Forum Games

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The Exchange

Bromduko is banned for not being here in time to stop the Duck infestation.

Tirq is banned for having too much hp. He must be cheating.

The Exchange

Emile La Fuente is banned for not having enough HP. Anti-Cheater.

Tirq is banned for having a ridiculous armor check penalty.

The Exchange

Emile La Fuente is banned for picking on my character stats.

Tirq and Emile are both banned for escalating this thread into a banwar.

Tirq is banned because he doesn't understand how to properly maintain his arms and armor.

Edit: Ninja'd

Midnight_Angel is banned for hiding my straitjacket.

Emile La Fuente is banned for being so vanilla in choice of restraints.

The vicious Chicken of Bristol is banned for reading the "50 Shades..." series.

GoatToucher is banned on account of his 'animal husbandry'.

Zedda the Crass is banned for being badly portrayed.

Quiche Lisp is banned for critiquing Zedda's acting.

The Exchange

gran rey de los everything is banned for not capitalizing his name.

Tirq is banned for changing himself back into a turkey.

By the way, your a Tirqey again.

The Duck at the back with the Gaze Attack is banned for turning this into a ballroom blitz.

Acolyte of Urizen is banned for standing in the back.

Gran is banned for not being the man in the corner

Mark is banned for not having eyes like the sun.

Dark Archive

Signore di Fortuna is banned for being the 5,114 person to post!

Mr Whos is banned for assuming Signore di Fortuna to be the 5114th person to post.
In fact, the number is significantly lower, as several posters have been posting a multitude of time.

Midnight_Angel is banned because surely no one would think of posting more than once in a thread this silly.

The Midnight Angel is banned for its perfunctory remarks.

Gran Rey is banned for stating the obvious. The mighty Quiche Lisp posted only in this thread in this here instance.


The BANNED thread and the LAST POST WINS thread present eerie similarities. Such is the nature of the Multiverse !

Banned, you are o you three posts above !

All have been banned. Now, I reign supreme ! HAHAHAHA [evil laugh].

Quiche Lisp is banned for posting without banning.

The Exchange

Midnight Angel is banned for letting that stupid duck back into the thread... he makes me a Tirqy...

Tirq is banned for making the centerfold of Playfowl.

The Exchange

Zedda the Crass is banned for being jeleous.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Tirq is banned for wearing a neckachief.

The Exchange

Chuck is banned. Period.

Tirq is banned for being unreasonable.

Tirq is banned for running out of creative ways to ban Charles Scholz. There is so much more left to say!

EDIT: The Elusive Trout is banned for being a fishy ninja.

Signore di Fortuna is banned for having the French Disease.

Halflingtime is almost too cute to ban...Almost. *mighty smiting with the ban hammer*

The Exchange

The Vicious Chicken of Bristol is banned because he banned the adorable Halflingtime.

The Tirq is banned for thinking there is anything adorable about a halfling.

The Exchange

Badger, you crazy. Thats why you banned.

Tirq, you be trippin'. That's why YOU banned.

GoatToucher is banned for poor grammar.

gran rey de los everything is banned for lacking both an icon and capital letters.

Kavren Stark is banned for not wearing his Mithril Man armor.

Signore di Fortuna is banned for trying to get Kavren to cosplay as Mega-Man.

Gran is banned because he Los t Everything

The Exchange

DJ-Bogie is banned for not actually being a DJ.

Tirq is banned for not combing his hair.

The Exchange

gran rey de los mono is banned for not having hair to begin with... unless he is bald in which he is banned for slamming the bathroom door.

Tirq is banned for having a door on his bathroom.

El gran rey esta banneado a causa de no tener una puerta alli.
Tambien, es demasiado comico.

The Elusive Trout is banned because I don't speak Spanish, Portuguese, or whatever that was you just used.

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