushes.

Battle update likely tomorrow morning.

Male Vishkanya Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade) 11 -- HP 123 : AC 26 CMD 26 TAC 20 FAC 17 : F+8 R+15 W+5 : INIT+8 Perception+16

Sorry, my RSS feed is acting up again. I'm not seeing updates like I should.

Arjun spends a great deal of time mopping his bald head with a handkerchief. "What shall we do, now that the forces of Kelmerane know for a fact we are here?"

Sovereign Court

HP: 49/49 AC: 22 Init: +6 Kelishite Human Inquisitor 7

"I am not certain that what plagues the shrine and the gnolls of Kelmarane are one in the same....they very well could be, but this could be a different foe."

Sorry for the delay.

You run to the courtyard and find a battle in progress.

The six mercenaries are fighting an enormous vulture-like bird. Its wingspan must be a full fifteen feet wide. A long narrow neck ends in a squat fac itPost?post=v5748gbij1nkq#newPoste with an eighteen inch long beak that looks wicked sharp and is coated red.

The bird is hovering just over twenty foot off the ground. Even at that height the beat of its wings are sending up columns of dust and dirt.

Yesper is lying, bleeding and unmoving, on the ground. Elia and Utarchus stand over her trying to ward off the bird with scimitars and shields. Both seem to bear wounds, a fan of red covers the left side of Elia's face and Utarchus is bleeding from hip and shoulder.

The other 3 mercenaries have spread out around the edges of the courtyard shooting at the bird with crossbows. A bolt sticking out of the bird's side testifies to their efforts but they may have done little more than anger the creature, it is frenzied.

Chicken or Egg?, Round 1

Grall 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
Nuveril 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
Linah 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
Khalid 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Sajan 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22 !
Arjun 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
Mercenaries 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
Giant Bird 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12

Ordered Initiative
Sajan 22
Arjun 20
Linah 20
Nuveril 15
Grall 15
Bird 12
Mercenaries 9
Khalid 8


- N/A


- Bird has ten feet reach.

- The other combatants will not start the fight flat-footed as they have been battling.

- Map is up. Ignore the trees Sajan has pretty much cleared the open area as part of his gardening.

If you didn't return to the monastery this afternoon you were getting a mercenary each to play out the fight. Remember you are still level 2 until you rest.

Male HP(104/104 or 125*/125*) Gnoll Barbarian 7 - Invulnerable Rager

Grall enters his rage and draws a Javelin as he moves 40' to G18
atk javelin enraged 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23 dam 1d6 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
He roars at the beast trying to get its attention!

Male Vishkanya Swashbuckler (Inspired Blade) 11 -- HP 123 : AC 26 CMD 26 TAC 20 FAC 17 : F+8 R+15 W+5 : INIT+8 Perception+16

Arjun throws a fire bomb over the bird's head, purposely trying to hit the backside of the monster and avoiding hurting the mercenaries.

Attack square M16
Attack 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19 vs AC 5

Vulture-thingie takes 5 fire damage. Half damage with DC 15 Reflex save.

Female Halfling Barbarian (superstitious) 7 | hp 72/72 (86/86 raging)

Nuveril takes in the situation at a glance and moves toward the clutch of people bearing the brunt of the bird's attack. She takes her place, hammer and madu held up protectively, to defend the fallen mercenary. Move to J 16; Acrobatics roll to avoid AoO 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19

Human Cleric 7 | hp 36/51 | channel 6/7

Round 1, initiative 20

Always quick to react (*flex*) Linah draws her scimitar and darts forward. Midway to the wounded guards she emits a wave of soothing energy.

Move action to F13
Standard action to Channel positive energy (exluding the vulture): 1d6 ⇒ 4

HP -12/64, AC 19/18/16 CMD 29, Speed 50 feet, F +8, R +8, W +11, P +12, In +4, AOO +12, EF 6/6, Ki 9/9

Sajan moves to H14 and takes a shot with his heavy crossbow before tossing it aside.

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10
1d10 ⇒ 2

Sajan reacts more quickly than normal. However, the vulture is a difficult target despite its size and his shot goes wide, the thick bolt sailing over the roof and out into the sky.

Arjun moves around to get line of sight and lobs his fire bomb. It explodes in mid-air showering the bird with fiery fragments but it jinks away evading the worst. 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26 pass 4 damage splash right? You need to move to throw I've put you in F14

Linah's burst of healing washs over the group and the cluster of mercenaries. Some of Elia and Utarchus' wounds close over but the effect on the fallen Yesper is not immediately apparent. Note this will heal the same amount of non-lethal.

Nuveril fearlessly takes up position in front of the mercenaries. Its twenty plus feet up so no risk of AOO.

Grall's javelin takes the bird in the wing shaving off skin and feathers. His roars don't seem to grab the bird's attention though, it seems very focused on the figures in front of it.

It flights around and down in a tight spiral, hovering about 13' off the ground to snap a bite at Nuveril It ends in the same squares. . The beat of its wings sends up a torrent of dirt and debris from the dry (and now cleared) ground of the courtyard creating a large hemispherical cloud and making it difficult to see.

Hover ability for a large creature. Creatures have concealment at 15 to 20 feet (20% miss chance). At 25 feet or more, creatures have total concealment (50% miss chance, and opponents cannot use sight to locate the creature). I'm not going to bother marking this on the map. You can still tell the square the creature is in as its the centre of the cloud. Currently, Nuveril can see the creature clearly but everyone else has total concealment (tho only just for Sajan and Grall, a square closer will put them in concealment).

Bite 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15 miss
1d8 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10

The beak comes close but the halfling is too quick to be hit.

With the creature out of reach Elia and Utarchus are unable to do much. Both shield their eyes from the cloud and defend. The three crossbowmen are similarly thwarted, moving in closer and waiting for a better opportunity to fire.

Khalid is up.

Human Cleric 7 | hp 36/51 | channel 6/7
DM Dan E wrote:

Linah's burst of healing washs over the group and the cluster of mercenaries. Some of Elia and Utarchus' wounds close over but the effect on the fallen Yesper is not immediately apparent. Note this will heal the same amount of non-lethal.

Does this count towards the heal count requirement for the Healer achievement feat?

HP -12/64, AC 19/18/16 CMD 29, Speed 50 feet, F +8, R +8, W +11, P +12, In +4, AOO +12, EF 6/6, Ki 9/9

DM, how high would Sajan need to jump to be able to strike it?

Sajan Krama Sumna wrote:
DM, how high would Sajan need to jump to be able to strike it?

Thirteen feet of the ground so from an adjacent or same square lets say eight feet. *Handwaves how Sajan kicks or punches five feet away*

Sovereign Court

HP: 49/49 AC: 22 Init: +6 Kelishite Human Inquisitor 7

Khalid moves in closer to the bird G15 and launches a firebolt in the direction of the creature.

Knowledge (Nature?):1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26 to ID the bird if it is a magical beast, Khalid's Knowledge (Arcane) is the same roll.

Firebolt:1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16 vs. touch AC
Miss Chance:1d100 ⇒ 79 (01-50 misses)
Damage:1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

HP -12/64, AC 19/18/16 CMD 29, Speed 50 feet, F +8, R +8, W +11, P +12, In +4, AOO +12, EF 6/6, Ki 9/9
DM Dan E wrote:
Sajan Krama Sumna wrote:
DM, how high would Sajan need to jump to be able to strike it?
Thirteen feet of the ground so from an adjacent or same square lets say eight feet. *Handwaves how Sajan kicks or punches five feet away*

Well to be fair hes 6"5 himself anyway. Ta.

Khalid can't really see the creature but can determine its general location. His fire bolt rockets through the cloud, cleaving a path, to strike the vulture in the neck. The damage is minor but the bird is clearly discomforted by the fire. I'm going with you being able to target it with your touch attack without you strictly seeing it. Other ranged attacks will need to get within 20 feet.

Chicken or Egg, Round 2

Ordered Initiative
Sajan 22
Arjun 20
Linah 20
Nuveril 15
Grall 15
Bird 12 (-11hp)
Mercenaries 9
Khalid 8


- N/A


- Bird has ten feet reach.

- Map is updated please excuse my kindergarden level paint skills. Ignore the trees Sajan has pretty much cleared the open area as part of his gardening.

- Cloud is providing concealment from 15-20' (20% miss) and total concealment over 25' (50% concealment and cannot target with sight). This is indicated in brown on the map.


You identify the bird as a Geier a solitary type of vulture which can grow very large. This one is as big as any you've heard about. Like all vultures its a carrion eater but a Geier is so big that its not uncommon for it to seek fresh prey. Its obvious now that the nest in the courtyard was its. Its quite common for a Geier to have several nests and leave them for days at a time which is clearly why you didn't encounter it before now. Its extremely protective and you surmise it will keep attacking anything around its nest. As angry as it it now you expect it will be even more so if it discovers its eggs gone.

In terms of combat there isn't much to know. Its big and strong with a tough body. Like any animal it isn't too keen on fire but in its current agitated state you think you would need to hit it with a lot to make it flee.

Linah Jamil'Kaid wrote:
DM Dan E wrote:

Linah's burst of healing washs over the group and the cluster of mercenaries. Some of Elia and Utarchus' wounds close over but the effect on the fallen Yesper is not immediately apparent. Note this will heal the same amount of non-lethal.
Does this count towards the heal count requirement for the Healer achievement feat?

TBH I had completely forgot about the achivements. Let me think about them.

Human Cleric 7 | hp 36/51 | channel 6/7

Round 2, initiative 20
Linah continues her rush towards the injured mercenaries and kneels down next to Yesper and examines his wounds.

Move action to H15
Standard action to check Yespers's condition (heal check i guess?): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

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