Difficulty Class (DC) Chart?

Rules Questions

Liberty's Edge

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There is a chart in the Core Rules and, presumably, in the PRD, that gives the typical DC for various difficulties ... i.e. DC 10 for easy task, DC 25 for very difficult etc.

Does anyone know where that chart is??? I can't find it in the PRD and I don't have my Core book handy.


Scarab Sages

I recommend this chart by Denny Edwards. Excellent resource IMO!

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Marc Radle wrote:

There is a chart in the Core Rules and, presumably, in the PRD, that gives the typical DC for various difficulties ... i.e. DC 10 for easy task, DC 25 for very difficult etc.

Does anyone know where that chart is??? I can't find it in the PRD and I don't have my Core book handy.


If you don't mind some 3.5 material, there's a wonderful chart that lists example, key ability, check DC, and "who could do it" on page 31 of the 3.5 DMG.

For example, It's a -10 DC Listen check to "Hear the sounds of a pitched battle," which can be done by "A commoner on the other side of a stone wall.

My personal favorite is "Track a goblin that passed over hard rocks a week ago, and it snowed yesterday." DC 43 Survival check that can be done by "A 20th level ranger who has maxed out his survival skill and has been fighting goblinoids as his favored enemy since first level."


Liberty's Edge

All useful stuff, but I'm specifically looking for the official Pathfinder PRG DC chart.

Am I crazy? Did I imagine seeing this chart?

Scarab Sages

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Marc Radle wrote:
Am I crazy? Did I imagine seeing this chart?

Not crazy, you just failed your Will save to disbelieve.

I looked, didn't find a chart.

I don't have the DM screen with me but I think there might be a DC chart on there. Could be wrong and maybe I was thinking it would be a good place for it.

To my knowledge, there is no "official" Pathfinder DC chart that covers everything under the sun. That is a 4E thing.

edit: That being said, this may do the trick for you:

Liberty's Edge

Aplus wrote:

To my knowledge, there is no "official" Pathfinder DC chart that covers everything under the sun. That is a 4E thing.

Um ... OK ....

I was not suggesting a chart that covers everything under the sun.

The chart I am referring to was simpler and more straight forward. It had no more than maybe 6 or 7 entries and basically just listed typical DC values and then gave a quick idea of the kind of challenge that would be appropriate for that DC

For example:

DC 5 extremely easy task
DC 10 easy task
DC 15 average difficulty
DC 20 difficult task
DC 25 very difficult task
DC 30 extremely difficult task
DC 35+ all but impossible task

Heh, I guess one could argue that I just created the very chart I'm looking for :) The question in that case though, as are those numbers and values accurate?

Anyway, I checked the Core book and the DM's screen last night and did not find the mysterious chart either, so it looks like it really isn't there. The weird thing is I'm sure I saw this darn thing somewhere ... maybe it was in the Beta but never made it into the final book?

Oh well ....

I don't believe I've ever seen that chart in Pathfinder, though I think I've seen multiple renditions of it in 3.5.

As to whether the chart is acceptable, sure, why not? "Difficult task" isn't a term that has any bearing on game mechanics, so assigning it to 20 instead of 25 or 30 or even 35 doesn't make a big difference. I think that monikers like "difficult" and "impossible" are really PC- and level-specific. For example, a DC 20 is an all but impossible task to the majority of commoners (who likely make up the majority of the majority of worlds), but it's "As long as I don't roll a 1" for some high level PCs. In a way, it's all subjective.

While I can't point you towards the chart you're looking for, perhaps we can hash it out to your liking? What purpose do you have in mind for this chart? What do you want it to do, support, or espouse, and what kind of "people" will it apply to?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

There is no such chart in the core rulebook. What constitutes a "difficult" check kind of depends on the exact check or skill being rolled—with so many different types of things requiring DCs, it's better to list that info for each type of check, in my opinion, rather than try to do one that covers all possible skill checks, saving throws, ability checks, level checks, concentration checks, etc.

That said, there's something relatively close in the Bestiary, in Table 1–1; that table shows the expected save DCs for special abilities according to monster CR.

Yes there is a chart it is here in the SRD. http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/usingSkills.htm You have not lost your mind you just misplaced it.


Might be of some help as well

DragonAstik wrote:
Yes there is a chart it is here in the SRD. http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/usingSkills.htm You have not lost your mind you just misplaced it.

Hey, guy writing in 2014: that's not Pathfinder, that's 3.5!

You're misleading the guy from 2010, if he's still reading this thread!

FYI there is something very similar that does exist for 2e (p.503 of the Core rulebook) which might be helpful for 1e too?

Probably not a good idea to use one of the PF2 DC charts in PF1. PF2 characters don't have to make choices about spending skill points - all the skills they know how to use go up one every level. Or more than one, due to increased attributes or improved proficiencies.

This means 'climbing this wall is a DC 30 skill check' is going to be fairly easy for a PF2 level 12 PC with Athletics as one of their trained class skills. In PF1 only a character who put a skill point in Climb pretty much every level would be able to manage it.

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Matthew Downie wrote:
DragonAstik wrote:
Yes there is a chart it is here in the SRD. http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/usingSkills.htm You have not lost your mind you just misplaced it.

Hey, guy writing in 2014: that's not Pathfinder, that's 3.5!

You're misleading the guy from 2010, if he's still reading this thread!

Hello guy from 2018, you should buy stocks in an online meeting app called Zoom and in Kleenex toilet paper ... and move to New Zealand.

(Just making sure everyone knows their replies may not be seen by the intended recipient)

Thanks, I got your message! I feel like maybe you could have been more specific so I could have used my future knowledge to save thousand of lives? Oh well, at least I got rich out of it...

Matthew Downie wrote:
Thanks, I got your message! I feel like maybe you could have been more specific so I could have used my future knowledge to save thousand of lives? Oh well, at least I got rich out of it...

Nah dude, I tried that with Bill Gates. HE TRIED TO GET THE MESSAGE OUT but people just didn't listen. Turns out time travel is a tricky thing.

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