Beast Totem Attacks

Rules Questions

Would you gain additional claw attacks when raging if you have the Beast Totem rage power when your BAB gets to 6 and beyond? The Lesser power specifically states you gain two claw attacks, so does that mean even a 20th level Barbarian would only have two claw attacks? Or do you still gain additional claw attacks when your BAB increases to the appropriate levels?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
jimmyblitz wrote:
Would you gain additional claw attacks when raging if you have the Beast Totem rage power when your BAB gets to 6 and beyond? The Lesser power specifically states you gain two claw attacks, so does that mean even a 20th level Barbarian would only have two claw attacks? Or do you still gain additional claw attacks when your BAB increases to the appropriate levels?

You never get iterative attacks with natural weapons. You could however use a 1-handed weapon in your primary hand to get your normal and iterative attack, then make a secondary attack (with a -5 penalty from your full bonus) with your off-hand claw.

Gjorbjond wrote:
You never get iterative attacks with natural weapons. You could however use a 1-handed weapon in your primary hand to get your normal and iterative attack, then make a secondary attack (with a -5 penalty from your full bonus) with your off-hand claw.

So then there is a huge disadvantage to taking this rage power when you get to higher levels? Grr. I really like this one, but losing the extra attacks on top of losing the extra damage you do if you were to use a two handed weapon with power attack (not to mention being able to magically upgrade a weapon with modifiers and abilities) makes the beast totem a nice concept that fails to be at all practical.

Do not forget that you need this to gain the beast totem, greater rage ability. Gaining pounce so you can full attack at the end of a charge is nice at high levels. I believe you can use this to full attack with a weapon rather than your claws, giving you access to quite a bit of damage potential on the first round of combat.

Christopher Hauschild wrote:
Do not forget that you need this to gain the beast totem, greater rage ability. Gaining pounce so you can full attack at the end of a charge is nice at high levels. I believe you can use this to full attack with a weapon rather than your claws, giving you access to quite a bit of damage potential on the first round of combat.

I always assumed this - the rule does not state that the attacks must me done with the claws.

Kaiyanwang wrote:
Christopher Hauschild wrote:
Do not forget that you need this to gain the beast totem, greater rage ability. Gaining pounce so you can full attack at the end of a charge is nice at high levels. I believe you can use this to full attack with a weapon rather than your claws, giving you access to quite a bit of damage potential on the first round of combat.
I always assumed this - the rule does not state that the attacks must me done with the claws.

RAW this is correct. I have seen it inferred that you can only benefit from the claws, but that makes the Beast Totem chain one of the worst rather than the best.

I'm playing a beast totem Barbarian at the moment, and it has been fun so far. I'm having fun competing for damage with the Two Handed Weapon archetyped fighter. Pretty even so far. He's rolling 2d6+2xStr mod and I'm rolling 1d6+Str mod twice, and barely edging him out when PA is factored in.

Yes the beast totem does seem fun which is why I chose it. But I'm glad to see i don't have to regret it when considering that the pounce ability. Also, I've found that the elemental rage abilities combine nicely. They levels needed for certain abilities perfectly coincide with when you gain access to Beast totem abilities. Basically every rage ability combines to where you have beast totem power at levels 2, 6, 10, then elemental rage power 4, 8, 12.

I was under the impression that barbarian somewhat needes ometing like pounce. I was very glad, the time APG were "spoiled", to see it.

It fits very well with the savae nature of the class and helps a lot damage-wise.

I build a 12 level barbarian with the overbearing onslaugh and greater overrun tier, as well as with pounce and CaGM, knockbak and knockdown. (extra rage power).

It's really, really fun to play, both control and damage wise.

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