The Mummy


Dark Archive

One of the things that has always bugged me about the Mummy entry in various books (Monster Manual, Bestiary, etc) is that its never a template. Compared to other undead templates (Skeleton, Zombie, Vampire, Ghost, etc) shouldn't the Mummy be one as well?

Also, whats the best way to advance a mummy? Adding Class Levels, or a simple template?

Opinions anyone?

Evil Genius Prime wrote:

One of the things that has always bugged me about the Mummy entry in various books (Monster Manual, Bestiary, etc) is that its never a template. Compared to other undead templates (Skeleton, Zombie, Vampire, Ghost, etc) shouldn't the Mummy be one as well?

Also, whats the best way to advance a mummy? Adding Class Levels, or a simple template?

Opinions anyone?

Add class levels.

You pretty much get a template style build that way also, as a side note.

You have a fighter 4, and then he gets mummified. Now you have a mummy fighter 4. (be afraid.)

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Green Ronin's Advanced Bestiary has a Dread Mummy template. I believe it was used in Pathfinder AP at least once.

Dark Archive

Rathendar wrote:
Evil Genius Prime wrote:

One of the things that has always bugged me about the Mummy entry in various books (Monster Manual, Bestiary, etc) is that its never a template. Compared to other undead templates (Skeleton, Zombie, Vampire, Ghost, etc) shouldn't the Mummy be one as well?

Also, whats the best way to advance a mummy? Adding Class Levels, or a simple template?

Opinions anyone?

Add class levels.

You pretty much get a template style build that way also, as a side note.

You have a fighter 4, and then he gets mummified. Now you have a mummy fighter 4. (be afraid.)

I figured this would be the way to go. And this is what I'll probably do. I'm thinking up a BBEG who is a Mummified Cleric. :D

Sovereign Court

Evil Genius Prime wrote:
Rathendar wrote:
Evil Genius Prime wrote:

One of the things that has always bugged me about the Mummy entry in various books (Monster Manual, Bestiary, etc) is that its never a template. Compared to other undead templates (Skeleton, Zombie, Vampire, Ghost, etc) shouldn't the Mummy be one as well?

Also, whats the best way to advance a mummy? Adding Class Levels, or a simple template?

Opinions anyone?

Add class levels.

You pretty much get a template style build that way also, as a side note.

You have a fighter 4, and then he gets mummified. Now you have a mummy fighter 4. (be afraid.)

I figured this would be the way to go. And this is what I'll probably do. I'm thinking up a BBEG who is a Mummified Cleric. :D

You mean Mummified Awakened Owlbear Cleric, surely?

Dark Archive

GeraintElberion wrote:
You mean Mummified Awakened Owlbear Cleric, surely?

That might be overkill. Just a little bit. HA!

Evil Genius Prime wrote:

I figured this would be the way to go. And this is what I'll probably do. I'm thinking up a BBEG who is a Mummified Cleric. :D

As things are officially upwardscompatible, open your monster manual 3.5 on page 190.

Silver Crusade

Evil Genius Prime wrote:
GeraintElberion wrote:
You mean Mummified Awakened Owlbear Cleric, surely?
That might be overkill. Just a little bit. HA!

I dunno. There's no kill like overkill :)

Another option: there's the Osirian mummy template in J1: Entombed with the Pharaohs. It's 3.5 material but should convert well. The mummy has a slightly different feel though.

There was the mummified creature template in 'savage species', cant remember if its close to the standard mummy but could help you.

On a related subject, I will say one of my few disappointments with the PFRPG system to date is its lack of templates. This was one of the best points of the 3.5 system, so I hope Bestiary II and its subsequent volumes will correct this.

Dark Archive

carn wrote:
Evil Genius Prime wrote:

I figured this would be the way to go. And this is what I'll probably do. I'm thinking up a BBEG who is a Mummified Cleric. :D

As things are officially upwardscompatible, open your monster manual 3.5 on page 190.

I no longer have the 3.5 corebooks. LOL! I sold them when I switched over to Pathfinder. The only thing I kept from 3.5 was the entire Eberron collection and my Forgotten Realms books.

Rathendar wrote:

Add class levels.
You pretty much get a template style build that way also, as a side note.

You have a fighter 4, and then he gets mummified. Now you have a mummy fighter 4. (be afraid.)

On that note check out what this guy did for a major villain.

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