Smerg's Dresden Files DFRPG - Omens

Play-by-Post Discussion

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It's official. I am now an old man.
This morning as of 8:20, at 7lbs 2 oz, my grandson was born.

I am officially 'Grandpa'.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2


Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

well, I am all married up now and starting my happily ever after; had a great wedding and reception and short honeymoon; went back to my cowboy roots and went riding with my wife for a few hours :)

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

Congratz and happy returns!

Male Humanoid Lurker 1/ Nerd 1


Grand Lodge

I'm not sure why, but I just couldn't keep up with this game. I think a large part of it was just not fully understanding or being comfortable with the rules yet. Maybe if I had played it a little in a real time game first, I would have felt more like I knew what I was doing. Apologies for not sticking with it and keeping up, maybe another time. For now I'll just read along and figure it out slowly as a lurker. Thanks for giving me a chance to see DFRPG in action guys.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
ithuriel wrote:

I'm not sure why, but I just couldn't keep up with this game. I think a large part of it was just not fully understanding or being comfortable with the rules yet. Maybe if I had played it a little in a real time game first, I would have felt more like I knew what I was doing. Apologies for not sticking with it and keeping up, maybe another time. For now I'll just read along and figure it out slowly as a lurker. Thanks for giving me a chance to see DFRPG in action guys.

Thank-you for letting me know. Lurking is fine and if you choose to bring this character or another back in at a future time then let me know and we'll see what we can do.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

The OOC thread lives!

It. Is. ALIVE!!!

Riddle me this,...
As a guy who (within certain limitations) writes his own schedule, WHY am I at work on my birthday?!?!?!?!

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Ragadolf wrote:

Riddle me this,...
As a guy who (within certain limitations) writes his own schedule, WHY am I at work on my birthday?!?!?!?!

An overdeveloped sense of duty ?? ;>

Hm,... Maybe,...
OR an UNDERdeveloped self-esteem and inability to say 'NO!'

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

BTW I'm not going to go into any great details on the 'contents' of the club. I'll mention a few things in broad strokes but I'll leave it up to the individuals to fill in the rest.

It is an alternative lifestyle club; so, if you don't know what that is then I'm sure you are computer savvy enough to find all the details that you want on your own with out me describing things in detail.

Last night,
-Toilet that wouldn't turn off,
-drainage system partially clogged by construction
-entire backstage flooded, starting to enter the stage

-Standing in water up to my ankles with 80 kids in expensive Mardi Gras outfits looking for a place to potty,... PRICELESS!


Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

I'm busy with work this afternoon and evening but I'll get something up tonight.

Don't expect any updates on Saturday with work and RL game. Not sure yet on my work schedule; so, not sure if I'm working Sunday.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

I just saw a post on Gamer Connection.

Davi the Eccentric, the player of Nathaniel Halsey, has listed that he is leaving the Paizo boards for a while.

Suggestions on how you want to continue as we now have no wizards in the group.

Grand Lodge

Just dmpc him through his ritual to open the door for the players to move ahead and give him a reason that he can't go with him. Say he takes a break for a month or two. With the magic pace of pbp he might only miss three or four scenes before he can rejoin.

Is not having a full wizard a handicap? You have some faerie magic at least. I've been enjoying reading along and may be ready to jump back in soon. If there is obvious gap in the group I can tweak Deirdre's concept a little compensate.

Rping wise I don't see too much of a problem.

And we have a variety of magical abilities between us all, as GM I guess YOU would know best whether or not proceeding without an actual 'wizard' or it's equivalent would be extremely problematic.

To be honest, I could probably use a recap, Let's see, We have one Changling spellsinger (illusions), one ex-cop with a magic knife, one monster-hunter (whom I presume is loaded with mundane weapons), One living demi-god w/ magic armor & sword, And whomever Ith returns as.

Heh. Not exactly the group a muggers going to jump on in an alley!

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

kk, I'll Rp the wiz role.

Sorry for not responding sooner...

I am fine if you want to NPC Nathaial Smerg...

I could also either convert Emily... or make a new wizard. I would merely have to re-read all that stuff again, it does seem a little over whelming reading all the stuff about wizards and magic. Up to you though. Wizards do sound interesting and such.

And yes, Emily is a straight up mortal monster slayer... Not working out exactly as I had hoped. The one thing with her Grandmother that I had with her stunts that I have mentioned contacting I have not gotten answers for.

So, whichever you are interested in. I know GMing is a lot without adding another NPC that is in the party is not the easiest things to do. And a Wizard too boot.

If you want a new wizard, let me know. :)

Smerg, et al... since I have not heard anything to my comments above about creating a wizard to play (yeah I know... Made a couple of characters already). I have spent sometime trying to make a Wizard... I am always open to help and advice to make a better wizard.

Amarina, Wizardly Healer:

Amarina of the Wulgurukaba (from Australia)

High Concept: A Wizardly Healer (Need something better, but cannot think of what I want)

Trouble: They Always Find me

Other Aspects: Bonds with the Summer Court, Elemental Spirits
Warden’s Responsibilities, I Care Too Damn Much, Combat Hardened

Skills (30)
Superb (5)
Great (4) Conviction, Discipline, Lore
Good (3) Endurance, Scholarship, Empathy
Fair (2) Presence, Alertness, Athletics
Average (1) Investigation, Resources, Weapons

Evocation [-3]
Thaumaturgy [-3]
The Sight [-1]
Soulgaze [-0]
Wizard's Constitution [-0]
Refinement [-1]

Evocation: Elements (Air, Spirit, Water), Control (Water +1), Power (Air +1, Water +1)
Thaumaturgy: Complexity (+1 Biomancy)

Focus Items
Staff (+1 defensive control water)
Silver amulet with amethyst (+1 control Spirit)
Ring with rock crystal (+1 control Air)

Rote Spells
(to be determined)

Enchanted Items:
Warden Sword: Cuts through any thing (it counts as a Weapon:3 sword at minimum in all circumstances); 3 times/session act s as either a Fantastic (+6) counterspell or a Weapon:6 item; uses two slots. (used 1 item slot: converted to 2 enchanted item slots used)

Mental: O O O O
Physical: O O O O
Social: O O O

Notes: Amarina has a been studying much of her life. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Indigenous Studies and has an equivalent of Doctorate of Natural Medicine and Integrative Medicine. She has been traveling the world, as time in her duties permit to lean from First Nations peoples of their natural healing techniques.

Total Refresh Cost: -8 (Submerged -9)

Aspects Expanded:

High Concept: A Wizardly Healer
Amarina has over the years studied the healing concepts of many First Nation cultures around the world. She has also attempted to learn the spiritual/magical natures of healing magics from those practitioners amongst the First Nations people.

Trouble:They Always Find me
From an early age, after giving up her Summer heritage and being welcomed by the women of her tribe to teach their magics, she has been found by spirits and the dead alike. She has traveled the world and they always manage to find her out. Some enemies have attempted to use this to their advantage.

Bonds with the Summer Court:
Amarina was a child of the Summer Court like many of her childhood friends. In her mid teens she made the choice to be human and not accept the gifts of Summer. Many years ago those friends met on the solstice and made a bond to one another, and continue the ritual every three years. Those friends are Wilhelmina (or Billy) works for the Summer as a half-gruff. Eldora has embraced her Summer heritage and has become a full elf. Rhiannon a small woman, a half-sprite. And lastly Diana who has also forsaken her Summer heritage and has some talents.

A Friend of Elemental Spirits:
Amarina has always had an affinity of finding and dealing with elemental spirits. In those dealings a small wind elemental, which she has named Lil Ehecatl (or Lil E), has attached itself to her, following her from place to place.

Warden’s Responsibilities:
Three Wardens, two were trainees, were transporting a small cache of remaining Warden Swords back to Edinburgh using some backwater routes of the Nevernever when they were ambushed by a group of wyld fae. Amarina happened upon the attack and was able to help the Wardens. After the fae were driven off and the wounded tended too, Amarina was asked to help gathering the blades up. The last blade to be picked up was a smallsword and there was a bonding of sorts. When Captain Luccio learned of this she was not happy but made the best of the situation and recruited the woman into the Warden’s ranks.

I Care Too Damn Much:
In performing her duties Amarina found herself in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. Seeing the devastation wrought by a magic she tried to help as many people as she was able, using her magics to gather up people and provide a refuge for those trapped within the city when the hurricane hit. She found a small group departing a warehouse and brought them to a bank she had shielded from the wind and water. The group rode out the storm and once it past she was able to bring help before she disappeared into the Nevernever.

Combat Hardened:
Having been trained and participated in the battles of the war with the Red Court, Amarina is ready for battle when it presents itself.

sorry to jump into your thread guys, but i just read all the way through the in character thread, and am reading through this one, and i'm hoping that though things have died down it's not done yet. y'all are down a few players from the start i've noticed, and i'd love to give this system a try and can either make a wizard, or if songdragon would rather play the wizard i can come in with a character idea i had for a marcone inspired type.

is there still some room in this game gm smerg, and would you take on another player?

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

1> Sorry, Songdragon, I'm just seeing your character suggestion Amarina now. I'll look at in more detail on Friday. That last week of April is terrible for me to keep track of other stuff.

2> Sure, we have room for another person Angry. I can't help you much in detail in terms of setting up a character but if you've gone over the threads then you'll have all the important information. I'll look over any character suggestions on Friday.

Smerg wrote:
1> Sorry, Songdragon, I'm just seeing your character suggestion Amarina now. I'll look at in more detail on Friday. That last week of April is terrible for me to keep track of other stuff.

No worries Smerg. I spotted a similar post regarding the tax season and how busy you have been when looking at your activity to see if you were still with us. Good to see you back! :)

ok, here's my first attempt. read through this thread and been reading the book, but still a newb at fate. i welcome any thoughts/critiques. gonna add more detail soon, but these are the basic ideas. also, my first two stunts are from the book, next two are ones i made up that i would like, and i'm not sure how the last one works. don't want an adventuring sidekick, more a staffed research lab. not sure who my guest starrings should be with.


pure mortal
high concept
international arms dealer(smuggler?) - deals in both legal and illegal, prefers dealing with rebels fighting dictators
i smell a busniness opportunity - always looking for a way to make a buck from anything unusual going on
Lawrence Smee
willful trustfund baby - layabout father, grandfather put him in family business (ammo & accesories) early, used to getting his own way, but also used to dealing with consequences of his decisions
rising conflict
let freedom ring - big fan of declaration of independance and bill of rights. dissatisfied with government and rest of world. first exposed to idea of supernatural out of college when found requests for odd sorts of ammo (cold iron, silver, holy mercury, etc), including from UPS maybe? saw business opportunity, dived in headfirst, big success at family business
the story
yeah, i totally went there - basically will use everything he has in verbal skirmish. still working on story, maybe encounter with powerful fae/wizard?
guest starring
magic is so cool - ?
guest starring redux
this is why we can't have nice things... - ?adrenaline junkie

5 resources
4 contacts, rapport
3 empathy, guns
2 athletics, endurance, alertness
1 scholarship, discipline, driving, craftsmanship, might

filthy lucre - +2 resources for illicit purposes
lush lifestyle - any item equal to or less than resources
money is power - use resources for social stress boxes
you can take the boy out of the trailer park... - use rapport to determine type (ie, fae, human, wizard, etc)
sidekick? - want workspace to be a lab with friend studying interaction of magic and tech

Just a few things about Amarina (I would add above, but I am not seeing an edit option for my own post.)

For the concept I am thinking just a little about the Codex Alera books. not so much the furys, but the powers the people were able to do. With water, their looks being younger and such.

Amarina would be in her late 50s, 57ish or so, but looks much younger. Wizardly constitution and all that. Gives her the time needed it would take to learn and attain a doctorate and other knowledge.

A question... can an evocation heal? Looking at some of the wizardly types in Our World, it all seems more ritual based.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

Sorry, I've not read the Codex series by Butcher; so, I am unfamiliar with the reference.

I'm also not sure on healing at this point.

There is evidence of healing magic being used since Dresden's former girl friend from when he was an apprentice has done some healing magic.

Dresden in the books describes healing as being a tricky type of magic and it might require some sort of extra stunt to be able to use it. Game wise the topic has yet to be addressed in the books.

There does seem to be some sort of trade off on magic and there are limits to healing. Wizards are more able to be 'healed' then regular humans which is why Dresden is able in time to recover the usage of his hand which a regular human would never have 'healed'.

There appears to be a 'trade off' in healing of fatigue for real damage in the books but most of the 'trade off' is more of a delay of effect. You look and feel better but you're still going to need a month of rest to truly be better.

Supernatural creatures have shown 'real healing' as Dresden has been 'renewed' by his fairy relations on occasion. Usually this occurs much like they remake reality to conform to their wishes. These powerful fae that can do real healing are usually GM pets that can do pretty much what the GM says they can do and a healing is usually done just to allow the character to get more of a pounding by something truly horrible.

Just my thoughts on the topic.

Smerg wrote:
Sorry, I've not read the Codex series by Butcher; so, I am unfamiliar with the reference.

No worries... Good read, different from dresden in a big way.

Smerg wrote:

I'm also not sure on healing at this point.

There is evidence of healing magic being used since Dresden's former girl friend from when he was an apprentice has done some healing magic.

Yeah I know there is not much on it and it was not something that all the character would be focused on. If you look at Listens to Wind, p 175 OW, it mentions that he does some healing magic and leads a magical medical types. Most of the knowledge focus was old school medicines... or at least learning about them. Since practicing modern requires things that would go pop and fizzle.

But no worries... Water and wind magics will be here thing... with some spiritual stuff.

+1 for the Codex Alera series. Very different from Dresden, but just as enjoyable. He is a good author. :D

Sorry for any delays, got slammed and flooded at work. (being semi-literal there, see newscasts on the Missisissippi river flooding and the opening of local levies to see what I mean.)

Again, sorry, catching up quick as I can.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Ragadolf wrote:

+1 for the Codex Alera series. Very different from Dresden, but just as enjoyable. He is a good author. :D

Sorry for any delays, got slammed and flooded at work. (being semi-literal there, see newscasts on the Missisissippi river flooding and the opening of local levies to see what I mean.)

Again, sorry, catching up quick as I can.

Not a problem as long as I know what's going on.

I hope things get better down there.

I'm lucky in that my home is in an area of sand and a good fifteen to twenty feet above lake level so flooding has never been a concern for me.

I should be fine, my parish (county for you non-Louisianans) isn't even on the warning list it turns out. And the flood-y areas aren't getting hit as hard as they expected, since we're technically in a drought, the land itself is soaking up a lot of what the levies are letting out.

I'm actually slow for a few days now, more time to write my longer posts! :)

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