Crimson Night |
Regrettably, I'm not entirely sure what "type" of site I'm looking for (if not I'd likely have more easily located it by now...)
I'm starting up a campaign and looking for a website that will allow me to host information on it in a way rather similar to that of 'Google Groups'. As a matter of fact I know I came across the very site a few years back -was a site for DnD GMs, that supported running campaigns for free, and was NOT for txt based mudding...
but alas, twas saved on my old comp's bookmarks...
Thanks in advance to anyone who might know what in the world I'm talking about.
bigkilla |
Obsidian Portal is one. I use a Google site for the ones I have been running and Here is a link to a Google sites template for Pathfinder.
Jagyr Ebonwood |
Yup, Obsidian Portal. Here's a campaign I was running in Obsidian Portal, as an example of what can be done with it:
Rebuilding the Elsir Vale