Sethvir |

Ability to apply spell effects to monsters. Bull's Strength, Desecrate, etc.
Found this piece. It would be interesting to have it actually apply the changes to the characters or monsters.
On another note, looking at the APG Spell List for Ranger's, it appears that you are missing a few spells. Hunter's Howl, Hunter's Eye and Perceive Cues for sure.
I like the idea of adding the NPC gallery. The other thing would be the ability to apply templates to characters.

Kyle Olson |

Ability to apply spell effects to monsters. Bull's Strength, Desecrate, etc.
I would like to get this in, but I've got to figure out how much work it will be.
On another note, looking at the APG Spell List for Ranger's, it appears that you are missing a few spells. Hunter's Howl, Hunter's Eye and Perceive Cues for sure.
Thanks. I'll try to get this fixed up reasonably soon.

Kyle Olson |

So far the only problem I've noticed is a crash when it comes to viewing a monster's abilities in the upper right hand window. Everything else works, but I can't scroll through the monster's abilities, it's stuck on that first page.
How are you scrolling through the monster abilities when the app crashes? Specifically, are you using the keyboard or mouse and what are you pressing or selecting? There's a crash I haven't been able to handle in that little window. I think it's a .NET bug that shows up because of however I happen to format the text, and I want to know if this is the same problem.

Freehold DM |

Freehold DM wrote:So far the only problem I've noticed is a crash when it comes to viewing a monster's abilities in the upper right hand window. Everything else works, but I can't scroll through the monster's abilities, it's stuck on that first page.How are you scrolling through the monster abilities when the app crashes? Specifically, are you using the keyboard or mouse and what are you pressing or selecting? There's a crash I haven't been able to handle in that little window. I think it's a .NET bug that shows up because of however I happen to format the text, and I want to know if this is the same problem.
I'm using the mouse and the scroll button on the mouse, I think. I do not think I have tried using the arrow keys yet.

![]() |

Hey Kyle...great program. I love the easy reference for the spells and feats.
I had a few suggestions/comments:
1) The weapon sets are useful, but when you set up a character with a set with two weapons, you cannot adjust for the two-weapon fighting feat. Can you add support for it, a miscellaneous adjustment, or some solution?
2) The tool tips on the feats stretches across the entire screen. Can you format them into more of a box?
3) Can you add dagger, hand axe, club, short spear, spear, light hammer, star knife, and trident to the range weapons?
4) Can you add javelin to Melee Weapons?
5) Are you planning on using Size to increase/decrease the die on weapon damage?

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper |

I have really enjoyed watching the evolution of this application and of your ability to put it all together.
I have seen at least 1 inquiry about whether you would consider building a character creator. I have had great interest in also building a character creator (ideally something multi-platform based like Python). I am currently putting some screen designs together to show how it would flow. I have built many numerous Excel-based character generators, and after using many out there I believe that all of the them needlessly complicate the process of building a character.
In my ideal vision, your average player should not have to read documentation, or have to overcome a "learning curve" to use a character generator. I would like something so user friendly, that it's interface would be so graphical and crisp, that it would feel more like you are creating a character for a video game rpg.
In my current Excel character generator "Ogre's Sheet", I have tried my best to make it as user friendly as possible -- but there are some severe limitations in Excel which constantly prevent me from achieving my vision.
I have been putting together my design ideas in an attempt to start a development team on sourceforge that would work on this. However, it all comes down to finding talented and motivated programmers... especially since I lack the needed programming skills. As much as I would dislike alienating mac users, I would be willing to consider development in C#, although I have zero knowledge in it, but that just means I can focus on being a data monkey and pound out XML files :)
If you ever have any plans to develop a character generator, please take a look at my current Excel sheet Ogre's Sheet and see if you like my general approach.
The three main things I plan to develop in a character builder are:
1. A level-based character advacement system. Essentially, each level appears as a tab, and depending on what choices you make on that tab, other choices will appear on that same tab if they relate to that level. Such choices would include, class abilities, variant abilities, feats and traits. Also on this tab are specific level-based selections, such as Class and HP's.
All relevent game information would appear on a pop-up window -- so when you are on a Feat selection choice, a list of Feats will appear in a pop-up window, and any feat you single click on, will display all its details in a display area. (If I recall, I think HeroLabs does something very similar to this).
2. A 100% configurable class design system that would comprise of a "drag and drop" selection. All class abilities would be selectable in a universal menu of large dragable buttons. Ideally this would make it fairly easy for the developers to create all the core classes (although the backend work in making this possible would be considerable). This would allow though, anyone to make any custom class they want.
If I wanted to create a fighter, first I would drag in the "Bonus Feat" button. Once placed on the character template, I would be propted with with such things as:
Gained at: Level 1 (list of levels: 1-20)
Ability type: none (list of choices: Su, Sp, Ex, none)
Gained at multiple levels?: Yes
Progession levels (seperate multiple levels with a comma): 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20
Feat list: Combat Feats (list of predefined choices: All Feats, Combat Feats, Monk Feats, Wizard Feats, Teamwork Feats, etc)
Prerequisites must be met: Yes
3. A character sheet that provides the player with easily referenced information. The current character sheet that was developed for D&D 3.0, and has been modified for Pathfinder is very limited in it's function. Its fine for those that want all the crunch displayed at a glance, but I have come to the realization that a 2 page character sheet just doesnt really do the trick. Though some might disagree, this game has several layers of complication. Add in class variants and traits, and I fear the learning curve for a new playing being introduced to Pathfinder for the first time could feel very overwhelmed. I beleive a well designed and informative character sheet can help remove some of this overwhelming feeling.
Some of the important things I think a character sheet should provide are:
- easily referenced situational modifiers. I am a player that always forgets their situational modifiers. What I did on Ogre's Sheet is I divided the mainly modified stats into categories: Abilities, Combat, Defence, Saves, Skills. Under each of these areas I have a "notes" area where constant and situational modifiers appear.
- detailed summaries of the character's abilities (class abilities, feats, traits, etc). Although I own every Pathfinder resource (book and pdf) I greatly value having all the needed details right on my character sheet.
- weapons with all their stats, special weapon abilities and specific weapon notes listed (such as a dagger's ability to grant a +2 to on Sleight of Hand checks made to conceal it).
Anyways, I realize this is a lot to digest (and read). If you are at all interested in developing a product in this vision, please let me know. I should have several screen designs images done soon (jpegs). If you would be interested in developing this in either Java or Python, that that would be great as well to know, but I can certainly see that you are quite comfortable and talented with C#.

Kyle Olson |

Hi Kyle,
I just got a chance to test out 1.09.
Unless I am doing something wrong it looks like conditions are still being removed one round too early to me?
Didn't you say you corrected that in this version?
I may have fixed the wrong problem with this (although I did fix a big problem). Can you tell me what you mean by a round too early? Be specific. I'm not seeing a problem right now, but it may be something I'm not testing, or there may be a different expectation on behavior.

Cutter |

Okay simplest possible case - one player character, one monster in a fight.
The player goes first in initiative order and casts a spell which dazes the monster for 1 round, so I give the monster the dazed condition for one round.
Then I click next turn and it becomes the monsters turn to act. At this point the condition is cleared and the monster no longer has the dazed condition.
The monster should be dazed this round all the way through the order until the turn of the player that caused the dazed condition.
You're just clearing the condition too early is all. When a condition is added it should be noted as applied on the round number and initiative count of the currently acting character (the one the arrow is pointing at). Then you just need to NOT decrement the condition counter unless it is at least one full round after when the condition was given I think.
Hope that helps explain a bit better.

Kyle Olson |

Okay simplest possible case - one player character, one monster in a fight.
The player goes first in initiative order and casts a spell which dazes the monster for 1 round, so I give the monster the dazed condition for one round.
Then I click next turn and it becomes the monsters turn to act. At this point the condition is cleared and the monster no longer has the dazed condition.
The monster should be dazed this round all the way through the order until the turn of the player that caused the dazed condition.
You're just clearing the condition too early is all. When a condition is added it should be noted as applied on the round number and initiative count of the currently acting character (the one the arrow is pointing at). Then you just need to NOT decrement the condition counter unless it is at least one full round after when the condition was given I think.
Hope that helps explain a bit better.
Ok. I see where you are going here. I was kind of afraid of this. :P I treat all of the conditions as if they were cast on the monster/player's turn who has the condition. I thought I would get away with that, but you're right that's no good. I may be able to have the condition associated with another player/monster, which would lead to a few tricky situations. I also could keep some sort of initiative count on the condition which would probably be most accurate, but I don't track initiative count on moved players so I would have to create a system to track that, which probably isn't that tricky. I'll get something in the next release or the release after (since I may put out a new release today with the bugs I've already fixed).
Thanks for going over this with me. I appreciate the time.

Cutter |

Been thinking about this some more Kyle. The best thing to do would be simply store the current round and initiative count with the condition when it is applied. Then on each creature turn you can decrement the condition counter by one as long as it has been >= one full round since the condition was applied. That should be a trivial check and won't require an initiative system or linking to the creature that created the condition.
I believe that would also work even if the creature's initiative changes from a delay/ready action.
Hope that helps you out.

Herken Didwyk |

Hi! I'm preparing to run the Serpent's Skull campaign, and this tool looks like it will make my life a lot easier!
However, since there are several monsters early in the campaign that aren't in the bestiary, I've been trying to add them as blank monsters. Maybe I'm missing something obvious, but I can't figure out how to add natural attacks to the dastardly beasties; I only see options for adding weapon attacks.
Also, and it's not a terribly big deal, but adding a composite bow attack always assumes the bow adds the full strength bonus, when it's supposed to be limited by the specific bow's construction. It seems like this would be a pain to add an extra field for bonus, so I figure I'll just be aware and compensate, but I thought I'd mention it.
In general, though, this tool looks amazing and being able to pre-setup fights will hopefully make gaming sessions run much more smoothly and quickly. Thanks for all the hard work!

Kyle Olson |

Combat Manager Update to 1.1.0:
Hyperlink monster feats to feats page
Add CR estimator
Change condition timers to operate on the turn on which they are created.
Add missing spells
Condition selection window changed to dialog to keep it from disappearing if users click in blank space.
Combat Manager website:

Kyle Olson |

I can't figure out how to add natural attacks to the dastardly beasties;
It's not in there. I had a partially complete version once so I'll probably get to this some day.
adding a composite bow attack always assumes the bow adds the full strength bonus, when it's supposed to be limited by the specific bow's construction.
Yeah, I decided it was a pain. If I can find a clever way I may do something about this, but I was of the feeling that composite bow users were so rarely using a weaker bow, or stronger to complicate things further, that it wasn't so important. I certainly could be wrong about this.
I appreciate the feedback.

Kyle Olson |

Great work as always. Thanks for this update Kyle.
Edit: Okay I found a bug. None of the dialog boxes open for me. When I click the down arrows nothing happens... :( Ideas?
In all seriousness: Try rebooting. I've seen occasional .Net problems that can't be resolved without rebooting, although I don't know if that will work. Otherwise: What OS are you using. XP, Vista or 7?

MendedWall12 |

In all seriousness: Try rebooting. I've seen occasional .Net problems that can't be resolved without rebooting, although I don't know if that will work. Otherwise: What OS are you using. XP, Vista or 7?
No problem, you were right, reboot did the trick. Thanks!! I'll echo Cutter too, if you are a GM who has a laptop at the table you NEED this program. It is a lifesaver in many respects and greatly speeds up combat.
Thanks again Kyle.

Cutter |

Hey very cool, although it would be nice to create custom NPC's which you can add to the Battle program. Everything else is phenomenal though the customer character screen seems a bit difficult to traverse for the first time. Just an observation. Good work keep it up.
Pair it up with Hero Labs for NPC and character creation and you have the perfect suite of tools. Hero Labs is great for that and Combat Manager is awesome for actually running the game. I say let each be great at what it does and not try and do too much by being great at everything.
Hmm... if only we could get the Hero Labs guys to replace Tactical Console with a call to Combat Manager, life would be perfect!

Kyle Olson |

Pair it up with Hero Labs for NPC and character creation and you have the perfect suite of tools. Hero Labs is great for that and Combat Manager is awesome for actually running the game. I say let each be great at what it does and not try and do too much by being great at everything!
I agree here. The guys who do HeroLab, PCGen, and other tools put Lots of work into the rules and I don't think I could match that myself. Importing characters is a more practical option.

MendedWall12 |

Cutter wrote:Pair it up with Hero Labs for NPC and character creation and you have the perfect suite of tools. Hero Labs is great for that and Combat Manager is awesome for actually running the game. I say let each be great at what it does and not try and do too much by being great at everything!I agree here. The guys who do HeroLab, PCGen, and other tools put Lots of work into the rules and I don't think I could match that myself. Importing characters is a more practical option.
Any word on a timetable for importing characters from PCGen? That's the character creator I use, and it would be a really handy way for me to update my Combat Manager files.

Kyle Olson |

I also have started looking at this. Please feel free to send your PCGen files to combatman@kyleolson.comKyle Olson wrote:Any word on a timetable for importing characters from PCGen? That's the character creator I use, and it would be a really handy way for me to update my Combat Manager files.Cutter wrote:Pair it up with Hero Labs for NPC and character creation and you have the perfect suite of tools. Hero Labs is great for that and Combat Manager is awesome for actually running the game. I say let each be great at what it does and not try and do too much by being great at everything!I agree here. The guys who do HeroLab, PCGen, and other tools put Lots of work into the rules and I don't think I could match that myself. Importing characters is a more practical option.

Nylanfs |

Kyle, if you want to join the PCGen developers mailing list we can try and give you a hand in importing the files into your app. Another option you could try is export to a custom xml file from PCGen and then import that into your prog.

Kyle Olson |

Kyle, if you want to join the PCGen developers mailing list we can try and give you a hand in importing the files into your app. Another option you could try is export to a custom xml file from PCGen and then import that into your prog.
Thanks for the support. It's good to know there is a place I can go if I have questions.
I suspect what I am going to do is use one of the existing formats that PCGen exports into, perhaps even just a stat block, as reading the raw PCGen files themselves would probably require too much knowledge about the working of the PCGen, and I'm just trying to get a snapshot of the current user state.

Kyle Olson |

Combat Manager Update to 1.1.1:
Added Bestiary 2 monsters to DB
Import character stats from PCGen export files
Import minions in herolab files
Combat Manager website:

Nylanfs |

Combat Manager Update to 1.1.1:
Added Bestiary 2 monsters to DB
Import character stats from PCGen export files
Import minions in herolab filesCombat Manager website:
Awesome, which export format? :)

MendedWall12 |

Combat Manager Update to 1.1.1:
Added Bestiary 2 monsters to DB
Import character stats from PCGen export files
Import minions in herolab filesCombat Manager website:
I'd so love to uncork a bottle of real French champagne and tell you you've won the interwebs... Unfortunately one of two things is happening. Either PCGen is incorrectly exporting Charisma numbers, or Combat Manager is incorrectly importing them. I just tried four different files, and each one had the Charisma score wrong.
From past experience I'm sure you'll figure it out, and fix it, quickly. So I'm not worried about it, just wanted to let you know. If you want files to look at let me know.
To Nylanfs, export the file to TXT and pick the RPGRP type. You can then load the file into Combat Manager.

Kyle Olson |

Either PCGen is incorrectly exporting Charisma numbers, or Combat Manager is incorrectly importing them. I just tried four different files, and each one had the Charisma score wrong.
It appears that the RPGRP files can have different charisma scores on different lines in the XML. There are fields which are for the individual scores and one line which contains all the scores. I use the one line will all the scores (the fullAbilities property) because that matches how the db files I am using formats the scores.
I can switch to using the other scores, which looks like it will be correct.

MendedWall12 |

MendedWall12 wrote:Either PCGen is incorrectly exporting Charisma numbers, or Combat Manager is incorrectly importing them. I just tried four different files, and each one had the Charisma score wrong.It appears that the RPGRP files can have different charisma scores on different lines in the XML. There are fields which are for the individual scores and one line which contains all the scores. I use the one line will all the scores (the fullAbilities property) because that matches how the db files I am using formats the scores.
I can switch to using the other scores, which looks like it will be correct.
Yeah, after opening one of the files in Notepad I see what you're talking about.
Mine looks like this:
<str>10 [+0]</str>
<dex>15 [+2]</dex>
<con>15 [+2]</con>
<int>19 [+4]</int>
<wis>11 [+0]</wis>
<cha>11 [+0]</cha>
<fullAbilities>Str 10, Dex 15, Con 15, Int 19, Wis 11, Cha 10</fullAbilities>
I have zero idea why the Cha is 10 next to the full abilities. The correct score is the one above next to the <cha>. That must be a PCGen fail?

Cutter |

Combat Manager Update to 1.1.1:
Added Bestiary 2 monsters to DB
Import character stats from PCGen export files
Import minions in herolab filesCombat Manager website:
Awesome, Awesome work Kyle!
I can't say thanks enough for what you are doing with this program.
With the minions now importing from HeroLab's it will be handling every fight I even think about running!
I've said it before but I'll say it again... DM's do yourself a favour and download and try this excellent program out!

Kyle Olson |

Found one small bug so far Kyle,
On the spells tab you have filters for each of the spell casting classes, buy you missed Paladin somehow (you did include antipaladin though).
I'll get this fixed up. For now you should just use the Paladin spell list which should contain Paladin and Antipaladin spells.

Sethvir |

Don't remember if this was mentioned, but the ability to apply templates to characters from the party...
I've just started to use this program at game night as I just got a laptop for Christmas. Still feels a little awkward as I had been using index cards for initiative before this.
It is a great reference tool though to look up spells, feats and monsters. Still discovering it does take a bit of time to setup each encounter as our group tends to blow through material fairly fast.
As I work with it more, will provide more feedback.

Kyle Olson |

Combat Manager Update to 1.1.2:
Fix Charisma import from PCGen files
Allow Drag and Drop in initiative list
Added missing Paladin spell item
Combat Manager website:

Kyle Olson |

Still discovering it does take a bit of time to setup each encounter as our group tends to blow through material fairly fast.
If you are using monsters in the DB, monsters with simple templates, or prepared encounters it will move quickly. If you aren't going to do that I recommend using blank monsters and only entering the initiative mod in the mod field and the HP in the HP fields. You can also enter the data under one monster and then use "Clone" in the "..." or right click menu to add several more.
If you have some thoughts on how to speed up this process I'm all for it. I want to make your lives easier (in the Pathfinder gaming arena).

MendedWall12 |

Combat Manager Update to 1.1.2:
Fix Charisma import from PCGen files
Allow Drag and Drop in initiative list
Added missing Paladin spell itemCombat Manager website:
And there it is. My champagne is chilling. You've successfully won the interwebs! Great work Kyle. I've already set up my next entire campaign and imported the characters from PCGen. It can't possibly get any easier than this.
Thank you!

Cutter |

I think Kyle is aiming for the "Best Product Support Ever" award.
Great work Kyle. Everything seems to be working great. I've used it in a few games now and Combat Manager is simple beautiful!
No bugs left in sight as far as I can see, although I may send you a few enhancement suggestions at some point... LOL

Dedlin |

First: Excellent f&~@ing product! It deserves the explicit. Great job.
Second: how bout a tab that has the skills, and the rules governing each skill use. You know like DC's and modifiers for perception/stealth diplomacy. Your product is so great this seems like a natural progression to me. Because things like stealthing and bluffing are combat related so I think they also fit in with the theme of the program.