Phasics |

Your techincally only making a single attack with the weapon but you are effectivley attacking twice once with weapon once with spell.
I mention becuase
Exotic Weapon Prof Bastard Sword 1h 1d10
Enlarge Person on Self Bastard Sword 2d8
Spell Combat
Improved Vital Strike 6d8 damage plus a spell
Potentially if you multiclass Eldrich Knight
Greater Vital Strike 8d8 plus spell

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Doesn't work with Cleave, either, as its also a Standard Action that allows you to preform one attack, rather than an Attack Action. Likewise, you can't use Whirlwind attack or Feint (former is a full round action, later is a Standard or Move action).
You can Power Attack, you can preform most combat maneuvers (any that say "as part/instead of an attack" like disarm, but not any that say "as a Standard Action" like Grapple).

Terran |

you could use combat spell, attack first then cast your spell. Then second round vital strike and discharge the spell.
so it would look like this maybe,
1st round
combat spell cast enlarge and full attack
combat spell full attack first then cast touch spell
vital strike and discharge touch spell