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I originally posted the engineer in the alternate alchemists thread, but someone suggested that I revise it and start a thread just for it. The material is a little lengthy, considering the extent to which the engineer diverges from the alchemist, so I'm taking that suggestion and posting up the engineer separately. I hope everyone enjoys it!
The Engineer
Not all alchemists are masters of chemistry and biology. Some prefer to focus their mad talents on the mysteries of mechanical engineering—the creation of lethal machines.
Engineering (Su): Engineers are not only masters of building mundane machines such as mechanical traps and clockwork toys, but also of fashioning pseudo-magical devices which allow them to produce spell effects. In effect, an engineer prepares his spells by building small, expendable devices, and then “casts” his spells by using the device. When an engineer creates a device, he infuses the object with a tiny fraction of his own magical power—this enables the creation of powerful effects, but also binds the effects to the creator.
When making a Knowledge (engineering) check, or any Craft check to build a mechanical device, the engineer gains a competence bonus equal to his class level on the check. In addition, an engineer can use Knowledge (engineering) to identify wondrous items as if using detect magic. He must hold and examine the item for 1 minute to make such a check.
An engineer’s primary means of delivering his magical potential is through devices, including a permanent destructive device called a death ray (see below), though he also gains a limited access to the wonders of traditional alchemy through mutagens. Mutagens are transformative elixirs that the engineer drinks to enhances his physical abilities. (Mutagens are detailed in the main alchemist class.)
Devices are significantly more varied than mutagens. In many ways, they behave like spells in scroll form, and as such their effects can be dispelled by effects like dispel magic using the engineer’s class level as the caster level. An engineer can only create a certain number of devices each level per day. His base daily allotment of devices is the same as an alchemist’s daily extracts, and he likewise gains bonus devices from a high Intelligence score.
When an engineer builds a device, he infuses the gears and springs in it with his own mad genius. A device becomes inert if it leaves the engineer’s possession, reactivating as soon as it returns to his possession—an engineer cannot hand out his devices for use by his allies (but see the “stable device” discovery below). Any touch-range spell requires the engineer to touch the target with the device, meaning that such spells with a duration can only be used on the engineer himself (since if the device leaves the engineer’s possession, it ceases to work). Essentially, all touch-range beneficial magic has a range of “personal” for engineer devices.
A device remains intact so long as the engineer spends time maintaining it each day. Creating a device requires 1 minute per spell level of work initially, but daily maintenance only takes 1 minute (and the device slot, of course)—devices are extremely simple mechanically, and most of their substance comes from the engineer’s genius. Most engineers prepare many devices at the start of the day or just before going on an adventure, but it’s not uncommon for an engineer to keep some of his daily device slots open so that he can build devices in the field as needed. An engineer can only “break down” a device and build a new one in its place after resting (as with a wizard preparing spells).
Although the engineer doesn’t actually cast spells, he does have a blueprints list that determines what devices he can create (see below). An engineer can utilize spell-trigger items if the spell appears on his blueprints list, but not spell-completion items (unless he uses Use Magic Device to do so). A device is “cast” by wielding it, as if casting off a scroll—the effects of a device exactly duplicate the spell upon which its blueprint is based. Wielding a device is a standard action; it is assumed that “drawing” the device is a part of using it, and does not comprise a separate action. The engineer uses his class level as the caster level to determine any effect based on caster level.
Creating devices consumes raw materials, but the cost of these materials is insignificant—comparable to the valueless material components of most spells. An engineer can easily replenish his materials through scavenging and by cannibalizing his previously-used devices. If a spell normally has a costly material component, that component is expended during the use of that particular device, not during its initial creation.
Devices cannot be made from spells that have focus requirements (engineer devices that duplicate divine spells never have a divine focus requirement). An engineer can prepare a device of any blueprint he knows. To learn or use a device, an engineer must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the device’s level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against an engineer’s device is 10 + the device level + the engineer’s Intelligence modifier.
An engineer may know any number of blueprints. He stores his blueprints in a special tome called a laboratory book. He must refer to this book whenever he prepares a device but not when he uses it. An engineer begins play with two 1st-level blueprints of his choice, plus a number of additional blueprints equal to his Intelligence modifier. At each new engineer level, he gains one new blueprint of any level that he can create. An engineer can also add blueprints to his book just like a wizard adds spells to his spellbook, using the same costs and time requirements.
An engineer can study a wizard’s spellbook to learn any blueprint that is equivalent to a spell the spellbook contains. A wizard, however, cannot learn spells from a laboratory book. An engineer must decipher arcane writings normally before copying them, using either Spellcraft or read magic.
An engineer cannot select any discovery that relates to extracts or formulae (but see below for new discoveries).
This class feature replaces the alchemy class feature.
Death Ray (Su): Every engineer starts with a basic creative impulse—the urge to destroy those that mock or deride him. To this end, engineers start their career with the construction of a death ray, a personal weapon that can inflict lethal harm against their foes.
The “death ray” is a two-handed ranged weapon with a range increment of 30 feet. It makes attacks as a ranged touch attack and deals electricity damage equal to 1d6 + the engineer’s Intelligence bonus. Firing the death ray is a standard action. The death ray can be used a number of times each day equal to twice the engineer’s class level + the engineer’s Intelligence bonus. Each day, the alchemist must spend one minute per daily use recharging the device with his own magical aura (generally by sitting quietly and tinkering with the device for that time). The engineer is considered to be proficient in his own death ray, though he cannot use another engineer’s death ray any more than anyone else.
The death ray only works for the alchemist, and he can only have one in existence at a time; if his death ray is stolen or destroyed, it takes one day of work and appropriate tools to build a new one. The death ray is a physical device; it must be stored and drawn like any other weapon, it can be stolen, and it is vulnerable to being destroyed. The death ray has a hardness of 5 + the engineer’s class level, and hit points equal to 20 + the engineer’s class level.
The damage of an engineer’s death ray increases by 1d6 points at every odd-numbered class level (this bonus damage is not multiplied on a critical hit or by using feats such as Vital Strike).
This ability replaces the bombs class feature, and the engineer cannot select any discovery that would affect or modify that class ability.
Trapfinding (Ex): An engineer is a master of clockwork machines and infernal devices. An engineer adds 1/2 his level to Perception skill checks made to locate traps and to Disable Device skill checks (minimum +1). An engineer can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps. This replaces the alchemist’s Throw Anything bonus feat, poison use, and swift poisoning.
Swift Engineering (Ex): Beginning at 3rd level, when an alchemist creates alchemical items or clockwork devices of any sort, it takes him only half the normal amount of time. This replaces the swift alchemy class ability.
Instant Engineering (Ex): At 18th level, the engineer can create alchemical items with almost supernatural speed, and none can match his proficiency at fixing or breaking machines. He can create any alchemical item as a full-round action if he succeeds at the Craft (alchemy) check and has the appropriate resources at hand to fund the creation. Additionally, he can perform any Disable Device check that would normally take up to a minute as a swift action. This feature replaces the instant alchemy class feature.
Grand Discovery (Su): The engineer does not gain access to the poison touch grand discovery, though he can still utilize the others normally. The following abilities are available to an engineer:
Clockwork Heart: The engineer performs the most delicate procedure of his career when he removes his own still-beating heart and replaces it with a construct of brass, tubes, and wires. The engineer’s Constitution is increased by 4 points and his age limits at each age category are doubled, but he gains vulnerability to electricity.
Steel Limbs: The engineer must spend a month performing grotesque acts of surgery on himself, gradually whittling away his own weak flesh and replacing it with sterner stuff. When he is finished, all four of his limbs (and a good portion of his skeleton) are made of gleaming steel and hissing steam vents. The engineer’s Strength is increased by 2 points, he gains +2 natural armor, and his base land speed is increased by 10 feet. Due to his new frame’s heat conductivity, he gains vulnerability to fire.
Next: Blueprints and discoveries!
Jeremy Puckett

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Engineer Blueprints
1st-Level Engineer Blueprints: break*, burning hands, color spray, comprehend languages, detect secret doors, detect undead, endure elements, enlarge person, expeditious retreat, flare burst*, identify, jump, keen senses, mage hand, negate aroma*, read magic, reduce person, shield, shocking grasp, true strike.
2nd-Level Engineer Blueprints: acid arrow, bear’s endurance, blur, bull’s strength, cat’s grace, darkvision, detect thoughts, elemental touch*, fox’s cunning, invisibility, levitate, perceive cues*, protection from arrows, resist energy, scorching ray, see invisibility, shatter, spider climb.
3rd-Level Engineer Blueprints: arcane sight, bloodhound*, dispel magic, displacement, elemental aura*, fly, fireball, heroism, hold person, lightning bolt, nondetection, pain strike*, protection from energy, ray of exhaustion, stinking cloud, tongues, water breathing.
4th-Level Engineer Blueprints: air walk, ball lightning*, confusion, dimension door, discern lies, enervation, fear, fire shield, freedom of movement, globe of invulnerability (lesser), invisibility (greater), locate creature, neutralize poison, shout.
5th-Level Engineer Blueprints: baleful polymorph, cloudkill, cone of cold, dream, elude time*, fabricate, hold monster, nightmare, overland flight, pain strike (mass)*, sending, spell resistance, telekinesis, telepathic bond, waves of fatigue.
6th-Level Engineer Blueprints: analyze dweomer, antimagic field, chain lightning, disintegrate, dispel magic (greater), eyebite, flesh to stone, freezing sphere, globe of invulnerability, repulsion, shadow walk, transformation, true seeing.
New Engineer Discoveries
Caustic blast: When the engineer makes an attack with his death ray, he can choose to have it inflict acid damage, but the death ray’s range increment is halved. Creatures struck by a caustic blast take an additional 1d6 points of acid damage 1 round later.
Concussive blast: When the engineer makes an attack with his death ray, he can choose to have it inflict sonic damage. A concussive blast deals only 1d4 points of damage + engineer’s Int modifier, plus 1d4 points of bonus damage per odd-numbered level. Creatures struck by a concussive blast are deafened for 1 minute unless they succeed at a Fortitude save.
Delicate death ray: The engineer’s death ray is particularly compact. It is a one-handed weapon rather than a two-handed weapon.
Disintegration beam: When the engineer fires his death ray, he can spend 2 of its daily uses to produce a disintegration beam, inflicting untyped damage. Any creature brought below 0 hit points by the beam is reduced to fine dust, as per the disintegrate spell. Additionally, the engineer can use the beam to disintegrate inanimate matter as per the disintegrate spell. The engineer must be at least 10th level before selecting this discovery.
Dispelling beam: When the engineer fires his death ray, he can choose to have it dispel magic effects. A creature hit by a dispelling beam is subject to a targeted dispel magic, using the engineer’s class level as the caster level. This cannot be used to target a specific spell effect. If a spell is successfully dispelled, the target suffers damage equal to the caster level + the engineer’s Intelligence bonus. The engineer must be at least 6th level before selecting this discovery.
Force beam: When the engineer fires his death ray, he can choose to have it inflict force damage. Force beams inflict 1d4 + engineer’s Int modifier points of force damage, plus 1d4 points of force damage for every odd-numbered level. A creature that is struck by a force beam is knocked prone unless it succeeds on a Reflex save. The engineer can fine-tune this output as well, sacrificing 1d4 points of bonus damage to instead push the creature back 5 feet on a failed save. The engineer must make this choice before firing the death ray, and if the creature cannot be pushed back the whole distance, it simply falls prone in the last square into which it moved with no additional effect; this movement does no provoke attacks of opportunity. An engineer must be at least 8th level before selecting this discovery.
Frost beam: When the engineer fires his death ray, he can choose to have it inflict cold damage. A creature struck by a frost beam is staggered on its next turn unless it succeeds on a Fortitude save.
Idiot-proof device: When the engineer builds a stable device, it can be used by any character, regardless of their access to magic or the Use Magic Device skill. The engineer must have the stable device discovery and be at least 6th level before selecting this discovery.
Inferno beam: When the engineer fires his death ray, he can choose to have it inflict fire damage. A creature struck by an inferno beam is sickened for 1d4 rounds.
Mind control beam: Some engineers prefer to handle things in a more subtle way than usual. When the engineer fires his death ray, he can choose to inflict no damage to instead fire an invisible beam of energy that scrambles the target’s mind, leaving them vulnerable to outside influence. Using the mind control beam is a full-round action, since the controls must be carefully calibrated. On a successful attack, the target is entitled to a Will save to avoid the effect. If the target fails the save, it is subject to the suggestion spell, except that the target does not need to know the engineer’s language; the command is input directly into his mind. The engineer uses his class level as the caster level for this effect. An engineer must be at least 8th level to select this discovery. If the engineer is at least 14th level, the target can instead be subjected to a dominate person spell.
Multi-tasker: When the engineer creates a device, he can use two blueprints for a single device. When the device is used, the effects of both blueprints occur. This device has a level two levels higher than the highest-level blueprint used for the device. An engineer must be at least 8th level before selecting this discovery.
Overcharge: A mad enough engineer finds ways to overcome the raw limitations on his death ray’s output. By spending a full round charging his death ray, the engineer can expends 2 of the death ray’s daily uses on any shot made the following round to increase the bonus damage from 1d6 per odd-numbered class level to 1d8 per odd-numbered class level, and double the engineer’s Intelligence bonus on damage. If the overcharge is not used during the following round, a daily use of the death ray is expended with no effect.
Quick rays: An engineer with this discovery can toggle the energy output on his death ray fast enough to produce multiple rays in a single round. The engineer can fire additional rays as a full-round action if his base attack bonus is high enough to grant him additional attacks. This functions just like a full-attack with a ranged weapon, and cannot be combined with any other discovery that turns the death ray into a full-round action to use. An engineer must be at least 8th level before selecting this discovery.
Shock blast: When the engineer fires his death ray, he can choose to have it inflict electricity damage, and gain a +2 bonus to hit creatures wearing metal armor or composed primarily of metal (such as an iron golem). A creature struck by a shock beam is dazzled for 1d4 rounds.
Stable device: When an engineer builds a device, he can infuse it with an extra bit of his own magical power. The device created now persists even after the engineer sets it down. As long as the device exists, it continues to occupy one of the engineer’s daily device slots. A stable device may be used by a non-engineer, but the device acts as a spell-trigger item, meaning that the character must have the appropriate spell on his list or make a successful Use Magic Device check.
Strafing beam: When the engineer fires his death ray, he can expend 2 of its daily uses to change the ray to a 30-foot line, or 3 daily uses to create a 60-foot line. The ray no longer has a range increment and does not require a touch attack, but any creature in the line can attempt a Reflex save for reduced damage. On a successful save, any affected creature suffers the ray’s minimum normal damage and none of its additional effects. (So, a death ray that dealt 1d8+5d6+5 damage normally would inflict 11 points of damage.) This damage is negated as usual for a creature with evasion; a creature with improved evasion takes the minimum damage on a failed save. The engineer must be at least 8th level to select this discovery.
Widen beam: When the engineer fires his death ray, he can expend 2 of its daily uses to widen the beam, potentially catching multiple creatures in the area. The targeted creature now receives a Reflex save to become a splash target instead of a primary target. All other creatures within 5 feet of the original target are now splash targets. Any creature hit as a splash target suffers none of the beam’s primary effects (including any additional effects, such as the extra damage from a caustic blast), but suffer damage equal to the minimum damage of the ray. So, a death ray that dealt 1d8+5d6+5 damage normally would inflict 11 points of damage (of the same energy type) to all creatures within 5 feet of the main target. The engineer must be at least 4th level to select this discovery.
Let me know what you think! Coming soon: the Mad Tinker prestige class!
Jeremy Puckett

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And now... the mad tinker!
For some alchemists, the power of destruction is not enough to satisfy them. Only the power of creation can bring them happiness—the creation of life itself. These crazed engineers seek and strive to unlock the secrets of the gods themselves, committing crimes against nature itself to spawn the hideous children of their intellect. Similar in most respects to a summoner’s eidolon, these creations serve their makers with loyalty unknown to creatures that were born rather than decanted. Over time, the mad tinker adjusts and alters his “pet” to meet his needs.
Some communities that might tolerate a run of the mill alchemist or even a slightly deranged engineer would balk at having a mad tinker among them. The sheer hubris of creating life from nothing can drive the religious to frenzy and the simply moral to outrage. Still, the mad tinker care nothing for such narrow thinking, only for the freedom to stretch the bounds of mortal knowledge to its limits.
Role: A mad tinker allows an alchemist (specifically a member of the engineer class archetype) to gain some of the abilities of a summoner in relation to their eidolon. In return, they lose some progression on their devices and related class abilities, though their death ray does not suffer. The mad tinker is as much a biologist as an engineer, a true renaissance man of mad science. With an extra pair of hands to help him out in trouble, or simply to act as a bodyguard, the mad tinker can feel much safer in a dangerous world.
Alignment: A mad tinker cannot be lawful.
BAB: 3/4
Hit Die: d8.
Fort: Poor
Ref: Good
Will: Good
To qualify to become a mad tinker, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Skills: Craft (alchemy) 5 ranks, Heal 5 ranks, Knowledge (engineering) 5 ranks
Special: Death ray 3d6 or higher.
Class Skills
The mad tinker’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Craft (Int), Disable Device (Int), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (engineering) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), and Use Magic Device (Cha).
Skill Ranks at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the mad tinker prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A mad tinker gains no proficiency with any weapon or armor.
Devices per Day: At the indicated levels, a mad tinker gains new devices per day (as extracts per day) as if she had also gained a level in alchemist. She does not, however, gain other benefits a character of that class would have gained, except for devices per day and an increased effective caster level for devices.
Lethal Rays (Ex): The destructive power of the death ray appeals to the whims of the mad tinker. Add the character’s alchemist and mad tinker levels together to determine the damage done by her death ray and its number of uses per day.
Eidolon: The mad tinker’s amazing engineering skills have allowed him to build a unique and powerful companion for himself, similar to a summoner’s eidolon in many ways. The mad tinker forms a strong emotional connection to his companion, even imprinting it with portions of his own mind in order to give it true sentience. A mad tinker’s eidolon is permanent, however, and it does not require being summoned. Whatever it might look like, the mad tinker’s eidolon is a native outsider and not a summoned creature. The eidolon has the same alignment as the tinker and can speak all of his languages.
A tinker’s eidolon heals naturally. If it is reduced to a number of negative hit points equal to or greater than its Constitution score, it is killed. A dead eidolon can be brought back to life with a day’s work if the body remains intact; it returns to life at 0 hit points and is fatigued until restored to full hit points. If the body cannot be recovered (or is destroyed), the mad tinker can create a new eidolon with access to a laboratory and a number of days of work equal to his class level + the eidolon’s evolution pool. If the mad tinker is knocked unconscious, the eidolon becomes confused until the tinker regains consciousness. If the tinker is killed, the eidolon goes berserk and rampages out of control, becoming enraged and confused (as the spells rage and confusion) until it is knocked out or killed, though it immediately becomes enraged and confused again if it returns to consciousness while its master is dead.
The eidolon’s form is shaped by the mad tinker’s desires and engineering skills. The eidolon’s Hit Dice, saving throws, skills, feats, and abilities are tied to the tinker’s class level and increase as the tinker gains levels. In addition, the eidolon receives a pool of evolution points, based on the mad tinker’s class level, which can be used to give the eidolon different abilities and powers. Whenever the mad tinker gains a level, he must spend one day in a laboratory before the eidolon gains access to these evolution points. Once this is done, the tinker decides how to spend his eidolon’s evolution points, and they are set until he gains another class level.
The eidolon’s physical appearance is up to the tinker, but it always appears unnatural and created in some way—a steam-powered golem, a woman stitched together from pieces of different people, a chimerical beast, and so on. This control is not fine enough to make the eidolon appear like a specific creature. The eidolon bears a mark somewhere on its body related to the mad tinker; such a mark can be interpreted with detect magic as though it were the tinker’s personal arcane mark.
A mad tinker’s eidolon uses the same table and progression as the summoner to determine his eidolon abilities. The mad tinker’s summoner level is equal to his alchemist level + his mad tinker level –5. (So an alchemist 5/mad tinker 1 would have the eidolon of a 1st-level summoner.)
Shield Ally (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, whenever the mad tinker is within his eidolon’s reach, the tinker receives a +2 shield bonus to his Armor Class and a +2 circumstance bonus on his saving throws. This bonus does not apply if the eidolon is grappled, helpless, paralyzed, or unconscious.
Maker’s Call (Su): A careful inventor makes sure that his creations are never more than an arm’s length away. At 3rd level, as a standard action, a mad tinker can call his eidolon to his side. This functions as dimension door, using the mad tinker’s caster level. When used, the eidolon appears adjacent to the mad tinker (or as close as possible if all adjacent spaces are occupied). If the eidolon is out of range, the ability is wasted. The mad tinker can use this ability once per day at 3rd level, plus one additional time per day for every three additional class levels..
Greater Shield Ally (Ex): At 4th level, whenever an ally is within an eidolon’s reach, that ally receives a +2 shield bonus to his Armor Class and a +2 circumstance bonus on his saving throws. If this ally is the tinker, these bonuses increase to +4. This bonus does not apply if the eidolon is grappled, helpless, paralyzed, or unconscious.
Weapon Array (Su): A 5th-level mad tinker can outfit his eidolon with a bristling array of offensive and defensive technology. By spending an additional 1 minute when constructing a device in the presence of his eidolon, the mad tinker can graft the device onto his eidolon. The device remains potent as it would on the tinker’s person, and the eidolon can use the device as though he were the tinker.
The tinker cannot later retrieve the device for personal use; only the eidolon can use it after this point, though the tinker can remove it and disassemble it as normal. As well, if the tinker does not perform the correct amount of daily maintenance on implanted devices (just as with a personal device), the eidolon’s body rejects the device and it becomes nonfunctional. An eidolon can have no more devices implanted as part of a weapon array than the mad tinker’s class level.
Rather than implanting devices into the eidolon, the mad tinker can instead outfit his creation with his own death ray. Outfitting the eidolon with a death ray (or later removing it) takes 10 minutes of work in a laboratory. The death ray can either replace one of the eidolon’s limbs or become a mounted weapon.
If it replaces a limb, the eidolon can use it normally as a one-handed weapon (using the “hand” that the death ray replaced). If it is a mounted weapon, the eidolon cannot move (even to take a 5-foot step) in any round in which he uses the death ray. An eidolon whose creator has the delicate death ray discovery ignores both of these restrictions; in this case, an implanted death ray is effectively a one-handed weapon that does not take up the eidolon’s hand slot (and does not involve removing a limb), and a mounted death ray does not force the eidolon to remain motionless. A death ray grafted in this manner cannot be disarmed, though it can still be sundered. The eidolon has access to any of its creator’s death ray discoveries.
An eidolon cannot have both devices and a death ray at the same time. It may only have one or the other.
1.....Lethal rays, eidolon.....—
2.....Shield ally..............+1 level of alchemist
3.....Maker’s call.............+1 level of alchemist
4.....Greater shield ally......—
5.....Weapon array.............+1 level of alchemist
Hope you guys like the new stuff!
Jeremy Puckett

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Big thumbs up on all of this so far. I was considering doing something like this myself before I realized that I'm lazy as hell.
One suggestion. I think mutagens would better fit the concept of the class if they were some sort of ridiculous powered armor (usages per day can be explained as a limited fuel supply). Keep it mechanically identical to Mutagens, but thematically more appropriate (In my eyes).

jmberaldo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16 |

Hmmm! Thats curious. I was just searching for any reference of an engineer class for pathfinder (at first thinking of a rogue or expert variant) when I came across your post.
I'm going to run a low-magic Pathfinder game and one of my players is into the clockwork aspect of Steampunk. I tried to convince her to play the Alchemist, but that's not exactly what she had in mind, so I did a little searching.
So, I read your Engineer and something stuck me: if I just change context of whats in the "alchemy" class ability, it fits without the need of any (most?) rules change. You see, if this variant creates clockwork, an Extract would be a small device which she scavanges parts. It's also so complicated that only she knows how to activate (unless she has the Infusion discovery, which would mean she learns how to make it simple enough for others to operate). Bombs are still bombs. It's just that, instead of a liquid and a catalyst, it's a device that needs a fuse or detonator to explode. Trade Craft (Alchemist) for Knowledge (Engineering) or some other sort of similar variant skill (maybe create a Craft[Clockwork]?) and it's done.
There is mutagen. Well, the easy change is to do the same: context. Instead of a potion, consider it a device like an exoskeleton or such thing. It MIGHT work. I'm not 100% on that yet. I'll come back about it later. I actually considered scrapping for something trap-related, but I'm not sure yet.
Things need some change when it get's to the poison stuff. And that's where and look into your other ideas, like Trapfinding. In that way, Poison Resistance and Poison Use are replaced by Trapfinding.
There may be other inconsistencies, but I'm considering leveling only up to level 6 (idea from a pdf I dled a while ago called E6 by RYAN STOUGHTON) so I didn't look much into higher level stuff (yet).
It's not that your ideas are not good! They ARE! But it's more of a weird funny feeling while I'm trying for the dark gritty sort :)

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It's not that your ideas are not good! They ARE! But it's more of a weird funny feeling while I'm trying for the dark gritty sort :)
Your idea is fine too! My engineer is very much informed by the Sparks from Girl Genius, while the base alchemist is supposed to be an expy of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Mine is more of a mad physicist/engineer instead of a mad biologist/chemist. (At some point, I'd like to do a mad psychologist, but that's neither here nor there.)
But yes, one of the things I love best about Pathfinder's current (post-APG) model for classes is the potential for reskinning and tweaking. Need an ability that does something similar to a current one but visually different? Use the same ability, but rename it and reflavor it. A class is almost right, except for one or two little abilities? Create an archetype that replaces them.
Here's an idea for mutagens: Instead of a potion, it's a supercharger. Slap it onto your body, it gives you a low-grade current running through your body that accelerates your heart and hyper-oxygenates your blood, but leaves you with electricity-induced ADHD. Depending on how you arrange it and where you attach it, it hyper-oxygenates different parts of your musculature, leaving you stronger (Str), quicker (Dex), or tougher (Con), but unable to think clearly (Int), concentrate (Wis), or retain basic social skills (Cha). The reason only the engineer who built it can use it? Because only someone who's done the proper yoga and diet can do it and get a result other than a mild heart attack. It takes serious physical training to slap a defibrillator on your chest, scream "CLEAR!", and have anything good happen. =3
Hope that helps!
Jeremy Puckett

Slime |

(...) if I just change context of whats in the "alchemy" class ability, it fits without the need of any (most?) rules change. (...)
I had the same vision for a Dwarf Crystalist (rays, radiations, sharp injections, etc.). All the same system just a variant on the looks.
I feel you cant get the Engineer-context principle very close to the Alchemist if you include the Mad-Scientist idea.

xXxTheBeastxXx |

I like it. Very interesting, and very flavorful. As far as re-skinning Mutagen, I agree with the concept of an exoskeleton-style machine. As far as figuring out how to have a limited-use mechanic introduced, I'd say something like:
The Engineer constantly wears the exoskeleton, but can only use its power with a special fuel that works just like the mutagen. Instead of imbibing it, he injects it into the fuel line of the machine.
Just an idea. Other than that...stolen! Congrats on the good work, and the concept of "re-skinning." I hadn't really thought about that.

Anthony Kane |
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I like it. Very interesting, and very flavorful. As far as re-skinning Mutagen, I agree with the concept of an exoskeleton-style machine. As far as figuring out how to have a limited-use mechanic introduced, I'd say something like:
The Engineer constantly wears the exoskeleton, but can only use its power with a special fuel that works just like the mutagen. Instead of imbibing it, he injects it into the fuel line of the machine.
Just an idea. Other than that...stolen! Congrats on the good work, and the concept of "re-skinning." I hadn't really thought about that.
I know I'm a bit late to this discussion here but I just felt like adding my "2 cents" to the re-skinned Mutagen discussion.
As the Mutagen would no longer be a imbued potion that turns the Alchemist/Engineer into a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde but instead a suit of "power armor" aka (Medieval Ironman) maybe the hit to a mental stat no longer works. So this is what I came up with.
Make it more like the Barbarian's rage and leave the Engineer in a fatigued condition after using it.
Here's what I came up with:
[Clock-Work Armor] (Ex) At 1st level the Engineer can create a suit of clock-work armor out of gears and mechanisms that can enhance his physical stature. Creating this suit of clock-work armor takes the Engineer 24 hours but once created it can be used repeatedly until broken or destroyed. This suit of clock-work armor is considered to be a Light Armor that only characters with levels in Engineer would be proficient with. Starting at 1st level, an Engineer can use his clock-work armor for a number of rounds equal to 4 + Constitution Modifier. At each level after 1st the Engineer can continue to use his clock-work armor for 2 additional rounds. Temporary increases to Constitution, such as those gained from spells like "bears endurance", do not increase the total number of rounds that the Engineer can use his clock-work armor that day. An Engineer can activate his clock-work armor as a free action. The total number of rounds that the Engineer can use the clock-work armor is renewed after the Engineer has rested for 8 hours, although these hours do not need to be consecutive.
-While using the clock-work armor, an Engineer gains a total +4 equipment bonus to either Strength or Dexterity or a +2 Equipment bonus to both Strength and Dexterity. The decision as to what stat or stats receive the equipment bonus from the suit of clock-work armor is made when the Engineer activates his clock-work armor and cannot be changed while its in use, but the bonuses can be changed upon each activation of the suit of clock-work armor. In addition the clock work armor also provides a +4 Armor bonus, a +4 maximum dexterity bonus, a -2 armor check penalty and a speed of 30ft while in use. It has a Hardness of 10 and 40 hit points. If damaged the Engineer can repair it with a craft: armor or shield skill check or if its destroyed then the Engineer can rebuild it within 24 hours.
-An Engineer can activate his clock-work armor as a free action and becomes fatigued after using his clock-work armor for a number of rounds to 2 x the number of rounds spent using the clock-work armor. An Engineer cannot activate his clock-work armor again while fatigued or exhausted but can otherwise activate his clock-work armor multiple times during a single encounter or combat.
-This replaces the Mutagen Class Feature.Clock Work Armor Endurance (Ex): At 14th level the Engineer's Constitution score is considered to be 4 points higher for the purposes of determining how long he can continue to use his clock-work armor. This does not actually increase his constitution score. Example (Engineer with constitution of 12 is treated as having a constitution of 16 for the purposes of determining how long he can continue to use his Clock-Work Armor). This ability replaces Persistent Mutagen.
Mutagen to "Clock-Work Armor" Discoveries.
Slam Attacks: Whenever the Engineer activates his clock-work armor he gains up to two slam attacks that he can use each round. The Engineer is considered to be proficient with these slam attacks. Since these are primary attacks they are made using the Engineer's full base attack bonus. The Slam attack deals 1D6 points of damage (1d4 if the Engineer is small or 1D8 if the Engineer is large).
Enhanced Clock-Work Armor: The Engineer's clock-work armor may also be augmented with up to a +2 enhancement bonus. If the Engineer posses the Slam Attacks Discovery he may also select from the weapon enhancements in addition to armor enhancements although the total enhancement bonus may still not exceed +2. The Engineer must pay for any additional properties to be added to his clock-work armor but doing so only costs the Engineer half as much in terms of gold and materials. If the Engineer does the work himself then the cost is halved again. The Engineer may also "deconstruct" his enhancements bonuses to his armor and build in new ones but doing so takes at least 24 hours and the Engineer must pay for the new enhancement bonus again, as described above. An Engineer must be at least 3rd level before selecting this discovery.
Improved Clock-Work Armor: The Engineer's clock-work armor may now be augmented with up to a +4 enhancement bonus. If the Engineer posses the Slam Attacks Discovery he may also select from the weapon enhancements in addition to armor enhancements although the total enhancement bonus may still not exceed +4. An Engineer must be at least 6th level before selecting this discovery and must posses the Enhanced Clock-work Armor Discovery.
-Greater Clock-Work Armor: The Engineer's Clock-Work Armor now grants a +6 Armor Bonus, +3 Maximum Dexterity bonus, a -4 armor check penalty and a maximum speed of 20ft while in use. The clock-work armor now grants a +4 equipment bonus to both Strength and Dexterity. The armor type improves to Medium, which the Engineer remains proficient with, but this does not grant him the feat Medium Armor Proficiency. Its hardness remains 10 but it now has at least 60 hit points. The clock-work armor may also be augmented with up to a +6 enhancement bonus. If the Engineer posses the Slam Attacks Discovery he may also select from the weapon enhancements in addition to armor enhancements although the total enhancement bonus may still not exceed +6. The Engineer must pay for any additional properties to be added to his clock-work armor but doing so only costs the Engineer half as much in terms of gold and materials. If the Engineer does the work himself then the cost is halved again. The Engineer may also "deconstruct" his enhancements bonuses to his armor and build in new ones but doing so takes at least 24 hours and the Engineer must pay for the new enhancement bonus again, as described above. An Engineer must be at least 12th level before selecting this discovery and possess the Improved Clock-Work Armor Discovery.
-Grand Clock-Work Armor: The Engineer's Clock-Work Armor now grants a +8 Armor Bonus, +1 Maximum Dexterity bonus, a -6 armor check penalty and a maximum speed of 20ft while in use. The clock-work armor now grants a +6 equipment bonus to both Strength and Dexterity. The armor type improves to Heavy, which the Engineer remains proficient with, but this does not grant him the feat Heavy Armor Proficiency. Its hardness remains 10 but it now has at least 80 hit points. The clock-work armor may also be augmented with up to a +8 enhancement bonus. If the Engineer posses the Slam Attacks Discovery he may also select from the weapon enhancements in addition to armor enhancements although the total enhancement bonus may still not exceed +8. An Engineer must be at least 16th level and posses the Greater Clock-Work Armor discovery before selecting this discovery.
-Ultimate Clock-Work Armor: The Engineer's Clock-Work Armor now grants a +8 Armor Bonus, +1 Maximum Dexterity bonus, a -6 armor check penalty and a maximum speed of 30ft while in use. The clock-work armor now grants a +8 equipment bonus to both Strength and Dexterity. The armor type improves to Heavy, which the Engineer remains proficient with, but this does not grant him the feat Heavy Armor Proficiency. Its hardness remains 10 but it now has at least 80 hit points. The clock-work armor may also be augmented with up to a +10 enhancement bonus. If the Engineer posses the Slam Attacks Discovery he may also select from the weapon enhancements in addition to armor enhancements although the total enhancement bonus may still not exceed +10. An Engineer must be at least 20th level and posses the Grand Clock-Work Armor discovery before selecting this discovery.
Let me know what you think.

Cheapy |

This archetype and PrC are incredible. I am so stealing them.
Kane: Thematically, I dislike the idea of the exoskeleton as a replacement. Mechanically, your system looks fine, and I'm impressed with the work you put into it. And I'm quite grateful for you bringing this topic back to life. I've been looking for something just like this.
The flavor of a Medieval Iron man is a just bit too much for me to swallow. I'm fine with the deathray (though I'd call it something different), so go figure.
I'd personally flavor the mutagen as a device worn around the head (not taking up an item slot) that augmented the engineer's body thru science. Basically, leave it ambiguous on purpose.

Anthony Kane |

Directed @ hida_jiremi
(since this message board has no private message option that I can find)
This seems like a solid idea for an Alchemist Alternate class. Would you like to work together on this so that we could get a PDF copy with all the ideas made up and submitted as a homebrew to the PFSRD. You've already done a vast majority of the work and seeing how positive the response has been back it would be a waste for this threat to become a forum archive.
Let me know what you think.

Fnipernackle |

Directed @ hida_jiremi
(since this message board has no private message option that I can find)This seems like a solid idea for an Alchemist Alternate class. Would you like to work together on this so that we could get a PDF copy with all the ideas made up and submitted as a homebrew to the PFSRD. You've already done a vast majority of the work and seeing how positive the response has been back it would be a waste for this threat to become a forum archive.
Let me know what you think.
i have a suggestion. if you do happen to make a pdf version of this, not only post it in this thread for others, but think about renaming the eidolon to clockwork companion. i think it fits the concept better that way. when i copied your archetype and prestige class, i did just this. just my 2cp.
also i had a player play the engineer in a game i ran recently, and it worked great. there was also a regular alchemist in the group and the two were completely different which was very refreshing (seeing as how i got very tired of the regular alchemist so fast and to a point where i wont even play one myself, at least not for a LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG time.

Anthony Kane |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

This archetype and PrC are incredible. I am so stealing them.
Kane: Thematically, I dislike the idea of the exoskeleton as a replacement. Mechanically, your system looks fine, and I'm impressed with the work you put into it. And I'm quite grateful for you bringing this topic back to life. I've been looking for something just like this.
The flavor of a Medieval Iron man is a just bit too much for me to swallow. I'm fine with the deathray (though I'd call it something different), so go figure.
I'd personally flavor the mutagen as a device worn around the head (not taking up an item slot) that augmented the engineer's body thru science. Basically, leave it ambiguous on purpose.
Hey no worries. I can see how "Medieval Ironman" might not be something everyone can agree with. Here's an alternate idea.
The Battle Fist
At 1st level the Engineer can create a "Battle Fist". Essentially its a mechanical gauntlet/glove. Using this item does exhaust the Engineer so like the suit of armor it mirrors a "barbarian's rage" in terms of activation, duration, and after effects. Here's the difference.
-The Engineer is automatically considered proficient with his battle fist. Only he can use it. Any non-engineer attempting to wield the battle fist is considered to be using a metal gauntlet.
-The Battle Fist grants the Engineer a +4 Enhancement bonus to Strength.
-The Battle Fist allows the Engineer to make a slam attack that deals 1D6 Points of damage and is considered a Bludgeon Weapon. It has a critical hit range of 20 with a damage multiplier of x2.
-The Engineer can still use his Engineering blue prints while his battle fist is activated and may also apply his engineering blue prints to his battle fist as though it were both a natural and manufactured weapon.
-The Engineer's Battle fist is considered a weapon for the purposes of feats and prerequisites. There for it qualifies as a weapon and the Engineer can apply feats such as Weapon Focus to it.
-At 3rd level the Engineer's battle fist is treated as having a +1 Enhancement bonus. The Engineer may add from the list of magic weapon properties to augment his Battle Fist. This Enhancement bonuses increases by +1 at every 3rd level to a Maximum of +6 at 18th level.
-Battle fist fusion: At 17th level the Engineer is so use to his battle fist it acts as if it is almost a natural extension of his body. He is no longer fatigued after using it.
-Battle Fist Discoveries.
-Clawed Battle Fist. The Battle fist now has the option of dealing slashing damage. Its critical range is now 19-20/x2. It is also considered a natural claw attack for the engineer with which he is automatically proficient with. The Engineer can spend a move action to change his battle fist back and forth from this form to its original configuration.
-Burrowing battle fist: The Battle fist now has the option of attaching a tunneling drill bit to the end of itself in place of your regular fingers. In this form the Engineer gains a burrowing speed of 30ft per round and can tunnel through dirt and rock. Also the Engineer can choose to have his battle fist deal piercing damage.
-Greater Battle Fist: The Engineer's battle fist now deals 1D8 Damage and provides a +6 Enhancement bonus to Strength. The Engineer must be at least 12th level before selecting this discovery.
-Grand Battle Fist: The Engineer's battle fist now deals 1D10 Damage and provides a +8 Enhancement bonus to Strength. The Engineer must be at least 16th level before selecting this discovery.
Grand discovery
-Ultimate Battle Fist: At 20th level the Engineer fully understands how to use his battle fist. Whenever he wields it he is considered to have a full Base Attack Bonus, The Critical Damage multiplier is increased to X3 and all Critical hits are automatically confirmed.

Fnipernackle |

Okay: If everyone wants this done up in PDF form and sent to the PFSRD archive then give me about a week to get this cooked up. I post a preliminary version here first. If everyone likes what they see then I'll look into getting it uploaded.
the only suggestion i have is leave the archetype and the prestige class like they are and add your ideas as character options that you can take in place of certain things.

Anthony Kane |
10 people marked this as a favorite. |

The Engineer (Alternate Class)(Alchemist Archetype)
Note: an overwhelming majority of this needs to be credited to the original poster: hida_jiremi all I did was provide an alternate option to the Mutagen class feature that wasn't meshing too well with a gadget based Engineer
Not all alchemists are masters of chemistry and biology. Some prefer to focus their mad talents on the mysteries of mechanical engineering—the creation of lethal machines. These individuals call themselves Engineers, seeing themselves as masters of wondrous mechanical creations that they build to perform amazing spell like tasks. Where as the Alchemist captures his own magical potential within liquids, the Engineer infuses his magical potential into mechanical devices through his knowledge of Engineering.
Role: Where some see the Engineer as a crazy mad man surrounding himself with dangerous machines, others might simply view him as an overly eccentric inventor. With his love of gears and gadgets he shares a natural talent with the rogue in how to disable devices. He seeks to use his knowledge of engineering to improve both himself and the world around him. Still the Engineer is not a character to be taken lightly for through the same mechanical inventions that he creates to better himself and society, he can by the same token turn these inventions against the world to wreak havoc and destruction as exemplified through his devastating weapon, the Death Ray.
Alignment: Any
Hit Die: D8
BAB: 3/4
Fort: good
Reflex: good
Will: poor
Skill points: 4 + Intelligence Modifier
Extracts per day aka Infusions per day (same progression as Alchemist)Special
LV1: Engineering, Death Ray 1D6, Technological Bond, Craft Wondrous Item, Precise Shot
LV2: Discovery, Trap Finding
LV3: Death Ray 2D6, Swift Engineering
LV4: Discovery, Trap Sense +1
LV5: Death Ray 3D6
LV6: Discovery, Quick Disable
LV7: Death Ray 4D6
LV8: Discovery, Trap Sense +2
LV9: Death Ray 5D6
LV10: Discovery
LV11: Death Ray 6D6
LV12: Discovery, Trap Sense +3
LV13: Death Ray 7D6
LV14: Discovery, Technological Endurance
LV15: Death Ray 8D6
LV16: Discovery, Trap Sense +4
LV17: Death Ray 9D6
LV18: Discovery, Instant Engineering
LV19: Death Ray 10D6
LV20: Grand Discovery, Trap Sense +5
Class Skills:
The Engineer's class skills are: Appraise (Int), Craft (any), (Int), Disable Device(Dex), Fly(Dex), Heal(Wis), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Knowledge (Engineering)(Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spellcraft(Int) , Survival (Wis), Use Magical Device (Cha).Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: Engineer's are proficient with all simple weapons and their death ray. They are also proficient with light armor, but not with shields.
Engineering (Su): Engineers are not only masters of building mundane machines such as mechanical traps and clockwork toys, but also of fashioning pseudo-magical devices which allow them to produce spell effects. In effect, an engineer prepares his spells by building small, expendable devices, and then “casts” his spells by using the device. When an engineer creates a device, he infuses the object with a tiny fraction of his own magical power—this enables the creation of powerful effects, but also binds the effects to the creator.
When making a Knowledge (engineering) check, or any Craft check to build a mechanical device, the engineer gains a competence bonus equal to his class level on the check. In addition, an engineer can use Knowledge (engineering) to identify wondrous items as if using detect magic. He must hold and examine the item for 1 minute to make such a check.
An engineer’s primary means of delivering his magical potential is through devices, including a permanent destructive device called a death ray (see below), though he also gains the ability to physically improve himself by crafting either a customized suit of powerful armor or a battlefist (see below).
Devices are significantly more varied. In many ways, they behave like spells in scroll form, and as such their effects can be dispelled by effects like dispel magic using the engineer’s class level as the caster level. An engineer can only create a certain number of devices each level per day. His base daily allotment of devices is the same as an alchemist’s daily extracts, and he likewise gains bonus devices from a high Intelligence score.
When an engineer builds a device, he infuses the gears and springs in it with his own mad genius. A device becomes inert if it leaves the engineer’s possession, reactivating as soon as it returns to his possession—an engineer cannot hand out his devices for use by his allies (but see the “stable device” discovery below). Any touch-range spell requires the engineer to touch the target with the device, meaning that such spells with a duration can only be used on the engineer himself (since if the device leaves the engineer’s possession, it ceases to work). Essentially, all touch-range beneficial magic has a range of “personal” for engineer devices.
A device remains intact so long as the engineer spends time maintaining it each day. Creating a device requires 1 minute per spell level of work initially, but daily maintenance only takes 1 minute (and the device slot, of course)—devices are extremely simple mechanically, and most of their substance comes from the engineer’s genius. Most engineers prepare many devices at the start of the day or just before going on an adventure, but it’s not uncommon for an engineer to keep some of his daily device slots open so that he can build devices in the field as needed. An engineer can only “break down” a device and build a new one in its place after resting (as with a wizard preparing spells).
Although the engineer doesn’t actually cast spells, he does have a blueprints list that determines what devices he can create (see below). An engineer can utilize spell-trigger items if the spell appears on his blueprints list, but not spell-completion items (unless he uses Use Magic Device to do so). A device is “cast” by wielding it, as if casting off a scroll—the effects of a device exactly duplicate the spell upon which its blueprint is based. Wielding a device is a standard action; it is assumed that “drawing” the device is a part of using it, and does not comprise a separate action. The engineer uses his class level as the caster level to determine any effect based on caster level.
Creating devices consumes raw materials, but the cost of these materials is insignificant—comparable to the valueless material components of most spells. An engineer can easily replenish his materials through scavenging and by cannibalizing his previously-used devices. If a spell normally has a costly material component, that component is expended during the use of that particular device, not during its initial creation.
Devices cannot be made from spells that have focus requirements (engineer devices that duplicate divine spells never have a divine focus requirement). An engineer can prepare a device of any blueprint he knows. To learn or use a device, an engineer must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the device’s level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against an engineer’s device is 10 + the device level + the engineer’s Intelligence modifier.
An engineer may know any number of blueprints. He stores his blueprints in a special tome called a Technical Manual. He must refer to this book whenever he prepares a device but not when he uses it. An engineer begins play with two 1st-level blueprints of his choice, plus a number of additional blueprints equal to his Intelligence modifier. At each new engineer level, he gains one new blueprint of any level that he can create. An engineer can also add blueprints to his book just like a wizard adds spells to his spellbook, using the same costs and time requirements.
An engineer can study a wizard’s spellbook to learn any blueprint that is equivalent to a spell the spellbook contains. A wizard, however, cannot learn spells from a laboratory book. An engineer must decipher arcane writings normally before copying them, using either Spellcraft or read magic.
An engineer cannot select any discovery that relates to extracts or formulae (but see below for new discoveries).
This class feature replaces the alchemy class feature.
Death Ray (Su): Every engineer starts with a basic creative impulse—the urge to destroy those that mock or deride him. To this end, engineers start their career with the construction of a death ray, a personal weapon that can inflict lethal harm against their foes.
The “death ray” is a two-handed ranged weapon with a range increment of 30 feet. It makes attacks as a ranged touch attack and deals electricity damage equal to 1d6 + the engineer’s Intelligence bonus. Firing the death ray is a standard action. The death ray can be used a number of times each day equal to twice the engineer’s class level + the engineer’s Intelligence bonus. Each day, the alchemist must spend one minute per daily use recharging the device with his own magical aura (generally by sitting quietly and tinkering with the device for that time). The engineer is considered to be proficient in his own death ray, though he cannot use another engineer’s death ray any more than anyone else.
The death ray only works for the alchemist, and he can only have one in existence at a time; if his death ray is stolen or destroyed, it takes one day of work and appropriate tools to build a new one. The death ray is a physical device; it must be stored and drawn like any other weapon, it can be stolen, and it is vulnerable to being destroyed. The death ray has a hardness of 5 + the engineer’s class level, and hit points equal to 20 + the engineer’s class level.
The damage of an engineer’s death ray increases by 1d6 points at every odd-numbered class level (this bonus damage is not multiplied on a critical hit or by using feats such as Vital Strike).
This ability replaces the bombs class feature, and the engineer cannot select any discovery that would affect or modify that class ability.
Craft Wondrous Item (Ex): At 1st level Engineers receive Craft Wondrous Item as a bonus feat. An Engineer can use this feat to create wondrous items out of any blueprints that he knows (up to 3rd level) using his Engineer level as his caster level. The spell must be one that can be made into a wondrous item. The Engineer does not need to meet the prerequisites for this feat. (This replaces the Brew potion feat normally granted to standard Alchemists).
Technological Bond (Su): At 1st level, Engineers can forge for themselves a powerful device that can dramatically enhance and change their rather physically weak stature. This device can take one of two forms: an exoskeleton suit of powerful armor that only the engineer can use or a battlefist (see individual descriptions below). This ability replaces the Mutagen ability granted to standard Alchemists.
Clock-Work Armor (Su): At 1st level the Engineer can create a suit of clock-work armor out of gears and mechanisms that can enhance his physical stature. Creating this suit of clock-work armor takes the Engineer 24 hours but once created it can be used repeatedly until broken or destroyed. This suit of clock-work armor is considered to be a Light Armor that only characters with levels in Engineer would be proficient with.
Starting at 1st level, an Engineer can use his clock-work armor for a number of rounds equal to 4 + Constitution Modifier. At each level after 1st the Engineer can continue to use his clock-work armor for 2 additional rounds. Temporary increases to Constitution, such as those gained from spells like "bears endurance", do not increase the total number of rounds that the Engineer can use his clock-work armor that day. An Engineer can activate his clock-work armor as a free action. The total number of rounds that the Engineer can use the clock-work armor is renewed after the Engineer has rested for 8 hours, although these hours do not need to be consecutive.
While using the clock-work armor, an Engineer gains a total +4 equipment bonus to either Strength or Dexterity or a +2 Equipment bonus to both Strength and Dexterity. The decision as to what stat or stats receive the equipment bonus from the suit of clock-work armor is made when the Engineer activates his clock-work armor and cannot be changed while its in use, but the bonuses can be changed upon each activation of the suit of clock-work armor. In addition the clock work armor also provides a +4 Armor bonus, a +4 maximum dexterity bonus, a -2 armor check penalty and a speed of 30ft while in use. It has a Hardness of 10 and 40 hit points + the Engineer's class level. If damaged the Engineer can repair it with a craft: armor or shield skill check or if its destroyed then the Engineer can rebuild it within 24 hours.
An Engineer can activate his clock-work armor as a free action and becomes fatigued after using his clock-work armor for a number of rounds to 2 x the number of rounds spent using the clock-work armor. An Engineer cannot activate his clock-work armor again while fatigued or exhausted but can otherwise activate his clock-work armor multiple times during a single encounter or combat.
The Battle Fist (Su): At 1st level the Engineer can create a Battlefist that he can equip and activate in battle to greatly enhance his melee combat ability. The battle fist resembles a mechanical gauntlet with articulated fingers. It takes 24 hours for the Engineer to construct a battle fist but once created it can be reused until destroyed. Due to the superior construction of this device an Engineer may wear his battle fist indefinitely, even when its abilities are deactivated, and it functions just like his regular hand. It does not impose an armor check penalty or hinder him in the least.
Starting at 1st level, an Engineer can use his battle fist to augment his physical stature for a number of rounds equal to 4 + Constitution Modifier. At each level after 1st the Engineer can continue to use his battlefist for 2 additional rounds. Temporary increases to Constitution, such as those gained from spells like "bears endurance", do not increase the total number of rounds that the Engineer can use his battlefist that day. An Engineer can activate his battlefist as a free action. The total number of rounds that the Engineer can use the battlefist is renewed after the Engineer has rested for 8 hours, although these hours do not need to be consecutive.
While using the battlefist, an Engineer gains a total +4 equipment bonus to either Strength or Dexterity or a +2 Equipment bonus to both Strength and Dexterity. The decision as to what stat or stats receive the equipment bonus from the battlefist is made when the Engineer activates his battlefist and cannot be changed while its in use, but the bonuses can be changed upon each activation of the suit of battlefist.
The Engineer is automatically considered proficient with his battlefist, and can use his battlefist to make a natural slam attack that deals 1D6 points of Bludgeon damage + the Engineer's strength modifier. The battlefist has a critical threat range of 20 with a damage multiplier of x2. While wearing his battle fist the Engineer is consider to be armed and threatens any adjacent squares in combat as such. If the Engineer has a base attack bonus of +6 or higher, he can make additional attacks in a round with his battlefist just as if he were wielding a melee weapon. The Engineer's Battle fist is considered a weapon for the purposes of feats and prerequisites. Therefore it qualifies as a weapon and the Engineer can apply feats such as Weapon Focus. Furthermore an Engineer may also apply blue prints to his battlefist as if it were both a natural and manufactured weapon. The battlefist has a hardness of 5 + the engineer’s class level, and hit points equal to 20 + the engineer’s class level. If damaged the Engineer can repair it with a craft: weapon skill check or if its destroyed then the Engineer can rebuild it within 24 hours.
An Engineer can activate his battlefist as a free action and becomes fatigued after using his battlefist for a number of rounds equal to 2 x the number of rounds spent using the battlefist. An Engineer cannot activate his battlefist again while fatigued or exhausted but can otherwise activate his battlefist multiple times during a single encounter or combat.
At 3rd level the Engineer's battle fist is treated as having a +1 Enhancement bonus. The Engineer may add from the list of magic weapon properties to augment his Battle Fist. This Enhancement bonuses increases by +1 at every 3rd level to a Maximum of +6 at 18th level.
Precise Shot (Ex): All Engineer's gain the Precise Shot feat as a bonus feat at 1st level. An Engineer adds his Intelligence modifier to damage done with any ranged weapon. The bonus damage is already included in the Death Ray class feature. An Engineer does not need to meed the prerequisites for this feat.
Discovery (Su): At 2nd level, and then again for every 2 levels thereafter (up to 18th level) an Engineer makes an incredible Engineering Discovery. Unless otherwise noted, an Engineer cannot select an individual discovery more than once. Some Discoveries can only be made if the Engineer meets certain prerequisites first, such as uncovering other discoveries. Discoveries that modify the Engineer's Death Ray are marked with an asterisk (*) do not stack. Only one such discovery can be applied to an individual blast from the Engineer's Death Ray. The DC for any saving throw called for by a discovery is equal to 10 + ½ the Engineer's class level + the Engineer's Intelligence modifier.
Due to changes of class features from Alchemist to Engineer the Engineer may not select any bomb discoveries, discoveries that effect extracts, or discoveries that affect Mutagens.
The following are the Discoveries that the Engineer may select from.
Blinding blast*: When the Engineer fires his death ray, he can choose for it to detonate very brightly. Creatures that take a direct hit from a blinding ray are blinded for 1 minute unless they succeed at a Fortitude save. This is a light effect. An alchemist must be at least 8th level before selecting this discovery.
Caustic blast*: When the engineer makes an attack with his death ray, he can choose to have it inflict acid damage, but the death ray’s range increment is halved. Creatures struck by a caustic blast take an additional 1d6 points of acid damage 1 round later.
Concussive blast*: When the engineer makes an attack with his death ray, he can choose to have it inflict sonic damage. A concussive blast deals only 1d4 points of damage + engineer’s Int modifier, plus 1d4 points of bonus damage per odd-numbered level. Creatures struck by a concussive blast are deafened for 1 minute unless they succeed at a Fortitude save.
Confusion blast*: The Engineer’s death ray can twist the target’s perception of friend and foe. A creature that takes a direct hit from a confusion ray takes damage from the ray and is under the effect of a confusion spell for 1 round per caster level of the Engineer. Reduce the amount of normal damage dealt by the bomb by 2d6 (so a bomb that would normally deal 6d6+4 points of damage deals 4d6+4 points of damage instead). An Engineer must be at least 8th level before selecting this discovery.
Delicate death ray*: The engineer’s death ray is particularly compact. It is a one-handed weapon rather than a two-handed weapon.
Disintegration beam*: When the engineer fires his death ray, he can spend 2 of its daily uses to produce a disintegration beam, inflicting untyped damage. Any creature brought below 0 hit points by the beam is reduced to fine dust, as per the disintegrate spell. Additionally, the engineer can use the beam to disintegrate inanimate matter as per the disintegrate spell. The engineer must be at least 10th level before selecting this discovery.
Dispelling beam*: When the engineer fires his death ray, he can choose to have it dispel magic effects. A creature hit by a dispelling beam is subject to a targeted dispel magic, using the engineer’s class level as the caster level. This cannot be used to target a specific spell effect. If a spell is successfully dispelled, the target suffers damage equal to the caster level + the engineer’s Intelligence bonus. The engineer must be at least 6th level before selecting this discovery.
Force beam*: When the engineer fires his death ray, he can choose to have it inflict force damage. Force beams inflict 1d4 + engineer’s Int modifier points of force damage, plus 1d4 points of force damage for every odd-numbered level. A creature that is struck by a force beam is knocked prone unless it succeeds on a Reflex save. The engineer can fine-tune this output as well, sacrificing 1d4 points of bonus damage to instead push the creature back 5 feet on a failed save. The engineer must make this choice before firing the death ray, and if the creature cannot be pushed back the whole distance, it simply falls prone in the last square into which it moved with no additional effect; this movement does no provoke attacks of opportunity. An engineer must be at least 8th level before selecting this discovery.
Frost beam*: When the engineer fires his death ray, he can choose to have it inflict cold damage. A creature struck by a frost beam is staggered on its next turn unless it succeeds on a Fortitude save.
Idiot-proof device: When the engineer builds a stable device, it can be used by any character, regardless of their access to magic or the Use Magic Device skill. The engineer must have the stable device discovery and be at least 6th level before selecting this discovery.
Inferno beam*: When the engineer fires his death ray, he can choose to have it inflict fire damage. A creature struck by an inferno beam is sickened for 1d4 rounds.
Mind control beam*: Some engineers prefer to handle things in a more subtle way than usual. When the engineer fires his death ray, he can choose to inflict no damage to instead fire an invisible beam of energy that scrambles the target’s mind, leaving them vulnerable to outside influence. Using the mind control beam is a full-round action, since the controls must be carefully calibrated. On a successful attack, the target is entitled to a Will save to avoid the effect. If the target fails the save, it is subject to the suggestion spell, except that the target does not need to know the engineer’s language; the command is input directly into his mind. The engineer uses his class level as the caster level for this effect. An engineer must be at least 8th level to select this discovery. If the engineer is at least 14th level, the target can instead be subjected to a dominate person spell.
Multi-tasker: When the engineer creates a device, he can use two blueprints for a single device. When the device is used, the effects of both blueprints occur. This device has a level two levels higher than the highest-level blueprint used for the device. An engineer must be at least 8th level before selecting this discovery.
Overcharge*: A mad enough engineer finds ways to overcome the raw limitations on his death ray’s output. By spending a full round charging his death ray, the engineer can expends 2 of the death ray’s daily uses on any shot made the following round to increase the bonus damage from 1d6 per odd-numbered class level to 1d8 per odd-numbered class level, and double the engineer’s Intelligence bonus on damage. If the overcharge is not used during the following round, a daily use of the death ray is expended with no effect.
Quick rays*: An engineer with this discovery can toggle the energy output on his death ray fast enough to produce multiple rays in a single round. The engineer can fire additional rays as a full-round action if his base attack bonus is high enough to grant him additional attacks. This functions just like a full-attack with a ranged weapon, and cannot be combined with any other discovery that turns the death ray into a full-round action to use. An engineer must be at least 8th level before selecting this discovery.
Shock blast*: When the engineer fires his death ray, he can choose to have it inflict electricity damage, and gain a +2 bonus to hit creatures wearing metal armor or composed primarily of metal (such as an iron golem). A creature struck by a shock beam is dazzled for 1d4 rounds.
Sunlight blast*: The Engineer can fire his death ray so that it explodes with a searing radiance equivalent to that of sunlight. Undead, fungi,molds, oozes, slimes, and creatures to which sunlight is harmful or unnatural take +2 damage per die from the death ray. Undead that are harmed by sunlight and that fail their saves against the the death ray are staggered for 1 round. An Engineer must be at least 10th level and must have the blinding ray discovery before he can select this discovery.
Stable device: When an engineer builds a device, he can infuse it with an extra bit of his own magical power. The device created now persists even after the engineer sets it down. As long as the device exists, it continues to occupy one of the engineer’s daily device slots. A stable device may be used by a non-engineer, but the device acts as a spell-trigger item, meaning that the character must have the appropriate spell on his list or make a successful Use Magic Device check.
Strafing beam*: When the engineer fires his death ray, he can expend 2 of its daily uses to change the ray to a 30-foot line, or 3 daily uses to create a 60-foot line. The ray no longer has a range increment and does not require a touch attack, but any creature in the line can attempt a Reflex save for reduced damage. On a successful save, any affected creature suffers the ray’s minimum normal damage and none of its additional effects. (So, a death ray that dealt 1d8+5d6+5 damage normally would inflict 11 points of damage.) This damage is negated as usual for a creature with evasion; a creature with improved evasion takes the minimum damage on a failed save. The engineer must be at least 8th level to select this discovery.
Widen beam*: When the engineer fires his death ray, he can expend 2 of its daily uses to widen the beam, potentially catching multiple creatures in the area. The targeted creature now receives a Reflex save to become a splash target instead of a primary target. All other creatures within 5 feet of the original target are now splash targets. Any creature hit as a splash target suffers none of the beam’s primary effects (including any additional effects, such as the extra damage from a caustic blast), but suffer damage equal to the minimum damage of the ray. So, a death ray that dealt 1d8+5d6+5 damage normally would inflict 11 points of damage (of the same energy type) to all creatures within 5 feet of the main target. The engineer must be at least 4th level to select this discovery.
Resurrection Device: Once per day the Engineer can create a device that can bring the dead back to life. This device costs 25,000gp to create an takes 1 hour of work to assemble. Only the Engineer can activate the device, which is a free action, but once activated the device restores life to a dead creature as per the true resurrection spell. Once activated the device is completely destroyed but the Engineer can construct a new one (see above). Alternatively the Engineer may use the device on himself, after which point he is immediately targeted with a resurrection spell the next time he is killed. Used in this way the effects of the resurrection device persist only for a number of days equal to the Engineer's Intelligence Modifier. If he does not die before that time expires the effects of the Resurrection Device end. An Engineer can only have one use of the Resurrection Device upon himself at any given time, they do not stack. An Engineer must be at least 16 level before selecting this discovery.
Slam Attacks: Whenever the Engineer activates his clock-work armor he gains up to two slam attacks that he can use each round. The Engineer is considered to be proficient with these slam attacks. Since these are primary attacks they are made using the Engineer's full base attack bonus. The Slam attack deals 1D6 points of damage (1d4 if the Engineer is small or 1D8 if the Engineer is large).
Enhanced Clock-Work Armor: The Engineer's clock-work armor may also be augmented with up to a +2 enhancement bonus. If the Engineer posses the Slam Attacks Discovery he may also select from the weapon enhancements in addition to armor enhancements although the total enhancement bonus may still not exceed +2. The Engineer must pay for any additional properties to be added to his clock-work armor but doing so only costs the Engineer half as much in terms of gold and materials. If the Engineer does the work himself then the cost is halved again. The Engineer may also "deconstruct" his enhancements bonuses to his armor and build in new ones but doing so takes at least 24 hours and the Engineer must pay for the new enhancement bonus again, as described above. An Engineer must be at least 3rd level before selecting this discovery.
Improved Clock-Work Armor: The Engineer's clock-work armor may now be augmented with up to a +4 enhancement bonus. If the Engineer posses the Slam Attacks Discovery he may also select from the weapon enhancements in addition to armor enhancements although the total enhancement bonus may still not exceed +4. An Engineer must be at least 6th level before selecting this discovery and must posses the Enhanced Clock-work Armor Discovery.
Greater Clock-Work Armor: The Engineer's Clock-Work Armor now grants a +6 Armor Bonus, +3 Maximum Dexterity bonus, a -4 armor check penalty and a maximum speed of 20ft while in use. The clock-work armor now grants a +4 equipment bonus to both Strength and Dexterity. The armor type improves to Medium, which the Engineer remains proficient with, but this does not grant him the feat Medium Armor Proficiency. Its hardness remains 10 but it now has at least 60 hit points + the Engineer's class level. The clock-work armor may also be augmented with up to a +6 enhancement bonus. If the Engineer posses the Slam Attacks Discovery he may also select from the weapon enhancements in addition to armor enhancements although the total enhancement bonus may still not exceed +6. The Engineer must pay for any additional properties to be added to his clock-work armor but doing so only costs the Engineer half as much in terms of gold and materials. If the Engineer does the work himself then the cost is halved again. The Engineer may also "deconstruct" his enhancements bonuses to his armor and build in new ones but doing so takes at least 24 hours and the Engineer must pay for the new enhancement bonus again, as described above. An Engineer must be at least 12th level before selecting this discovery and possess the Improved Clock-Work Armor Discovery.
Grand Clock-Work Armor: The Engineer's Clock-Work Armor now grants a +8 Armor Bonus, +1 Maximum Dexterity bonus, a -6 armor check penalty and a maximum speed of 20ft while in use. The clock-work armor now grants a +6 equipment bonus to both Strength and Dexterity. The armor type improves to Heavy, which the Engineer remains proficient with, but this does not grant him the feat Heavy Armor Proficiency. Its hardness remains 10 but it now has at least 80 hit points + the Engineer's class level. The clock-work armor may also be augmented with up to a +8 enhancement bonus. If the Engineer posses the Slam Attacks Discovery he may also select from the weapon enhancements in addition to armor enhancements although the total enhancement bonus may still not exceed +8. An Engineer must be at least 16th level and posses the Greater Clock-Work Armor discovery before selecting this discovery.
Clawed Battle Fist. The Battle fist now has the option of dealing slashing damage. Its critical range is now 19-20/x2. It is also considered a natural claw attack for the engineer with which he is automatically proficient with. The Engineer can spend a move action to change his battle fist back and forth from this form to its original configuration.
Burrowing Battle Fist: The Battle fist now has the option of attaching a tunneling drill bit to the end of itself in place of your regular fingers. In this form the Engineer gains a burrowing speed of 30ft per round and can tunnel through dirt and rock. Also the Engineer can choose to have his battle fist deal piercing damage.
Greater Battle Fist: The Engineer's battle fist now deals 1D8 Damage and provides a +6 Enhancement bonus to Strength. The Engineer must be at least 12th level before selecting this discovery.
Grand Battle Fist: The Engineer's battle fist now deals 1D10 Damage and provides a +8 Enhancement bonus to Strength. The Engineer must be at least 16th level before selecting this discovery.
Organ Replacement: Through excruciating surgery the Engineer replaces his own bodily organs with mechanical devices making him progressively more machine than man. Each time the Engineer takes this discovery he gains 25% Fortification. When first selected this ability grants a 25% to negated a Critical Hit or Sneak attack thus forcing the damage to be dealt normally. The discovery can be selected a 2nd time improving the fortification to 50% and a third time improving the fortification to 75% maximum. This fortification does not stack with any other sources of fortification that the Engineer may possess. The Engineer must have selected the “Battle Fist” as his technological bond to select this discovery.
Spontaneous Healing: Same as the Alchemist discovery. (Ultimate Magic)
Healing Touch: Same as the Alchemist discovery. (Ultimate Magic)
Living Construct: Through constant replacement of his own flesh and organs the Engineer has incorporated so many mechanical components that he becomes a construct that is still partially alive. It takes the Engineer 30 days of work on himself after which he must complete a complex surgical process taking 24 hours. At the end of this time he becomes immune to cold, nonlethal damage, paralysis and sleep. And Engineer must be at least 10th level and have selected the Organ replacement discovery at least once in order to select this discovery.
Alchemical Zombie: Same as the Alchemist discovery. (Ultimate Magic)
Alchemical Simulacrum: Same as the Alchemist discovery. (Ultimate Magic)
Greater Alchemical Simulacrum: Same as the Alchemist discovery. (Ultimate Magic)
Doppelganger Simulacrum: Same as the Alchemist discovery. (Ultimate Magic)
Wings: Same as the Alchemist discovery except the wings are mechanical. (Ultimate Magic)
Trapfinding (Ex): An engineer is a master of clockwork machines and infernal devices. Starting at 2nd level, an engineer adds 1/2 his class level to Perception skill checks made to locate traps and to Disable Device skill checks (minimum +1). An engineer can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps. If the Engineer takes levels in a class that also grants the Trapfinding class feature then his class levels stack to determine the total bonus applied to his perception and disable device skill checks. This replaces the alchemist’s poison use.
Swift Engineering (Ex): Beginning at 3rd level, when an alchemist creates alchemical items or clockwork devices of any sort, it takes him only half the normal amount of time. This replaces the swift alchemy class ability.
Trap Sense (Ex): At 4th level, an Engineer gains an intuitive sense that alerts him to dangers from traps, granting him a +1 bonus on Reflex saves to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks made by traps. These bonuses rise to +2 when the Engineer reaches 8th level, to +3 when he reaches 12th level, to +4 when he reaches 16th level, and to +5 when he reaches 20th level. This replaces the poison resistance gained at 2nd, 5th, and 8th level and the poison immunity ability gained at 10th level.
Quick Disable (Ex): At 6th level, an Engineer gains the quick disable rogue talent. It takes an Engineer with this ability ½ the normal amount of time to disable traps using the disable device skill (minimum of 1 round). This ability replaces swift poisoning normally gained at 6th level by the Standard Alchemist.
Technological Endurance (Ex): At 14th level the Engineer's Constitution score is considered to be 4 points higher for the purposes of determining how long he can continue to use his clock-work armor or battlefist. This does not actually increase his constitution score. Example (Engineer with constitution of 12 is treated as having a constitution of 16 for the purposes of determining how long he can continue to use his Clock-Work Armor or Battlefist). This ability replaces Persistent Mutagen.
Instant Engineering (Ex): At 18th level, the engineer can create alchemical items with almost supernatural speed, and none can match his proficiency at fixing or breaking machines. He can create any alchemical item as a full-round action if he succeeds at the Craft (alchemy) check and has the appropriate resources at hand to fund the creation. Additionally, he can perform any Disable Device check that would normally take up to a minute as a swift action. This feature replaces the instant alchemy class feature.
Grand Discovery (Su): The engineer does not gain access to the poison touch grand discovery or True Mutagen, though he can still utilize the others normally. The following abilities are available to an engineer:
Awaken Intellect: As per the Alchemist's Grand discovery except that the increase in intelligence is due to the implantation of a technological device which permanently raises the Engineer's intelligence score by 2 points.
Eternal Youth: As per the Alchemist's Grand discovery.
Fast Healing: As per the Alchemist's Grand discovery.
Philosophers Stone: As per the Alchemists Grand discovery.
Clockwork Heart: The engineer performs the most delicate procedure of his career when he removes his own still-beating heart and replaces it with a construct of brass, tubes, and wires. The engineer’s Constitution is increased by 4 points and his age limits at each age category are doubled. He becomes immune to critical hits and sneak attacks, but he gains vulnerability to electricity.
Steel Limbs: The engineer must spend a month performing grotesque acts of surgery on himself, gradually whittling away his own weak flesh and replacing it with sterner stuff. When he is finished, all four of his limbs (and a good portion of his skeleton) are made of gleaming steel. The engineer’s Strength is increased by 2 points, Dexterity increases by 2 points, he gains +2 natural armor, and his base land speed is increased by 10 feet. Due to his new frame’s conductivity, he gains vulnerability to electricity.
Ultimate Clock-Work Armor: The Engineer's Clock-Work Armor now grants a +8 Armor Bonus, +1 Maximum Dexterity bonus, a -6 armor check penalty and a maximum speed of 30ft while in use. The clock-work armor now grants a +8 equipment bonus to both Strength and Dexterity. The armor type improves to Heavy, which the Engineer remains proficient with, but this does not grant him the feat Heavy Armor Proficiency. Its hardness remains 10 but it now has at least 80 hit points + the Engineer's class level. The clock-work armor may also be augmented with up to a +10 enhancement bonus. If the Engineer posses the Slam Attacks Discovery he may also select from the weapon enhancements in addition to armor enhancements although the total enhancement bonus may still not exceed +10. An Engineer must be at least 20th level and posses the Grand Clock-Work Armor discovery before selecting this discovery.
Ultimate Battle Fist: At 20th level the Engineer fully understands how to use his battle fist. Whenever he wields it he is considered to have a full Base Attack Bonus, The Critical Damage multiplier is increased to X3 and all Critical hits are automatically confirmed. An Engineer must be at least 20th level and posses the Grand Battle Fist discovery before selecting this discovery.
Engineer Blueprints
1st-Level Engineer Blueprints: armor enhancement lesser**, ant haul*, break*, burning hands, color spray, comprehend languages, crafter's fortune, detect secret doors, detect undead, disguise self, endure elements, enlarge person, expeditious retreat, flare burst*, identify, inflict light damage**, jump, keen senses*, magic vestment, magic weapon, mage hand, negate aroma*, repair light damage**, resistance item**, read magic, reduce person, shield, shocking grasp, skill enhancement**, spell storing item**, true strike, weapon augmentation personal**.2nd-Level Engineer Blueprints: armor enhancement**, acid arrow, alter self, bear’s endurance, blur, bull’s strength, cat’s grace, chill metal, darkvision, detect thoughts, eagle's splendor, elemental touch*, false life, fox’s cunning, heat metal, inflict moderate damage**, invisibility, levitate, owl's wisdom, perceive cues*, protection from arrows, repair moderate damage**, resist energy, scorching ray, see invisibility, shatter, spider climb, toughen construct**, undetectable alignement, weapon augmentation lesser**.
3rd-Level Engineer Blueprints: arcane sight, armor enhancement greater**, bloodhound*, construct energy ward**, dispel magic, displacement, elemental aura*, fly, fireball, heroism, hold person, inflict serious damage**, magic weapon greater, lightning bolt, nondetection, pain strike*, power surge**, protection from energy, ray of exhaustion, repair serious damage**, stinking cloud, stone construct**, suppress requirement**, tongues, water breathing.
4th-Level Engineer Blueprints: air walk, ball lightning*, confusion, construct energy ward greater**, death ward, detonate, dimension door, discern lies, enervation, fear, fire shield, freedom of movement, globe of invulnerability (lesser), inflict critical damage**,invisibility (greater), iron construct**, locate creature, minor creation, neutralize poison, repair critical damage**, rusting grasp, shout, weapon augmentation**.
5th-Level Engineer Blueprints: baleful polymorph, cloudkill, cone of cold, contact another plane, dream, disrupting weapon**, elude time*, fabricate, hold monster, magic jar, major creation, nightmare, overland flight, pain strike (mass)*, planar adaptation*, sending, spell resistance, telekinesis, telepathic bond, wall of force, wall of stone, waves of fatigue.
6th-Level Engineer Blueprints: analyze dweomer, antimagic field, blade barrier, chain lightning, disable construct**, disintegrate, dispel magic (greater), eyebite, flesh to stone, freezing sphere, globe of invulnerability, hardening**, move earth, repulsion, shadow walk, transformation, true seeing, total repair**, wall of iron, weapon augmentation greater**.
Spells marked with a * are from the pathfinder rpg advanced players guide.
Spells marked with a ** are from the Eberron Campaign setting.

Anthony Kane |

As stated earlier, since a lot of people liked this idea I gather up all the information I could throughout the posts and consolidated it down to just one post for this alternate class.
If you think the idea's presented forth are good enough to be submitted to the pathfinder SRD as a 3rd party alternate class of the Alchemist let me know and I will see what needs to be done to get it archived. Reason for that being that if it just remains here on the boards eventually it will fade along with the thread back into the archives and only people specifically seeking out this idea will ever find it again.
Please also let me know if you see anything that is glaringly wrong, mis-typed, incorrectly worded, ect. (IOW: NEEDS TO BE CLARIFIED OR FIXED)
Hope you all enjoy and once again thanks to the Original Poster as it was his idea to begin with.

Cheapy |

Craft Wonderous Item has some baggage left over from Brew Potion, unless you honestly wanted him to only be able to make items that use up to third level blueprints. That would be weird though, I think it should just grant the feat.
The fact that an Engineer could take Vestigal Arms and tumor familiar seem really weird. I feel that this line:
Due to changes of class features from Alchemist to Engineer the Engineer may not select any bomb discoveries, discoveries that effect extracts, or discoveries that affect Mutagens.
Implies that other discoveries not related to bombs, extracts, or mutagens are allowed. Which would include tumor / vestigal arms. The fact that you list a bunch of the UM discoveries seems to mean you meant that list to be exhaustive. An engineer with two vestigal arms and two deathrays could be fun, if not-allowed by the rules!
Another interesting idea is that the Engineer could place alchemical items in the Death Ray to temporarily change the damage type. Thunderstone = Sonic, Alchemist Fire = fire, Acid = duh, etc. Maybe 5 shots each before the item needs to be replaced, and it assumes electricity if nothing is in it. This is mostly because I find the "choose damage type, but can't add any other effects" to be a bit clunky.
Shock Blast turns the deathray into electricity damage, which it already does.
Four abilities for Clockwork Armor seems a bit much. They only get 9 discoveries without dipping into Feats, and this would take 4 if they wanted to be effective.
Does Swift Engineering stack with Enhanced Clockwork Armor? So if the Engineer makes his own modifications to it, it'd take only 1/8th the time? Half from adding the enhancements + Half from doing it himself + half from Swift Engineering would mean it takes only 1/8th the time.
Is Instant Engineering meant to apply to alchemical items? I can see that being the case since there's no engineerical (?) devices to make. But just making sure.

Magnu123 |

This is really good stuff. I've actually had a similar project I've worked out myself. the parallels are striking. I was working before I was aware of the APG, so I didn't use alchemist as a base, but the idea is very similar and many aspects are interchangeable. Here's a short sample:
Obedience collar-(Pr- mixed items worth 100GP)- You may attach a mark of justice spell equivalent on a target. This functions exactly as the spell, except for the following exceptions: the object used to mimic the spell takes up the target’s throat equipment slot and may be removed with a Strength check equal to DC 26 (this action always activates the obedience collar. The invention does not become inert after 24 hours, but it does require a power source that must be replaced every 24 hours. The power source costs 10GP worth of energy, and its replacement is a standard action which provokes attacks of oppurtunity.
Magnetic grasp- (Pr- two magnets, spiked chain, ranseur, Ps- 50GP) you can cast a spell equivalent to telekinesis on ferrous materials only. You may also use this invention to provide a +5 circumstance bonus to climb checks when climbing an obstacle with some metal in its construction. Finally, having this invention prepared gives you a +1 circumstance bonus to armor class against metallic melee weapons.
Rail gun- Pr-twelve magnets, compass, small mirror, two tower shields, caltrops- you can fire metallic objects through this invention at incredible speeds. Even after it is prepared as an invention, a rail gun takes two rounds to set up, after which time it cannot be moved from the square it occupies without being effectively disabled and needing to be set up again (costing another invention slot). When fired, it uses the same statistics as a ballista, but can be operated by one medium sized creature at no penalty, and may be reloaded as a free action, permitting more than one attack on a full atack action, if the user’s base attack bonus is high enough. Because this is treated as a siege weapon and not as a bow, feats such as rapid shot and spells such as haste do not provide any bonus to its use.
E.M.P.- Ps- 200GP- You release a powerful electro-magnetic blast which knocks prone all creatures who are wearing metal armour, and disrupts spellcasters within 60 feet for 2d4 hours. Spellcasters must make concentration checks or lose any spells they attempt to cast. The DC of this check is equal to 20+ the spell level for one minute after the initial blast but is then reduced to 10+ the spell level. This also disables any mundanist’s inventions within the same area. They may assemble new inventions after the initial blast, but all prepared inventions are also disabled.
Nano-bots- Ps 200GP- you inject tiny robots into the bloodstream of a creature.
These robots work to repair any damage done to the target’s body. The target gains fast healing 4 and is under the effects of neutralize poison and remove disease constantly. This invention last 1 minute/level.
Final breakthrough- At level 20, a mundanist may spend 10,000GP and one week of work to create a tool of great power. The breakthrough can be one of destruction, of growth, or of balance.
Destruction- You create a bomb of unparalleled power. This bomb may be detonated with a timer, a remote trigger, or another reasonable contingent trigger. It may disarmed with a disable device check of 60. If this check is failed by more than five, you release a small amount of power from the bomb in the form of exposure to radiation poisoning. If the disable device check is failed by more than ten, the bomb is set off pre-maturely. Once detonated, the bomb explodes with imcomprehensible power. All objects and creatures within 240 feet are hit with a disintegrate spell. The area within 1000 feet is hit as by an incendiary cloud spell. Finally, all living things within 5 miles of the bomb is effected by either a blight spell, or by being exposed to radiation poisoning.
[radiation poisoning: onset: 1 day frequency 1/hour for 1 month, 1d4 CON 1d4 STR, cure: 3 saves. ]

Magnu123 |

Yeah it's a little less steampunk and more back to the future, but everyone has their own flavour preferences. The lower levels actually stay a little closer to Hida's idea. My initial idea was an anti-monk or anti-druid class. rather than focus on martial arts and nature, they find perfection through machinery and weaponry.

Anthony Kane |

Craft Wonderous Item has some baggage left over from Brew Potion, unless you honestly wanted him to only be able to make items that use up to third level blueprints. That would be weird though, I think it should just grant the feat.
-Yeah I can see your point here, it was baggage left over. Just drop that last part. They get the feat Craft Wondrous Item.
-Also with that being said do you think giving them both Craft Wondrous item and Precise shot would be too much at 1st level?The fact that an Engineer could take Vestigal Arms and tumor familiar seem really weird. I feel that this line:
Engineer wrote:Due to changes of class features from Alchemist to Engineer the Engineer may not select any bomb discoveries, discoveries that effect extracts, or discoveries that affect Mutagens.Implies that other discoveries not related to bombs, extracts, or mutagens are allowed. Which would include tumor / vestigal arms. The fact that you list a bunch of the UM discoveries seems to mean you meant that list to be exhaustive. An engineer with two vestigal arms and two deathrays could be fun, if not-allowed by the rules!
-Thought about this one a lot and pretty much assumed if an Engineer wanted to take it, then the changes would be at best cosmetic or the flavor text could be changed to technobabble. For example instead of vestigal arms they could be mechanical arms. A Tumor familiar could instead be a clock work familiar.
Another interesting idea is that the Engineer could place alchemical items in the Death Ray to temporarily change the damage type. Thunderstone = Sonic, Alchemist Fire = fire, Acid = duh, etc. Maybe 5 shots each before the item needs to be replaced, and it assumes electricity if nothing is in it. This is mostly because I find the "choose damage type, but can't add any other effects" to be a bit clunky.
Interesting, possibly feat worthy idea.
Shock Blast turns the deathray into electricity damage, which it already does.
-This is what I get for copy/paste text. Ignore the part where it changes the damage type. You still need to take the discovery to gain the additional effects vs metal armor and dazzling the creature.
Four abilities for Clockwork Armor seems a bit much. They only get 9 discoveries without dipping into Feats, and this would take 4 if they wanted to be effective.
Well actually they get 11 discoveries + 1 grand discovery by 20th level. They're grand discovery allows them 2 discoveries + 1 Grand discovery. Not to mention nobody said being medieval iron man would be easy.
Does Swift Engineering stack with Enhanced Clockwork Armor? So if the Engineer makes his own modifications to it, it'd take only 1/8th the time? Half from adding the enhancements + Half from doing it himself + half from Swift Engineering would mean it takes only 1/8th the time.[/qoute]
-I'm going to say yes. And that's just because Engineer's in fiction are known for pulling off the 8 hour task in 2 hours.Cheapy wrote:Is Instant Engineering meant to apply to alchemical items? I can see that being the case since there's no engineerical (?) devices to make. But just making sure.Once again the copy/paste button strikes. Change any reference to alchemical items/alchemy to clock work/technology/engineering. More or less this ability should allow the Engineer to use his blue prints to create devices quickly if he has not prepared them in advance. It should also allow him to quickly craft and disable mechanical traps. I guess I could come up with some technological "clock work" items that would be akin to alchemical items in scope as well.
hope these help answer some questions. Feel free to pick it apart further if you have other questions or concerns. This is really the polishing phase for me where I'm trying to catch any errors and hammer out any ambiguous questions.

![]() |

I'm also not sure about having both a battlefist and clockwork armor, i mean together you can have a temporary bonus to STR that makes barbarians jealous +8 STR? that's huge. I like the idea of picking one or the other myself. I love some of the thoughts put together in this thread, and am going to be testing it out myself soon!

Fnipernackle |

I'm also not sure about having both a battlefist and clockwork armor, i mean together you can have a temporary bonus to STR that makes barbarians jealous +8 STR? that's huge. I like the idea of picking one or the other myself. I love some of the thoughts put together in this thread, and am going to be testing it out myself soon!
I have posted a core class that basically gives you customizable power armor. Take a look if you want. Go to the bottom of the thread. That's where the most recently updated version of the class is.

Anthony Kane |

I'm also not sure about having both a battlefist and clockwork armor, i mean together you can have a temporary bonus to STR that makes barbarians jealous +8 STR? that's huge. I like the idea of picking one or the other myself. I love some of the thoughts put together in this thread, and am going to be testing it out myself soon!
Technological Bond (Su): At 1st level, Engineers can forge for themselves a powerful device that can dramatically enhance and change their rather physically weak stature. This device can take one of two forms: an exoskeleton suit of powerful armor that only the engineer can use OR a battlefist (see individual descriptions below). Once the choice is made it cannot be changed later. This ability replaces the Mutagen ability granted to standard Alchemists.
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Why not make the Mad Tinker's eidolon a construct? The whole biological aspect of the creature just doesn't fit the engineer very well. I mean, the way you wrote the class description makes it sound all right, but a mechanical golem would really work a lot better. Of course, that comes with a lot of immunities that an outsider wouldn't have access to, but considering that the eidolon's going to cap at level five of the PrC it might not be a huge boost in power.
(Also, you are awesome!) I love steampunk in my fantasy and it's a huge challenge to make a decent inventor-type, although you've pulled it off really well. Amazing work, bravo :]

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Mmh... these archetypes are AWESOME.
Sad they weren't put on a pdf, but hey, since it comes to it :
Right now, I'm writing parts of a Pathfinder supplement based around steampunk elements into a campaign, named Steamfinder. I'm not especially an awesome-crazy-cosplay fan of steampunk, but I do love the aesthetics and concepts of steam/victorian science, art and art deco styles. Plus, these f@@@in' dwarves in our games are all steampunk cyborgs, so having cool and simple rules for it could be nice.
When (but closer to "if", like everyone knowing Internet already thought reading this...) it gets out, I intended to send it to d20pfsrd so the rules are available to everyone, and to put it in the Paizo store for a couple bucks.
If someone is interested, here is the content I wish to put in Steamfinder. Note that these are only vague ideas that must still be defined and refined :
Class variants :
- Mad Scientist (Base Class around clockwork items ?/Alchemist ?)
- Artificer (Alchemist => Bombs/Weapons/Armors)
- Techslinger (Gunslinger => clockwork firearms)
- Engineer (Death Ray, Evocation ?, spell-like abilities from mechanical origins ? Construct ? Summoner/alchemist ?)
- Puppeteer (Bard/construct)
- Iron Man (Synthesist summoner with clockwork eidolon ? Alchemist ?)
- White Marshall (Spell-less gun paladin)
- Mechanized warrior ("cyborg" fighter)
- Pistomage (gun sorcerer)
- Bio-sorcerer (sorcerer, think Bioshock's plasmids)
Classes not directly getting (a lot of) anything new :
- Barbarian (some rage powers)
- Druid (O RLY ?)
- Sorcerer (maybe engineer ?)
- Cavalier (order ?)
- Race overview and relation to technologies
- New PC race : bicentenial man
- Magic Items : Magic vacuum ; Arcane battery
Prestige classes :
- Puppeteer ?
Monster rules :
- "Clockwork" variant (CR +0)
- Point-buy, easier universal rules for building and upgrading a construct
- Mechanized (CR +1)
- Construct abomination (CR +1)
- Graygoo
Item rules :
- Weapons :
Clockwork variants
Construct weapons
Construct armors
Science, magicless enhancement
New bullets
New firearms
- Random :
But well, since the rules presented here are pretty much perfect (and written in a way I can't hope to compare with considering english isn't my mother tongue), it would be cool if I could include them in the document. Another solution : cutting the content and sending it to Wayfinder so it comes up someday on d20pfsrd in the 3pp section. :)

Esca Cur |

Really enjoyed this, namely the Battlefist and Armor as a mutagen substitute.
Spitballing here,
Brawler- Raise battlefist damage by one die (or add int to damage) and 1/day reactivate the gauntlet even while you're fatigued, but not exhausted.
Smasher- Battlefist is treated as adamantium for overcoming DR/hardness. While you're Gauntlet is active you are treated as having the Improved sunder feat, if used against an unattended object you deal an extra 2d6 bludgeoning/slashing (if used with the clawed battlefist discovery)damage.

Thanurel |
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Casts raise thread.
I'll be running Iron Gods in the near future, and one of my players was interested in playing an engineer-type class. Since the Technology Guide has come out in the 5 years since this thread was made, I've jury-rigged my own version of the engineer, using hida_jiremi's version as a starting point. This version is much more sci-fi than steampunk. I've also replaced the death ray ability with some gunslinger stuff, since the character will be able to find/build advanced weaponry in this adventure path.
The Engineer (Alchemist Archetype)
Not all alchemists are masters of chemistry and biology. Some prefer to focus their mad talents on the mysteries of mechanical engineering.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Engineers gain proficiency in firearms, as well as advanced technology firearms.
Class Skills: An engineer adds Knowledge (engineering) to his list of class skills and removes Knowledge (nature) and Use Magic Device from his list of class skills.
Technologist: An engineer gains Technologist as a bonus feat. This replaces Brew Potion.
Engineering (Su): Engineers are not only masters of creating mundane machines such as repeating crossbows, clockwork toys, and mechanical traps, but also of fashioning non-magical devices that can store spell effects. An engineer prepares devices instead of the alchemist's extracts by building small, single-use devices instead of the alchemist's usual method of drinking a vial of liquid. Unlike extracts, devices are not bound to the creator and can be used by anyone. Devices behave like spells, but their effects are unaffected by effects like dispel magic. An engineer's devices otherwise function identically to an alchemist's extracts.
Creating devices consumes raw materials, but the cost of these materials is insignificant—comparable to the valueless material components of most spells. An engineer can easily replenish his materials through scavenging and by cannibalizing his previously-used devices. If a spell normally has a costly material component, that component is expended during the use of that particular device, not during its initial creation.
When using Knowledge (engineering) or the Craft skill to create a clockwork or technological item, the engineer gains a competence bonus equal to his class level on the skill check.
This ability replaces Alchemy.
Packing Heat (Ex): The engineer gains both the Amateur Gunslinger and Gunsmithing feats as bonus feats. He also gains a battered gun identical to the one gained by the gunslinger.
This ability replaces the Throw Anything and Bomb abilities, and the engineer cannot select any discovery that would affect or modify that class ability.
Discoveries: The engineer can select Grit feats or Rapid Reload in place of an alchemist discovery.
Mutagen (Ex): An engineer's mutagens function identically to an alchemist's, but is based on chemistry and nanotechnology instead of alchemy, and thus is an extraordinary ability instead of a supernatural one. The reason an engineer's mutagens only work for him is because the nanites in the fluid are specifically programmed to modify his own biology.
Trapfinding (Ex): An engineer is a master of clockwork machines and technological devices. An engineer adds 1/2 his level to Perception skill checks made to locate traps and to Disable Device skill checks (minimum +1). An engineer can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps.
This ability replaces Poison Use, Poison Resistance, and Swift Poisoning.
Swift Engineering (Ex): Beginning at 3rd level, when an engineer creates mechanical or technological items of any sort, it takes him only half the normal amount of time.
This ability replaces Swift Alchemy.
Instant Engineering (Ex): At 18th level, the engineer can create mechanical or technological items with almost supernatural speed, and none can match his proficiency at fixing or breaking machines. He can create any such items as a full-round action if he succeeds at the Craft check and has the appropriate resources at hand to fund the creation. Additionally, he can perform any Disable Device check that would normally take up to a minute as a swift action.
This ability replaces Instant Alchemy.
Grand Discovery (Su): The engineer does not gain access to the poison touch grand discovery, though he can still utilize the others normally. The following additional grand discoveries are available to an engineer:
Artificial Heart: The engineer removes his own still-beating heart and replaces it with an artificial one of his own design. The engineer gains a +4 untyped bonus to Constitution, and his age limits at each age category are doubled. Because of his mechanical heart, he gains vulnerability to electricity.
Ghost in the Machine: The engineer uploads his consciousness and soul into a computer, essentially becoming an artificial intelligence. The engineer's body is no longer needed, as he now exists only as data. The engineer can transfer his mind into the body of a construct with the robot subtype, existing as an AI aggregate (see the Technology Guide).

Lord Fyre RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 |

Casts raise thread.
I'll be running Iron Gods in the near future, and one of my players was interested in playing an engineer-type class. Since the Technology Guide has come out in the 5 years since this thread was made, I've jury-rigged my own version of the engineer, using hida_jiremi's version as a starting point. This version is much more sci-fi than steampunk. I've also replaced the death ray ability with some gunslinger stuff, since the character will be able to find/build advanced weaponry in this adventure path.
The Engineer (Alchemist Archetype)
Not all alchemists are masters of chemistry and biology. Some prefer to focus their mad talents on the mysteries of mechanical engineering.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Engineers gain proficiency in firearms, as well as advanced technology firearms.
Class Skills: An engineer adds Knowledge (engineering) to his list of class skills and removes Knowledge (nature) and Use Magic Device from his list of class skills.
Technologist: An engineer gains Technologist as a bonus feat. This replaces Brew Potion.
Engineering (Su): Engineers are not only masters of creating mundane machines such as repeating crossbows, clockwork toys, and mechanical traps, but also of fashioning non-magical devices that can store spell effects. An engineer prepares devices instead of the alchemist's extracts by building small, single-use devices instead of the alchemist's usual method of drinking a vial of liquid. Unlike extracts, devices are not bound to the creator and can be used by anyone. Devices behave like spells, but their effects are unaffected by effects like dispel magic. An engineer's devices otherwise function identically to an alchemist's extracts.
Creating devices consumes raw materials, but the cost of these materials is insignificant—comparable to the valueless material components of most spells. An engineer can easily replenish his materials through scavenging and by...
Since Packing Heat replaces the Bomb ability, I might suggest allowing the Engineer to gain a "Grit" deed when a normal Alchemist's bomb damage would increase, rather then making the Engineer to spend precious Discoveries on these.

Thanurel |

Since Packing Heat replaces the Bomb ability, I might suggest allowing the Engineer to gain a "Grit" deed when a normal Alchemist's bomb damage would increase, rather then making the Engineer to spend precious Discoveries on these.
(Assuming you meant feats instead of deeds)
I'm not comfortable with 10 bonus feats. Honestly I'd like to give access to a few more deeds (especially from the Techslinger archetype), but I don't want to step on the gunslinger's toes too much, and I don't think there are any feats that grant access to additional deeds.
I do think the engineer might need a little something extra to make up for the lost damage dice of Bomb, as opposed to just the Amateur Gunslinger and Gunsmith feats.