Forum Games

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Shadow Lodge

YAAR! I BE A PIRATE! is banned being a devout follower of a disney character.

YAAR, Ninjaotic be banned fer thinkin' I follow anythin'.

Shadow Lodge

gran rey and YAAR! are banned for being the same person. And 'cause they're pirates.

Ninjaotic is banned for being nekkid.

No, wait. That's me.

Gran is banned for being himself. Or herself, I really don't know for sure, even though he's nekkid, I just can't tell.

DJ-Bogie is banned for forgetting his contact lens again.

gran is banned for ruining the last X amount of first posts on new pages. Darnit, gran, darnit!

Marthian is banned because I haven't just ruined the top of page posts. I've ruined every post I've made.

Gran rey is banned for being just too obnoxious.

Midnight_Angel is banned for kindly including the 'ob'.

Gran rey is re-banned for banning prior to becoming unbanned.

Midnight_Angel is banned for ditto.

gran rey de los unchained melody is banned from reminding me of the awfulness of Ghost.

Banshee Pizza Delivery Girl is banned for not understanding the emotional wonderful ... oh man even I can't go there Ghost was awful who am I kidding. Banshee you are banned for forcing my hand to try and defend that awful film to be able to play devil's advocate.

Banshee Pizza Delivery Girl is banned for being none of those things. Most of all for not bringing pizza.

EDIT: Burning Straw Man is banned for being a ninja on fire. No one can catch him now and that's not fair.

Chicken is banned for getting beat by a scarecrow.

DJ-Bogie is banned for expecting a chicken to be brave enough to fight a scarecrow.

gran rey de los surround sound is banned for scaring off the cute girls.

Signore is banned for going on a reviewing rampage.

Marthian is banned for being an unintimidating dragon.

gran is banned for apparently making his save and not knowing it.

Marthian is banned because I don't need to roll saving throws.

now you do

24d10 ⇒ (4, 3, 9, 2, 9, 6, 5, 9, 7, 7, 6, 2, 5, 1, 2, 2, 2, 4, 7, 1, 4, 6, 3, 9) = 115

gran is probably going to be banned from existence due to this.

*checks self*

Nope. Still here. Therefore Marthian is banned for trying to de-existentialize me.

Starfinder Superscriber

gran rey de los stereo is banned for thinking and therefore being.

DJED is banned for using philosophy without a license.

DJ-Bogie is banned for being a well-rounded individual.

Gran Rey is banned for being, by his own shameless admission, a surrounding individual.

Quiche Lisp is banned for letting me surround him.

Gran Rey is banned for assuming I let him surround me unaware:

it was in fact a clever trap, so I could have him in position to best use my ban ray on him:


Congradulations! You just banned Ray!

I, however, am not Ray, so you are banned instead.

The Exchange

gran is banned for being Rey and not Ray.

Tirq is banned for thinking Ray is better than rey.

The Exchange

gran is banned for not thinking Ray is better than Rey. Rey can barely sing!

Tirq is banned for being right

The Exchange

Mark Hoover is banned for waiting this long before telling people.

Tirq is banned for thinking being right 1% of the time is the same as being right 100% of the time.

Fortuna is banned for using math that is WAY over Tirq's head.

DJ-Bogie is banned for levitating the math.

The Exchange

gran is banned for making everything about him.

DJ is banned for calling me stupid.

Tirq is banned because I don't make everything all about me. It just is.

grdle is banned because his ackronym looks like a girdle

Mark is banned for mistaking Griddle for Girdle

The Exchange

DJ is banned for making Griddle and Grill sound similar.

Tirq is banned for using a hot plate

Mark is banned for having a bun in the oven.

DJ-Bogie is banned for disliking Mark's home cooking.

The Exchange

TVCoB is banned for too much British cooking, and not enough of good, old, american food... like Philly cheese steak sandwitches and apple pies.

Tirq is banned for the high cholesterol levels in his blood.

The Exchange

The Elusive Trout is banned for being next on my "In Fish and Chips" list.

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