>>Ask *James Jacobs* ALL your Questions Here!<<

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Sovereign Court

ulgulanoth wrote:
GeraintElberion wrote:
Monkeygod wrote:

James, being that we know that you know the next 6 or so APs, how awesome will #100 be??

Is there any truth to the rumor that the "deity" featured in that will be none other than the upper echeleon of Paizo, including yourself??

Don't think I'm not on to you all, each Path details divinity in parts 2 and 4. #100, if my math is correct(which it might not be, as I suck at math), would be part 4 of the AP began in #96. Therefore it is highly possible my above question bears much truth.

Are you saying that we'll get stats for the purple golem?

James, will we ever get stats for the purple golem?

you mean this?


Many shades of awesome.

Liberty's Edge

Any chance of us seeing art of the Golem, outside of the Paizo Logo?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

How many musicals would we have to make you sit through to get you to spill those 6 APs? ;)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Nodnarb wrote:
Any chance of us seeing art of the Golem, outside of the Paizo Logo?

Yup; it's shown up on Paizo holiday cards for example. Also as part of Paizocon stuff.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Justin Franklin wrote:
How many musicals would we have to make you sit through to get you to spill those 6 APs? ;)

You misunderstand. Subjecting me to musicals doesn't make me more compliant. It makes me angrier. I'd be more likely to quit Paizo and move to a hollow tree in deep Alaska if I were subjected to such inhumane torments.

The Exchange

James Jacobs wrote:
Nodnarb wrote:
Any chance of us seeing art of the Golem, outside of the Paizo Logo?
Yup; it's shown up on Paizo holiday cards for example. Also as part of Paizocon stuff.

Not to mention a few tattoos.

James Jacobs wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
How many musicals would we have to make you sit through to get you to spill those 6 APs? ;)
You misunderstand. Subjecting me to musicals doesn't make me more compliant. It makes me angrier. I'd be more likely to quit Paizo and move to a hollow tree in deep Alaska if I were subjected to such inhumane torments.

*takes notes in his 'How to defeat James Jacobs' notebook*

Hey, James, you mentioned creating a playlist for RotR a couple of years back.

Did that ever see the light of day?

What's your favorite musical instrument?

Piano or harpsichord?

Which is sexier, guitar or cello?

Rock or jazz?

I was wondering about "The Shattered Star" and its use as a sequel to "Rise of the Runelords". Since this is its own standalone AP, it stands to reason that you'd need a different group of PCs to play through from level 1. Given that, would it disrupt continuity too badly to set the AP, say, 30 years after RotRL so that the descendants of the survivors (or heck, even descendants of casualties, the way some parties are) could be the next generation of heroes in Varisia?

EDIT: I'm not saying that a 30-year time lapse should be written into the official product - I'm just wondering if such a decision on the part of the group will work, or if the same NPCs we met in "Runelords" are still traipsing around Sandpoint ("Old Man Hemlock is 63 and STILL the most ass-kickin' sheriff in Golarion, dagnabbit!").

So, i want to use the Harrow in Carrion Crown like Crimson Throne.
How do you determine which adventure is WHich Attribute?
( strength, dex, etc.)
or am i missing something?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Plotty Fingers wrote:

So, i want to use the Harrow in Carrion Crown like Crimson Throne.

How do you determine which adventure is WHich Attribute?
( strength, dex, etc.)
or am i missing something?

There are rules for using the Harrow deck in Carrion Crown in the Player's guide, although it is different then Crimson Throne.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Is Iblydos a collection of city-states like Ancient Greece or something different?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Power Word Unzip wrote:

I was wondering about "The Shattered Star" and its use as a sequel to "Rise of the Runelords". Since this is its own standalone AP, it stands to reason that you'd need a different group of PCs to play through from level 1. Given that, would it disrupt continuity too badly to set the AP, say, 30 years after RotRL so that the descendants of the survivors (or heck, even descendants of casualties, the way some parties are) could be the next generation of heroes in Varisia?

EDIT: I'm not saying that a 30-year time lapse should be written into the official product - I'm just wondering if such a decision on the part of the group will work, or if the same NPCs we met in "Runelords" are still traipsing around Sandpoint ("Old Man Hemlock is 63 and STILL the most ass-kickin' sheriff in Golarion, dagnabbit!").

I suspect it's too early to say about this, but it should be easy enough to rename the relevant NPCs, or just make them the decendents of the NPCs in the books, in the way you are with the PCs...

How do you determine the Variant Channeller's Domain when they channel? We discussed it here, but didn't come to a consensus what is RAW.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Twigs wrote:

Hey, James, you mentioned creating a playlist for RotR a couple of years back.

Did that ever see the light of day?

Nope. We never got around to that. Turns out... we blissfully underestimated how much more work a 96 page book was to produce than a 96 page magazine that's 1/3 advertisements.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

ANebulousMistress wrote:

What's your favorite musical instrument?

Piano or harpsichord?

Which is sexier, guitar or cello?

Rock or jazz?




Paizo Employee Creative Director

Power Word Unzip wrote:

I was wondering about "The Shattered Star" and its use as a sequel to "Rise of the Runelords". Since this is its own standalone AP, it stands to reason that you'd need a different group of PCs to play through from level 1. Given that, would it disrupt continuity too badly to set the AP, say, 30 years after RotRL so that the descendants of the survivors (or heck, even descendants of casualties, the way some parties are) could be the next generation of heroes in Varisia?

EDIT: I'm not saying that a 30-year time lapse should be written into the official product - I'm just wondering if such a decision on the part of the group will work, or if the same NPCs we met in "Runelords" are still traipsing around Sandpoint ("Old Man Hemlock is 63 and STILL the most ass-kickin' sheriff in Golarion, dagnabbit!").

It would probably not disrupt continuity too badly to set Shattered Star 30 years after Runelords... We'll be providing advice and the like on how and when and why to run Shattered Star as a sequel to Runelords, in any event, in Shattered Star itself. You WILL need to play new 1st level characters for it, though.

If you DO push it forward 30 years, you will likely need to change some of the NPCs... but not a lot of them. While Shattered Star takes place in Varisia—with the exception of Magnimar, we'll be trying to avoid returning to other locations that have been featured in an adventure path.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Plotty Fingers wrote:

So, i want to use the Harrow in Carrion Crown like Crimson Throne.

How do you determine which adventure is WHich Attribute?
( strength, dex, etc.)
or am i missing something?

We actually plotted and built the adventures for Crimson Throne from the ground up with the intention of having each one of the six adventures be symbolized by one of the six ability scores. We didn't do that with Carrion Crown, so you'll probably just have to pick them at random to determine which adventure symbolizes which attribute.

Would you like a stupid dog? This one decided to try to commit suicide this past week by eating a rock a little bigger than a d20.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Justin Franklin wrote:
Is Iblydos a collection of city-states like Ancient Greece or something different?

We haven't decided that yet. I know that Iblydos is a collection of islands, though, so likely it'll end up being several islands each of which is its own "state" after a fashion.

I suspect "Mythological Monsters Revisited" will have quite a few Ilbydos nuggets in it, though.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

harmor wrote:

How do you determine the Variant Channeller's Domain when they channel? We discussed it here, but didn't come to a consensus what is RAW.

Knowledge (religion) makes the most sense, since it's a cleric power, and being able to recognize the "signature" of a deity in something like that is religion lore. I'd set the DC to be equal to the DC to recognize the deity's holy symbol. Which is a DC that you the GM get to decide on, based on the deity's obscurity or fame.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

ANebulousMistress wrote:
Would you like a stupid dog? This one decided to try to commit suicide this past week by eating a rock a little bigger than a d20.

No thanks.

Not a dog person.

James Jacobs wrote:
Twigs wrote:

Hey, James, you mentioned creating a playlist for RotR a couple of years back.

Did that ever see the light of day?

Nope. We never got around to that. Turns out... we blissfully underestimated how much more work a 96 page book was to produce than a 96 page magazine that's 1/3 advertisements.

BTW James. Did you enjoyed the RotR soundtrack for Burnt Offerings i presented to you at GenCon?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Justin Franklin wrote:
Is Iblydos a collection of city-states like Ancient Greece or something different?

We haven't decided that yet. I know that Iblydos is a collection of islands, though, so likely it'll end up being several islands each of which is its own "state" after a fashion.

I suspect "Mythological Monsters Revisited" will have quite a few Ilbydos nuggets in it, though.

Looking forward to it then!

EDIT: As if I wasn't already.

The Exchange

Cpt. Caboodle wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
apart from us trying to figure out how to fit a 3 digit number on the spine, I doubt we'll do much unusual for volume 100.

For #100, I propose "00".

After that, you're on your own...

Stop at #96, then A1-A6, B1-B6, etc.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Plotty Fingers wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Twigs wrote:

Hey, James, you mentioned creating a playlist for RotR a couple of years back.

Did that ever see the light of day?

Nope. We never got around to that. Turns out... we blissfully underestimated how much more work a 96 page book was to produce than a 96 page magazine that's 1/3 advertisements.
BTW James. Did you enjoyed the RotR soundtrack for Burnt Offerings i presented to you at GenCon?

Heh! Yeah! Good choices!

Dark Archive

Is there anything you can tell us about the "Isle of Terror" in the middle of Lake Encarthan? Like why is it called that? Any background or history on it? Was there anything about it in "The Inner Sea World Guide" because I can't recall any info?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
Is there anything you can tell us about the "Isle of Terror" in the middle of Lake Encarthan? Like why is it called that? Any background or history on it? Was there anything about it in "The Inner Sea World Guide" because I can't recall any info?

Check out the module City of Golden Death.

James Jacobs wrote:
apart from us trying to figure out how to fit a 3 digit number on the spine, I doubt we'll do much unusual for volume 100.

Clearly you'd have been better off numbering in hexdecimal to start with. Then you'd only have to worry about three digits after volume FF (255).

Plotty Fingers wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Twigs wrote:

Hey, James, you mentioned creating a playlist for RotR a couple of years back.

Did that ever see the light of day?

Nope. We never got around to that. Turns out... we blissfully underestimated how much more work a 96 page book was to produce than a 96 page magazine that's 1/3 advertisements.
BTW James. Did you enjoyed the RotR soundtrack for Burnt Offerings i presented to you at GenCon?

Oh, hey. I'd be really curious whats on it. I'm a little stuck for Burnt Offerings m'self.

Why? Whyyyyyyyyy?!

I demand to know who fed the dog beans!

The Exchange

ANebulousMistress wrote:

Why? Whyyyyyyyyy?!

I demand to know who fed the dog beans!

The cat. Kitteh's are eval.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
ANebulousMistress wrote:
Would you like a stupid dog? This one decided to try to commit suicide this past week by eating a rock a little bigger than a d20.

Can't be more stupid than my cat who insisted on trying to sniff a candle flame. Or to make friends with the next door neighbor's dog who insisted on thinking of him as a snack. Only the gods know how he survived as a street cat before we adopted him.

James, what are your GM Merit Badges?

Evil Lincoln wrote:
James, what are your GM Merit Badges?


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Will Casmaron have a pantheon of 20 core deities as well? And do you think it will have more or less crossover with Tian Xia and the Inner Sea?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

I dont' want to come up with a giant list but...

1) My games will entertain everyone at the table.
2) I will provide an interesting story and plenty of action in a campaign.
3) I will tell the players exactly what they earn XP for when I pass it out so they know what actions earned them rewards.
4) I try to mediate player and character conflicts so that no one has their feelings hurt.
5) I don't play the game to win.
6) If someone claims I'm handling a situation with the wrong rules, I'll give them a few moments to cite the correct rules, but I'd rather use "wrong" rules and keep the game going.
7) If a player comes up with a backstory for their character I shall incorporate that backstory into the campaign.

How'd you fare with today's earthquake? Did you feel it? Anything in the offices get knocked over? How are your, shall we say, less earthquake hardened friends/coworkers/cats handling it?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

ANebulousMistress wrote:
How'd you fare with today's earthquake? Did you feel it? Anything in the offices get knocked over? How are your, shall we say, less earthquake hardened friends/coworkers/cats handling it?

There was an earthquake today?

(AKA: Didn't even know until I just read this post, so I think it's fair to say I did well.)

Ah; you mean the one that struck off Vancouver, I guess? That's actually a few hundred miles away from where I'm at right now.

I think he might mean the one in the US (4.1 in california)
Link to Iris

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Azure_Zero wrote:

I think he might mean the one in the US (4.1 in california)

Link to Iris

First of all... that link is cool.

Second of all... 4.1 is like dropping a bowling ball. Growing up on the upper slopes of the San Andreas Fault makes you kind of blase about earthquakes... up to a certain point, of course! :-P

Though you might like the link.

If you have Windows 7 or heaven forbid Vista, you can get a widget that connects to this link.

And yah here 4.1 is very rare and you'll feel it, Ah the Good old Canadian Shield

I meant the Vancouver one. I wouldn't even get out of bed for anything less than a 6.

Glad Seattle (and Paizo) is still standing. Still waiting for that Big One you guys are supposed to get. Though that might be a bad thing to wait for given a 9.0 would essentially wipe Seattle off the map.

ANebulousMistress wrote:

I meant the Vancouver one. I wouldn't even get out of bed for anything less than a 6.

Glad Seattle (and Paizo) is still standing. Still waiting for that Big One you guys are supposed to get. Though that might be a bad thing to wait for given a 9.0 would essentially wipe Seattle off the map.

Actually, it's the impending eruption of Mount Ranier that should have Seattle worried...

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Azure_Zero wrote:

Though you might like the link.

If you have Windows 7 or heaven forbid Vista, you can get a widget that connects to this link.

And yah here 4.1 is very rare and you'll feel it, Ah the Good old Canadian Shield

I've actually not been on a windows machine for several years now. Macs are so much nicer! :-)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Jeff de luna wrote:
ANebulousMistress wrote:

I meant the Vancouver one. I wouldn't even get out of bed for anything less than a 6.

Glad Seattle (and Paizo) is still standing. Still waiting for that Big One you guys are supposed to get. Though that might be a bad thing to wait for given a 9.0 would essentially wipe Seattle off the map.

Actually, it's the impending eruption of Mount Ranier that should have Seattle worried...

Be it volcano or earthquake, beleive me... we're worried. But at the same point... that type of disaster isn't something that it makes much sense to get TOO worried about. If it happens, it happens.

Jeff de luna wrote:
ANebulousMistress wrote:

I meant the Vancouver one. I wouldn't even get out of bed for anything less than a 6.

Glad Seattle (and Paizo) is still standing. Still waiting for that Big One you guys are supposed to get. Though that might be a bad thing to wait for given a 9.0 would essentially wipe Seattle off the map.

Actually, it's the impending eruption of Mount Ranier that should have Seattle worried...

Isn't he the guy who married Grace Kelly?

James Jacobs wrote:
Jeff de luna wrote:
ANebulousMistress wrote:

I meant the Vancouver one. I wouldn't even get out of bed for anything less than a 6.

Glad Seattle (and Paizo) is still standing. Still waiting for that Big One you guys are supposed to get. Though that might be a bad thing to wait for given a 9.0 would essentially wipe Seattle off the map.

Actually, it's the impending eruption of Mount Ranier that should have Seattle worried...
Be it volcano or earthquake, beleive me... we're worried. But at the same point... that type of disaster isn't something that it makes much sense to get TOO worried about. If it happens, it happens.

Right between an active volcano and an active subduction zone. Good place for a city or best place?

Liberty's Edge

ANebulousMistress wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Jeff de luna wrote:
ANebulousMistress wrote:

I meant the Vancouver one. I wouldn't even get out of bed for anything less than a 6.

Glad Seattle (and Paizo) is still standing. Still waiting for that Big One you guys are supposed to get. Though that might be a bad thing to wait for given a 9.0 would essentially wipe Seattle off the map.

Actually, it's the impending eruption of Mount Ranier that should have Seattle worried...
Be it volcano or earthquake, beleive me... we're worried. But at the same point... that type of disaster isn't something that it makes much sense to get TOO worried about. If it happens, it happens.
Right between an active volcano and an active subduction zone. Good place for a city or best place?

I can present you Italy?

Mount Vesuvio
Messina earthquake and tsunami

Being at the meeting point between the African and European tectonic plates isn't a joke.

Here you find the earthquakes with more than 1.000 deaths from 1900 onward, Italy get places at the 8 and 14, North America luckily is way lower in this unhappy list.

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