Ion Raven |
Say that there is a Drow Noble Rogue 5/Shadow Dancer 1/Assassin 2, who happens to have max ranks in stealth, magical items that give him a competence bonus, and a wand of invisibility; how does one fight off this horror of a mess?
Specifically the combination of Deeper Darkness at will, Hide in Plain Sight, Invisibility, and the Death Attack. What keeps the assassin from using their hide in plain sight ability to study a target for 3 rounds and then throwing a melee weapon to pick off enemies?
I guess I'm looking for two things really, anyway to fight off this menace and a consensus that such use of vague rules is complete dickery.
But really, what is a good plan to protect an Aasimar Paladin 4/ Sorcerer 1/ Dragon Disciple 3?
Wolfthulhu |
1) What Alexander said.
If the victim of such a death attack fails a Fortitude save (DC 10 + the assassin’s class level + the assassin’s Int modifier) against the kill effect, she dies.
2) The DC for this save shouldn't be more than 14 maybe 16 at the outside, I doubt he has raised his Int that high. I also assume your Cha is at least a 16 which gives you a Fort save of 9.
3) Once you have thrown a melee weapon it becomes a ranged weapon, and is thus incapable of making a Death Attack. He has to do this in Melee range.
Your response, quaff potion of See Invisibility, use a wand of Daylight on your shield or some other object that you carry. This will either hinder him or negate his Deeper Darkness. Turn on the Smite Evil and do what you do best.
The odds really are in your favor, your only concern is the Fort save and if my assumptions are close to right you only need to roll a 7 or higher.
Anburaid |
first of all, there is nothing wrong with the rules. This assassin was made to be good at what he does. The complete dickery is part of being a rogue style character.
invisibility is a pain, but it can be fought with various divination spells, including detect magic, although the assassin would still have 50% concealment against attacks.
If the assassin is just using HiPS, then your average torch/light casts normal light for a 20' radius, which is 10 more than HiPS covers. Both of course are vulnerable to deeper darkness.
However, deeper darkness confounds the use of sneak attack since you cannot use sneak attack against an opponent who has concealment. No sneak attack, no death attack.
Anburaid |
Anburaid wrote:Pretty sure thats false.
invisibility is a pain, but it can be fought with various divination spells, including detect magic
Well, allow me to elaborate. Invisibility is a magical effect that confounds sight. Detect magic detects the presence or absence of magic. Detect magic is not necessarily a sense based on sight, although the text in various places seems to suggest so. Even then invisibility only blocks vision of the subject, it says nothing of blocking detection spells. That is what non-detection is for.
First of all you need 3 rounds to get the ability to work well enough to know the location of all magic auras within the spells effect. That is just as long as an assassin needs to death attack you. So on that alone, you will need to win the initiative to beat the death attack. Detect magic is also blocked by stone/earth/lead, so those need to be accounted for.
Even though you know the presence of an invisible person, doesn't mean you can see them. you still treat them as an invisible target, and you still do not get your Dex to AC. All you know is there location. Its the same as if you bested their stealth with a MAD perception roll. Also it requires concentration so its not something you can keep up while taking damage or if you want to cast spells. Its the poor man's see invisible.
Ion Raven |
Don't forget about the spell resistance of 19 and the at will uses of faerie fire, dancing lights and levitate for being a drow noble. They also have a dispel magic once per day. Also he has an unholy, anarchic mace...
I really don't like circumstances where there's a 30% chance that I'll die every 4 rounds
I think the most useful advice though was Blur. I didn't realize that any concealment protected you from sneak attacks. That is a very useful tip. I'll get something that lets me cast blur to protect everybody >:3
I think I'll use blur first in case he tries to dispel it, (wasting it before I cast daylight) and since darkness is a touch spell he would have to get close up to dispel it with his deeper darkness ability.
Also, based on RAW, I am under the impression that casting darkness would be to my advantage (Most of the party has dark vision) as Hide in Plain Sight clearly states it needs "Dim Light" and not anything brighter or darker.
Anburaid |
Don't forget about the spell resistance of 19 and the at will uses of faerie fire, dancing lights and levitate for being a drow noble. They also have a dispel magic once per day. Also he has an unholy, anarchic mace...
I really don't like circumstances where there's a 30% chance that I'll die every 4 rounds
I think the most useful advice though was Blur. I didn't realize that any concealment protected you from sneak attacks. That is a very useful tip. I'll get something that lets me cast blur to protect everybody >:3
I think I'll use blur first in case he tries to dispel it, (wasting it before I cast daylight) and since darkness is a touch spell he would have to get close up to dispel it with his deeper darkness ability.
Also, based on RAW, I am under the impression that casting darkness would be to my advantage (Most of the party has dark vision) as Hide in Plain Sight clearly states it needs "Dim Light" and not anything brighter or darker.
HiPS is notoriously vague. If I were DMing, I'd let it work within 10' of total darkness.
The blur effect is really your best bet, since SA/DA are your main concerns.
GeraintElberion |
See Invisibility
Tanglefoot bags
Ray of Enfeeblement
Once he can't use his Death Attack and you know where he is the first two will slow him down.
Tanglefoot bags and Ray of Enfeeblement will lower his CMD (there is no way to avoid the effect for Tanglefoot as long as it hits, RoE that hits has fort for half and he should have low fort).
Take his fancy weapon away and he'll lose a slugfest, but he'll probably try to avoid that so you might be better off choking the life out of him.
The Black Bard |
I really don't like circumstances where there's a 30% chance that I'll die every 4 rounds
Not trying to troll or pick a fight, but if this is the case, whats your opinion on an enemy fighter that could reliably do 30% of your health in damage against your AC every round? Barring healing, that's a 120% chance you die in four rounds. I'm just trying to understand what style of gaming you prefer.
If this "theoretical" assasin has the gear you mentioned, then he's not just an assasin; he's an assasin who's primary targets are champions of order and goodness. Also, the weapon you describe is a +5 at least, which means 50,000gp. I'm pretty sure that is way over the NPC and likely even the PC budget for an 8th level character. That alone makes me suspicious that this character is an intentional "screw over the good guy" character. If not, the DM/player behind it should have a valid explanation why. If its something like "he's well paid by the forces of darkness for his services" then you say "ok, I guess if and when I beat him, I should get a fair amount of street cred with the Good Guys for it, if he's such a big name himself".
Tactially, you don't even hardly need magic, assuming you have a good AC (if not, you may have a problem). Just make use of the rules for perception checks to locate squares, move actions to locate invisible creatures, and readied actions to attack when they attack you. Readied actions have an unusual effect against invisibility, in that they come in before the invisible attacker's attack roll, since attacking breaks invisibility regardless of if the attack is a success or not, and the text of the spell states "immediately becomes visible" if it directly attacks. Which means you can hit him before he hits you (although if you don't kill him, he still gets his attack against you with all the bonuses for being invisible). I reccomend trip attempts, or even better, disarms/sunder. Few assasins take improved unarmed strike (well, few except the ones I make) to cover for the loss of a primary weapon (or being able to bring a weapon into tight security areas).
Ice Titan |
Readied actions. DC 20 Perception checks to get the hunch of the presence of an invisible opponent and then the full defense action or just simply fleeing.
Also, him throwing a melee weapon is against the general consensus of the rules. Try to tell him that you know his character is a threat and therefore his death attack can never work on you. ("recognizes the assassin as an enemy" is such a big loophole that you may as well abuse it)
His DC is also like 12+int. So maybe 15. Then again, he's a level 8 drow noble vs a level 7 aasimar so you're likely facing down someone with a 19 save or something.
Cast daylight on yourself first round when he attacks. It blinds him with no save and takes away his ability to hide in plain sight with 60 ft. If he argues that "bright light casts deeper shadows" explain to him that the spell does not say that it does and therefore it does not and he has to go 50 feet away to try to hide. Then just follow him around. Bright light entering his square immediately unstealths him since his dim light with 10 feet no longer exists.
If he tries to do deeper darkness, it'll overwrite daylight just because he's a higher caster level. But, now neither of you can see and you can safely flee to a protected location knowing that you forced him to use his getaway card.
Shadowlord |
I guess I'm looking for two things really, anyway to fight off this menace and a consensus that such use of vague rules is complete dickery.
Using the Rogue, Shadowdancer, or Assassin rules to build a PC is not dickery. Using standard magic items to boost your already considerable abilities is not dickery. And the rules are not vague, they are just not widely understood due to not a lot of people wanting to take the time to study them. If there is any dickery going on with his character I would say it is two things and they are both the player's fault and the DM's fault for allowing it:
1) As a DM I would not be happy if one of my players wanted to be an Assassin, then took a 1 level dip into SD first. Not that I have a problem with people taking multiple PrCs, my problem is that this is clearly for one purpose only, to get HiPS at lower level. Optimizing is one thing, but being a munchkin is different and that is definitely a munchkin move. For this reason I usually build a good deal of storyline behind my characters, and when I DM my players, who want to take PrCs. There is a cohesive reason for every move my characters make. And when I am DM, I usually make my Players find someone to teach them a PrC and usually that requires joining some organization and passing some tests of skill. They don't just grab a few levels here and there to munchkinize their characters at will.
2) Drow Nobles are specifically designed to be NPC bad guys. They were never meant to be PCs. The basic Drow is usable as a PC and is not too overwhelmingly powerful. But the Drow Noble is at a ridiculous power level compared to any normal races. He should not be allowed to cary that into the game, or if he was allowed, it should cut into his class levels. The way it stands his CR is well above yours and probably every other PC at the table. That fact will allow him to act however he wants and think he can get away with it.
3) His weapon is at least +5 worth at least 50k Gold. That is WAY over the top for an 8th level character, especially when he has all that other magic stuff that you are describing. When you find out he is evil you should be happy, then you can kill him and take his stuff and sell it and retire because you will be stupid rich at that point.
However, you do have some easy options, and his Munchkinizing actually does give you a few advantages.
Say that there is a Drow Noble Rogue 5/Shadow Dancer 1/Assassin 2, who happens to have max ranks in stealth, magical items that give him a competence bonus, and a wand of invisibility; how does one fight off this horror of a mess?
Specifically the combination of Deeper Darkness at will, Hide in Plain Sight, Invisibility, and the Death Attack. What keeps the assassin from using their hide in plain sight ability to study a target for 3 rounds and then throwing a melee weapon to pick off enemies?
First let's take a look at races and classes:
He is Drow: Keep a +1 Holy, Drow Bane weapon handy.
Assassin: You don't much need to worry about Death Attack the DC shouldn't be more than 14 or 15 and with you being a Paladin, Sorc, DD (all CHA loving classes) you not only have a high base Fort Save, but you can add your CHA bonus to saves as a Paladin. But if you eliminate Sneak Attack you eliminate this also. So anything that grants you Cover or Concealment ruins his ability to do this. Blur is a good one. I would also recommend Fortified Armor, not just for him but in general, negating Crits and SA are a good thing all around.
Shadowdancer: HiPS is a problem but only around dim light. Yes, it says "dim light" specifically, but must DMs will allow it in darkness as well. It is just a play on words not to IMO, I think dim light was meant to be a minimum requirement not a maximum restriction. In any case eliminate the dim light condition and you eliminate HiPS. A basic torch would do this for you. An ever burning torch would be good, or some other trinket with Continual Flame cast on it. Now if he wants to get near you with HiPS he will have to use a darkness spell to overcome your magical light, which I will address further down.
Alright now let’s look at those magic items and abilities.
1) Invisibility: This is probably the easiest thing to take care of; potions of See Invisible, or why not just have the See Invisible spell permanently cast on you? If you have 5k gold to spare you can have permanent See Invisible which is never a waste of money.
2) Deeper Darkness: This is a bit of a pain but a lot simpler than you might think. Firstly you have the counter, Daylight. Unfortunately he has it unlimited times per day and you only have it once. So cast it on yourself. Now he can cast Deeper Darkness on himself but when the two effects meet they will cancel each other out. That is a specific portion of the Daylight spell text and is not level dependent. Now if he tries to use his Deeper Darkness to dispel your Daylight he will have to close distance and actually touch you with his Deeper Darkness spell, which means trying to hit your Touch AC in melee range. That leaves only his Dispel Magic to worry about, which he only has once per day, so try to make sure he doesn't use it on your Daylight spell. If you are worried about that, get a scroll or wand of Daylight to back you up.
3) HiPS we already discussed to some degree but let’s add one thing, this will also help you with basic Stealth and Invisibility should you choose not to invest in See Invisible. Glitterdust, it hits a 10' radius spread with glittery dust, which means you don't have to specifically target him, you just need to know what 10' radius spread he is in. This is actually a very nasty spell. Firstly his Spell Resistance won't protect him from this spell. The spell causes blindness unless you pass a Will save, which is the lowest save for Rogue, Shadowdancer, Assassin types. All that min/maxing means he has next to nothing in his Will Save bonus and his WIS is probably a dump stat too so you will almost surely hit him, the blindness last until the spell duration ends or he makes a successful Will save on his turn. In addition it instantly outlines any invisible creatures so you don't have to worry about that anymore. Lastly it gives a -40 to any Stealth checks made by creatures covered in the dust. I don't care how high his Stealth check is, -40 is devastating and if you have even a small Perception skill you should be able to see him even when he tries to hide. Also this would screw up HiPS because HiPS uses Stealth, so even if he manages to get within 10' of dim light he still has a -40 to contend with. This is probably the single most devastating spell a Rogue type could ever hope to never come in contact with during combat. I would recommend a Wand of Glitterdust more than any other single item or tactic on this thread. Getting hit with Glitterdust = Rogue is screwed.
4) Deeper Darkness screws him also as it will in fact continue to grant you concealment. Faerie Fire doesn't outline you inside Deeper Darkness. It specifically states that a 2nd level or higher magical darkness still works normally. And in the case of Deeper Darkness his Darkvision won't work inside the spell. Besides you can negate it with your own Daylight spell.
5) Also consider a wand of Antimagic Field. This would be VERY expensive for you. But it would negate basically everything about his character that is a threat to you: Invisibility, HiPS, Darkness, even his magic weapon. If you level the playing field like that, he is utterly screwed, there is no way he could match you in combat without his magic toys, unless perhaps he has invested a great deal of money in poisons. But even then he still has to hit you.
His Min/Max Munchkin ways have given him an array of very nice abilities but he really isn't all that scary because they have also made him very, VERY weak where it really counts:
1) He has multiclassed into 3 medium BAB progression classes. At level 8 his BAB is +4. He doesn't even have two attacks yet unless he has TWF which would drop his attack bonuses by an additional -2 so he will almost certainly NOT be able to hit you. That is if you have any decent AC boosters. A magic weapon will offset this a bit, but not enough to really matter, not unless he has a +5 enhancement on his mace. (Of course you only have a BAB of +5 because you did nearly the same thing, but still, you have the advantage here.)
2) His Will save is only a +1. So if his WIS is a dump stat, which I suspect it is, and he doesn't have a cloak of ridiculously high resistance, you will hit him with spells that target his Will and don't allow SR almost every time. Hurray for Glitterdust.
Lets take a look at your spells.
1) We already covered Dalylight.
2) If you are still worried about his Death Attack, use Resistance, it will up your Saves by +1. Not much but it should be more than enough. Palidin and Sorc spell.
3) Bless Weapon: If you roll a crit on him, it will automatically confirm. Paladin spell.
4) Protection from Evil: +2 Deflection bonus to Armor against Evil attackers. Does some other nice stuff too that you probably won't need for this Assassin. You have access to this as a Paladin or a Sorc.
5) Shield: If you don’t carry a shield I hope you had te sense to get the Shield spell because that is a +4 to your AC. Sorc spell.
6) For that matter, Mage Armor: Since you went Sorc/DD you probably aren't wearing Full Plate so if you don't have some heavily enchanted light armor you will want both MA and Shield. Stacked with Prot Evil you will have a 20 AC before even calculating DEX mod. If you don't have these spells as a Sorc you can get them as scrolls or wands and I recommend you do.
7) True Strike would be a good one for you since you have a relatively low BAB due to all that multiclassing. Sorc spell.
I hope this will help you out a little bit. The big thing is to not be intimidated by him. All his powers can be countered relatively easily and the fact is as much cool stuff as he appears to have, it won't help him out with a BAB +4 trying to hit a base 20 AC and a WILL SAVE +1 vs Glitterdust. If he defeats you I would DEMAND the DM go over his character sheet with a fine toothed comb because he is likely fudging numbers.
Dabbler |
Cloak of Displacement, Minor.
Gives you automatic 20% concealment at all times, that negates sneak attack which in turn negates death attack. Your biggest worry then is that he'll use poison, so make sure you have a potion of neutralise poison on you at all times.
Then you use your daylight ability to show him up, and smite the %^&* out of that drow.
Ion Raven |
As I've said before, when his character was created it was created in a separate group under another DM, we were running our adventure parallel. His character was originally an elf, but because of the adventure path we were doing, there were rules for elves turning into drow for doing evil things. According to the other DM there was 1 in 20 chance he would die, and a 1 in 20 chance that he would turn into a drow noble. \o/ I dunno. Anyway recently the two groups merged.
Our current DM is awesome, but I think we all feel that him actively interfering with what has already been done would break the story. Though I'm sure if things went down, he'd give us favorable conditions.
As for the weapon, he picked it off of Allevra, the master of the drow when noone was looking. (We floated down the back entrance, shoved her in the bag of holding [with a bottle of air]) While everyone was in a panic because a comet was falling, he took out the bottle of air killing all of our drow prisoners, faked their deaths, and pick pocketed the bodies.
It's a bit of an annoyance because we're all trying to stay in character and not metagame.
What really bothers me is he claims to have a base stealth of 50, and I called BS on that. I'm pretty certain he is stacking competence bonuses, but I can only guess. Is it even possible to have a stealth of 50 at level 8, I don't even think you can get 40 without a Dex of 28.
I've gotten some really good advice. Fortunately True Strike, Shield, and Mage Armor are already on my Spell List. Also, I have a headband of alluring Charisma which brings my Cha to a 22. So even with my low Con, I still have a Fortitude save of 11. I also took the quickened spell feat.
Dabbler |
What really bothers me is he claims to have a base stealth of 50, and I called BS on that. I'm pretty certain he is stacking competence bonuses, but I can only guess. Is it even possible to have a stealth of 50 at level 8, I don't even think you can get 40 without a Dex of 28.
Dex 28 = +9 mod, he can get +5 off feats, +3 for class skill, 8 ranks in pathfinder ... I make it +25, tops. There are some spells in the SC that can boost skills, but they only give a big bonus on a one-off check (I had a player pull that one past me ages ago). I think someone is being a bit fast-and-loose with the rules there ...
Decorus |
Ion Raven wrote:What really bothers me is he claims to have a base stealth of 50, and I called BS on that. I'm pretty certain he is stacking competence bonuses, but I can only guess. Is it even possible to have a stealth of 50 at level 8, I don't even think you can get 40 without a Dex of 28.Dex 28 = +9 mod, he can get +5 off feats, +3 for class skill, 8 ranks in pathfinder ... I make it +25, tops. There are some spells in the SC that can boost skills, but they only give a big bonus on a one-off check (I had a player pull that one past me ages ago). I think someone is being a bit fast-and-loose with the rules there ...
+20 For Invisibility and some magic item that gives him +5 to stealth...
Ion Raven |
Here's what I've calculated:
| 8 <- Ranks
| +3 <- Class Skill
| +2 <- Stealthy Feat
| +3 <- Skill Focus (Stealth) Feat
|+15 <- Item bonus (Do any items stack or have a bonus other than competence?)
| +9 <- Dex bonus (It shouldn't really be that high, but how else do you get to 40?)
|+40 <- What he claims to have before vanishing and rolling
VictorCrackus |
Say that there is a Drow Noble Rogue 5/Shadow Dancer 1/Assassin 2, who happens to have max ranks in stealth, magical items that give him a competence bonus, and a wand of invisibility; how does one fight off this horror of a mess?
Specifically the combination of Deeper Darkness at will, Hide in Plain Sight, Invisibility, and the Death Attack. What keeps the assassin from using their hide in plain sight ability to study a target for 3 rounds and then throwing a melee weapon to pick off enemies?
I guess I'm looking for two things really, anyway to fight off this menace and a consensus that such use of vague rules is complete dickery.
But really, what is a good plan to protect an Aasimar Paladin 4/ Sorcerer 1/ Dragon Disciple 3?
I'd get a pet.
YOu know.
Something with scent.
Or better yet.
A pet with tentacles.
As it seems things with tentacles have blindsight.
Oliver McShade |
Potion of See Invisible, run, glitter-dust (wiz/sorc), fairy fire (druid), invisibility purge (cleric).
Also, there are also mundane ways = Paint flasks (with splitter effecting adjacent squares), Bags of Flour (cloud effects for 1d3 rounds), Ropes (extend it out 5 feet and twirl around in a circle.... your adventure does have ropes with him right), Whips (same as ropes), ...
... sure their are more, what are some other mundane ways????
PS = Notice someone said have See Invisibility made permanency cast on you... This can not been done by RAW. Only the person casting Permanency can cast this spell on themselves. ((Personal/self only range)).
Shadowlord |
PS = Notice someone said have See Invisibility made permanency cast on you... This can not been done by RAW. Only the person casting Permanency can cast this spell on themselves. ((Personal/self only range)).
Quite right, except that the PC in question is actually an arcane caster with both spells on her class spell list. She can buy a scroll of See Invisibility and scroll of Permanency and from there all it will require a caster level check but is still possible, and the 5k GP for materials.
james maissen |
PS = Notice someone said have See Invisibility made permanency cast on you... This can not been done by RAW. Only the person casting Permanency can cast this spell on themselves. ((Personal/self only range)).
Well technically you can buy a scroll of each, UMD both to do so.
Now they also mentioned a wand of antimagic shell.. which is a 6th level spell (or higher) so that's not a valid item. A staff works though..
Shadowlord |
Oliver McShade wrote:
PS = Notice someone said have See Invisibility made permanency cast on you... This can not been done by RAW. Only the person casting Permanency can cast this spell on themselves. ((Personal/self only range)).
Well technically you can buy a scroll of each, UMD both to do so.
Now they also mentioned a wand of antimagic shell.. which is a 6th level spell (or higher) so that's not a valid item. A staff works though..
You sir are correct. Clearly I will have to brush up on the item creation rules. I had forgotten that wands had a spell level limit.
PoorWanderingOne |
Why fight him?
With a will save that low spam some charm persons and make him do your laundry.
Or a scroll of phantasmal killer or dominate person or hold person or...
wait a min... a wand of quickened daze could be fun.
Lots to do with a low will enemy.
Though mind you. It might be better to let him kill you if that's what it takes to get the GM to do an audit. I suspect there is some chicanery going on. If nothing else the audit will reveal how foolishly over party wealth the drow is.
Shadowlord |
|+15 <- Item bonus (Do any items stack or have a bonus other than competence?)
| +9 <- Dex bonus (It shouldn't really be that high, but how else do you get to 40?)
The only magic items i can think of that grant Stealth bonuses are:
1) Cloak of Elven Kind: +5 Competence to Stealth.
2) Ring of Chameleon Power: +10 Competence to Stealth.
3) Shadowed armor: +5 - +15 Competence to Stealth depending on what level. The +15 is worth 33k gp alone.
Nothing grants other types of bonuses unless it is a custom item from the AP or something he commissioned to be made. Competence bonuses do NOT stack with each other.
As for the +9 from Dex bonus, it really shouldn't be that high. The highest his Dex should have started at would be 20. Now he gets +4 from being a Drow Noble. That is 24 which gives him +6. He is level 8 so he could have put both of his ability points into Dex giving him a 26 which is +7. The only way he gets up to +9 is to have a Belt that grants an additional +4 to Dex.
As I've said before, when his character was created it was created in a separate group under another DM, we were running our adventure parallel. His character was originally an elf, but because of the adventure path we were doing, there were rules for elves turning into drow for doing evil things. According to the other DM there was 1 in 20 chance he would die, and a 1 in 20 chance that he would turn into a drow noble. \o/ I dunno. Anyway recently the two groups merged.
Our current DM is awesome, but I think we all feel that him actively interfering with what has already been done would break the story.
Respecting a character that someone is bringing in from another game and respecting the story are all fine and well. But you (and your group, if they share your concern) seriously need to address these issues with your DM. I don't know if the rest of you are this BROKEN when it comes to magic items but according to the basic guidelines of Character Wealth by Level, he should only have 33,000gp worth of equipment. I don't know if you realize this, but he is easily double or triple this guideline. I am all for using the guideline here loosely, but seriously, this guy has a +5 or more weapon, and several other things. Respecting a player and character are one thing, but allowing him to run rampant at your table and get away with whatever he wants is wholly different. Your DM needs to rectify the situation. This guy has twice, or triple if not more, the wealth he is supposed to have at this level and he may very well be wrong about his numbers, adding things that shouldn't be added, or out right lying.
I am not sure what "Vanish" is, I gather it is a 1st level spell from APG but I don't know the particulars. If it is an invisibility-like effect Glitterdust will negate it, so that bonus to Stealth would be gone. Then he has -40 on top of that, so it should be whatever he gets on the dice, which hopefully you will be able to beat with Perception alone, if not blast him with Daylight and go to town with Smite.
If your DM doesn't scale back his equipment. And this clown decides he wants to challenge you, just be prepared, and wipe the floor with him, then CLAIM his gear as your rightful prize for defeating him. If the DM wants to allow that kind of unbalance then you should take advantage of it. Sell his stuff and make a small personal fortune.
Shadowlord |
Why fight him?
With a will save that low spam some charm persons and make him do your laundry.Or a scroll of phantasmal killer or dominate person or hold person or...
wait a min... a wand of quickened daze could be fun.
Lots to do with a low will enemy.
Though mind you. It might be better to let him kill you if that's what it takes to get the GM to do an audit. I suspect there is some chicanery going on. If nothing else the audit will reveal how foolishly over party wealth the drow is.
Drow Noble has a Spell Resistance of 11 + Character Level. It's not impossible, but much harder than it otherwise would be.
Lyrax |
As for the +9 from Dex bonus, it really shouldn't be that high. The highest his Dex should have started at would be 20. Now he gets +4 from being a Drow Noble. That is 24 which gives him +6. He is level 8 so he could have put both of his ability points into Dex giving him a 26 which is +7. The only way he gets up to +9 is to have a Belt that grants an additional +4 to Dex.
Actually, he "only" needs max dex and a +2 item, which is far more reasonable than major shadowed armor. Here's where your math went wrong:
20 Dex = +5 then he gets +4 for being a drow noble24 Dex = +7 and the two more points from leveling
26 Dex = +8
Right Dex numbers, wrong modifiers.
jakebacon |
5 lbs bag of flower.
Then beat the outlined figure like it stole something.
And he did steal something. He stole the OP's enjoyment of the game.
I can't stand this kind of party in-fighting and I'm glad my GM feels the same way. In fact, our top rule (besides have fun) is the party must work together.
I realize different groups from different games under different GMs have been merged, but the threat of death from a fellow adventurer, whether spoken or implied, would have any of my characters seeking new companions. Maybe even me seeking someone else to game with.
This really seems like something to bring up to the GM. Maybe he can take this ASSassin aside and talk to him, or at the very least evaluate his gear. Pardon the pun but you shouldn't have to live in the shadow of someone when you're both trying to have the same kind of fun.
Ion Raven |
Well I did talk to to my GM about it, and he said if the player actually pulled any shenanigans against the party, he would die a very horrible death (Which he would, especially since we're prepared for it). There's a Tiefling Ranger/Rogue in the party, a Half-elf Oracle/Shadow Dancer, and a Suli Monk.
With his extremely low BAB (of 2) it becomes extremely exploitable. So it could all be over really quickly with the grab of the monk.
Also, our Ranger has a +4 against Elves and an axiomatic halberd so that's also to our advantage.
In character, no one actually knows he's a drow (much less drow noble). He's got equipment to hide it (some sort of goggles that keep him from being blinded, ring of chameleon powers, ring of mind shielding). The sad part is that we roll for treasure. Though I'm pretty certain that because he's carrying around the unholy mace, I'd still be able to find him with detect evil. Anyway, the rest of the party has no in game reason to fight him, though nobody really trusts him (He's an elf, from the elf village, and nobody in our party really trusts the elves, because the elves in the game have been mysterious, arrogant jerks, and we're cleaning up after their mess, the drow). Even though he's become a drow, he has been keeping to his oath to slay drow.
And yes we as a party have some ridiculous gear. The monk got a monk's robe, the Oracle/Shadow Dancer has Eyes of the Eagle, and the Ranger has Wings of Flying.
Shadowlord |
Quote:As for the +9 from Dex bonus, it really shouldn't be that high. The highest his Dex should have started at would be 20. Now he gets +4 from being a Drow Noble. That is 24 which gives him +6. He is level 8 so he could have put both of his ability points into Dex giving him a 26 which is +7. The only way he gets up to +9 is to have a Belt that grants an additional +4 to Dex.Actually, he "only" needs max dex and a +2 item, which is far more reasonable than major shadowed armor. Here's where your math went wrong:
20 Dex = +5 then he gets +4 for being a drow noble
24 Dex = +7 and the two more points from leveling
26 Dex = +8Right Dex numbers, wrong modifiers.
I knew that was going to happen to at least one of my posts last night. I was getting really tired. When I get that tired math is the first thing to go, along with the ability to catch my own mistakes. Good catch.
Shadowlord |
I can't stand this kind of party in-fighting...
I agree. This is why I always ran a PVP table with my former group. I had a core group of four, two Fighters, a War Cleric, and a Wizard, who all got along and worked together amazingly well. If someone came in and their character was disruptive the party would tell them to straighten up or be on their way. If they actually started to pick fights and antagonize the other party members, those members, as in real life, could very well draw weapons and kill them. This happened in a few cases actually, we had a few problem players who brought that attitude into their characters. Only in extreme situations did I ever step in and usually that was either if the character was being stupid with my NPCs or if my core players had just had enough of trying to work with a person, in which case they would cease to be invited to games.
Well I did talk to to my GM about it, and he said if the player actually pulled any shenanigans against the party, he would die a very horrible death (Which he would, especially since we're prepared for it).
Outstanding, that sort of behavior should not be tolerated at the table. Either let the players enforce the rules in game, or have the DM handle it in/out of game.
Also, our Ranger has a +4 against Elves and an axiomatic halberd so that's also to our advantage.
Also especially nasty due to the fact that his animal companion also gets the Favored Enemy bonus.