The Prelate (Rebuilding the 3.5 Archivist)

Homebrew and House Rules

I'm currently playing the 3.5 Heroes of Horror class the Archivist in a Pathfinder game. I love this class, at it's core, but I hate how easily abusable it is. I really have to watch myself to not overshadow the other players. With that in mind, I have attempted to rebuild the class to be more group friendly. Please have a look at the Prelate that I have prepared in a Google document. Here is the Heroes of Horror version for comparison.

I am still working on some of the kinks in the wording and in the power level. I am also trying out some options for archetypes for the class. Potentially I'll be adding racial favored class options and specialized feats as well.

Please offer up your thoughts, opinions and critiques.

Racial favored class bonuses, a few feats and some thoughts on archetypes have been added. Suggestions and critiques on those are much appreciated.

Any interest in publishing this at the Pathfinder Database?

Mauril wrote:

I'm currently playing the 3.5 Heroes of Horror class the Archivist in a Pathfinder game. I love this class, at it's core, but I hate how easily abusable it is. I really have to watch myself to not overshadow the other players. With that in mind, I have attempted to rebuild the class to be more group friendly. Please have a look at the Prelate that I have prepared in a Google document. Here is the Heroes of Horror version for comparison.

I am still working on some of the kinks in the wording and in the power level. I am also trying out some options for archetypes for the class. Potentially I'll be adding racial favored class options and specialized feats as well.

Please offer up your thoughts, opinions and critiques.

Pathfinder Database Pimp wrote:

Any interest in publishing this at the Pathfinder Database?

Mauril wrote:

I'm currently playing the 3.5 Heroes of Horror class the Archivist in a Pathfinder game. I love this class, at it's core, but I hate how easily abusable it is. I really have to watch myself to not overshadow the other players. With that in mind, I have attempted to rebuild the class to be more group friendly. Please have a look at the Prelate that I have prepared in a Google document. Here is the Heroes of Horror version for comparison.

I am still working on some of the kinks in the wording and in the power level. I am also trying out some options for archetypes for the class. Potentially I'll be adding racial favored class options and specialized feats as well.

Please offer up your thoughts, opinions and critiques.

If it will get me feedback and a little publicity while letting me retain the right to my intellectual property, sure.

The class, feats and archetypes are posted over at the Pathfinder Database awaiting publication.

I'm still seeking comments, corrections, suggestions and questions in this thread if anyone is interested.

The Prelate is posted at the Pathfinder Database for comments, critiques and suggestions. Thanks to the guys over there for the excellent arrangement and formatting.

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