Feats for my Druid?


Liberty's Edge

So I am making a level 5 Elven Druid with a Wolf Companion for a PFS Campaign, and am having a hard time with feat selection.

He is not a strong caster, or good at melee, but has a decent Dex bonus so is pretty good at range.

So far I have selected Point Blank Shot and Precise Shot, basically I send my Wolf to attack enemies and take pot shots from distance, laying heals as they are needed and laying down buffs as well. I brace for charges if the need arises and so on and so forth.

If anyone has advice or suggestion, I am open to new ideas and strategies. I just wanted to hear some feedback and see if their are any other options out there for my Druid.

Well, if you plan to cast spells at range there's the very very handy Augment Summons and its prerequisite, Spell Focus (Conjuration) to allow you to make stronger summoned creatures.

Note that PB Shot and Precise Shot are only necessary if you're used spells which are ranged attacks. Buff spells aren't, though some distant pot shots are.

Extend Spell is very handy for a buff-caster, as is Reach Spell from the APG.

Dodge might help keep you alive, as might Toughness (particularly if you're an elf with their Con penalty).

Who are your fellow party members and what do they do?

Liberty's Edge

tonyz wrote:
Who are your fellow party members and what do they do?

Elf - Wizard

Human - Rogue
Half-Elf - Rogue
Human - Cleric
Half-Orc - Barbarian

They all pretty much do typical class stuff...the rogues move around a lot the wizard fights from the back, the Barbarian smashes stuff and the Cleric does typical cleric stuff.

I like your suggestion about the augment summons feat I'll have to look into that 1, because I do use my Summon Nature's Ally a lot.

Scarab Sages

Seconding what the other poster said about Spell Focus: Conjuration and Augment Summoning. However, EVERY Druid should take Natural Spell as their 5th level Druid feat, it lets you cast while Wild Shaping.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

+1 ... what trader2699 said.


Liberty's Edge

Much thanks everyone for the suggestions, I think they will work out nicely.

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