Thundarr the Barbarian


Dark Archive

Here is my take on the well known character from the 80's.

Thundarr the Barbarian
Human male barbarian 14
CG medium humanoid (human)
Init: +2, Senses: Perception +0
AC: 28, touch 17, flat footed 26 (+11 armor, +5 deflection, +2 Dex)
hp: 152 (14d12+56) DR 3/-
Fort +11, Ref +6, Will +4, +8 vs. enchantments
Speed: 40 ft
Melee: Sun Blade +26/+21/+16 (1d10+12/19-20)
Special Attacks: Greater Rage, Rage (32/day), Rage Powers (Terrifying Howl)
Before battle Thundarr attempts to force his opponents to surrender by using Intimidate to frighten them. Once combat begins Thundarr rushes in without thinking. He will challenge the strongest looking opponent leaving his allies to deal with the rest of the enemies. If all of their opponents appear to be of roughly equal strength he will attack the apparent leader. Thundarr is reckless but he is not stupid. If the battle turns against him, he will retreat and fight another day. The only exception to this is if one of his friends is in mortal danger, the Thundarr will fight to the death.
Str: 24, Dex 14, Con16, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10
Base Atk: +14, CMB +21, CMD 33
Feats: Bloody Assault, Cleave, Crippling Critical, Critical Focus, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Intimidating Prowess, Power Attack
Skills: Climb +24, Intimidate +24, Ride +19, Survival +17
Languages: Common
SQ: Disruptive, Fast Movement, Fearless Rage, Knockback, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Indomitable Will, Quick Reflexes, Renewed Vigor, Strength Surge, Trap Sense +4,
Combat Gear: Belt of Giant Strength +6, Ring of Protection +5
Other Gear: +7 chain shirt, sun blade, riding horse, other gear and treasure


I would love a thundarr campaign setting

Ariel, Ookla, RIDE!!!

Annndddd in other news Thundarr on DVD!!! It was finally released last week after years of waiting, thank the Lords of Light!

Kerym Ammath wrote:
Annndddd in other news Thundarr on DVD!!! It was finally released last week after years of waiting, thank the Lords of Light!

yeah, i gotta get this

Dark Archive

Kerym Ammath wrote:
Annndddd in other news Thundarr on DVD!!! It was finally released last week after years of waiting, thank the Lords of Light!


MerrikCale wrote:


I would love a thundarr campaign setting

Warlords of the Apocalypse from Adamant has inspiration from Thundarr I believe.


Hyrum Savage wrote:
MerrikCale wrote:


I would love a thundarr campaign setting

Warlords of the Apocalypse from Adamant has inspiration from Thundarr I believe.


yeah i saw that. anyone have that?

Kerym Ammath wrote:
Annndddd in other news Thundarr on DVD!!! It was finally released last week after years of waiting, thank the Lords of Light!

What took them so long!!!

Side note: Also noticed the Pirates of Dark Water on the same sight.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Funny, when I first heard about RIFTS, this was the first thing that came to mind.

....only Thundaar is much cooler.

Also here...

Thudarr the Barbarian

My kids and I watch this show on Boomarange and I love this show

of course, its like the best show ever

The Exchange

Very interesting. I look forward to seeing where this goes...

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