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The mad badger is banned for eating LARva. Eeeeew, disgusting!!! You're disGUSting, Mad Badger!!!

Sovereign Court

Spanky the Leprechaun is banned for eating my bacon!!!!

zylphryx is banned for being a SWINEd flayer.

*blows whistle*
Alright, that's 5 minutes for aggravated punning. Into the ban-bin with you!

5 minutes are up, your turn in the Bann-Bin

Sorry, we don't have a Bann-Bin. All we have is a ban-bin. And you are currently occupying it.

Monkey King you are banned for failing to pay your redunancy tax. Move along people nothing to see here.

Starfinder Superscriber

The Office of Redunancy is banned for having nothing to see here.

DJEternalDarkness is banned because it isn't nice to point out when other people are dull and/or uninteresting.

Gran is banned for thinking he is the one and only Monkey King those guys are a dime a dozen.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

The Mad Badger is banned because his name can be rearrange to read Bad Meth Grade.

Charles Scholz is banned for making me laugh outloud at work and people then asking what I was laughing about.

Sovereign Court

The Mad Badger is banned for being all frothy at the mouth.

Zylphryx is banned because he can't get all frothy at the mouth. No, "Slimy at the Tentacles" is not the same thing.

DJ-Bogie is banned because he won't stop STARING at everyone

khazan is banned for looking so suprised.

The Mad Badger is banned for violating the Badgerabi Code: "Badgers do not care; badgers do not give a s$!+."

Ambrosia Slaad is banned for exposing the Badgerabi Code.

Schism is banned for making a big deal of it and further pointing it out more.

The Mad Badger is ban(ded).

Schism is banned for bad punning.

The Mad Badger is banned for dissing my primary mode of communication.

We know it's you, ya crazy orc pirate, you can't hide behind an alias with no picture.

DJ-Bogie is banned for seeing through Gruumash .'s clever disguise.

gran rey de los mono is banned for sheer stupidity. There's no one here who didn't see through Gruumash.'s flimsy disguise.

Angel is banned for calling Gran stupid, be nice, he just got a new job!

DJ-Bogie is banned for telling Angel to be nice, this is the wrong thread for that.

Belphegor is banned for being correct. This is also the wrong thread for that.

Monkey King is banned for not telling me he got the new job. Congradulations but you are still banned.

Badger is banned for having a Failure to Communicate

DJ-Bogie is banned for not having any hands to be cool enough to be called Luke.

Scarab Sages

The Mad Badger is bannedger for being a danger to knowger.

IHIYC is banned for always hiding come on out in the open and be a man for once.

The Mad Badger is banned for not having an avatar, despite the wide selection of badger-esque avatars available displaying a variety of emotions.

Sir NotAppearinginthisfilm is banned for failing to read about the Mad badger. He is a half-orc kilt wearing barbarian with a badger headed sporran. I don't think there are any of those in the avatar pictures are there?

The mad badger is banned for being ban several time on the same page.

Tagion is banned for fearing the ban hammer ... I embrace it.

You are banned because the Badger is mad that his head was turned into a sporran.

banned for not using clear eyes.

Tagion is banned for using a tired statement I think I have seen that iteration towards DJ Bogie at least 25 times. ;)

The Mad Badger is banned for keeping track of DJ-Bogie's Bans.

The big snake is banned because the badger gets paid good money to do that.

DJ-Bogie is banned for dicsclosing details from the Badger's work contract.

Midnight_Angel is banned for moving while been observed.

And don't even think about killing Rory, he's been killed enough.

Abed Nadir is banned for ... I am not sure ... you are banned for making me think about your second comment which I really just don't understand. I mean who the heck is Rory? And why are people killing him?

Sovereign Court

Abed Nadir is banned for confusing Midnight_Angel with a Weeping Angel. She's obviously too shiny to be a Weeping Angel, you silly Dr. Who fan, you.

EDIT: The Mad Badger is banned for being a ninja who is not in the know of Dr. Who.

Scarab Sages

zylphryx is banned for banning two people at once. Who do you think you are, a New Orleans Saint?

I'm Hiding In Your Closet is banned because zylphryx is obviously a Seacouver Squid.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Is that one of the American Magical Colleges?

BTW - B&

Charles Scholz is banned for being lazy and saying Monkey King was banned ... but not why.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

The Mad Badger is banned for thinking there must be a reason.

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