Combat Manager application

Homebrew and House Rules

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kingpin wrote:
1) Right-clicking for ready and delay has disappeared in the new version.

There's a dead space for the menu here I need to fix. Try clicking in a different spot.

kingpin wrote:
2) I agree with a previous poster that when dragging players up or down the initiative order it seems unnatural. Having a line to show where the new position will be if dropped would be nice.

I agree. I put this in pretty quick and it seemed OK at first, but when I used it in play I certainly felt this problem.

kingpin wrote:
3) Nothing big but with the window at it's default size if you scroll down the monster list using the button in the combat screen, when you reach a monster name that is longer than the width of the box then a horizontal scroll bar appears interrupting your scroll. I suggest removing the horizontal scroll button or increasing the size of the window to compensate.

I'll probably get rid of the horizontal scroll.

kingpin wrote:
4) When saving a monster list can you also have it save whether or not any of the monsters have linked initiative?

There's a little technical issue that kept me from persisting this. I just need to create a workaround.

Matteo Luconi wrote:

- having to select each monster to link the initiative one by one can be a little annoying... what about a multiselect feature?

Multi-select has been on my mind for a while. I haven't pulled the trigger yet but it will happen at some point.

Matteo Luconi wrote:

- let's say that I have a group composed by, Kobold 1 who has linked initiatives with Kobold 2 and Kobold 3. If Kobold 2 or 3 go to 0 or lower HP they do not get decorated blue or red;

I keep forgetting to write this :p I'll go do this now.

Matteo Luconi wrote:

- I'd appreciate a "Reset Encounter" button that flushes the whole "Monsters" area;

On the todo list. Probably should do this sooner.

Matteo Luconi wrote:

- when there are lots of monsters in initiative and there is a scrollbar in the combat sequence it whould be useful to have the active characted focused in the list, i.e. when you reach the last char in a turn then scroll up to the first one;

Good point. I run on a larger laptop so I never fill up the screen, but clearly this would happen on a netbook.

Matteo Luconi wrote:

- this one is tricky for me to explain... I'd like to be able to click on a monster in the combat sequence ad have it selected in the monsters section, so that I can edit it right away. Using the program I just felt so many times the need of this feature, I'd really appreciate something along these lines;

I'll see what I can do.

Matteo Luconi wrote:

- are there any keyboard shortcuts? Like ctrl+space for next turn, ctrl+[1-6] for the corrisponding tab, etc...

Mostly, no. I'll put it on the TODO list.

Freehold DM wrote:
Also, Just a side thing I noticed- is it just me or does this latest version not have descriptions of monsters in with the stats? I could have SWORN earlier versions had the brief descriptions that are there in the Bestiary.

The combat screen window does not have descriptions, monster tab window does have descriptions.

Yay, this is just great! My biggest wishes for this thing came true!

Though I'll second those wishes from kingpin and matteo, ESPECIALLY zje wish for saving linked initiatives. Otherwise it actually slows down the whole process for larger encounters.


Combat Manager is awesome-sauce with an epic cherry on top!

Just listen to the testimonials of these satisfied minions:

  • SIMPLY TEH WINZOR11! - 1337 94m3R Magazine
  • WONDEROUS! It can look after my children any day of the week! - Mothers Monthly
  • APP OF THE YEAR - BETTER THAN GOD - Controversial Jerk Monthly
  • IT BE DA BOMB MON! - Faux-Jamaican Speaker Online


    Hmm.. however, now that you have made me love, you must protect the object of my love, continuing to develop it for ever and ever and ever..

    ..and ever.



    o_o wut?


    Thank you Kyle Oson, where ever you are!

    *shakes thankful fist*

  • Hey Kyle,

    mind posting a complete definition/documentation for your cmet files?

    I might like to build myself a little tool to generate such files to add custom monsters / NPCs to this programme without using Hero Labs / PCGen (because one is too expensive and the other is too much of a pain...).

    Of course I could try to find out every available option in your XML-structure myself, but a little help would make things easier I guess ;)

    eXaminator wrote:

    Hey Kyle,

    mind posting a complete definition/documentation for your cmet files?

    I might like to build myself a little tool to generate such files to add custom monsters / NPCs to this programme without using Hero Labs / PCGen (because one is too expensive and the other is too much of a pain...).

    Of course I could try to find out every available option in your XML-structure myself, but a little help would make things easier I guess ;)

    This would be ridiculously awesome!

    I need to show my DM this, he'll love it! This is a very useful tool.

    I did encounter one bug, on the Rules tab and you filter to Conditions, nothing shows up. Note: my only sources checked at the Core rulebook and the APG (it appears unchecking "Other" in the sources area removes the Conditions).

    eXaminator wrote:

    Hey Kyle,

    mind posting a complete definition/documentation for your cmet files?

    Err, documentation. Yeah, uh...

    For the monsters, most of the fields exactly match the d20pfsrd DB, down to the typo "AbilitiyScores", this allows me to mostly import the monster data from there directly. I say mostly because there are a few db errors I have to fix after I do an import. I export the data as a CSV, import to Access and then export to XML, which creates the files the way I want them. Not all of the fields are required.

    The app may crash if certain fields are missing (probably AC_Mods) and some other are completely optional, like Spells Known. Some of them require specific formatting to work properly and the app will ignore all or part of the information if the field is wrong (Melee or Ranged). In general, it's important for the formatting to match the formatting Paizo uses.

    After the monster is loaded several of the fields will be parsed for my own use, and some of these parsed fields will be saved. For example, all of the special abilities are parsed and saved as a list with the file.

    Note the monster formatting in the cmet/cmpt/monster xml files is exactly the same, but the monster files are not yet parsed at all.

    That should give at least a little idea of how it works.

    Soullos wrote:
    I did encounter one bug, on the Rules tab and you filter to Conditions, nothing shows up. Note: my only sources checked at the Core rulebook and the APG (it appears unchecking "Other" in the sources area removes the Conditions).

    Ahh. Good point. I'll fix this.

    Hey Kyle, thanks alot. I'll have a closer look at this as soon as possible and seewhat I can work out. I might do some sort of parser to convert existing statblocks for useage in your tool, but I'm not sure yet.

    I'll let you know if I've come up with anything useful, no promises though ;)

    Brilliant work Kyle.

    Many thanks.

    Kyle Olson wrote:
    Freehold DM wrote:
    Also, Just a side thing I noticed- is it just me or does this latest version not have descriptions of monsters in with the stats? I could have SWORN earlier versions had the brief descriptions that are there in the Bestiary.
    The combat screen window does not have descriptions, monster tab window does have descriptions.

    Would it be okay to have it show up in the combat screen window or would that lead to load-time issues?

    And again: The combat manager should have some sort of configuration screen. The option to show/hide monster descriptions would be one of many possible options to put there!

    What a great program. Thanks for your time and effort on this!

    Combat Manager update to 1.1.6

    Add skills to rules tab
    Add natural attacks editor to attacks editor
    Save initiative links with file
    Settings dialog with confirmations for some actions
    Clear button for monsters list
    Add health coloring to grouped characters
    Fix mouse interaction on initiative list
    Combat list scrolls current player into view if needed
    Use same file extension for party and encounter to allow files to be loaded to either window
    Fix source for conditions in rules list

    Liberty's Edge

    Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber


    Thanks so much for a really sensational product. I have been looking for something like this for years, and your product goes far beyond what I hoped to find. Thanks again for all your work. I've sent a donation your way and hope others will do the same.

    Thanks again,

    Man Kyle - you are cranking out these improvements so fast you need to be careful, people are going to start thinking they must be simple.

    Unreal work once again! Combat Manager now has everything I want as a DM I think. Although I am sure I will think of something new to request in the future. ;)

    I see you even included that change to the hp addition/subtraction box that we had discussed. I can't say thanks enough for that one, it's going to make my life much easier.

    I'd like to second the call for donations to Kyle for this wonderful piece of work. I think he has a commercially viable product here that he is providing to us all for free. So let's show the man we appreciate it.

    Donations can be made at CombatManager Site and I am sure any amount at all would be appreciated. I am sure there are a lot of us out there that buy a pizza for game night. So I would suggest perhaps we can float the price of a pizza or more over to Kyle as a thank you?

    I can see the bumper sticker now:

    I bought Kyle a pizza - have you?

    Cutter wrote:
    Man Kyle - you are cranking out these improvements so fast you need to be careful, people are going to start thinking they must be simple.

    Some of them are simple. I've built up enough reusable code over time that certain improvements are easy. I decided to get as many reasonably easy user requests as I could into a release, along with a more difficult one or two (Natural attacks editor, initiative links being saved).

    Liberty's Edge

    Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

    I would love to have a way to apply a condition or spell to multiple characters at once. (Or is there a way to do that and I haven't figured it out yet?)

    Kyle Olson wrote:

    Combat Manager update to 1.1.6

    Add skills to rules tab
    Add natural attacks editor to attacks editor
    Save initiative links with file
    Settings dialog with confirmations for some actions
    Clear button for monsters list
    Add health coloring to grouped characters
    Fix mouse interaction on initiative list
    Combat list scrolls current player into view if needed
    Use same file extension for party and encounter to allow files to be loaded to either window
    Fix source for conditions in rules list

    Un be lieve a ble.

    This program makes it so easy to GM. My last session, that was only an hour long, got two separate multi-opponent combat encounters in, in addition to some sweet storytelling and role playing. Thanks again Kyle.

    Mama Loufing wrote:
    I would love to have a way to apply a condition or spell to multiple characters at once. (Or is there a way to do that and I haven't figured it out yet?)

    Not yet. I need to get multi-select working, and then I'll have a number of functions to apply something to multiple characters. I have some concern about breaking something else when I do it so I haven't pulled the trigger on that.

    Yeah, you're right guys, this is awsome... donation is on its way :)

    I'll check out the changes tonight (GMT+1 ;-)) Though I have no idea how much a pizza costs in whereever Kyle lives :D

    Dark Archive

    Kyle Olson wrote:
    Freehold DM wrote:
    I have but one request- is it possible to get the npcs from the GMG in there as monsters? It would really make my combats flow that much smoother.
    I just need to write up a decent parser for the NPC's then I'll have them in. Probably not the next thing to take care of on my list. I think Skills will be next because that's the biggest rules piece that I'm missing.

    Kyle, one way you may want to look at this is add the ability to import .stock files from Herolab - they are groups of characters (think a bunch of .por files) all in one, and the Herolab folks have already created the various GMG NPCs in as .stock files. (Simply do a search for .stock files in your Herolab\data\pathfinder directory and you'll see them).

    Maybe have the option of putting a .stock import into the PC or the Monster column as desired, but probably no need to try to ask for each character being imported - just ask PC or Monster and put all of the ones in the .stock into that column. After all, it's incredibly easy to make/edit a .stock within Herolab, so let people use Herolab to make PC (such as henchmen/followers/etc.) and BadGuy .stock files.

    It doesn't address the main request, I think, which would allow for those NPC types to be listed in the monster list, but it may be a temporary workaround...indeed, I'd say the ability to import .stock files would merit addition regardless.

    Along with that, I hope that when you work on your monster parsing addition gizmo, you add in the ability to directly add Herolab/PCGen files to the monster list.


    I ran into a little problem this week. I tried to import some animal companion RPGRP files exported by PCGen and got an error saying that Combat Manager couldn't read the files. I don't know if animal companions are parsed differently or what? I've already emailed the files to you.

    MendedWall12 wrote:


    I ran into a little problem this week. I tried to import some animal companion RPGRP files exported by PCGen and got an error saying that Combat Manager couldn't read the files. I don't know if animal companions are parsed differently or what? I've already emailed the files to you.

    I'll take a look at it and see if I can get it working right. I still have a plan to parse some different files for PCGen to get a better import so I might not get it fixed until then.

    Sovereign Court

    Kyle Olson wrote:
    MendedWall12 wrote:


    I ran into a little problem this week. I tried to import some animal companion RPGRP files exported by PCGen and got an error saying that Combat Manager couldn't read the files. I don't know if animal companions are parsed differently or what? I've already emailed the files to you.

    I'll take a look at it and see if I can get it working right. I still have a plan to parse some different files for PCGen to get a better import so I might not get it fixed until then.

    This is genius! I'll have to give it a try this weekend.

    Kyle Olson wrote:
    MendedWall12 wrote:


    I ran into a little problem this week. I tried to import some animal companion RPGRP files exported by PCGen and got an error saying that Combat Manager couldn't read the files. I don't know if animal companions are parsed differently or what? I've already emailed the files to you.

    I'll take a look at it and see if I can get it working right. I still have a plan to parse some different files for PCGen to get a better import so I might not get it fixed until then.

    Thanks. It's not even really a big deal, as I can enter everything I need myself. Just a time saver really. Also, I do like the fact that when they are uploaded from PCGen they show up in the view window. That's super handy.

    I have no problem waiting for this fix until the next full update, so don't spend too much time worrying about just this small issue.

    Thanks again for all your hard work on this program.

    The last time I ran my session I hit the "roll initiative" button again while already in combat.

    If this is only a problem i'm having then I understand.

    I feel that there are several way that this might be fix that wouldn't over complicate the program.

    Karlgamer wrote:

    The last time I ran my session I hit the "roll initiative" button again while already in combat.

    If this is only a problem i'm having then I understand.

    I feel that there are several way that this might be fix that wouldn't over complicate the program.

    I added a setting that has a confirmation box in the last version. You can turn it on with the settings button at the bottom of the screen.

    Kyle Olson wrote:

    I added a setting that has a confirmation box in the last version. You can turn it on with the settings button at the bottom of the screen.

    Thanks man now I feel like a dum dum.

    Can we get a preview of what you are working on for this next release and what we can expect?

    Take a look at the website:

    You'll see some info posted there and also a link to the info posted on Facebook of what is bwing worked on.

    And of course there is always that DONATE button there for people who want to inspire the man to keep working. ;)

    Cutter wrote:

    Take a look at the website:

    You'll see some info posted there and also a link to the info posted on Facebook of what is bwing worked on.

    And of course there is always that DONATE button there for people who want to inspire the man to keep working. ;)

    Thanks. I download from the website, but missed the notes to the right and the fact that he had a Facebook site. Added.

    Sethvir wrote:
    Can we get a preview of what you are working on for this next release and what we can expect?

    The main answer is: treasure generator.

    Sethvir wrote:
    I download from the website, but missed the notes to the right and the fact that he had a Facebook site. Added.

    The Facebook thing is really new, so don't worry about missing it.

    Kyle Olson wrote:
    Sethvir wrote:
    I download from the website, but missed the notes to the right and the fact that he had a Facebook site. Added.
    The Facebook thing is really new, so don't worry about missing it.

    Just became the 17th fan on Facebook for this. This program just keeps getting better and better. With all the reference material, it has just about replaced for me.

    Still learning to use it, and there are parts that I still struggle with, mainly due to my players, they all want to roll their own initiative and then I have to enter it into the program. The linking of initiative for monsters is great, when I can get the encounters built before game night.

    Any thought about a way users could add material themselves to the data files or to a separate set of data files? For example new feats, spells, monsters, or templates and a way to apply them? Or is that beyond the scope of what you are trying to do and we should be relying on a program like PC Gen or Hero Lab for that? I don't have either one at the moment, and I know it is possible to add custom material to both of those.

    Still working on being able to provide a donation to keep up the good work.

    Sethvir wrote:

    Any thought about a way users could add material themselves to the data files or to a separate set of data files? For example new feats, spells, monsters, or templates and a way to apply them? Or is that beyond the scope of what you are trying to do and we should be relying on a program like PC Gen or Hero Lab for that? I don't have either one at the moment, and I know it is possible to add custom material to both of those.

    My plan for the short term (after the next release) is to have the program look in some some folder for user defined spells/monsters/feats/so on, which would allow a user to manually build their own files for use or sharing. At some later point I would add a editor for some of these things so you could build your own files using the application.

    Sethvir wrote:
    Still learning to use it, and there are parts that I still struggle with, mainly due to my players, they all want to roll their own initiative and then I have to enter it into the program.

    I've been having this problem but only for a few players.

    My ranger has a special bonus for being in his favorite terrain and so he wants to roll his own(Never mind that I could just add his bonus to what the program rolls.)

    I think that most players won't bother after a few sessions.

    Kyle Olson wrote:
    Sethvir wrote:

    Any thought about a way users could add material themselves to the data files or to a separate set of data files? For example new feats, spells, monsters, or templates and a way to apply them? Or is that beyond the scope of what you are trying to do and we should be relying on a program like PC Gen or Hero Lab for that? I don't have either one at the moment, and I know it is possible to add custom material to both of those.

    My plan for the short term (after the next release) is to have the program look in some some folder for user defined spells/monsters/feats/so on, which would allow a user to manually build their own files for use or sharing. At some later point I would add a editor for some of these things so you could build your own files using the application.

    That is awesome. Love the direction. Look forward to that. The functionality like I said, just keeps getting better.

    What's the problem with players wanting to roll their own initiative?

    I always have my players make their own initiative rolls.

    I don't find it is a big deal to enter the initiative for each player once and then just sort and you are off to the races.

    Granted it is much quicker to let combat manager roll, but entering their rolls should only take a few seconds extra.

    Cutter wrote:

    What's the problem with players wanting to roll their own initiative?

    I always have my players make their own initiative rolls.

    I don't find it is a big deal to enter the initiative for each player once and then just sort and you are off to the races.

    Granted it is much quicker to let combat manager roll, but entering their rolls should only take a few seconds extra.

    Agreed, my players enjoy rolling their initiative. I just hit the roll initiative button in order to get an init roll for my baddies, and then I enter the scores for the PCs, and hit sort. Yeah, it takes maybe an extra 30 seconds, but having all the PCs and the baddies sorted on Combat Manager is a ton easier than doing it on paper, at least imho.

    Maybe it's just me. On the other hand, I've only been dm-ing again for a short time and just starting to try to get the process down. I just feel a little clumsy yet with the whole notion. The last time I did any DM-ing was under 1st ed rules more than 25 years ago.

    Table averages between 4 and 8 players depending upon the night. Game night is again tonight and will give this another whirl. I really like the speedy reference capabilities though. Especially with all the stuff Kyle has added.

    Hi Kyle,

    Was digging through the application the other night and I discovered some duplicate data.

    On the Feats tab, if you select Critical feats, there are several duplicates, they are listed as Bleeding Critical and Critical, Bleeding. 6 or 8 of the critical feats are this way. Not a big deal, but just thought you should know.

    Didn't have the opportunity this weekend to use the application other than as reference. Had a big role-playing session this weekend so no combat this time around. A few big ones in the offing however.

    Thanks again for the great application.

    Here's another thought for the application, could you have a tab where you could create links for documents, perhaps with a viewer built in? Or a way to create a game calendar, like the Forgotten Realms one or the Greyhawk one, phases of the moon? etc....

    I'm sure you have a list a mile long, but just thinking about things that you could incorporate.

    Sethvir wrote:
    On the Feats tab, if you select Critical feats, there are several duplicates, they are listed as Bleeding Critical and Critical, Bleeding. 6 or 8 of the critical feats are this way. Not a big deal, but just thought you should know.

    The critical feats have had a habit of getting duplicated. Conveniently my friend Scott edited the data yesterday and got this fixed up for us.

    It looks great, but there's one problem - I have a Mac laptop. Any chance of getting a version built against the Mono libraries? I'll be happy to help with that if needed.

    Bobson wrote:
    It looks great, but there's one problem - I have a Mac laptop. Any chance of getting a version built against the Mono libraries? I'll be happy to help with that if needed.

    Mono doesn't support WPF, so I would have to completely rewrite the UI to do this. It's not a small project so I don't see it happening any time soon.

    Maybe I'm missing something, but is there a way to add feats to party characters?

    Mr Jade wrote:
    Maybe I'm missing something, but is there a way to add feats to party characters?

    Not yet. It has been on the TODO list for some time, but other features took priority. It won't be in the next version, which will ship out as soon as I finish the Treasure Generator, but it will probably be at the top of the list after that.

    Kyle Olson wrote:
    Not yet. It has been on the TODO list for some time, but other features took priority. It won't be in the next version, which will ship out as soon as I finish the Treasure Generator, but it will probably be at the top of the list after that.

    I'll not say that I'm good with coding, or even probably experienced with what you are doing, but if you need grunt work done for things, e.g. plugging in values or writing, I'll offer my aid.

    But, two thoughts occurred to me. An easy fix for the combat feats would be to put it as a enchant. You have the ability in right now to select Flaming or whatnot, so just add in Two-Weapon Fighting, or Focus or whatever.
    It wouldn't be a permanent fix, but its a hotfix.

    The other idea was to put it under conditions. Again, just a hotfix.

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