godoffire04 |
Hi, First I wanted to say that these sheets are pretty damn amazing Sadie!
I am really, really new to Pathfinder/D&D in general playing my first campaign at the moment, and I may just transfer over to one of your awesome character sheets.
Question though: under Ammunition you have sets of empty boxes to check in, grid of 9 boxes & 1 to the right, grid of 9 boxes & 1 to the right, etc. Which I think is cool, I just don't understand how you went about filling them in?
To show that the character has 20 bolts of ammunition you filled in the first 10 boxes and 2 in the next set? So how would you shade in the boxes if you only had say 15 bolts?
Looking forward to using your sheets!
sadie |
I've found that character sheets are a personal thing, and people never quite agree on how to use them. Some people prefer to tick ammo off, others want to rub them out. Some people prefer to record their current hit points, others their current damage. Some people prefer to write the total for each subsequent attacks, others prefer to keep track of where all the bonuses come from.
So use it however works for you. Nobody can tell you that you're wrong.
(Unless of course you are wrong. But that's not my fault. :) )
Question though: under Ammunition you have sets of empty boxes to check in, grid of 9 boxes & 1 to the right, grid of 9 boxes & 1 to the right, etc. Which I think is cool, I just don't understand how you went about filling them in?To show that the character has 20 bolts of ammunition you filled in the first 10 boxes and 2 in the next set? So how would you shade in the boxes if you only had say 15 bolts?
I actually never thought of using the groups of 10 boxes as if they were decimals! I assumed you'd just fill in - or tick off - 15 boxes for 15 arrows.
godoffire04 |
I've found that character sheets are a personal thing, and people never quite agree on how to use them. Some people prefer to tick ammo off, others want to rub them out. Some people prefer to record their current hit points, others their current damage. Some people prefer to write the total for each subsequent attacks, others prefer to keep track of where all the bonuses come from.
So use it however works for you. Nobody can tell you that you're wrong.
(Unless of course you are wrong. But that's not my fault. :) )
I actually never thought of using the groups of 10 boxes as if they were decimals! I assumed you'd just fill in - or tick off - 15 boxes for 15 arrows.
Haha! Yeah they really are, one girl in our group has written out her own Character sheet, and just has the Skills section cut out from a regular pathfinder sheet and uses those two things for her "sheet."
I'm playing a Magus, so being able to keep track of all of my different abilities has been ridiculous! Then the "spell slots" (if you can call them that on the vanilla Pathfinder sheet) is not conducive to writing out what spells you know/prepare for a day, no one writes that small!! So I ended up making my own word document/spellbook for personal reference! That and the Pathfinder Spellbook for Android is perfect!
But back to the ammo, to me it makes more sense to fill in as many boxes as you have ammo at a 1 to 1 ratio, and then erase for what you use.
But again, these sheets are AMAZING!!! Dunno if you've ever played a Bladebound Magus before, but I have little notes and boxes for different things all over my sheet, but your sheet has convenient places for 99% of those things!
Golden-Esque |
It took my a long time to get this sheet to the point where I was happy with it, but here it is.
Sadly, this one caters to a very special crowd. It's a Kingdom Sheet for Kingmaker Campaigns.
Hope you enjoy this one :).
EDIT: As a DM, I personally use this one a lot, but it's not for everything.
This page is a Feat Index. It's just a mildly modified Spell Index page, but it's for feats. I personally write out ALL of my character's special, non-spells abilities on it.
Again, not a terribly flashy or altered sheet, but enjoy it nevertheless.
sadie |
Nice. Not for everyone, but I can see a Figher (or my upcoming Magus/Fighter) finding that useful. I wonder if there's some way of either annotating or grouping them, so that you can tell Combat Feats, Metamagic Feats, Teamwork Feats etc?
Galnörag |
Nice. Not for everyone, but I can see a Figher (or my upcoming Magus/Fighter) finding that useful. I wonder if there's some way of either annotating or grouping them, so that you can tell Combat Feats, Metamagic Feats, Teamwork Feats etc?
I like to note beside each feat when I put it in where I got it from. So for my human wizard I might have:
H1: Toughness
L1: Combat Casting
W1: Scribe Scroll
L3: Weapon Focus [Ray]
L5:Spell Focus Conjuration
W5: Meta Magic Extend
Basically, L for Level, ie feats that every one gets, # is the level it came at. H for human, so H1 is the human bonus feat, and W for wizard, who gets a feat at 1 and 5, 10, 15, 20
Simple and effective.
sadie |
You know, I love admitting I was wrong. I previously stated that the Fighter didn't need its own sheet because it consisted of nothing but feats. I may have to go back on that.
The Fighter/Rogue in our group recently suggested a sheet for the many conditional bonuses he gets to attack and damage. Between power attack, sneak attack, teamwork feats and various other things it's just more than he can fit into the space available. He's going to have a go at sketching a layout that would help with this, but I'd also like to hear other people's suggestions on this. The tricky thing will be balancing specifics - such as the +/- from power attack - with a generic enough layout to incorporate unknowns.
I may combine it with something suspiciously similar to the Feats page posted by Golden-Esque. :)
Sgmendez |
You could create some kind of page that has areas for each "weapon" that allows you to do the calculations from different bonuses. Such as:
[________] + [________] + [________] + [________] - [________] - [________] = Total AB
[#######] + [######] + [######] + [#######] - [######] - [######] = [#####]
Each blank you can fill in what it is and the # are the numbers. This way you can write in whatever you would like. And you do this for each attack and damage for each weapon.
sadie |
I like your 3.5 party reference DM sheet. Any idea when a pathfinder version will be made?
How about now? :)
This release has some improvements to the Monk (he now gets a customised Combat sheet reflecting the wisdom bonus to AC) and the Cleric (more space for details of domain powers).
sadie |
The brave and foolhardy may wish to check out this *draft* of a Fighter sheet:
Be aware that though this is a work in progress, not a finished sheet. I welcome feedback, but don't judge it too harshly for being incomplete. And if I haven't included your favourite feat it's probably because I'd need 19 pages to get all of them in. :)
Sgmendez |
I like it. The only issues I have is it seems like there is a lot going on on the right hand side. In the weapon boxes there are what appear to be two areas for damage and critical values, why?
I do like how you have the three columns for Attack, Damage, and Critical. Though some areas may need a little more clarification. Like the Two Weapon fighting penalties are reduced by 2 when the off hand weapon is light and the Vital Strike chain doesn't just add another die it adds whatever the weapons damage is again (so a scythe would deal +2d4, +4d4, +6d4 etc.).
Last, you might want to just add in a Bravery section on the top left with the Weapon and Armor Mastery just for completion sake. And maybe some kind of denotation of what you gained as a bonus feat.
But yeah, all in all I like the look of it.
sadie |
The only issues I have is it seems like there is a lot going on on the right hand side.
Yeah, that's kind of inevitable.
In the weapon boxes there are what appear to be two areas for damage and critical values, why?
I didn't label them very clearly due to space, but they're supposed to be:
- Basic weapon type (damage and critical)
- Weapon Training (attack and damage)
- Total constant stats for that weapon, including all bonuses
A better layout for that section might make those clearer, but both space and the eye's attention are limited.
It occurs to me that amid all the fancy stuff I completely missed out the checkbox for Masterwork. That needs to be closely tied to the "+n" magic weapon box.
(so a scythe would deal +2d4, +4d4, +6d4 etc.)
Gah. That just makes it extra complicated! :)
sadie |
Page 18 has the word 'channal' (instead of 'channel') towards the bottom left.
I swear I've fixed that at least twice.
Pages 62-66 & 68 include the text '3.5e' at the top.
Damn. How dare you notice that? :)
sadie |
Ok, here's a slightly updated version of the Fighter sheet with a few of the suggested fixes:
Is there anything else that belongs in Attack Actions in the left column, around where Cleave is? I think there's a few millimetres of spare paper there, which clearly needs filling.
Bwang |
Had to play with a really bad character sheet last pm. A couple of things stood out, mostly by error:
1) all RP stuff should be on one side of the sheet, all Combat on the other. Specific things may be on both sides, but everything you need for should be both within the same glance and at the same time, no silly flipping page to page. Repeated error of epic proportions.
2) page references for rules is a WONDERFUL idea, especially the more obscure ones. The one great thing on those pages of woe.
3) Do Not use weird scripts. Legibility is a MINIMUM.
4) Leave enough room to change scores if needed.
5) No tiny text! we had 8 pt text! Ack!
Dark_Mistress |
Ok I am having a problem printing the sheet. For what ever reason and I can't figure it out. It just refuses to print in black and white. If I switch to grey scale it is to light to see all the lines. Is there a reason for this that it will only print in a redish color?
sadie |
Ok I am having a problem printing the sheet. For what ever reason and I can't figure it out. It just refuses to print in black and white. If I switch to grey scale it is to light to see all the lines. Is there a reason for this that it will only print in a redish color?
So it looks ok on screen, but wrong when you print? Hmm. I use some slightly obscure tricks to make the PDF different colours, which could confuse some printers, but if you selected "Normal" for the colour then it doesn't do any of that.
Can you download the whole 50-page document and try printing a page of that?
sadie |
Somebody emailed me with an odd request: they needed something to help them keep track of the different stats when playing a Lycanthrope. It's not something that had ever really occurred to me, but if it's useful I don't see why not to include one. Here's the prototype for anybody else:
xorial |
Somebody emailed me with an odd request: they needed something to help them keep track of the different stats when playing a Lycanthrope. It's not something that had ever really occurred to me, but if it's useful I don't see why not to include one. Here's the prototype for anybody else:
That is funny. I have some need for this, since the campaign I am running has werewolves in it. They are minions for the BBEG, so I may be using it.
Buri |
Sadie, BEAUTIFUL sheets. I can't state that enough. One request: please allow to choose for the darker versions of the sheets to be downloaded similar to if you're picking sheets for an individual character. Until I went to the site just now, I could not get the sheets to print off dark enough on my laser or my friend's inkjet. It's bad enough so that some parts of the sheet are actually invisible to me and my friend, and he's a designer with insane eyesight. This is the ONLY thing that's prevented me from using your sheet and seeing this thread pop up on the recent list is what has let me contact you.
Having picked out an individual class's sheet and selecting black I'm in heaven. Thanks again!
Dark_Mistress |
Dark_Mistress wrote:Ok I am having a problem printing the sheet. For what ever reason and I can't figure it out. It just refuses to print in black and white. If I switch to grey scale it is to light to see all the lines. Is there a reason for this that it will only print in a redish color?So it looks ok on screen, but wrong when you print? Hmm. I use some slightly obscure tricks to make the PDF different colours, which could confuse some printers, but if you selected "Normal" for the colour then it doesn't do any of that.
Can you download the whole 50-page document and try printing a page of that?
I have tried it from the whole page one and then I tried make one for each class and doing them. For some reason it always wants to make them red. Now if I force the printer to only use the black ink and then print on grey scale. It comes out ok, but not great. I like the sheet, just something funky with printing it.
With using firefox to open it with, it just does black and white only but then the light text like dex etc you are suppose to fill in a number over is solid black and not faded. *shrug* no clue. I can sorta get it to work as I said by forcing it to only use the black ink.
sadie |
Just confirming - these aren't editable PDFs are they?
No. Nor are they edible. (With christmas round the corner it's best to be sure of these things)
One request: please allow to choose for the darker versions of the sheets to be downloaded similar to if you're picking sheets for an individual character.
So you'd like download the entire fifty-something pages with a colour filter applied? If you really need that, you can achieve it by feeding the document into this page. I don't think it's a gret hardship to come to the website when you need to print a sheet, but...
...seeing this thread pop up on the recent list is what has let me contact you.
...maybe I need to put something on the sheets to say where they actually came from, so people can track it down. :)
sadie |
I could not view the draft of your fighter sheet, could you please send a copy to joshwindek at att.net?
Sorry, moved to a new server and forgot to bring that file over. You should be able to download it now.
Bwang |
I'm not quite sure what you're saying. Were these bad sheets mine, or something else?
No, yours look fine, just the one I had in a non D20 game was horrid enough that I had to spew some observations. Most of what he had done was crap, but he DID place reference pages in reverse colored boxes at each relevant stat
sadie |
No, yours look fine, just the one I had in a non D20 game was horrid enough that I had to spew some observations. Most of what he had done was crap, but he DID place reference pages in reverse colored boxes at each relevant stat
How about making some better character sheets for it? Unless it's so obscure a game that nobody will care. :)
Buri |
...maybe I need to put something on the sheets to say where they actually came from, so people can track it down. :)
On second thought, even the darker versions don't work that well for my printer. Were these meant for display/use in fillable forms only? I ask because on screen they look great but in print not so much and I only say that after having tested this on two different types of printers. The black areas in the black output version are fine. It's the ultra-light gray sections such as the alternating line colorations to make scanning list sections easy, and the armor dude and the lines in the spell book section, bonus spells, etc that don't really show up unless you hold the sheet at an angle. Still love the sheets features, just doesn't print well for me. :\
sadie |
On second thought, even the darker versions don't work that well for my printer. Were these meant for display/use in fillable forms only?
No, they're totally made for printing. But of course there's a limit to how many printers I can personally test them on.
I ask because on screen they look great but in print not so much and I only say that after having tested this on two different types of printers. The black areas in the black output version are fine. It's the ultra-light gray sections such as the alternating line colorations to make scanning list sections easy, and the armor dude and the lines in the spell book section, bonus spells, etc that don't really show up unless you hold the sheet at an angle. Still love the sheets features, just doesn't print well for me. :\
That's kinda weird. Some printers are much darker than others - the laser in my office is definitely darker than I'd like - but I'm surprised to hear the "black" setting is still too light.
At somebody's request a while back, I did adjust the way the "black" colour is generated so that the faded bits are still faded, rather than overwhelmingly dark. But they're still darker than on the "normal" setting. If you still can't see them, I'm not sure what's going on.
sadie |
To be honest, I feel like they're pretty much complete. There aren't many glaring gaps left to fill.
I've been working on a few classes for a third-party supplier. They're still in progress so they won't be ready to release for a while.
There still seem to be a few people who aren't happy with how the sheets print - they're too light or too dark. In particular the faded background labels (STR, WIS etc) are a sticking point. So I've been trying out ways of fixing that. Since there seem to be problems in both directions, it isn't as simple as making it lighter or darker (not that that was ever simple in the first place, I had to rope an Adobe engineer into helping figure out how to do that to a PDF). Again, not going to be ready for a while.
If you look on the repository, you'll find that a while back I did do a few of the archetypes. But until there are a lot more of them ready, I won't bother trying to include them in the Composer.