Inspired To Run A PbP...

Gamer Connection

Liberty's Edge

Ok, so while reading another thread asking for a PbP GM, I was inspired to take the initiative and volunteer to run it. By the time I had read through the entire thread, however, a GM had already been determined.

...but I still felt like running a PbP!

So, I'm attempting to start one up. I'll admit, this is my first time involved with a PbP, but I'm a quick learner and quite interested.

I want to run an AP, as its easier for me to work from (the only work I need to do is customization).

I propose Rise of the Runelords for the following three reasons:
(1) I'm very familiar with the AP
(2) I already have this one, while I'd have to get my hands on any others
and (3) The other thread was running two different APs already, and I don't want to run one they're doing.

I tend to lean towards higher fantasy, so I propose the following, which has worked out quite well for my home group:
(1) 25-point-buy
(2) Ability point every two levels, but cannot select the same Ability Score twice in a row.
(3) Core and APG only (I don't mind working other things in, but I'd prefer to stick with these if at all possible)
(4) Races and Classes definitely Core/APG only.
(5) Two traits from Web Enhancement/APG/really any source as long as you can point me to it.

Of course, all this is negotiable, its all just my preference.

If you're interested, please reply with a character idea of race, class, and brief outline. Ex: "Human Witch, concentrating on debuffing via hexes"

Oh, and please have some time to actually play. I've seen mention of many PbPs going down due to lack of participation. If you need to take some time off, no problem just let us know :)

Thanks, and I hope to get this up and running :D

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Austin Morgan wrote:

Ok, so while reading another thread asking for a PbP GM, I was inspired to take the initiative and volunteer to run it. By the time I had read through the entire thread, however, a GM had already been determined.

...but I still felt like running a PbP!

So, I'm attempting to start one up. I'll admit, this is my first time involved with a PbP, but I'm a quick learner and quite interested.

I want to run an AP, as its easier for me to work from (the only work I need to do is customization).

I propose Rise of the Runelords for the following three reasons:
(1) I'm very familiar with the AP
(2) I already have this one, while I'd have to get my hands on any others
and (3) The other thread was running two different APs already, and I don't want to run one they're doing.

I tend to lean towards higher fantasy, so I propose the following, which has worked out quite well for my home group:
(1) 25-point-buy
(2) Ability point every two levels, but cannot select the same Ability Score twice in a row.
(3) Core and APG only (I don't mind working other things in, but I'd prefer to stick with these if at all possible)
(4) Races and Classes definitely Core/APG only.
(5) Two traits from Web Enhancement/APG/really any source as long as you can point me to it.

Of course, all this is negotiable, its all just my preference.

If you're interested, please reply with a character idea of race, class, and brief outline. Ex: "Human Witch, concentrating on debuffing via hexes"

Oh, and please have some time to actually play. I've seen mention of many PbPs going down due to lack of participation. If you need to take some time off, no problem just let us know :)

Thanks, and I hope to get this up and running :D

I'm interested. Human sorcerer, combination blaster/buffer.

ETA: Just my luck to be checking the Paizo boards just before leaving work.

Ok, I'll throw my hat in the ring.

Jaxom Cambourne
Human Fighter TWF
If the longsword don't get you the backhand with the shield will.

So, no tengu? Damn....

Elven rogue, stabbing and stealing anything not bolted down, and some things that are. ;)

Liberty's Edge

Black Fang wrote:
So, no tengu? Damn....

I'm not completely opposed to it, I just don't happen to be familiar with them. I'm more concentrating on people enjoying their characters :)

I had completely forgotten that the Bestiary provided PC Races. As of now (and retroactively) the Bestiary PC Races are cool with me, as long as you run them by me first.

Tengus are fine, as far as I can tell :)

EDIT: Ok, we've got three players confirmed! Let's look at getting 2 or 3 more. Woodford, Wulfson, and Fang: you guys can go ahead and work up your characters :)

Austin Morgan wrote:
Black Fang wrote:
So, no tengu? Damn....

I'm not completely opposed to it, I just don't happen to be familiar with them. I'm more concentrating on people enjoying their characters :)

I had completely forgotten that the Bestiary provided PC Races. As of now (and retroactively) the Bestiary PC Races are cool with me, as long as you run them by me first.

Tengus are fine, as far as I can tell :)

EDIT: Ok, we've got three players confirmed! Let's look at getting 2 or 3 more. Woodford, Wulfson, and Fang: you guys can go ahead and work up your characters :)

Okay, then Tengu rogue. Maybe mute, I haven't decided yet.

Shadow Lodge

You know, if I wasn't already in a Rise play-by-post, I'd try to submit an awakened cat. Perhaps a fighter or ranger eventually...

*goes off thinking about a cat killing goblins*

GM: Starting gold?

Liberty's Edge

Black Fang wrote:
GM: Starting gold?

For ease of use, let's do Average Gold as per the table on this page.

Good question :) Any others?

Since the last RotRL I was in died, consider me very interested.

Thinking something along the line of a Half-Elven Cavalier (Order of the Dragon)/Bard heading into Battle Herald. The build will be pretty much half and half Bard/Cavalier until hitting the prestige class. First level class would be Cavalier.

Of course, I could just as easily be persuaded to do something of a divine nature. My last character for the AP was a wanna be Mystic Theurge of Nethys...I would certainly be willing to re-tool him if that would be preferable.

For information's sake, the RotRL game I was in didn't get very far at all. In fact we didn't even finish the first battle.

Liberty's Edge

Talomyr wrote:

Since the last RotRL I was in died, consider me very interested.

Thinking something along the line of a Half-Elven Cavalier (Order of the Dragon)/Bard heading into Battle Herald. The build will be pretty much half and half Bard/Cavalier until hitting the prestige class. First level class would be Cavalier.

Sounds good to me :)

You're welcome to join up and fix up your character if you'd like. Any questions, you're welcome to ask :D

Could I start as a Pathfinder?
Also, would it be possible to have a variant of the Rich Parents trait? Something like, Beneficent Patron?

Cool. :)

I'll wait and see what the group needs before deciding for sure between the Battle Herald and the Theurge (assuming that the Theurge is an ok concept too...)

Here's a Link to the wanna-be theurge if you are interested.

I'd be interested, my last RotRL game made it through the first encounter and died. Was thinking of adapting a half-elf ranger from another game. He was potentially multiclassing into rogue, and had some rogueish tendencies already. This was before the APG, I might apply the skirmisher or urban ranger archetypes to him, assuming you still have space.

Though, as we already have the Tengu, perhaps I should work on another concept...I'll be back with something in a few minutes :P

New idea: human rogue using the scout and possibly swashbuckler archetypes-focused on combat, rather than typical rogue abilities.

Liberty's Edge

I'd like in, as well. Either a Chelaxian-borne achaelogist-wizard (who would know some history of the Runelords and such) or a Varisian (both by nationality and ethnicity) sorcerer that's been booted from his/her clan for using his/her blood magic to cheat at games of chance. Will look at the Player's Guide to the AP and post a firmer idea tonight!

Liberty's Edge

Looks like we've got an Adventuring Party!

So, just to be clear, we have these players:
1. Woodford
2. Wulfson
3. Fang
4. Talomyr
5. Vil-hatarn
6. talbanus

I think this is a good number to start with. If anyone ends up dropping, please let us know ASAP! We may or may not have my home-game DM joining us (I sent him an invite, though I know he's very busy), by the by.

Trait flavoring: I'm cool with reflavoring the traits, just run them by me. "Beneficent Patron" sounds fine, work up the flavoring for me though :)

Theurge is fine with me as well. Also, ** I don't mind working the AP to cater to the party, instead of forcing the party to cater to the AP **. In other words, if you all want to be Fighters, but are worried you're going to need Arcane Power? No worries, be all Fighters :) I've never seen the sense in having players play Healers when they don't want to simply because "the party needs one". :P But you're welcome to play whichever you'd like :D

The Wizard: We could give you a home-brewed trait, say +2 to Knowledge(history) checks having to do with Runelords? I'm liking both of your character ideas though!

Also, should have mentioned this earlier, you may take a single trait from the Player's Guide (called Feats of Varisia, I believe), but you don't have to.

I'm thinking about actually starting this Tomorrow, around mid-afternoon. That'll give us all time to work up characters, ask questions, and for me to find my PDFs (which folder on which external hard drive...) :P

Gah I was hoping to get in an rp with an elemental fire wizard and my fiancé was wanting to try a rogue. Oh well have fun people.

I was on the wait list for the other PbP. Is there still room here?

NM, dang saw the post above. Have fun guys.

GM Austin: I don't have him up yet, but my character, Jaed (CG male tengu rogue 1) has spent the last 5 years in service to the current Lord Justice of Magnimar, as a language tutor to his son. To keep track of Jaed, could Bayl have placed a prisoner's ring on him? At no cost to me, because after returning the boy to his father, his term of indentured servitude will be over.

Also GM:
I didn't get an answer with regard to me being allowed to have Jaed be a member of the Pathfinder Society. I'm cool with a no, just want to know.

Austin Morgan wrote:
Also, should have mentioned this earlier, you may take a single trait from the Player's Guide (called Feats of Varisia, I believe), but you don't have to.

In addition to the two you said we get already?

Opinion Poll time. Which character would the remaining party members prefer me to use? The Cleric of Nethys/Wizard or the Cavalier/Bard?

I like both character concepts, so which ever the group would prefer would be fine by me.

+1 Theurge

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Talomyr wrote:

Opinion Poll time. Which character would the remaining party members prefer me to use? The Cleric of Nethys/Wizard or the Cavalier/Bard?

I like both character concepts, so which ever the group would prefer would be fine by me.

Another one for the theurge.

Theurge it is. 1st level will be Cleric of Nethys.

DM Austin - Are you OK with one of the substitution abilities from the campaign setting? In particular the one for Wizards.

Arcane Duelist: Wizards with this ability are specially trained to push their spells when needed to gain the upper hand. When pushing a spell, the wizard can choose one of the three following effects: Increase the spell's save DC by +1, add +2 to the level check to overcome spell resistance, or add a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls made with the spell. Using this ability is a swift action. Usable 3/day. This ability replaces the Wizard's normal Scribe Scroll Feat. (PCCS pg. 51)

Liberty's Edge

Black Fang wrote:

GM Austin: I don't have him up yet, but my character, Jaed (CG male tengu rogue 1) has spent the last 5 years in service to the current Lord Justice of Magnimar, as a language tutor to his son. To keep track of Jaed, could Bayl have placed a prisoner's ring on him? At no cost to me, because after returning the boy to his father, his term of indentured servitude will be over.

** spoiler omitted **

Austin Morgan wrote:
Also, should have mentioned this earlier, you may take a single trait from the Player's Guide (called Feats of Varisia, I believe), but you don't have to.
In addition to the two you said we get already?

Traits: Just two, but one of them CAN be from the Feats of Varisia. Sorry 'bout that :)

I'm cool with him being a Pathfinder. Sorry for not replying, had a lot of typing to do in my last post, and it seems I missed your question.

I'm liking the backstory, just having a question: you say "after returning the boy"... does this mean the boy is following you around? If so, I'll just say that would be a very temporary job: at the first sign of adventure or danger, the Lord Justice would want his son back in safety. That said, I've no issues with it, as long as you understand this will add some stress and restrictions to your character :)

Liberty's Edge

Talomyr wrote:

Theurge it is. 1st level will be Cleric of Nethys.

DM Austin - Are you OK with one of the substitution abilities from the campaign setting? In particular the one for Wizards.

Arcane Duelist: Wizards with this ability are specially trained to push their spells when needed to gain the upper hand. When pushing a spell, the wizard can choose one of the three following effects: Increase the spell's save DC by +1, add +2 to the level check to overcome spell resistance, or add a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls made with the spell. Using this ability is a swift action. Usable 3/day. This ability replaces the Wizard's normal Scribe Scroll Feat. (PCCS pg. 51)

Sweet, been looking to see a Theurge in action for some time now!

You know, you learn something new everyday: I've had the Campaign Setting for almost a year now, and never knew those were in there x.x I do have the 3.5 one and it's a little different (and quite overpowered). This Pathfinder version seems quite on-target, though, as far as I can tell. My call: Approved! But only for your Wizard spells.

EDIT: Actually, that ability's only 3/day... screw it, take off my Wizard spell restriction :)

Austin Morgan wrote:

Approved! But only for your Wizard spells.

EDIT: Actually, that ability's only 3/day... screw it, take off my Wizard spell restriction :)

Works for me. :)

It won't come into play until 2nd level anyway. Though I'm awful tempted to start off as a wizard and pick up cleric at 2nd level.

Ah screw it...I'm starting off as a Wizard...just makes too much sense for the character's background.

Sorry folks...we are sans cleric for 1st level....this could get ugly.

Ready for inspection GM.

Talomyr wrote:

Sorry folks...we are sans cleric for 1st level....this could get ugly.

Don't worry, Jaed takes care of himself, until his potions run out, then he'll be looking for the cleric to heal him up good. :D

Liberty's Edge

Ok, one last post for the night!

First off: Here's the discussion thread. I'd like the FIRST post you post in there to be the semi-descriptive introduction of your character to the other players/characters/me. It doesn't have to be perfect, doesn't have to be long, and doesn't have to be completely finalized. Really looking for a bit of background/flavor/hooks :)

Good to hear Talomyr :)

Jaed, looking good! I'll give it, and the other characters, a closer look tomorrow, but from a minute-or-two overlook it's good! I like that you worked in the Rich Parents trait (Beneficent Patron) to your story instead of just taking the extra gold as I've seen people do :D And just to clarify: you do have his son with you, right?

I'm probably heading to bed now, I'll be on approximately 11am tomorrow checking things out, replying to answers, and working up the beginning!

For those of you who haven't worked up your characters yet, if you could get them ready by then, it would be awesome for me :)

*** I need at least some sort of confirmation from all 6 players by noon tomorrow! Even just a post of "still interested" will be fine! ** (Jaed and Talomyr, I'm already assuming you guys are 100% in :P)

For the first two or three of you who didn't make it in, if you've got time, whip up a quick character idea and throw it in this thread. If I'm missing some people tomorrow, I'll start picking people up from this thread again, starting at the top.

Have a good night guys/gals, and lets have a nice showing of characters tomorrow!

EDIT: Talomyr, don't worry, like I said: I can work the Adventure and World around the characters :) That said, though, characters just asking to be killed... well... :P

Austin Morgan wrote:
And just to clarify: you do have his son with you, right?

Yes, the boy and I are both in Sandpoint for the Swallowtail Festival.

I'm interested. However, no thought has been spent on a concept, so, umm...

Halfling Fighter (TWF archetype)/Rogue, starting with rogue levels

Dwarven Fighter/Cleric, deity/domains to be determined

Or what seems to be becoming a fallback for me, Halfling Sorcerer.

I'm not particularly sold on any of them, but I can try to flesh them out and see which one takes my fancy -- and votes from potential fellow party members are welcome.

And if I can't get in now, I'll probably lurk around Sandpoint, hoping to join in.

Best of luck to you all!

for the DM

There is a goblin song mps that is posted soemwher eon these forums. it is the song from the Ap and well worth having the players lsiten too. Dabbler's PBP for rise has a link to it i believe.

Consider me still interested and I will have something up by tomorrow morning as a backup. Thanks

Still interested--have a character about half-worked out. Half-elf polearm fighter, member of the Sandpoint militia, don't have more backstory than that yet...

Liberty's Edge

Consider me interested, should it become necessary. I'd go with an elven archery ranger.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Austin Morgan wrote:

Looks like we've got an Adventuring Party!


Still in; I have my character (Norhalo, ethnic Varisian sorcerer) pretty-much finished. One request for clarification: Are the APG sorc bloodlines OK?

Liberty's Edge

John Woodford wrote:
Austin Morgan wrote:

Looks like we've got an Adventuring Party!

Still in; I have my character (Norhalo, ethnic Varisian sorcerer) pretty-much finished. One request for clarification: Are the APG sorc bloodlines OK?

Yep, pretty much everything in Core/APG is a-ok. Thanks for checking though :D

I'm half-awake here, by the by o.O

Liberty's Edge

Austin Morgan wrote:
First off: Here's the discussion thread.

Ok, apparently I didn't link it o.O

Here it is.

Liberty's Edge

Austin Morgan wrote:

For those of you who haven't worked up your characters yet, if you could get them ready by then, it would be awesome for me :)

*** I need at least some sort of confirmation from all 6 players by noon tomorrow! Even just a post of "still interested" will be fine! ** (Jaed and Talomyr, I'm already assuming you guys are 100% in :P)

Ok, seeings as we already have a Varisian sorcerer, I'm going with a big game huntin ranger! He'll be a hard-fightin', hard-drinkin' native of Sandpoint that's a half-breed .. half Chelaxian-half Shoanti, that is! If you don't mind, Austin, I'd like to take both my traits from the AP (Big Game Hunter and Totem Spirit (he would have been taken when he was 13 by his father's tribe so that they could teach him 'how to be a man'). I'll post more about Jed Crell on the linked thread you started.

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