Smerg's Dresden Files DFRPG - Omens

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Male Humanoid Lurker 1/ Nerd 1

I'll just answer some of these questions, just because I'm rereading that chapter anyway.

ithuriel wrote:
Because I haven't read the magic rules in depth yet, assuming I used unseelie magic to defend myself does it require fate points to power it? Or could you just plug away only using them as enhancement like you would in other situations?

No need to spend a fate point for every spell you cast. Otherwise, wizards would only be able to cast one, maybe two spells a session. At most you'd have to spend a fate point to invoke an aspect you put on someone for a different roll, and you could just go into debt with your patron instead of spending the point.

Also- Unseelie magic catches Mab's notice and using your changeling abilities push you toward the choice. Is this a gray scale here? It's not like every single use causes some kind of internal confrontation or catches Mab's eye, right? I'm imagining it is just something you know to expect at dramatic points throughout game.

Yeah, that stuff basically happens at the speed of plot. She'd know when you cast a spell but most of the time she probably wouldn't care.

Now back to making sure I understand Thaumaturgy and coming up with a way to be involved with Torolf's story.

Male Human

Rough Draft is up. Comments and suggestions welcome. Also, ready to start working on guest stories. Davi and Valegrim, Conan's first adventure is called Chinese Winter Torture. Details are still vague as befits a collaborative story.

Male Humanoid Lurker 1/ Nerd 1
Doctor Carding wrote:
Rough Draft is up. Comments and suggestions welcome. Also, ready to start working on guest stories. Davi and Valegrim, Conan's first adventure is called Chinese Winter Torture. Details are still vague as befits a collaborative story.

The spoiler for your first story doesn't seem to be working right. Which is kind of annoying because I'm guest starring in it.

Male Human

I suppose that that could be construed as a valid comment or suggestion. *grins*

Okay, fixed. Apparently forgetting to put closing italics in the spoiler messed up the spoiler. All the others seem to be working.

Also, while I'm thinking about it, how long is a session on a PbP game?

Ithuriel: You won't need to spend Fate points just to do magic, but you will take at least one point of mental stress per spell cast. Also, I haven't read up on Sponsored magic, but you may well want to invest in Lore (the skill).

Revised Character (Again! ;) )

(Most the same, just a few adjustments.

Pernilla Tharaldson:

Character: Pernilla Tharaldson
Player: Songdragon
Template: (Emissary of Power?)
High Concept: Daughter of the Valkyrie
Trouble: Forbidden to Die Peacefully

Phase One: Background: Where did you come from?

Pernilla was born to the Valkyrie Kára and a mortal hero in the late 1800s. She has grown up knowing her mother’s nature and expected to fulfill the role of a young Norse maiden. Even as a young child, danger always found Pernilla. She has had to endure and be strong. Her otherly nature has allowed her to live for sometime. As she became an adult she was taken to Asgard and given the opportunity to become more. Pernilla accepted and her training began. She was trained in many disciplines, including the art of combat and how to use many of the Norse weaponry.

Phase Aspect: Weapons of the Norse
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

Phase Two: Rising Conflict: What shaped you?

Pernilla was introduced into Monoc Securities and her mentor Bergen Hall. He took the young woman under his wing and began to teach and guide her. Her many assignments and responsibilities have brought many troubles, both mundane and supernatural, which continue to find her. Now though, they have become more dangerous. Because of this many people will not work with this ‘cursed’ woman. One person did not shy away from those dangers, Sara Bell, readily accepted the risks and the two became and have remained friends since. With the help of Sara she has accepted that around her and vows to continue and live for each day.

Phase Aspect: Always Fighting the Good Fight
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

Phase Three: The Story: What was your first adventure?

Many artifacts of a First Nations nature have gone missing. Pernilla was given the assignment from her superiors in Monoc Securities to find the items and return them. It took some time, but with the help of several contacts and her fellow agents she was able to track down the shapeshifters who had taken the items. Interrupting a ritual a confrontation ensued. Most of the small pack escaped and have vowed to get Pernilla for messing with them. Pernillia returned not only the items she was sent for but many other recovered artifacts. She was not only able to complete her assignment but exceed her superiors’ expectations. As such she was granted her agent status

Phase Aspect: Agent of Monoc Securities
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

Phase Four: Guest Star: Whose Path Have You Crossed?

Phase Aspect: (To be determined)
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

Phase Five: Guest Star Redux: Who Else’s Path Have You Crossed?

Phase Aspect: (To be determined)
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

Endurance (5)
Weapons (4)
Athletics (3), Contacts (3), Lore (3)
Alertness (2), Conviction (2), Discipline (2), Presence (2)
Guns(1), Might (1), Resources (1), Stealth (1)

For skills I swapped lore (now 3) with alertness (now 2)? If I was to consider evocation? (surrounding a weapon in say lightning or the some such.) Probably think of Ritual as you suggested, make some protections and more long term items or those one off potion like items.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

For the guest star... If I got it right...

For Pernilla's story... Adastra is Support One and Barcas is Support Two

Pernilla is Support One in Barcas' story
Pernilla is Support Two in Ithuriel's story

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Male Humanoid Lurker 1/ Nerd 1

^Well, when I made a graph for this I assumed it was the other way around. Either way works as long as everyone interprets it the same way.
Might as well make some actual comments on your sheet. EDIT: Torolf, not Songdragon.

-There's a good bit of crossover between our skill lists. You're going to be slightly faster at thaumaturgy than I will be except for wards, but they'll be slightly weaker than mine except when you're crafting items. You're still better than I am at evocation all around.
-You're going to do worse in most social challenges than I am, and I'm the guy who got out of the asylum a few months ago.

Other than that, it looks good.

So, for your story, I assume you need someone to break you out of that prison. A prison that presumably has wards. Wards, which happen to be my specialty. Maybe it's to return the favor from whatever you did to help during my story?

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Songdragon wrote:

Revised Character (Again! ;) )

(Most the same, just a few adjustments.

** spoiler omitted **...

Songdragon has it right. Adastra and Barcas are Guest stars in her personal story.

Songdragon is the guest star in Barcas's and Ithuriel's stories.

The character information for skills looks fine. I like the couple of changes in aspects.


I've just gotten home from work. I still have a few errands to run tonight so it will be a few hours before I can fully go through this list and comment on everything.

Male Human

Well, you can't be good at everything. Doctor Carding isn't much of a people person. I debated giving him any Presence at all, but figured he probably was used to Academic infighting and that type of social attack. I also wouldn't worry about the asylum thing. Having worked on mental wards, I can assure you that most residents have social skills at least as good as or better than the average American :P

Do you have your character posted in one place? Aside from an odd post here or there, I haven't seen much of your character yet. The only thing that strikes me as odd is your Resources of Good despite the fact that you just got out of the asylum. Looks like our respective thirsts for knowledge will lead both of us into trouble. A lot.

There's likely to be problems when Conan finds out that Nathaniel broke the seventh law, though.

On to our stories. Mine is still flexible, of course, but I'm not sure that the Winter Court would actually use wards to imprison us. This was before Hime lost her marbles. Nathaniel's Lore is higher than Conan's, and he paid a lot more (storywise) to get it. How about highlighting some aspect of that lore (Winter or Chinese) to aid in the escape, instead? If you really want to highlight your ward abilities, though, I can live with that so you can take an aspect like Wards Will Not Keep Me Out.

As for your story, it looks like we have a warlock, and possibly some Never-Never or outsider creatures? There's one aspect of Conan I need to work in somehow. It should highlight his 'good' nature. Protecting the innocent and all that. He's going to be doing it anyway and I'd like the fate points for it.

Anyway, "Baying of the Hounds,"
After being clued in by a fellow scholar that someone was using summoned creatures to commit bizarre crimes, Conan used his scrying skills to find the ritual site while Nathaniel then flooded it with water, disrupting the summons and allowing the Mounties to catch their man. Later, Nathaniel helps Conan escape the Fae that enthralled his Mentor. Possible Aspect: All Scholars are Brothers

Male Humanoid Lurker 1/ Nerd 1
Smerg wrote:

Songdragon has it right. Adastra and Barcas are Guest stars in her personal story.

Alright, I'll have the arrows switched around in the graph soon. EDIT: Done.

Male Human

Okay, so Conan is starring in Divine Shadow's story? Never hurts to be friendly with the muscle. How about, "My Father's Hammer,"

When the forgotten Prince of Autumn was tricked into facing down a troll to recover his father's hammer, Conan started a good old-fashioned mud-slinging contest, blinding the Troll long enough for the Prince to retrieve his heirloom and defeat the Troll in a fair fight.

Possible Aspect: Sow Cleverly, Harvest Friendship

Doctor Carding wrote:
Do you have your character posted in one place? Aside from an odd post here or there, I haven't seen much of your character yet. The only thing that strikes me as odd is your Resources of Good despite the fact that you just got out of the asylum. Looks like our respective thirsts for knowledge will lead both of us into trouble. A lot.

Yeah, just haven't posted as this alias yet. Also, I figured the Resources were because his parents are relatively rich and really didn't want their son to end up as a homeless crazy person.

There's likely to be problems when Conan finds out that Nathaniel broke the seventh law, though.

He's trying make his apartment into a mystic bunker for when the walls at the edge of the universe finally collapse. I'd like to see you try.

On to our stories. Mine is still flexible, of course, but I'm not sure that the Winter Court would actually use wards to imprison us. This was before Hime lost her marbles. Nathaniel's Lore is higher than Conan's, and he paid a lot more (storywise) to get it. How about highlighting some aspect of that lore (Winter or Chinese) to aid in the escape, instead? If you really want to highlight your ward abilities, though, I can live with that so you can take an aspect like Wards Will Not Keep Me Out.

Hey, I was just tossing an idea out there. I'm just trying to figure out what I did before I made the aspect. Definitely still breaking you out of jail, though. (Also, I'm pretty sure they could make a cold/death themed ward even without a wizard's help, but no matter.)

So, still trying to come up with an aspect for this bit of story. Maybe a general distrust of the NeverNever or the Winter Court? He saw some horrible things in that jail, and although he's still seen worse it was too damn close for his liking. On second thought, the aspect probably should be about our character's relationship. How does a nice friendly rivalry sound to you?

Anyway, I'll have my portion of the story and my aspect up soonish.

As for your story, it looks like we have a warlock, and possibly some Never-Never or outsider creatures?

I was going for Never-Never creatures and not Outsiders, just to be clear.


Anyway, "Baying of the Hounds,"
After being clued in by a fellow scholar that someone was using summoned creatures to commit bizarre crimes, Conan used his scrying skills to find the ritual site while Nathaniel then flooded it with water, disrupting the summons and allowing the Mounties to catch their man. Possible Aspect: All Scholars are Brothers

Sounds good to me. Should still leave plenty of room for AdAstra to fit in.

Male Human
Nathanial Halsey wrote:
There's likely to be problems when Conan finds out that Nathaniel broke the seventh law, though.

He's trying make his apartment into a mystic bunker for when the walls at the edge of the universe finally collapse. I'd like to see you try.

Hey, I was just tossing an idea out there. I'm just trying to figure out what I did before I made the aspect. Definitely still breaking you out of jail, though. (Also, I'm pretty sure they could make a cold/death themed ward even without a wizard's help, but no matter.)

So, still trying to come up with an aspect for this bit of story. Maybe a general distrust of the NeverNever or the Winter Court? He saw some horrible things in that jail, and although he's still seen worse it was too damn close for his liking. On second thought, the aspect probably should be about our character's relationship. How does a nice friendly rivalry sound to you?

Throwing out ideas is good, or at least it's what I've been doing. Some are good, others not so good; most benefit from some refining. Heh, I like the bunker idea, though you probably have even less of a threshold than I do. But Conan wouldn't go after you himself, he'd call the Wardens. Of course, the Wardens don't know that he exists, so he probably wouldn't do anything. Immediately. And he'd be torn between wanting to know what Nathaniel knows and wanting to keep the Laws, anyway.

I was hoping for a better relationship than a friendly rivalry. Maybe I've just been in two many parties where PC conflict ruined things. Perhaps I Can Out-Do that Librarian? (Conan hates being called "Conan the Librarian.")

Male Humanoid Lurker 1/ Nerd 1
Doctor Carding wrote:

I was hoping for a better relationship than a friendly rivalry. Maybe I've just been in two many parties where PC conflict ruined things. Perhaps I Can Out-Do that Librarian? (Conan hates being called "Conan the Librarian.")

The emphasis was on "Friendly". Still friends, he just wants to prove that he is better at this than you out of principle. He won't let a troll bash your head in out of spite because it isn't about spite or jealousy or any of that. It's just proving who's the best because one of them has to be.

So, to steal an analogy from Unknown Armies, if I say potato and you say "exit, stage left" we have nothing to get in a fight about. If I say potato and you say potato, we both laugh at the guy saying "exit, stage left" and then we start fighting over the potato. But, since the potato in this case stands for knowledge, and since both of us are willing to share it, it really only gets to arguing about the finer points of potatoes and not to stabbing eachother in the throat.

I probably made my side of the argument much more confusing than it needed.

Male Human
Davi The Eccentric wrote:

The emphasis was on "Friendly". Still friends, he just wants to prove that he is better at this than you out of principle. He won't let a troll bash your head in out of spite because it isn't about spite or jealousy or any of that. It's just proving who's the best because one of them has to be.

So, to steal an analogy from Unknown Armies, if I say potato and you say "exit, stage left" we have nothing to get in a fight about. If I say potato and you say potato, we both laugh at the guy saying "exit, stage left" and then we start fighting over the potato. But, since the potato in this case stands for knowledge, and since both of us are willing to share it, it really only gets to arguing about the finer points of potatoes and not to stabbing eachother in the throat.

I probably made my side of the argument much more confusing than it needed.

That works for me. Though if I admitted that I barely understood your argument and didn't get your references it might lend credence to your ridiculous theory that your illegal scholarship is better than my half-trained scholarship. :P

I'm thinking about changing the aspect to Nobody's allowed to prove him wrong except me!

Male Humanoid Lurker 1/ Nerd 1
Torolf wrote:
That works for me. Though if I admitted that I barely understood your argument and didn't get your references it might lend credence to the theory that your illegal scholarship is better than my half-trained scholarship. :P

What, you never read any of Unknown Armies? Do it, if you can. It's one of the best-written games out there. I stole that metaphor from the chapter on adepts, the people so obsessed with something they get some actual magic power from it. You put two people with different obsessions in a group, they think the other is obsessed with something dumb and go about their business. You put two people with the same sort of obsession in a group, and they start fighting because they both need JFK's drinking cup to get phenomenal cosmic power and can't share it.

Yeah. I'm bad at making good arguments.

Male Human

A quick scholarship roll informs me that it's a horror-occult RPG. Probably why I've never encountered it, since no-one in my area goes in for that sort of thing. Is it in PDF format anywhere? I don't really want to plop down $39.99 for a book that I know that I'll never get to play (except for the Dresden Files, but that's a different brand magical fruit altogether).

Male Humanoid Lurker 1/ Nerd 1
Doctor Carding wrote:
A quick scholarship roll informs me that it's a horror-occult RPG. Probably why I've never encountered it, since no-one in my area goes in for that sort of thing. Is it in PDF format anywhere? I don't really want to plop down $39.99 for a book that I know that I'll never get to play (except for the Dresden Files, but that's a different brand magical fruit altogether).

I'm pretty sure Atlus won't be selling pdfs of it until all the physical books are sold, so I doubt you can get a legal pdf at the moment. But you know how I said it was one of the best-written games out there? I meant it. It's just a weird little game that's too good for this earth, and I wish I could somehow get in a game of it.

EDIT: Although I probably am overselling it a bit.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Doctor Carding wrote:
Okay, working on refining concepts, history and numbers now.

This looks good. You haven't chosen the 'sight' in the powers (which is fine for an apprentice). Just letting you know that it will handicap you in some situations not having the 'sight' to help locate magical spells. I understand that you probably did this on purpose but my job as GM is make sure you are reminded of the consequences of your choice.

The items and rotes look reasonable. I think with the Rotes you need to 'set' their level of effects. I am sure that part will come as you study the rules more and think on this part (I won't insist on locking these things in at this time as we are all learning the magic system and what can and can't be done but if you do use a rote, I will ask that you keep the level 'set' at that point till the next milestone when you can 'redesign' the spell).

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
ithuriel wrote:

Because I haven't read the magic rules in depth yet, assuming I used unseelie magic to defend myself does it require fate points to power it? Or could you just plug away only using them as enhancement like you would in other situations?

Also- Unseelie magic catches Mab's notice and using your changeling abilities push you toward the choice. Is this a gray scale here? It's not like every single use causes some kind of internal confrontation or catches Mab's eye, right? I'm imagining it is just something you know to expect at dramatic points throughout game.

Regular magic requires no fate points to use.

Regular magic requires a minimum of one Mental Stress per spell cast. Boxes of Mental Stress are recovered pretty much when a scene is over and you have half and hour or so to cool down. If you go beyond your character's boxes of Mental Stress and need to choose Consequences to absorb stress then these can have a longer lasting effect. The lesson is a minor spell is easy to recover. A monster spell or casting half a dozen spells in a short period of time can leave you with a headache for days or possibly longer.

If you have sponsored magic like Unseelie Magic then you can appeal to your sponsor. You get a debt mechanic that works between you and your sponsor which serves as a 'compel' against this debt to further the aims of the power that is your sponsor. Unseelie Magic is related to Mab and the Winter Court (though Mother and Daughter have some say too). If you have a debt then you might be asked a 'favour' that you need to obey or pay a Fate Point to 'buy' off temporarily. Mab might ask for information, to find someone, to protect something, or a dozen other favours. The sponsor will also only grant their aid for things that are related to them. Mab won't help with healing or fire magic but she will help with cold and decay magic.

You can spend Fate points by tagging your Aspects or 'created' Aspects (part of Thaumaturgy and gathering ingredients for a spell) for the usual benefits of either a re-roll or +2 modifier.

Male Human

Yeah, I deliberately left out Sight and Soulgaze, after seeing that Molly Carpenter didn't have the Sight yet. Plus, after what happened to his mentor, I doubt Conan will really be all that eager to use it anyway.

As I understand the rules, you are correct about setting the level of rotes. At least for evocation rotes. I'm still trying to understand the Thaumaturgical ones. My intent is to eventually set them for the maximum power I could handle without taking extra stress, as per the book, but the character is not quite done yet, and the rotes could end up changing before we start, especially before our 1st adventures are finalized.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Doctor Carding wrote:

Also, while I'm thinking about it, how long is a session on a PbP game?

I am not sure yet on how long this will be. This is my first time running FATE as a GM; so, it will be a learning curve for us all.

I am planning to run a few threads simultaneously co-ordinated through the OOC thread. I just don't think that I can have all these diverse characters running 90% of the time together as a standard DnD adventure group (it doesn't make sense and doesn't seem to go with the feel of the game).

The usage of the multiple threads is more of a control of flow of thought instead of having three stories intermingled in the same thread at the same time which will just leave everyone confused.

A 'session' will likely involve 1 to 3 scenes per player depending on the length of the scenes. The time to cover this much 'time' in PbP will likely be two months (I know in my Star Wars game we are on the third scene and it has taken us almost two months to play out this much game time).

Over in my Star Wars game, we have played the equivalent of one real-life session in about a month.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Davi The Eccentric wrote:
Smerg wrote:

Songdragon has it right. Adastra and Barcas are Guest stars in her personal story.

Alright, I'll have the arrows switched around in the graph soon. EDIT: Done.

Looks good and thanks again for the doc support.


I am feeling lost enough by this process that I'm going to bow out - please replace me with an alternate.

That's a pity. I really enjoyed your character concept, AdAstra.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
AdAstraGames wrote:
I am feeling lost enough by this process that I'm going to bow out - please replace me with an alternate.

Thank-you for telling me.

I will miss your psychic insurance guy character.

I know we had some lurkers originally watching this thread. Are there any still lurking that is interested in joining?

If I don't hear from someone in the next 24hrs then I will start to advertise for a replacement.

Smerg wrote:
AdAstraGames wrote:
I am feeling lost enough by this process that I'm going to bow out - please replace me with an alternate.

Thank-you for telling me.

I will miss your psychic insurance guy character.

I know we had some lurkers originally watching this thread. Are there any still lurking that is interested in joining?

If I don't hear from someone in the next 24hrs then I will start to advertise for a replacement.

AdAstra, sorry to see you go, I must confess that I enjoyed your PC concept! (Psychic Insurance Guy?, original!)

If you are looking for another Smerg, I'm always willing to put myself in harm's way with a new game!

(It's my weakness, I like exploring new game systems)

So, I submit myself for application to the wizarding world!,... ;)

Male Humanoid Lurker 1/ Nerd 1
DM Barcas wrote:
That's a pity. I really enjoyed your character concept, AdAstra.

What he said. So long, and thanks for playing so long.

Also, Smerg, do we really need eight players for this? I mean, seven players is plenty for a game.

Dark Archive

Okay so here my first guest starting

Threshold Madness
After finishing a sword of flame for a Summer sidhe named Riannion. I went to his hoouse to deliver it when I got there the place was wrecked, the only thing not tore up or covered in goo was a black iron banned book. Worried about my friend I went to the libary as I had no idea what language it was in. One of the girls I showed it too ran off screaming mad, then I was approached by Mr. Halsey who after examining the book said we needed to go back to where I found it as it had a gate spell to let in That Which Dwells Beyond The Threshold and it would began leting other things in soon. So we rushed back to Riannions house where Halsey starting reading from the book. Then Riannion appeared in the door a horribly mutated Riannion I struck it with the sword I had forged for Riannion but it shattered. So I pulled out my fathers hammer and fought this thing for what seemed like days as Halsey read a rite from the book to send the thing back where it came from. I called upon another changeling I knew to take Riannion back to the Summer Queen maybe she could fix him? I took Halsey out for a few beers and told him if he ever needed help to call me.

I'm thinking something like I Fought The Outside

And for that matter how's that look Davi??

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Davi The Eccentric wrote:
DM Barcas wrote:
That's a pity. I really enjoyed your character concept, AdAstra.

What he said. So long, and thanks for playing so long.

Also, Smerg, do we really need eight players for this? I mean, seven players is plenty for a game.

Well, we've gotten this far with the idea of having possibly eight characters and I've even set up the guest starring roles to have all the people involved at the moment. I'd have some shifting to do to reconfigure who goes with what guest star slot.

It is really easier to bring someone in at this point.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Ragadolf wrote:

So, I submit myself for application to the wizarding world!,... ;)

If you are willing to submit a character then that is great. :>

Smerg wrote:

It is really easier to bring someone in at this point.

Yeah, that's why I decided that the right decision was to bow out NOW, before my confusion scrambled everyone else's character creation process.

For what it's worth, the Psychic Insurance Adjuster didn't seem to fit with the concepts floating around. (Redeemed Valkyrie, Lovecraftian Scholar, Princeling of Autumn, Half Troll Dock Worker - and Chandler, the guy with an office job and psychic 'flashes'. One of these things is not like the other... :) )

I understand descriptive engines; I've written one myself (Minimus).

I don't know this one well enough to be able to make concrete or reasonable suggestions about how my abilities work (or even to be able to answer questions from the GM) because I don't know the jargon of the specific system.

I'll still be watching this to learn how FATE works, and Smerg should feel free to use Chandler as an NPC of some sort somewhere.

Dark Archive

AdAstraGames wrote:
Smerg wrote:

It is really easier to bring someone in at this point.

Yeah, that's why I decided that the right decision was to bow out NOW, before my confusion scrambled everyone else's character creation process.

For what it's worth, the Psychic Insurance Adjuster didn't seem to fit with the concepts floating around. (Redeemed Valkyrie, Lovecraftian Scholar, Princeling of Autumn, Half Troll Dock Worker - and Chandler, the guy with an office job and psychic 'flashes'. One of these things is not like the other... :) )

I understand descriptive engines; I've written one myself (Minimus).

I don't know this one well enough to be able to make concrete or reasonable suggestions about how my abilities work (or even to be able to answer questions from the GM) because I don't know the jargon of the specific system.

I'll still be watching this to learn how FATE works, and Smerg should feel free to use Chandler as an NPC of some sort somewhere.

Hey we needed a straitght to keep us straight lol and besides we don't fit together very well yet either. Heck you could be the guy who helps us stay under wraps from the straights.

Male Humanoid Lurker 1/ Nerd 1
divineshadow wrote:
And for that matter how's that look Davi??

One, you're supposed to add on to the story of the person you're guest starring with, not just make another one entirely. Two, I'm guest starring in your story, you're not really involved in my story.

EDIT: Oh, and added Ragadolf to the graph in AdAstra's place.

Dark Archive

Davi The Eccentric wrote:
divineshadow wrote:
And for that matter how's that look Davi??

One, you're supposed to add on to the story of the person you're guest starring with, not just make another one entirely. Two, I'm guest starring in your story, you're not really involved in my story.

EDIT: Oh, and added Ragadolf to the graph in AdAstra's place.

Thought we were doing it like in the book. It says to make a new story for each guest star so that you can get aspects from it so that you have more to trigger from. Hmmm don't really have a way to fit anyone into my start up story cause that was in the nevernever and he went alone.

Smerg what say you?? Any suggestions on how to add them in??

Male Humanoid Lurker 1/ Nerd 1
divineshadow wrote:

Thought we were doing it like in the book. It says to make a new story for each guest star so that you can get aspects from it so that you have more to trigger from. Hmmm don't really have a way to fit anyone into my start up story cause that was in the nevernever and he went alone.

Smerg what say you?? Any suggestions on how to add them in??

Alright, here's the steps.

1. You make a story, which is the story used in The Story section of character creation. (You don't make a new story for each guest star to guest star in)
2. The people guest starring in your story take that story and add themselves into it in some minor role.
3. The people guest starring make an aspect based on what they did in your story.

Also, both the people guest starring in your story are spellcasters. We can get into the Never-Never by ourselves. We can just stumble onto the scene and decide to help out, to throw an idea out.

Grand Lodge

Here's my story. I've left it open ended for Pernilla and Divine Shadow to write themselves in. Character's name is Hannah LeFevre. Also I noticed later that Cassandra's tears costs 0 refresh. I had written -1 before. I'll add in either refinements, that spider walk ability, or the cloak of shadows one- or some combination.

Aspect: Lead Singer for "Blood of the Witch"

Hannah and her band were excited to get their break in the local music scene until the bizarre outbreaks of violence started happening at their shows. The occasional fights were no big deal, but the guy who started swinging randomly in the crowd with brass knuckles at their 3rd show was a different story. At the 5th show it was a maniac with a box cutter. Finally on the 7th someone started firing with a gun and Hannah was hit...

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Davi The Eccentric wrote:

Alright, here's the steps.

1. You make a story, which is the story used in The Story section of character creation. (You don't make a new story for each guest star to guest star in)
2. The people guest starring in your story take that story and add themselves into it in some minor role.
3. The people guest starring make an aspect based on what they did in your story.

Also, both the people guest starring in your story are spellcasters. We can get into the Never-Never by ourselves. We can just stumble onto the scene and decide to help out, to throw an idea out.

Davi has the rules right.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
ithuriel wrote:

Here's my story. I've left it open ended for Pernilla and Divine Shadow to write themselves in. Character's name is Hannah LeFevre. Also I noticed later that Cassandra's tears costs 0 refresh. I had written -1 before. I'll add in either refinements, that spider walk ability, or the cloak of shadows one- or some combination.

I would charge Refresh depending on how much 'control' as a player you have on making your Oracle events.

A 0 refresh cost would be me as GM telling you a vision but you have no control over making these 'pronouncements'. People also won't believe what you tell them and will end up running into trouble anyways.

A 1 refresh allows you as a player once per session to make a vision statement that will come true of the future. It has to have some general nature to the 'vision' as being too specific won't work. It will allow you to place an aspect on a scene that will occur. You can also receive 'visions' from the GM.

A +1 refresh allows you as a player +2 times per session to make oracle statements.

This is a slight modifier on the existing rules to fill the power out to allow it a range of ability options.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

Game plan.

Depending on people getting their characters into a someone ready state, I hope to get the first of the in-character game threads started the early part of next week.

I recognize that people may be adding/modifying/subtracting bits from their characters for a while to come.

I do think that you can do only so much of that in a vacuum before you have to try a few encounters out to see what works and what needs to be changed.

The first couple of encounters will be aimed at 'shaking' down the systems and characters before getting more deeply into the 'story'. Expect a couple of small combats (physical, mental, and social) and skill challenges (working on things like investigation skills). This will be a chance for players to test out their characters, magic system, Fate System of invoking, compelling, modifying the story.

Davi The Eccentric wrote:

EDIT: Oh, and added Ragadolf to the graph in AdAstra's place.

I'll take that as a sign! ;)

OK,... I'll try to catch up as quick as I can (I'm hoping that pc gen on page 7 helps, as I don't own DFRPG or any version of FATE.) But I've been following the thread, and I think I have enough of a clue to get it started. I must confess that I luv magic, so I'll be playing SOMEthing to do with magic! (Duh!) Either a WIT (Wiz in Training) Sorcerer, or Focused Practitioner.

How about the following 3 ideas just to get an idea going? Please feel free to make any comments on what you thinks works or doesn't, or which you'd prefer to see join the game.

#1-Native American, raised on the stories of the tribes shaman, so knows about the 'magic' world, (but not everything), and tends to think of it in terms of the Indian's stories. Could work at the museum, either because he was sent there to safeguard relics of the People's past, or just because he wanted to be involved with protecting his heritage. I see him as a very 'Injun Joe Jr', with possibilities of working his way up to Injun Joe. Eventually. Could either be a natural talent, or the Shaman's chosen successor.

#2- Actor with Talent- A young man trying to make a living in theater discovers that the 'magic' and 'fantasy' of his favorite game world (the same game that Billy and the pack play of course) are real, and that he can work it. Sort of. He is joyful at discovering that he can work magic, but really wants to be an actor. Unfortunately he just isn't that successful, and ends up making a living as a theater tech. This ALSO doesn't work out so well, as he tends to fry any of the major systems (lighting and sound) when he works near them for too long. ;P
He tends to end up working mostly summers at summer stock shows/outdoor dramas and Ren fairs, where he can use his talents but there isn't a concentration of high end gear to fry.

#3- WIT (Wiz In Training) (I know, the least creative of ALL of the ideas you've heard so far!) ;) A young talent who got 'discovered' by a nice (Or at least decent) wiz before accidentally breaking any of the laws he knew nothing about. Now a full apprentice, (which the Council may or may NOT know about) trying to come to grips with everything all at once. (Also possible to combine with the 'normal kid who discovers magic is real' theme)

I welcome any comments, suggestions. Etc. Thank you. I look forward to story-telling myself out of trouble!

EDIT-AND here's a 4th, because I like even numbers! ;P
-'Married to the Mob' -A young talent (possibly mixed with an idea from above) gets heavily involved with a pretty girl, and THEN finds out she;s the local's crimelord's daughter/Niece/etc. The trouble is he REALLY likes her, and decides to hang around. THEN the crimelord discovers that he has 'talents' which the Family would like to make use of,... and all of a sudden it's dangerous for him to stay, or leave! (COmplications anyone?)

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

Here are my thoughts;

1> Certainly room to explore this angle.

2> Not so sure on this one. This idea seems a bit of a hodge podge of ideas that I'm not sure fits well in the game.

3> Since we have an apprentice already, I'm not so sure I'd like a second one if there was a different angle to explore. The Shaman idea explores a different angle. Plenty of Eastern cultures with eastern magic systems, African magic systems, or Latin/South American magic systems to explore and develop a character around. If you went this way then I'd rather more of a unique identity being expressed.

Currently in the group we have;
Sorcerer using Rituals and Summonings
Sorcerer (WiT) using Evocation Ice Magic
Fey using Unseelie Magic and possibly Oracles
Fey using Autumn Magic?
Valkyrie using Rune Magic

With five of the seven other characters with some magical talent, it is important to have some expression of your magic that creates a niche of difference.

4> We haven't made the Mob a big element in our city. Connection to the Triads would be better. Being Toronto, you could connect to Chinese, Korean, Japaneses, Vietnamese, Cambodian, or several other Asian groups.

Male Humanoid Lurker 1/ Nerd 1

Post got eaten, so here we go again.

If you don't have the rulebook, at least read the Spirit Of The Century SRD so you know how FATE works, if you don't want the rest of us to explain the basic rules all the time.

1. Not a big fan of this one, but maybe that's probably just because it isn't fleshed out yet and I feel vaguely guilty that my distant ancestors killed their distant ancestors and took their stuff.

2. I like it, but the actual concept does need a bit more definition. I'm tempted to recommend you be a Summer Court changeling, just because it seems appropriate for the character and I kind of want to see an aspect called "A Summer Court Changeling In Queen Mab's Court".

3. We already have a wizard in training. Besides, you've made more wizard characters than JK Rowling. Branch out a little!

4. It's better as a Trouble than a concept by itself, and you'd probably be marrying into a Triad and not the mafia given what groups the campaign's probably focusing on.

Thank you Smerg-

(The #2 is my (current) favorite, but the way I wrote it certainly did make it look hodge-podge! ;P)

With the current PC distribution, I'm tempted to go Were-critter. Just to be a little more different. ;)

Ok then how's this for narrowing it down
-Native American
-Talented, either shapeshifting magics, OR nature magics, probably earth and wind, (If evocation, he'll probably like lightning) primarily using them to boost his own abilities, or knock others off balance. (Wind for speed, earth for strength/armor, attacks would be earthshakes and wind blasts, lightning bolts)
-BAckground-shaman saw talent and either 1)taught him the old ways to keep him from misusing his powers, or 2) outright training him to be his successor.
-Moved to Toronto to work in the museum, both to research his heritage/history/powers and to protect the artifacts. (Aspect: Protector of Heritage or Defend the past from the present ??)
-complication could be the oriental girlfriend/Triad I'm dating a teenage Triad??
-I rather like the magic items possibilities. And Native American history has plenty of 'magic items' in it. He could have inherited a magical Item, (This could be how the shaman noticed him in the first place) or just be good at making them. With the right build, He could be the Native American mystic batman, 'A magic item for all occasions' that he could lend to others if needed.

-Focused practitioner (Let's say, Spellsinger?)
-background: majored in music & theater in college, but can't get in with 'the crowd' to get any decent parts. His constant hexing of equipment makes working as a theater tech problematic. Primarily makes his living working at Ren fairs & summer shows as an entertainer.
-Probably clueless about the Council et al, just knows that when he sings 'from his heart' things happen. (No Lightning bolts or Fireballs, more self-enhancing and environment manipulation, possibly charm effects, but I don't want his primary power to be breaking one of the LAWS every time he uses it!) ;P
--complication could be the oriental girlfriend/Triad I'm dating a teenage Triad?? (The Triad doesn't have a problem with his breaking the Laws of Magic)

Just brainstorming. (AFter midnight. No wonder I have a headache!)

Thank you all for letting me try this system out with you. :D

Davi The Eccentric wrote:

Post got eaten, so here we go again.

If you don't have the rulebook, at least read the Spirit Of The Century SRD so you know how FATE works, if you don't want the rest of us to explain the basic rules all the time.

1. Not a big fan of this one, but maybe that's probably just because it isn't fleshed out yet and I feel vaguely guilty that my distant ancestors killed their distant ancestors and took their stuff.

2. I like it, but the actual concept does need a bit more definition. I'm tempted to recommend you be a Summer Court changeling, just because it seems appropriate for the character and I kind of want to see an aspect called "A Summer Court Changeling In Queen Mab's Court".

3. We already have a wizard in training. Besides, you've made more wizard characters than JK Rowling. Branch out a little!

4. It's better as a Trouble than a concept by itself, and you'd probably be marrying into a Triad and not the mafia given what groups the campaign's probably focusing on.

Stoopid post-0monster! ;P

Yeah, when your right, your right Davi! (What can I say, I'm in a wizard-rut!) ;P

Summer court changeling? THAT would be different! And my original idea (new #2 above) could easily be molded into that,... Hmmmm,...

Off to brainstorm some more, (AND eventually sleep. A little.)
Thx Davi!

Male Human

I confess that I like the Summer Court changeling as a struggling actor. It removes the hexing problems with technology and you could still be dating the Triad daughters. (Why stop at just one?)

Dark Archive

Okay I should make the profile and everything come sunday. As works kicking me in the head right now. I have my refresh spemt out just haven't had time to post it till now.

Refresh +9

Supernatural powers-6
Autumn magic -4
Toughness package -2 total
The catch cold iron +4
Supernatural toughness -4
Inhuman recovery -2

Stunts -2
Martial artist -1
Armed artist -1

Ending +1

Doctor Carding wrote:
I confess that I like the Summer Court changeling as a struggling actor. It removes the hexing problems with technology and you could still be dating the Triad daughters. (Why stop at just one?)

What? Are you TRYING to get the PC killed before we even start?!? ;P

(Is there a trait that we can call 'Dead man walking'? Or maybe 'DOA'?) :D

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Ragadolf wrote:
Doctor Carding wrote:
I confess that I like the Summer Court changeling as a struggling actor. It removes the hexing problems with technology and you could still be dating the Triad daughters. (Why stop at just one?)

What? Are you TRYING to get the PC killed before we even start?!? ;P

(Is there a trait that we can call 'Dead man walking'? Or maybe 'DOA'?) :D

Sure, you can. Think of it as a fate point printing machine with benefits. ;>

Finally wrote something for my guest star in Torolf's story.

When Conan didn't show up at the library, Nathanial was worried. When he didn't answer his phone, he decided to find out what happened the mystic way. A few rituals later, he found out Conan was being held in Chinatown. A few rituals more, and he was ready to break him out...

Aspect: Only Rivals In The Library

I meant for the Aspect to show that he considers Conan both as a rival and a friend. We'll see whether I succeeded.

Also, I wrote my guest star in divineshadow's story too, and I'll post it once I figure out an aspect to go with it.

EDIT: Oh, and Rags? You missed your surprise round action over in Sleeper in the Tomb of Dreams.

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