Retain ability to use feat if stat change makes one unqualified?

Rules Questions

The Exchange

One of my players is playing an alchemist, male, human.

He died in battle, and the party and temple resources could only provide reincarnation, and thus he came back as a halfling (I let the player roll to determine that).

His Dex went up, and now the PC qualifies for a feat that requires Dex 15.

If the PC takes said feat, and later gets a Wish/Miracle to restore them to their previous form (thus making their Dex go down again), can they still USE that feat, or Does it become dead and wasted?

Grand Lodge

If you can't hit the prereq for whatever reason, I'd say you can't use the feat. Same as a spell dropping your intelligence might make you unable to use combat expertise until you were restored.

That being said, in the example you mention (miracle/wish - so permanent) I'd let him trade the feat rather than force him to keep a dead slot.

Ash_Gazn wrote:

One of my players is playing an alchemist, male, human.

He died in battle, and the party and temple resources could only provide reincarnation, and thus he came back as a halfling (I let the player roll to determine that).

His Dex went up, and now the PC qualifies for a feat that requires Dex 15.

If the PC takes said feat, and later gets a Wish/Miracle to restore them to their previous form (thus making their Dex go down again), can they still USE that feat, or Does it become dead and wasted?

They would loose all benefits of the feat until their dex again met the prereq. They could always get a +Dex item or raise the stat with level increase attribute bonuses, etc....

But as long as their dex is below the prereq they cant use the feat.

From the Core rulebook:

Pathfinder Core Rulebook, Feats wrote:


Some feats have prerequisites. Your character must have the indicated ability score, class feature, feat, skill, base attack bonus, or other quality designated in order to select or use that feat. A character can gain a feat at the same level at which he gains the prerequisite.

A character can't use a feat if he loses a prerequisite, but he does not lose the feat itself. If, at a later time, he regains the lost prerequisite, he immediately regains full use of the feat that prerequisite enables.

but, as mentioned, if you can't afford a permanent +2 magic item by the time you get wish/miracle...

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