Kyle Olson |

Ah, I see. What about my proposition above? If you find that you don't have time for it, why not put it up on sourceforge and recruit others to do the job for you? That way, you're not devoting significant time or energy in producing the Linux version yourself, and it gets done for those of us who don't use Windows. =)
I'm really tempted, to be sure, but I've got plenty of reasons I haven't yet. I'm thinking about doing it now though because it's kind of sucks for the community when I'm not well for a while and the app gets so far behind.

![]() |

I'm really tempted, to be sure, but I've got plenty of reasons I haven't yet. I'm thinking about doing it now though because it's kind of sucks for the community when I'm not well for a while and the app gets so far behind.
Kyle, get well. The community can cope. Especially given how awesome Combat Manager already is. Thanks again for all your work! I must admit with great quilt that I have not yet donated. But rest assured it is coming. My group as a whole will be donating soon. (as soon as we cash in the pile of change. we "donate" you a quarter every time a nat1 or nat20 is rolled at the table. The hoard grows!) If you will be at gencon2012 I will gladly buy you a cheese burger.

Silverjdt |

Silverjdt wrote:I just started having an issue on one of my computers whereany drop down menus or alt text doesnt appear on top of the window but underneath... i figured this out by not maximizing it and seeing it stick out hte side when i hovered over a spell and the description pupped up underneath sticking out the side of the main window. How can i fix this? i assume it has more to do with some setting for windows than anything else...Apparently i just had to update my .Net 4.0 Framework. Problem Solved.
Except i keep having to periodically do it, i think some new update to .net 4 keeps getting installed that isnt compatible with the curent 1.37 build. Could u take a look?

MendedWall12 |

This may already be a feature, and I'm just an idiot (which is starting to become a daily realization on my part), but when I search monsters it seems to only search the name of the monster, not within the text of their actual file. I'm not sure how hard it would be to add that feature, or if I can search the original database file somehow... The reason I ask is sometimes I'm just looking for a baseline creature that I can advance for the purposes of my group. Say for instance a gnome. When I search gnome in the monsters tab the only thing that shows up is the monster with the name "gnome" in the title. Is that a feature that's already there somewhere else, or that could be implemented pretty easily? And, or, as aforementioned, am I just an idiot?

Silverjdt |

This may already be a feature, and I'm just an idiot (which is starting to become a daily realization on my part), but when I search monsters it seems to only search the name of the monster, not within the text of their actual file. I'm not sure how hard it would be to add that feature, or if I can search the original database file somehow... The reason I ask is sometimes I'm just looking for a baseline creature that I can advance for the purposes of my group. Say for instance a gnome. When I search gnome in the monsters tab the only thing that shows up is the monster with the name "gnome" in the title. Is that a feature that's already there somewhere else, or that could be implemented pretty easily? And, or, as aforementioned, am I just an idiot?
Im pretty sure that is not a feature yet, but d20pfsrd would allow u to do what ur looking to do.

Silverjdt |

I have created an NPC spell caster. Is there someway to add their spells to the attack list? I just started using the program and its great, but I'm hoping I can click spell attack or special attack and have it roll fireball damage for example.
Is this built in and I'm missing it?
As of now there isn't a way to roll spell damage automatically like weapon or natural attacks, I have asked about this feature being added as well, the same with skills and saves, to just click on the listing of it in the description pane and have it auto roll. What you can do is use the dice roller in the program and click the TEXT tab on it which allows u to roll complicated combinations such as 3d6 + 5d4 + 24 by clicking the dice buttons and manually typing it in. It will show each individual dice result so its still possible to separate types of damage as well as total it up for you. To include the spells on your npc all you need do is create the entry for him by clicking "add blank" in the monster or party section and entering in all the info in monster editor, for which there are special attacks, spells known, spells prepared, and special ability locations. Use premade examples to help you format this correctly and it will still give you the floating alt text for the spells when u hover over them. Hope this helps for now.

Silverjdt |

I have created an NPC spell caster. Is there someway to add their spells to the attack list? I just started using the program and its great, but I'm hoping I can click spell attack or special attack and have it roll fireball damage for example.
Is this built in and I'm missing it?
And dont forget to save it as a custom monster or encounter.

MendedWall12 |

MendedWall12 wrote:This may already be a feature, and I'm just an idiot (which is starting to become a daily realization on my part), but when I search monsters it seems to only search the name of the monster, not within the text of their actual file. I'm not sure how hard it would be to add that feature, or if I can search the original database file somehow... The reason I ask is sometimes I'm just looking for a baseline creature that I can advance for the purposes of my group. Say for instance a gnome. When I search gnome in the monsters tab the only thing that shows up is the monster with the name "gnome" in the title. Is that a feature that's already there somewhere else, or that could be implemented pretty easily? And, or, as aforementioned, am I just an idiot?Im pretty sure that is not a feature yet, but d20pfsrd would allow u to do what ur looking to do.
I'm going to claim ignorance here and ask where exactly would be the best place for me to type in the word "gnome" and get a result of NPC/Monsters on the d20pfsrd?

CountofUndolpho |

Thanks Silver, that is a good suggestion. Too bad the software creator has not added it though, I would expect that as a core functionality.
Personally I'm just glad Kyle went to all the effort of creating the Manager full stop. For FREEware it's impressive indeed and I'm more than happy to work round any of it's limitations.
Kyle, there is a donation on it's way to you now, with thanks!The Count

stefanolpt |
Thanks for this fantastic program! I'm not a DM right now, but in a month I will start a new campaign and this program will be my companion for a long time!
I just have found a strange behavior when you link 2 or more monster initiative.
If the linked enemies has some conditions (like dazed or blinded), the round counter doesn't decrease like the other enemies.

Silverjdt |

Jason Stormblade wrote:Thanks Silver, that is a good suggestion. Too bad the software creator has not added it though, I would expect that as a core functionality.Personally I'm just glad Kyle went to all the effort of creating the Manager full stop. For FREEware it's impressive indeed and I'm more than happy to work round any of it's limitations.
Kyle, there is a donation on it's way to you now, with thanks!
The Count
I quite agree. I wish I knew more programming myself so I could help because I tried for the longest time making something this good on excel but the limitations were too great. We'll see though because I was seriously considering taking game design as a major in college.

Silverjdt |

And if possible change the add monster button into "add x ___ monsters" with a text input so entire goblin tribes can be spawned at once rather than 70 clicks later... (yeah thats the most extreme case but the feature is still handy at smaller numbers.) Have it reset to 1 after u push "add" so that u dont accidentally blow up the computer either.

eXaminator |

And if possible change the add monster button into "add x ___ monsters" with a text input so entire goblin tribes can be spawned at once rather than 70 clicks later... (yeah thats the most extreme case but the feature is still handy at smaller numbers.) Have it reset to 1 after u push "add" so that u dont accidentally blow up the computer either.
To extend on this: Their initiatives should automatically be linked (at least as an option) :)

Silverjdt |

Silverjdt wrote:And if possible change the add monster button into "add x ___ monsters" with a text input so entire goblin tribes can be spawned at once rather than 70 clicks later... (yeah thats the most extreme case but the feature is still handy at smaller numbers.) Have it reset to 1 after u push "add" so that u dont accidentally blow up the computer either.To extend on this: Their initiatives should automatically be linked (at least as an option) :)
Jeebas can u imagine 70 seugathi firing crossbows at u at once?

MendedWall12 |

I believe, just based on his limited recent posting activity, that Kyle is chest deep in some major programming awesomeness, and that when his next version comes out my laptop will more than likely explode in a shower of life-giving light in the form of effusive efflorescent goo. This goo will then run all my campaigns with perfect mechanics, and epic storytelling.

Merkatz |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

As much as I love this program (I really, really do), I've found that I simply can't use it anymore.
It looks so polished and clean and complete, but there are so many little errors or missing data that I really can't trust the entries.
The hound archon for instance, has a spell-like ability heading, and it has it's constant spell-like abilities listed- but it's missing all the at-will abilities. It looks like a complete stat block. But it's not.
Also, while the templates would be extremely convenient, most of them have errors in application. Fiendish creatures get the wrong resistances. Augmented Summons doesn't take into consideration 1 1/2 strength bonuses. Skeletons have inappropriately sized claws.
And these are just off the top of my head.
At first I didn't notice any problems, because it looks like such a polished program with so many wonderful features- but little things just kept seeming off to me. And the more I cross referenced, the more little data errors I found.
So for me, before an iPad version, or before new features, I really just want accurate data. I only say this, because I really fell in love with this program. But it's at the point that I really can't use it any more, and I hate that.

MendedWall12 |

I'm sorry you feel that way Merkatz. While I too have noticed small problems now and again. Whenever Kyle has been made aware of them he has always acted promptly to fix them. So, even with a few flaws, I'll continue to use CM for every game I run. You can't beat the price! :D
Just noticed that when you link initiatives the undocked initiative window hides the name of the person to whom the initiatives are linked, but not those linked to it. That makes for a bit of trouble when I'm trying to hide the creature types from my players. :P Hopefully something you can fix for the next update?

eXaminator |

Kyle,Just noticed that when you link initiatives the undocked initiative window hides the name of the person to whom the initiatives are linked, but not those linked to it. That makes for a bit of trouble when I'm trying to hide the creature types from my players. :P Hopefully something you can fix for the next update?
He's already aware of this bug and I trust that he might jave already fixed taht for the upcoming version :) (or at least has it on his todo list :))

eXaminator |

Had a little hospital stay, I'm out now and much healthier. I'm going to push a new version out with B3 probably tomorrow and figure out where I am feature wise so I know where to go next. Needless to say things have been a little off track recently.
Hey Kyle,
I'm glad you feel better now. When you said you had health probles I thought you meant a flew or something. But since you had a hospital stay I guess it wasn't that easy. Anyway, good to have you back, active and most important: healthy :)

Kyle Olson |

Kyle Olson |

I've got to do a bit of a reset as to where I am on new features and completing the iPad version, which has been moving along well despite a few speed bumps. The last few months have been rough on me physically and mentally and I got to the point where I wasn't checking my mail or reading the message boards everyday. I'll probably have points in the future when I only have the strength for real jobs and not this side job and I need to figure out how to keep this kind of lull from happening again.

Bodhizen |

I downloaded 1.3.8, but it crashes every single time I try to open it. I had to re-install 1.3.7. No idea what kind of bug it is or why it's not working; I run Windows 7.
Kyle, if you have some items that you could farm out to people, I know there are others out there who would love to help you make this a better product. Something to consider... Having fans help out with content would free you to work on features, to the benefit of all.

Kyle Olson |

I am also running into crashes. I'm running windows 7 64 bit with the latest java installations. If you need more info let me know.
Seems to be a common problem. I swear I tested this with real users;)
Wrap up all files in c:\users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Combat Manager and send to combatman@kyleolson.com

MendedWall12 |

Kyle Olson wrote:Had a little hospital stay, I'm out now and much healthier. I'm going to push a new version out with B3 probably tomorrow and figure out where I am feature wise so I know where to go next. Needless to say things have been a little off track recently.Hey Kyle,
I'm glad you feel better now. When you said you had health problems I thought you meant a flu or something. But since you had a hospital stay I guess it wasn't that easy. Anyway, good to have you back, active and most important: healthy :)
+1000 I had no idea your health problems were on that serious a scale. I'm glad you are back, and from the sound of it, healthy. I'd much rather you were healthy and happy than churning out updates. This program works wonderfully as is. Anything you add to it now is just icing on the FREE cake.

Kyle Olson |

Doesn't work for me either, could this be a version conflict of .NET or something?
It's not a .NET conflict.
I've got the rules not appearing problem fixed, but the crash is still related to loading the rules.
In order to speed the time of the app loading (particularly for the iPad version) I delayed the loading of the rules until needed. For some reason in some cases it's just blowing up the app. Not quite sure yet why.

Sethvir |

FWIW, it crashes on my Win 7 laptop, but loaded just fine on my machine at work, which is a Win 7 desktop. The only thing I typically use the desktop for though is building new stuff during work breaks. I don't have an existing combat state with the version at work, but I do have characters/monsters loaded in current combat state on my laptop.
Don't know if that makes a difference or not. Regardless still a great program, which I still continue to use.
On another note, glad to see you are feeling better. Health first, real work second, everything else is secondary. Do what you can, when you can!
Thanks again for this program.