Graul Family Album

Rise of the Runelords

Sovereign Court

It took a long time to get them all in the same place, but I finally managed to take portraits of the Graul family.


Grand Lodge


Balabar wrote:

It took a long time to get them all in the same place, but I finally managed to take portraits of the Graul family.


disturbing - but fun!

Silver Crusade

Terrified to look while at work.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Nice work, hehe

Silver Crusade

Relieved upon finally seeing it.

And disturbed upon realizing that it's remarkably accurate, all things considered.

Sovereign Court

Mr. Bill approves! :)

Great work!

Liberty's Edge

Down at Fraggle Rock!

*clap, clap*

<morose voice> Down at Fraggle Rock. </morose voice>


Jeremy Puckett

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