My new character sheets for Pathfinder

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Just started using these sheets, and I love them, but I was wondering if there was a way for them to print out darker. I know I can print them out in black going through the website, and I was curious if there was a way to do that through the PDF that I'm just missing, as they're a little bit light in color for my tastes.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
MaverickWolf wrote:
Just started using these sheets, and I love them, but I was wondering if there was a way for them to print out darker. I know I can print them out in black going through the website, and I was curious if there was a way to do that through the PDF that I'm just missing, as they're a little bit light in color for my tastes.

You could adjust your printer settings? Most of them have a gamma or brightness setting somewhere.

The website provides a pretty easy way to adjust the colour settings. In fact, I eventually plan to phase out the whole fifty-page PDF download (or 100 pages for 3.5), and have the character builder on the website as the only (or at least the most actively promoted) way of getting them.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Here's an updated version of the Fighter sheet.

So I just acquired a (completely legitimate) copy of AI, and I was thinking of playing around with these sheets a bit :)
However, there are some fonts in use that I don't seem to have (BellGothicBT-Bold, for one). Is there somewhere I can download that font (and potentially others that I would need) ?

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

For now, just Google them. I can't remember where they're from, and their legitimacy might be uncertain.

I've been planning to switch the whole project over to using guaranteed-legal open-license fonts, possibly Roboto Condensed. I could then include both the fonts and their license files in the project, and make sure everyone can use them. It would also let me clear up the mess where there are two different versions of Bell Gothic in use.

Bell Gothic is a perfectly designed font for legible small type on a cheap printer and thinner paper, thanks to the attention paid to ink traps and kerning. but most users of these character sheets will be using a nice modern printer and heavier paper (that they can rub out a lot), so a modern condensed gothic font will be at least as good.

I've yet to find a suitable replacement for Chapparal though. It's just such a perfect font for the headings. I've looked at a whole range of clarendon-style fonts without success.

Hey Sadie,

I recently got back into the roleplaying, and upon downloading your character sheets I was very surprised to see that my Focused Specialist sheet was still in there AND that I had the honour of being named a "Contributor". You're too kind! :) All I did was move a few things around on the Wizard sheet. Anyway, could I ask you to change the credit to "Wonton" in the official release? That's the handle I go by whenever I can.

Thanks, and looking forward to playing many more 3.5/PF games with your sheets.

P.S. On the Gunslinger sheet, the level 15 Deed "Evasive" should also say it grants Improved Uncanny Dodge. I only noticed because my current character is a Gunslinger.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Wonton wrote:

P.S. On the Gunslinger sheet, the level 15 Deed "Evasive" should also say it grants Improved Uncanny Dodge. I only noticed because my current character is a Gunslinger.

Thanks, I've fixed that and it'll be in the next version.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


Can I ask people with sharp eyes and critical tongues for a favour? I'm planning to change the fonts used on the character sheets, and I want to make sure I get them right. Here are three pages of a Barbarian sheet, first in its current form and second in a proposed new set.

You might have to look quite close to see the difference (and ignore the Barbarian's special font). It's most noticeable in the numbers: Merriweather has "old style" numbers with ascenders and descenders, and a distinctly more serif. Be sure to check all three pages, they each offer different examples of how the fonts are used. For extra points, try printing them out and see what the difference is. And if you have something to say, positive or negative, I'd like to hear it.

The reason behind this change is a desire to be 100% legit. Bell Gothic and Chaparral are both very nice fonts, but sadly not ones I have a license to use (it can be hard to track down exactly who does own a font, but in this case I don't know for certain that it's legit so I have to assume not). Roboto and Merriweather are both fonts with open licenses, making them legal to use them for an open source project like this. That means I can include a copy of the fonts along with the project, making it easier for other people to pick the files up and edit them. Obviously the various special fonts (such as the Barbarian's font Dirty Duo, the LPJ font Gang Of Three or the Dreamscarred font Dwarven Stonecraft) are unaffected - the majority of these are free anyway. I also hope to be fully compliant with Paizo's Community Use Policy when the new version comes out, as well as Wizards' equivalent and any others that are relevant.

260 pages is a lot of fonts to change, so I've gone out of my way to write some javascripts to automate Illustrator in applying the changes. If you're interested, they're also in the repository.

Liberty's Edge

I compared them side by side. I actually like the new fonts a little better. The presentation seems tighter. I'm not sure I can explain what I mean by that other than to say I found the new style more visually appealing.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Thanks. There's a lot about typography that's subjective and personal, so don't worry if you can't adequately explain your preference.

Than i'm even more justified in saying i prefer the Roboto Sans and Merriweather, but cannot say why; English is a second lang for me ;)

Sorry forgot to express my congrats for your work. Awesome

I like the new better than the old as well. In general, I prefer serif fonts for printed things; I'm loathe to mess with your awesomeness, however.

Well, it's clear that I am in the minority, but I'm sorry to say that I prefer the original fonts. I think it looks cleaner and clearer. Good work all around though.


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Elrostar wrote:

In general, I prefer serif fonts for printed things

Bell Gothic, the font I've thus far used for all the small text, was designed for a very specific purpose: to be easily readable in American phone books. It had to be readable when printed very small, in smudgy ink, on thin cheap paper. It has a lot of very specific features designed to reduce the negative effects of ink flow, such as the "ink traps": concave sections at the junctions where two lines meet. It also has just enough serif-like features to aid readability without anything unnecessary. It really is an impressive work.

However, the majority of people will be printing these sheets using modern printers on heavier paper (I just started using card for our own gaming group, which is quite nice) so those factors aren't as relevant any more.

Can'tFindthePath wrote:
Well, it's clear that I am in the minority, but I'm sorry to say that I prefer the original fonts. I think it looks cleaner and clearer.

Can you elaborate on why? Even with automation it'll be a lot of work to check the sheets afterwards and adjust cases where the layout's changed, so I want to be certain the choice is correct before making the change.

Sovereign Court

I don't much like the Roboto Sans, but do like the Merriweather.

Roboto Sans feels too "scrunched together" and overall, rather tiny for where it's used.

I like the Merriweather though, as it has a similar feel to Chaparral. Is your example bolded, however? Seems like what you're saving for ink from Roboto Sans is lost due to the thinner white font use via Merriweather...

...hope that made sense.

sadie wrote:
Elrostar wrote:

In general, I prefer serif fonts for printed things

Bell Gothic, the font I've thus far used for all the small text, was designed for a very specific purpose: to be easily readable in American phone books. It had to be readable when printed very small, in smudgy ink, on thin cheap paper. It has a lot of very specific features designed to reduce the negative effects of ink flow, such as the "ink traps": concave sections at the junctions where two lines meet. It also has just enough serif-like features to aid readability without anything unnecessary. It really is an impressive work.

However, the majority of people will be printing these sheets using modern printers on heavier paper (I just started using card for our own gaming group, which is quite nice) so those factors aren't as relevant any more.

Can'tFindthePath wrote:
Well, it's clear that I am in the minority, but I'm sorry to say that I prefer the original fonts. I think it looks cleaner and clearer.
Can you elaborate on why? Even with automation it'll be a lot of work to check the sheets afterwards and adjust cases where the layout's changed, so I want to be certain the choice is correct before making the change.

Um well, I'm afraid I don't have a detailed analysis. You can just take what Graywulfe said: "I compared them side by side. I actually like the new fonts a little better. The presentation seems tighter. I'm not sure I can explain what I mean by that other than to say I found the new style more visually appealing."...and replace "new fonts" with "old fonts".

I like the space between letters and the smooth round corners of the letters. I find it "tighter" and clearer....and well, more appealing.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Following up on a suggestion from someone in my gaming group, I've made an adjusted version in which the Roboto font has extra "tracking" space applied. This may help to make it feel less "scrunched up".

Please let me know if this adjustment helps.

sadie wrote:
Following up on a suggestion from someone in my gaming group, I've made an adjusted version in which the Roboto font has extra "tracking" space applied. This may help to make it feel less "scrunched up".
Please let me know if this adjustment helps.

Yes. I think that does look the best overall of the three. Again, great work.

Liberty's Edge

Awesome sheet!

Just a quick look through, you left "synergy" in the Racial, Feats header in the skills section of the Barbarian and Ranger sheets.

EDIT: also noticed you accidentally left the "-1 per 5 lb" note on the Ranger's swim skill.

Liberty's Edge

Out of curiosity, how do you see the "Timeline" sheet being used (how to fill it out, what to put in, etc).


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I'm not actually a GM, so I'm really not sure. I imagined it as a way to record important events in the history of a world you're building.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
patnodewf wrote:

I like the Merriweather though, as it has a similar feel to Chaparral. Is your example bolded, however? Seems like what you're saving for ink from Roboto Sans is lost due to the thinner white font use via Merriweather...

...hope that made sense.

Well, saving ink was never really the concern, but you're right: Chaparral was unusual in having such an even line weight despite being a heavy serif. Merriweather is still basically a Clarendon-style font, but its thinner lines are definitely thinner than in Chaparral. I'm using the heaviest weight it comes in.

I'm gonna stop now. Some forms of geeking out have become fashionable in recent years, but typography isn't one of them.

Typography is perfectly acceptable to geek out over. I like the new fonts.

And Sadie the timeline is wonderful for making a history of a homebrew world. Especially if there are major historical events connected to campaign events.

How do we access the archetype pdfs on the repository? What am I missing? I'm totally lost as to how to download them.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Google Code is a bit confusing. I'm in the middle of moving them all to a new repository on Github, which should be a bit easier to navigate.

The illustrator files are binary, so you need to look for the option to download the "raw" file.

Very well made indeed!
Too bad my noob players in my group prefer to have all the important stuff on the first page.

But as an experience player, I really appreciate the hard work you have done!

Any plans on making them form fillable?

sadie wrote:
Following up on a suggestion from someone in my gaming group, I've made an adjusted version in which the Roboto font has extra "tracking" space applied. This may help to make it feel less "scrunched up".
Please let me know if this adjustment helps.

Overall, I find the new fonts to be mostly subtle enough in their difference, but I must admit I don't like the "2's" and the "4's." They are shady looking characters.

Not that they would scare me away from your beautiful sheets.

Any chance someone could do me a kindness and put together a sheet for DSP's cryptic from psionics expanded? It's nothing too crazy, trapfinding, psionics, skill boosts, basically. It would be very much appreciated.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Like this one?

Cryptic (draft).pdf

I warn you it's a prototype, so there are no doubt things to fix with it. I haven't yet found room for the trap-related stuff, it's quite a busy sheet already. If you don't mind being guinea pig and letting me know how you get on, have a play with it. Buyer collects, no warranty, blah-de-blah.

Wow, awesome, thanks! You kick ass at this, you know.
Looking at this sheet and at the class table, I've got a few thoughts. Most of the stuff you don't have could just go in a checklist. Disrupt pattern could be made smaller by removing the creature types. Their power level only goes up to 6, so you could save a bit of space there, but you'll need to add space for zero level powers. I'd suggest structuring the known powers like on a bard's sheet instead. You've also got wild surge save DC on there, so that can be safely removed. The power points used section could sure be reduced to just one little box, squeezed in under the right side of the PP equation and above bonus points. That would also save some space.The powers known list could be double-layered, if you get what I mean.
Level 1 Level 2
Level 3 Level 4
And so on. I don't see much to reduce the size of the insight section, except possibly only giving each insight one line, if you need to. Do you think all that would be enough room for trapfinding + trapmaker (those two could possibly be consolidated into one box) + hidden pattern + a checkbox?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Jackissocool wrote:
Wow, awesome, thanks! You kick ass at this, you know.

Thanks, I know :)

I'll have a look at the rest when I'm more sober and less knackered.

How does one view an archetype pdf? Specifically I am looking for the Invulnerable Rager archetype for the barbarian. I see on the site there is a .ai and .pdf file, but I don't know how to view to pdf.

I apologize for my lack of computer skills, and thank anyone who can help.

BTW awesome sheets!

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

You need to look for the link on the right hand side of the PDF's page to (I think) Raw Download.

As I've mentioned, Google Code isn't very friendly, so I'm moving the project to a new repo on GitHub. I can now reveal the location of this new repo:

All of the new archetypes, Psionic classes, font changes, new website code etc I've been working on can be found there. I hope to get the new version with its new website published soon.

How's the cryptic sheet coming along?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Cryptic (draft 2).pdf

Excellent! I think this should do nicely. Traps are a big part of my character so it was important those were on there.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Merry holiday of choice, everybody!

I bring you a gift. A gift that involves you doing work for me. Having talked about it forever, I'm finally ready to unveil the whole new version of my character sheets. The improvements and new features in this new version include:

  • Archetypes for Pathfinder (currently about 50% complete)
  • NeoExodus classes
  • Psionics expanded classes (currently about 30% complete, still working on it)
  • Option to put an iconic image on your character sheet - choose from hundreds of Paizo's beautiful images or upload your own instead
  • Option to build a whole party at once
  • Nice new fonts
  • Faster, more reliable website now hosted on Amazon EC2 (touch wood)
  • Now 100% legal, from the OGL to the fonts
  • And a few little fixes here and there

Features that are still being worked on:

  • Translations into different languages (more on this later, it's still very much a work in progress)
  • The rest of the archetypes and some more third party classes

Please be patient, and remember that this is a non-profit project that I'm doing just for you, purely out of the awesomeness of my heart. Also, I'm not going to be making form-fillable PDFs no matter how much you ask me for them.

Now, here's where you come in. With this many changes I'm bound to have made a few mistakes. So for the time being this new version is going to remain in public beta, and I'd appreciate you taking the time to try it out. If you find any mistakes you can post them here, or PM me, or send me a message on the site itself.

Enough waffle, here it is:

The project is still open source, but has moved to a new repository on Github that should be easier for people to use.

Love the new look...

I am being nagged to ask: Are you still going to offer the portfolio for those that prefer it?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

No, I decided to stop doing the portfolio version now that the Build My Character tool is fairly reliable. With dozens of pages for archetypes, and plenty more still to come, it was getting too large to handle.

Unless there's a massive demand for it, I suppose?

Your character sheets are my favorite of all the ones I've found.

As for the beta you just posted, it seems that if I do the "whole party" option, it only comes with the main character sheet for the barbarian. There is no blank one included in the download.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
glio wrote:

As for the beta you just posted, it seems that if I do the "whole party" option, it only comes with the main character sheet for the barbarian. There is no blank one included in the download.

I'm not sure I follow. What are you selecting?

sadie wrote:
I'm not sure I follow. What are you selecting?

Here's what I did:

Selected Pathfinder

Selected American English

Clicked "A Whole Party"

Checkmarked all the Core Rulebook Classes

Selected both "Additional Options"

Clicked Download.
When I open the PDF, the first page, the "fluff" page with all the skills, abilities, and feats - has "Barbarian" stuff pre-filled out on it. But there are not similar sheets for the other classes, nor is there a blank "fluff" sheet to use included in the package.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Ah, I think it's my instructions that need work then. The way it works now is that you do all the options for the first character, hit "Add to Party", then do the second character, hit "Add to Party", etc until you're done. Then you hit download. That way they can each get different colours, options etc. So what you've done is to build a single character that has levels in all the different core classes.

It sounds like that isn't made very clear from the interface, so I'll see if I can improve that.

Ahhh, okay that makes sense now. I would suggest making the other class options gray out once you chosen a class.

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Also, I for one would love a "download the whole shebang" option.

My friend enjoys it as she never uses Archetypes for her characters or NPCs but she tried the "A Whole Party" Option and was able to get what she needs for anything.

The thing that throws me off is the Generic image is different from the old equipment pages image...

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
glio wrote:
Ahhh, okay that makes sense now. I would suggest making the other class options gray out once you chosen a class.

Except some people really do multiclass. I actually know somebody IRL who plays characters with levels in about 8 classes at once, even in Pathfinder.

What about stacking Archetypes? Such as Scout and Sniper Archetypes for the Rogue.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

That's officially not an option, variants of a class don't combine, just as you can't play a Cleric of two faiths at once, or a Sorcerer with two bloodlines. You're actually not supposed to be able to mix "alternative classes" either, so you can't play a Rogue-Ninja or a Cavalier-Samurai.

If your house rules are different, you can get the pages you need for a Scout-Sniper by downloading it twice, once with Scout and once with Sniper. But I wouldn't recommend it, Paizo made the ruling for a reason.

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