reveal |
I'm using Pathfinder adVance right now ( and it works really well. But it doesn't have any of the new spells from the APG and I doubt it will be updated any time soon. Is there a similar sheet out there somewhere?
Galnörag |
I'm using Pathfinder adVance right now ( and it works really well. But it doesn't have any of the new spells from the APG and I doubt it will be updated any time soon. Is there a similar sheet out there somewhere?
There are 3 down in the 3rd party / fan stuff section of this site
2 of them are Excel only, and one of them is Excel/Open Office which makes it work on my mac.
The Only Sheet |
I'm using Pathfinder adVance right now ( and it works really well. But it doesn't have any of the new spells from the APG and I doubt it will be updated any time soon. Is there a similar sheet out there somewhere?
TOS+, which fits that description, is currently being retooled to handle the new stuff from the Advanced Player's Guide... Once this work is completed, an announcement will be made.
MisterSlanky |
I too am in that boat. The Pathfinder adVance sheet was pretty awesome, but I don't think it'll ever be updated. Erian's Sheet is probably one of the best out there, has plenty of support, and is free. Ogre's Sheet is also pretty good. Neither though have a character sheet with quite the layout and clean lines of the one you've been using.
We're talking Excel spreadsheet here though, I don't understand why you'd pay for one like The Only Sheet (where you don't even get updates after a year) when there are plenty of awesome free alternatives that are updated often and cleanly.
The Only Sheet |
We're talking Excel spreadsheet here though, I don't understand why you'd pay for one like The Only Sheet (where you don't even get updates after a year) when there are plenty of awesome free alternatives that are updated often and cleanly.
Perhaps you do not understand because you are not aware of exactly what people are getting? (hundreds of people use TOS+. The Community Forum has over 2,500 members)
In case this is the case, I'll help clarify why: The subscription to TOS+ includes updates as long as the user is an active subscriber. After 1 year, you can easily renew your subscription for 1 dollar per month or if you go for 2 years, it comes down to 75 cents per month! The APG, which I am working on full time to add, will be posted on the Forum for subscribers to download as they please (no "addon" surcharge price)
An active subscription means:
TOS+ is (imho) the most powerful Excel Character Management tool available for 3.5/Pathfinder - It has a complete implementation of the stacking rules, and its dynamic play for Laptops is mind blowing. Printout are very clean and the automation is pushing the limits of Excel. It is relatively easy to customize effects and the Forum is at the subscriber's disposal for any help requests.
But don't take my (obviously biased) word for it: Check out the feedback that people who actually got it have say about it once they used it. This is no freebie character Sheet but a serious Product, for those who wish to focus on Gaming.
I hope you have a better understanding why people choose TOS+ over the freebies. Yes, I understand that some people will always desire a 'free' sheet, and that is all right. My statistics show that 80% of buyers are 30+ years old, which seems to indicates that those who have the least time to 'waste' and have secure positions/jobs are the ones most likely to get TOS+. Hence the motto: The Only Sheet worth your time.
About your comment: <<you don't even get updates after a year>> This is like saying that Microsoft owes you Windows 7, because you purchased Windows 95 ... or that Ford should give you a Ford Focus 2010, because last year, you purchased a Ford Focus 2009 !!! Nice one!!! :P
Happy Gaming, with whatever tool/system/pen&paper you like!!
Malachi Tarchannen |
I haven't dug too deeply into Erian's or Ogre's spreadsheets, but I have plumbed the depths of TOS+, and (this is not a paid or endorsed comment), it really is the "only sheet worth your time" if you want a robust, thorough, automated, fully supported, dynamic, and easy-to-use character sheet in Excel.
Just my two bits...and that coming from one who has designed his own spreadsheet that comes pretty dang close to his. :)
Duniagdra DaaMyour |
We're talking Excel spreadsheet here though, I don't understand why you'd pay for one like The Only Sheet (where you don't even get updates after a year) when there are plenty of awesome free alternatives that are updated often and cleanly.
About your comment: <<you don't even get updates after a year>> This is like saying that Microsoft owes you Windows 7, because you purchased Windows 95 ... or that Ford should give you a Ford Focus 2010, because last year, you purchased a Ford Focus 2009 !!! Nice one!!! :P
This is a completely AWESOME response to that. LOL
In my years, I've been through many autogens for RPG character sheets. And I will admit, that several of them were quite nice to use, and flexible in that you weren't limited to a specific application to run it.
That said, I was always looking for a "sheet" that best suited my needs in tracking, advancing, building, and creating custom and base line characters in both classes and races. It was back in 2003 when I first found TOS, then known as the Multi-Class (or character) Sheet, it's so long ago, I forget. Of all the free gens out there, this was serious business for serious gaming.
I initially only bought the sheet for the $20 USD and forgot about the site. It was enough for me then. I floated at times between other gen, but always found myself returning to TOS.
Back in 2007, roughly four years later, I went looking for this guy, the author of TOS, and found his site. I bought his newest release of that time and man was I smacked in the face at the changes and improvements he made from the original. It didn't take me long to invest the money that made me a lifetime subscriber.
With TOS+, that's how I look at the annual fee of $20, which I'm not sure if it is that high anymore. You're investing into making your gaming life faster and easier when handling characters and implementing rules.
I consider myself a professional gamer, a serious gamer. My time is everything. The faster I can implement NPCs and PCs and even monsters, the better off I am. Templates are there. A choice of systems is there. Flexibility in manipulating currently written rules is there. The stat sheet is a great quick look at a character. The Front and Back sheets are clean, crisp, and easy to read.
I've sat at gaming groups in stores and have been able to take full advantage of live interaction with my characters with just a few quick entries, while others work things out with paper and calculator.
I have still checked in on those other "free gens' and to me, they just don't match up in performance and potential. What I'm saying is that the only thing that makes these other gens an option for anyone is the simple fact that they are free and not much more, because anyone who has used TOS+ never returns to any other app again.
It's also the amount of resource available within the forum community that just makes it all so well worth buying and renewing a subscription, and for enough of the users, buying lifetime subs and becoming contributors.
You shouldn't downplay something without knowing what it is you're downplaying. For a serious gamer, Player and GM alike, TOS+ is The Only Sheet you'll ever need.
MisterSlanky |
About your comment: <<you don't even get updates after a year>> This is like saying that Microsoft owes you Windows 7, because you purchased Windows 95 ... or that Ford should give you a Ford Focus 2010, because last year, you purchased a Ford Focus 2009 !!! Nice one!!! :P
Yes, I'm complaining about your subscription based model, and I don't appreciate your mocking tone honestly. I'm pretty sure nobody expects to have their Windows 95 updated to Windows 7 for free, but I sure as heck expect the bugs in Windows 7 to be patched even after the first year of using it is up.
You shouldn't downplay something without knowing what it is you're downplaying.
Wow, if that doesn't read like an advertisement from a sock puppet, I don't know what does.
I have used TOS, and in my opinion it's overpriced for what it is. Sheets like Erian's and The Ogre Sheet are doing stellar work that's up-to-date with all the options for free. If you want to shell out money for your character generator, that's your own prerogative, but I'd rather take that money and spend it on gaming accessories that will last a whole heck of a lot longer. Honestly they're all troubling; giving full control of your character build to a program only begs for trouble (as a GM I can't count the number of times the sheets I've vetted that are electronic contain gross inaccuracies), yours included.
Papa-DRB |
And don't forget that if you use Open Office like I do, you *CAN NOT* use TOS, so there is another $150 for Microsoft Excel to be able to use his spread sheet. I know that Erian's works with Open Office.
-- david
I have used TOS, and in my opinion it's overpriced for what it is. Sheets like Erian's and The Ogre Sheet are doing stellar work that's up-to-date with all the options for free.
Duniagdra DaaMyour |
Wow, if that doesn't read like an advertisement from a sock puppet, I don't know what does.
I have used TOS, and in my opinion it's overpriced for what it is. Sheets like Erian's and The Ogre Sheet are doing stellar work that's up-to-date with all the options for free. If you want to shell out money for your character generator, that's your own prerogative, but I'd rather take that money and spend it on gaming accessories that will last a whole heck of a lot longer. Honestly they're all troubling; giving full control of your character build to a program only begs for trouble (as a GM I can't count the number of times the sheets I've vetted that are electronic contain gross inaccuracies), yours included.
I don't know how boasting about a product that is well respected is being a sock puppet. You say you don't like the tone of his comment? Why should I like yours? For those who don't know value, it's understandable when they go to lesser programs. That's how I view the others. Lesser then best. I'm not saying they're bad. Each program has it's good and bad points. I'm curious to know which version of TOS you're referring to? Clearly you're biased in your opinion, because you're making sound as though these other apps you're pimping out have no bugs or issues. I guarantee they do and will, always. That the reason for new updates. Fix, and add. Do I need to go to these other apps you're pimping and quote all the bug fixes they continue to make? While putting out new added resource content?
I already had excel, so there's been no added expenditure. I also never said this was for people without excel. But there are members, who of their own accord, purchased MSE just so they can run TOS+ and have never looked back. I guess in your eyes, these people must be stupid because you're just cheep?
But I'll stop now because I'm beginning to sound like I'm attacking, when I'm not wanting too. Each of us know what we need and what we value most. If you like these progs that you seem eager to pimp out, that's fine. They are good apps. TOS+ is ten times better, but they are good none the less. There no reason for you to go out of your way to try and attack one app just because you have to pay for it. Maybe you didn't like it because it was just to advanced for you or you just didn't want to get accustomed to it? I don't know. Everyone I've known who use it never have a regret in the price they pay.
I'm still puzzled though how you know what it's like to be a sock puppet though. It sounds sick, and I'm not a perv. I suggest you refrain from insinuating as such.
You also need to remember that Monte Cook himself gave great praise of TOS as well. Can you say the same for what you're pimping?
I'm looking at Erian's right now and none of the comments display for me. I'm using MSE 2007 on Vista. So I'm left not really sure what I may be doing for some sections. Erian's sheet does not support D&D3.5. It's strictly PF, which is not wholly a bad thing. As I'm seeing it, this sheet is limited to 20 levels. Right now that's not an issue as PF has nothing above 20th or even near 20th. The file size is about 6MB, which would be a lot for people looking to share characters online. I'm looking at the base classes and I have no idea what PCCS is. I guess the comment window might tell me if I could see it. The sheets, Front and Back, etc.. in layout or portrait, are hard to look at and seem condensed or small. There's no live action functionality to it that I see, though it may be possible with some flipping through sheets. For the customize sheet, I get a runtime error 9, subscript out of range when exposing any of the customization options. Customization is limited, but available.
I'm looking at Ogre's Sheet and there's NO front/Back sheet available, just a summery output. The file size seems to be over 9MB, so sharing is less convenient than Erian's. I like the integration of alignment and deity restrictions. I like having the output of Height, Weight, and Age ranges for the selected races. Not a lot for customization, but it's available. Level cap is 20, again not an issue for PF right now. Only supports PF. I see no dynamic functionality in live game play, though it is possible with flipping through sheets.
With TOS+ the Front and Back sheets are clean and crisp. There's support for D&D3.5 and PFRPG. You can export characters in smaller, 20-50KB files for online sharing and transporting. There's a summery sheet. There's the powerfully dynamic Laptop sheet for use in live game play for fast and easy modification of a character. Supports templates for D&D3.5. Fully expanded customization of mostly everything, class, race, rules, items, feats spells... Options galore to personalize the sheet to your own preferences. Has an additional user specific table for extra user specific data that can be shared with the community. Fully integrates all stacking rules and allows the user added functionality in ability modification. And there's more...
Honestly, this little pre-comparison of the three gives me a bug to wanna get more thorough in comparing all these types of apps. I just may go and do this. Of the two, I'd say Ogre's is better, but compared to TOS+, well, TOS+ just does so much more.
The Only Sheet |
Honestly, this little pre-comparison of the three gives me a bug to wanna get more thorough in comparing all these types of apps.
That would be cool! Unfortunately, I am too busy at the moment with adding the Content of the APG to TOS+ to work on this...
And don't forget that if you use Open Office like I do, you *CAN NOT* use TOS, so there is another $150 for Microsoft Excel to be able to use his spread sheet.
This should be irrelevant to the Original Poster, as per his Title:
Anyone have a good, printable Excel spreadsheet?Excel (patched to the latest service pack) is a requirement as it is the only spreadsheet application powerful enough to handle TOS+. Open Office does not have the Visual Basic components used in TOS+. Heck, even Macintosh Excel cannot handle TOS+: recent version of Mac Excel does not contain VBA, and "older" Mac Excel are not 100% compatible with Window's Excel. Go figure.
In any case, TOS+ works with Excel 2000, 2002, 2003, 2007 or 2010.