DM Jeremiziah's CoT Recruitment

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I hear that too. I work 8am to 4:30 PST, and I am currently able to post before work and on my breaks and lunch. If my company dropped the axe, I'd be feeling it too. I hope Evan has a good RL game to fall back on.

The deadline is still tomorrow right?

This is one game that is certainly gnawing at me...

I was actually going to play this, but went with CotCT. Good think don't need infernal bastard trait as the pathfinder characters are hard enough for it to not matter, but that's just my thoughts on that.

Liberty's Edge

Dreaming Warforged wrote:

The deadline is still tomorrow right?

This is one game that is certainly gnawing at me...

That is correct, sir! 23 hours from now I will have either just posted or will be writing the post as to who has made the cut.

I am actually going to expand the group to 5 slots, but one of them is going to be a friend of mine from my PnP game. So, from the standpoint of how many I'm choosing, nothing's changing, really.

I love the concepts that have been submitted so far!


Here's the current list of submitted concepts and their 'party niches', in order of submission; apologies for formatting. (Cut and paste into a monospaced text editor and the columns will come out right.)

Character...................Social.....Skilled....Arcane....Divine....Range d....Melee
Semenya, Half-Orc Sorcerer...Good........Avg.......Exlt......None......Poor......Poor.
Kael, Human Aquatic Druid....Unknwn......Avg.......None......Good......Unknwn....Unknwn
Bregan, Gnome Blight Druid...Unknwn......Avg.......None......Good......Unknwn....Unknwn
Rooke, Half-Orc Lotus Monk...Unknwn......Avg.......None......None......Avg.......Good*
Sarien, Human Rogue..........Avg.........Exlt......None......None......Avg.......Avg.
Kayl, Human Cleric...........Good*.......Poor......None......Exlt......Unknwn....Unknwn
Grog, Half Orc Fighter.......Poor?.......Poor......None......None......Good......Exlt
???, Human Cavalier..........Poor?.......Unknwn....None......None......Unknwn....Unknw n
Orlan, Human Ftr>Eldritch Kt.Poor?.......Unknwn....None*.....None......Unknwn....Unknwn
Gideon, Human Inquisitor.....Avg.........Good......None......Avg.......Good*.....Avg.
Tom, Human Paladin...........Avg.........Poor......None......Poor......Poor......Exlt
Freya, Human Witch...........Unknwn......Avg*......Exlt......None......Poor*.....Poor*
Jan, Dwarf Fighter...........Poor........Poor......None......None......Avg*......Exlt*
Rauno, Half-Elf Wizard/Rnger.Unknwn......Exlt*.....Exlt......Poor*.....Poor*.....Poor*


Entries with Unknwn: I have no idea what the player intends.
Entries with Exlt/Good/Avg/Poor are clear focuses or weaknesses for the character.
Entries with an * are contingent on what character options are chosen.
Clerics get rated as Exlt for Divine, while Druids get Good, because of Domain Spells, Channel Energy and Spontaneous Heals.

Ranged and Melee boil down to this: If your total attack bonus is +2 or less, it's Poor. If your attack bonus is +3 to +4 it's Average, if it's +5 or +6, it's Good, and if it's +7 or greater, it's Exlt. When in doubt, I went with equipment lists.

Social more or less covers: Intimidate, Bluff, Sense Motive, Diplomacy, Knowledge (local) and Knowledge (nobility) - the skills that will be used for interacting with NPCs.

Skilled covers all other skills.

When it comes to skills, I rated Good if you could get skills above a +6 in three skill, Exlt if you could get skills above a +6 in 7 or more.

There are really a lot of good character concepts here. I wish I was ready to DM a game; I'd want to pick people from this group right here.

A suggestion for everyone who has presented a character: Jeremiziah has expressed a preference for those who can post between the hours of 9am and 5pm EST. A lot of people haven't provided their posting availablilty but that might make the choice a little easier for Jeremiziah and make for a better gaming experience for all chosen.

I've already mentioned it once but I'll say it again. I'm at EST and post predominantly between 8:30 am and 5 pm.

I'm US Central time, so I'm an hour earlier. I work from home so can post off & on all day. 8a - 4p isn't a problem.

I can post between roughly 9 AM to 9 PM Central time. I work from home, so it's unlikely that work will firewall what I do on the Paizo boards. :)

Awww. No love for the bard submission, AdAstraGames? :) I do have a sheet completed at this time, just waiting to hear on cuts before making an alias.

A good idea, Wander. Currently, I do not start work until 4 PM EST, and if I have my way with it (ie promotion on the horizon :) ) it will continue to be as such.

Durek Musterbite, Human Barbarian [Superstitious, APG]
Posting time: GTM +1, Able to post all day


str:16 dex:14 con:14 int:10 wis:10 cha:14

AB:+5 (+7)
(+1 bab, +3 str, +1 w-p)

Greatsword +5 2d6+4 (+3 str x 1,5)
Greatsword Raging +7 2d6+7 (+5 str x 1,5)

Feat: Weapon Focus (Greatsword)
Feat: Extra Rage Power (Surprise Accurasy)

Suspicious: Sense motive is a class skill & +1 to Sense motive
Conspiracy Hunter: Bluff is a class skill & +1 to Bluff

Intimidate: +1 rank, +3 cs, +2 cha, = +6
Bluff: +1 rank, +3 cs, +2 cha, +1 trait = +7
Sense Motive: +1 rank, +3 cs, +2 cha, +1 trait = +7
Handle Animal: +1 rank, +3 cs, +2 cha = +6

... You knew you had spent too much time in this job. It was enough that you had to listen your boss complains and deals with other people and planning against each other, but worse, he started to include you also them. Day after day running after those rumours started slowly wear you off and you decided to quit.

Once coming back from a pub (after a failed job interview, again! plus some small amount of drinking), some guys were wandering towards you and suddenly lashed. Thanks to your idea not to drink so much, you easily evaded the blows and hit back, giving the guys ride of their life-time. Running away, you decided to not bother to after them.

And it had just begun... day after day something happened to you and you had no idea, but there was someone walking after you or messages appearing... Was it reality or just your own imagination? Clearly the previous job had done the trick. "Dammit" you curse to yourself, "Last time I work for freaking crazy maniac guy, who is walking around with folio-hat made from tin..."

Days continue and you are getting paranoid... When will this end? Like a 6th sense, you begin to predict when something happens and get tired of this, but you are slowly, but surely getting also paranoid by these events. Ideas of using tin-hat crosses your mind but... now you got afraid, since when did you start to think something like that? For sure, you need to get a new job fast, eat more healthy food, stop drinking and stop to be such a coward... "uff.. did that shadow just move there?..... Dammit, where is my beer".....

Squeeks wrote:

Awww. No love for the bard submission, AdAstraGames? :) I do have a sheet completed at this time, just waiting to hear on cuts before making an alias.

A good idea, Wander. Currently, I do not start work until 4 PM EST, and if I have my way with it (ie promotion on the horizon :) ) it will continue to be as such.

Nope - I completely missed it. My error. I'll check on the prior page and add it to the list.

Added it in - will post the list a bit later.

Incidentally, although there are 16 character concepts submitted so far, there are only 12 separate players submitting, as far as I can tell. Some seem to be posting with different aliases so it's kind of hard to be sure.

I put together a list that matches concept with player. I'll edit for time zones as they become available.

Character List
Semenya, Half-Orc Sorcerer - AdAstraGames: Available 9am - 9pm CST
Kael, Human Aquatic Druid - Game Masquerade:
Bregan, Gnome Blight Druid - Game Masquerade:
Rooke, Half-Orc Lotus Monk - Game Masquerade:
Sarien, Human Rogue - Wander Weir: EST, Available 9am - 5pm EST
Kayl, Human Cleric - MundinIronHand: EST
Grog, Half Orc Fighter - MundinIronHand: EST
Unnamed, Human Cavalier - MundinIronHand: EST
Orlan, Human Ftr>Eldritch Kt. - Wandslinger:
Gideon, Human Inquisitor - Barcas:
Tom, Human Paladin - Dan E:
Unnamed, Human Bard - Squeeks: Does not work until 4pm EST
Freya, Human Witch - Joana: CST, Available 9am - 5pm EST
Jan, Dwarf Fighter - Jan Whetstone:
Rauno, Half-Elf Wizard/Rnger - markofbane: Works 8am-43pm PST
Durek, Human Barbarian - Aventi D'Gaudon: GTM +1, Available all day

I'm CST. I work evening shift (1300-2300) with Wed/Thurs/Fri off. Thanks to the unpredictable nature of police work, this is always subject to change. However, I've always got the Internet on my phone and usually have enough quiet moments throughout the day that I can post while working without too much interruption.

I want to submit this character for the game.......


just replace faction trait with

Conspiracy Hunter: You’ve long heard rumors of dark
deeds afoot in Westcrown. Shipments of valuable cargo
that go missing with nary a trace or question asked.
People who disappear as though they never existed. Lords
of business and nobles who speak in veiled references
and accidental slips of masters even they must obey.
What lords rule the Westcrown underworld? Do the
tales of far-reaching criminal organizations hold a hint
of truth? Could the fabled Council of Thieves, said to
have been purged from the city ages ago, have somehow
survived or reformed? And what hold do they hold over
the city today? You don’t know, but you’re determined
to find out! Choose one of the following skills: Bluff,
Diplomacy, Knowledge (local), Perception, Sense Motive,
or Stealth. You gain a +1 trait bonus on this skill and it is
always considered a class skill for you.

I usually post 2-3 times a day and am Central time....

½ Orc Urban Ranger

Kevon’s mother Seara Bainulus, daughter of a wealthy merchant from the city of Kintargo was to be married to Davidian Mezinas minor cousin of the Mezinas family of Westcrown. As Seara and her wedding procession traveled to Westcrown it was ambushed by the orcs of the Bloody Socket tribe. All the men were slain and the orcs took the women back to their camp as slaves. After a month suffering the tender mercies of the tribe, Seara was able to escape. She fled from the camp traveling through the wilderness for days until she reached Westcrown. Where she was finally in the safe and loving arms of her betrothed, there she sobbingly told of the massacre of her father and his retainers, her brutal beatings and mishandling at the hand of the tribe, and the theft of her dowry. After hearing her gut wrenching story, Davidian swore venomously and did as he was born to do as a noble of Mezinas… he shoved 50 gold into Seara’s hand and had his guards take her to Rego Cader; were she was unceremoniously kicked from the carriage and told never to darken House Mezinas again. After all, without her father to tie House Mezinas to the city of Kintargo and no dowry, Seara was just damaged goods.
Growing up, Kevon’s life was hard as a half orc in Westcrown’s Rego Cadar. Until one day his natural strength and toughness earned him noticed by a local thief named Mavin. Mavin led a small crew of like-minded individuals that brought Kevon under their wings and made him one of their own. Mavin and his friend really treated Kevon as an equal, and for a time, things were going good for Kevon. He could walk the local streets and not be sneered at, people respected him, at least that’s what he thought. Kevon had actually unwittingly become the muscle for Mavin’s crew. Just what they had needed to make it big and move up in the world.
One night Mavin’s crew made their move on the next wrung in the underworld ladder, and assaulted the house of the local crime lord. Kevon went along with Mavin and the crew, as that’s what friends do, watch each other’s back. The only thing was that the reality of what actually was going on struck Kevon like a lightning bolt. As Mavin readied him to kill the crime lords son, saying “ Hey Kevon, if we don’t kill him now he will just come after us later when we aren’t ready. Take this crossbow and shoot him.” Kevon realized that this was just as like his mother’s story, only he and his friends were the monsters.
Following cries of “You just shot Mavin in tha face!” Kevon left Rego Cadar. Gathering his belongings and striking out on his own. The need to protect others, now his driving force, not the need to belong.
Kevon has heard rumors of bands of freethinking individuals meeting after the citywide curfew. He has finally been able to locate a meeting location and is attempting to join.

I am in Central Zone and will not have a problem with the postings.


markofbane wrote:
I hope Evan has a good RL game to fall back on.

Nope pbp was my only outlet. Hopefully that will change, I'm on the lookout for a game to join of people to form a group.

Speacking of which anyone know of any RL games in Upstate NY near Clifton Park?

I've got everyone added into my list, along with profile name and availability.

Evan, how close are you to Schenectady/Ithaca? There's a local game convention there called Council of 5 Nations that's coming up on Columbus Day Weekend.

More detail for Rauno Redpath is now in this profile. I would need to purchase more equipment before starting. Right now the character sheet has a bit of basic equipment. But as a true conspiracy hunter he needs to have a grab bag, full of things he would need to get away quickly if there would be reprecussions for getting too close to the truth.

AdAstraGames wrote:

I've got everyone added into my list, along with profile name and availability.

Evan, how close are you to Schenectady/Ithaca? There's a local game convention there called Council of 5 Nations that's coming up on Columbus Day Weekend.

Thanks! looks like I'll be there.

Here's the latest concept list as of 1 AM EST, or about 12 hours before Jeremiziah has to start making tough decisions.


Character...................Social.....Skilled....Off/Util..Buff/Heal..Rang ed....Melee
AdAstraGames, 9A-9P CST
Semenya, Half-Orc Sorcerer...Good........Avg.......Exlt......Poor......Poor......Poor.
Game Masquerade
Kael, Human Aquatic Druid....Unknwn......Avg.......Avg.......Good......Unknwn....Unknwn
Bregan, Gnome Blight Druid...Unknwn......Avg.......Avg.......Good......Unknwn....Unknwn
Rooke, Half-Orc Lotus Monk...Unknwn......Avg.......None......Poor......Avg.......Good*
Wander Weir, 9A-5P EST
Sarien, Human Rogue..........Avg.........Exlt......None......None......Avg.......Avg.
Kayl, Human Cleric...........Good*.......Poor......Avg.......Exlt......Unknwn....Unknwn
Grog, Half Orc Fighter.......Poor?.......Poor......None......None......Good......Exlt
???, Human Cavalier..........Poor?.......Unknwn....None......None......Unknwn....Unknw n
Orlan, Human Ftr>Eldritch Kt.Poor?.......Unknwn....Good*.....None......Unknwn....Unknwn
Squeeks, 9A to 3P EST
???, Human Bard..............Good........Good......Avg.......Avg.......Good*.....Poor
Barcas, 9A to 1P CST
Gideon, Human Inquisitor.....Avg.........Good......None......Avg.......Good*.....Avg.
Dan E
Tom, Human Paladin...........Avg.........Poor......None......Poor......Poor......Exlt
Joana, 8A-4P CST
Freya, Human Witch...........Unknwn......Avg*......Exlt......Poor......Poor*.....Poor*
Jan Whetstone
Jan, Dwarf Fighter...........Poor........Poor......None......None......Avg*......Exlt*
MarkofBane, 8A-4:30PM PST
Rauno, Half-Elf Wizard/Rnger.Unknwn......Exlt*.....Exlt......Poor*.....Poor*.....Poor*
Aventi D'Gaudon: GMT+1
Durek, Human Barbarian.......Good........Avg.......None......None......Avg.......Exlt
Barnabus, Human Witch........Poor........Avg.......Exlt......Poor*.....Avg.......Poor
Kevon, Half Orc Urb. Rnger...Unknwn......Good......None......Poor*.....Good*.....Good*


Entries with Unknwn: I have no idea what the player intends.
Entries with Exlt are clear focuses for the character
Entries with an * are contingent on what character options are chosen.
Spellcasting is broken down into Offensive/Utility and Defensive/Buffs, with grades of None, Poor, Avg, Good, Exlt.

Ranged and Melee boil down to this: If your total attack bonus is +2 or less, it's Poor. If your attack bonus is +3 to +4 it's Average, if it's +5 or +6, it's Good, and if it's +7 or greater, it's Exlt. When in doubt, I went with equipment lists.

Social more or less covers: Intimidate, Bluff, Sense Motive, Diplomacy, Knowledge (local) and Knowledge (nobility) - the skills that will be used for interacting with NPCs.

Skilled covers all other skills.

When it comes to skills, I rated Good if you could get skills above a +6 in three areas, or if you had buckets of skill points to spend.

I fully intend to post at least twice a day, probably more like 4-5 times a day, depending on my schedule. I GM my own homebrew campaign on these boards, so I frequent the site quite regularly. I'm in US Central time zone, but I should have no difficulty adhering to the 9-5 schedule.

Kael will be sort of a generalist.
Bregan will focus on battlefield control utilizing his various swarms.
Rooke will specialize in combat maneuvers and boatloads of non lethal damage.


Posting during the day is fine.

I'm the player for Jan Whetstone.

At first i was shocked by the amount of unknown, then i remembered, it was just a character concept and background. Will be interesting to see how some of these characters develope.

I give to you Kai Oakendale, Esquire, Actor Extradonaire. A star of stage from Egorian to Magnimar. A legend in his own mind.

Kai Oakendale C/N Halfling Bard.
Son of the "famous" Tammarak, Tamm, Oakendale an actor and former slave of House Devereaux who was slain by the lord of that house for alledgedly seducing his youngest daughter, Allara.
Hoping to step frm his father's shadow Kai is orever trying to outrun the "sins of the father". Kai has traveled the empire appearing on stage as much as by reputation as by his talents alone.

Can you guess which trait he'll be taking?

Vanulf Wulfson wrote:

Can you guess which trait he'll be taking?

Clearly, Nonchalant Thuggery and Magical Lineage [Arcane Mark].

Those halfling street gangs can get away with ANYTHING due to looking like small children. Rassin'frassin' taggers. And you KNOW it's them, because the damned glowing graffiti is put at knee-cap level.

Liberty's Edge

Hi, All -

First, let me thank everyone for submitting these great concepts. This is a very tough decision - almost in line with naming a baby or hiring an employee - even though there are probably, for me, no wrong answers. I really appreciate the time and energy that everyone put in to this. Special thanks to Wander Weir and AdAstraGames for their efforts to keep the thread organized, which has been a huge help. Alas, I have so few slots to offer - I now understand why the DM's of the games I'm playing in are carrying 6 and 7 people, respectively. As Alex did with our Serpent's Skull game, I'd strongly encourage SOME brave soul to start another game with some of the folks I sadly must leave behind.

To the chosen few, congratulations. To those I must disappoint, I hope there are no hard feelings.

With no further ado, would the following folks please meet up in the OOC Discussion thread I've started here:

Wander Weir, playing Sarien, Chelaxian rogue
Game Masquerade, playing Kael, Displaced aquatic druid
Markofbane, playing Rauno Redpath, Varisian transmuter/ranger
Joana, playing Freya, Chelaxian witch

AdAstraGames, playing Semenya Darkborn, Half-Orc sorceror
jaran625, playing Gideon Walker, Inquisitor of Aroden

The fifth slot, as I mentioned a few posts above, will be filled by my friend Talon, who is in the cubicle next to me and also is in my weekly gaming group. He'll clearly be playing a Fighter or Barbarian of some type. I'll work with him to ensure that his background meets the standard that you folks have set.

Again, I'm really sorry that I couldn't take everyone.

Many Thanks!

Good luck and have fun, everyone.

Glad we could make it difficult for ya, Jer. :)

Have fun and also, Mark of Bane is in a game of mine so just to say, he's a awesome roleplayer :)

Thanks Aron! That is always great to hear! And if any of you get a chance to jump on board one of Aron's games, he's great at bringing the world to life.

markofbane wrote:
Thanks Aron! That is always great to hear! And if any of you get a chance to jump on board one of Aron's games, he's great at bringing the world to life.

Thanks :)

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