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Most kind! It is a mix of what people are able to sustain in terms of visiting and posting, and what I'm up to - this post is three and a half hours after my last to this thread, I've been wrestling with a job application but decided to take a break and look in here!
I hope people will be able to manage a daily check at least. In some games I've found people can do this during the week but can struggle at weekends as family or social life takes them away from their computers... and of course there are always those times when something crops up or you go away. If possible, I'd like to know... characters whose players are absent won't get killed off when I'm DM (but other things may happen to them...).
Henri (Hale Caress) has asked about 'adult' character concepts and themes. I'd ask you all to bear in mind that the Paizo messageboards can be read by anyone, so while I'm happy with realistic character motivations and predilictions I'll ask you to keep it to what consenting adults can legally do in private, and to close the bedroom door behind you - fade to black rather than describe your activities in detail :)

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Heh, interesting but mhm.
Into another note: Take your time and plan since I think we got all our time (or not? seems like we all have "haste" casted on us and speed up our character creations lol) and trying to find a way to make profile nicer / better in google.accounts ... just can´t work with that site ahah.
Someone able to help with that perhaps? Otherwise taking a look later time, colouring and setting the lines are kind of blah at this moment

Gander Longstalks |

Changed my profile pic. Still not quite what I was looking for, but I think it's a little better than the other one had been.
I really like the way the Google site looks but I too find it kind of a pain to put the character information on there all fancy like. Is it all right with you, Megan, if my profile contains the true character sheet? I'll try to copy it over to Google at some point but it's not that high on my list of priorities if the profile here satisfies.

Vanulf Wulfson |

Hey all,
I understand that you are full at the moment but if you should ever have a vacancy please keep me in mind. I really loved playing this AP and would like to get back into it.
You can find the character I used in the old campaign Here (I would have to tone him down somewhat to fit but it should be an easy retrograde).
Wander Weir and I are currently in Wrath's Kingmaker game together so he could reach me if theres any news.
Until then I'll continue to lurk from time to time.
Good luck and good hunting.

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Hi, I am almost done with planning my character and will soon update her on the google page, just too sleepy to do it now.
I am planning an Oracle with the "Life" mystery. With the character I would like to aim for the "Healer's Touch" achievement feat (it is in the players guide for Legacy of Fire). As the feat predates the rules for Pathfinder channelling the balance may be off a bit, so if you allow it you might want to increase the required amount of healing a bit.

Hale Caress |

Hale is ready, I re-spun the backstory a bit to give her a motivation to travel to Kelmarane and picked a different trait that I think suits her.
Our oracle should be done today, Endraca tends to take lots of time finding her character's inner specialness ;p
Edit: I think everybody should take time off to go through the other characters to make sure everything is correct. I know I tend to forget some +1/-1 somewhere on my chars. :)

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Yap true that. I have though checked my spell list, skills and so on and seems to be okey so far.
Only thing I hate is that I can´t work at all with google-account pages :S So I just kind of made different columns for each stats block. If got time, maybe able to help me sort that out?

Hale Caress |

lol - I just looked at your profile on the google page, I think you deleted it or something, as right now it is empty.
Regarding the tables: you can add/remove rows and columns with the tables menu. And you can select a range of cells (or a single cell) and pick a background color. The trick with that is to literally select the cells (just having your cursor in them is not enough), so drag your mouse as you select and you should see the cells being outlined in a way to indicate selection.

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:D Ahaha, that was good one :) Incharge of MySQL, PostgreSQL, LDAP and SAP... company is using way too many stuff here and being "overworked"... when actually just got nothing much to do these days huoh. Well, got time for my own things at least but... feels really weird that customer base been going down lately
Nevertheless, Thank you !

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Currently, 3 or 4 of my sites have MySQL backends, and I may need to get into LDAP fairly soon. But most of the time I write HTML and PHP.
Upsets students who are busy being pretty in something like DreamWeaver and get stuck, I dive into code view and sort it out for them.

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Right... as you may know I am starting THREE games. One is up and you, dear hearts, are next :)
Either later today or tomorrow: I need to make sure I keep things straight and say the right things to the right players.
Anyone want to keep a dispel confusion readied just in case?

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And we're off!
Please join me on the game thread, and thank you all for coming to play with me :)
My rules are:
1. Be nice to each other... unless you have an in-game reason for your character to bicker with another character, but don't let it spill over to real life.
2. Try and drop by at least once a day, or let me know if you cannot. I will do my level best not to kill characters whose players are absent, and if given instructions for your actions will give you every chance to complete them.
3. Use the board die roller. So will I unless there is a very good reason for a hidden roll.
4. Use the 'ooc' tag for brief comments in the game thread, come back to this one if you want a long debate ooc with other players or need to ask a rules question or the like.
5. HAVE FUN!!!

LoreKeeper |

Thanks, it was a great session :) - a highlight I thought was nice to mention:
We play with the crit-fumble (and crit-hit) decks, and it has made very fun contributions. Just today our paladin of Iomedae (with sword oath) had an unlucky streak with her longsword flying 30 feet off and the next attack feeling unusually heavy in her hands - she became pale and is seeking atonement as clearly her goddess has been angered. True to form the GM also hinted at specs of rust that she might be noticing on her weapon.
Oh, and she (the paladin) was fighting in her pajamas for most of the session as our primary major encounter started with an ambush during our sleep

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Right... been a bit busy as yesterday the shower failed terminally, whilst I was using it (Brrr), so lots of plumbing and running electricity cables through the walls and stuff, then I had a job interview this afternoon.
So, small (well, tiny ones actually) scorpion familiars...
Do claw/claw/sting, 1hp damage each + venom.
Have one-half of their master's hp regardless of the HD that they would have were they a common animal.
Don't really 'pounce' because that's not quite how scorpions fight, they scuttle up, grab with the claws then sting (your DM watches the Discovery channel far too much); but if chucked into combat bodily just grab on and sting as best they can.
Anything else?