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1) What Pathfinder class have you always wanted to play but never gotten the chance to?

2) Are there leylines in Golarion? If so, will we ever see any material that provides character options for utilizing them?

3) As someone who worked on the World of Warcraft RPG, why do you think that pandafolk are seen as "jumping the shark" when cowfolk, pigfolk, fishfolk, hyenafolk, walrusfolk, and bisonfolk are not?

4) Do elves take 100+ years to biologically reach adulthood?

5) How many Pathfinder Battles Seelah miniatures do you have? I've pulled two so far; she really seems like she digs me.

6) What is your favorite Pathfinder Model from Reaper Miniatures?

7) What is your favorite Pathfinder Model from WizKids?

8) If you could get any one of your PCs made into a Reaper Miniature, who would you pick?

9) Do you have any guilty pleasure movies? If yes, care to name one?

10) Is there an Office Punching Bag / Scapegoat? As in, when a ton of books get delayed for reasons out of your control, you just look up at the heavens and shout, "CURSE YOU, [PAIZO EMPLOYEE]!"

11) Do you ever curse Golarion deities for your real world problems? Example: Light turns red at a junction. "CURSE YOU DESMA!"

12) If Cthulhu ran for Present of the United States, would you vote for him?

13) Do you have any siblings? If so, what do they think you do all day?

14) How long do you think it will take you to paint all of your Reaper Bones?

15) Paizo Bones Painting Parties?

16) What are you going to do with all of the anachronistic Bones in the Vampire Level pledge? I've been trying to figure out what to do with the Afro-Haired Vampire Hunter for WEEKS. 0_0

17) Cash or Card?

18) Are there youth organizations of any kind on Golarion? For some reason, the idea of a Boy Scouts-esque Ranger Corps amuses me to no end. Then again, I'm an Eagle Scout.

19) Do you play any Tabletop Wargames? If so, which?

20) Do you play any Trading Card Games? If so, which?

21) What was the most insightful thing you've ever learned reading threads on the Paizo.com forums.

22) What is one of the most outrageous things that you have done in a game that you've played in?

23) You've said that you've played D&D since you were a kid. Care to share any hilarious "Kid Mistakes" that you've made?

24) What was the most outrageous shirt you've ever worn?

25) If dinosaurs existed today, do you think P.E.H.T.A would lobby against making boots, purses, and other frill from their hide?

Is Sohei supposed to be able to use any of the Monk abilities that only work in no armor when wearing light armor or do they get light armor proficiency for no reason?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

deuxhero wrote:
Is Sohei supposed to be able to use any of the Monk abilities that only work in no armor when wearing light armor or do they get light armor proficiency for no reason?

I believe the idea for the sohei was that it's a monk that can indeed wear armor. Whether or not it works or not or is balanced or a good idea... I can't say, because I've not really looked at it. That's more of a Jason question.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Alexander Augunas wrote:

1) What Pathfinder class have you always wanted to play but never gotten the chance to?

2) Are there leylines in Golarion? If so, will we ever see any material that provides character options for utilizing them?

3) As someone who worked on the World of Warcraft RPG, why do you think that pandafolk are seen as "jumping the shark" when cowfolk, pigfolk, fishfolk, hyenafolk, walrusfolk, and bisonfolk are not?

4) Do elves take 100+ years to biologically reach adulthood?

5) How many Pathfinder Battles Seelah miniatures do you have? I've pulled two so far; she really seems like she digs me.

6) What is your favorite Pathfinder Model from Reaper Miniatures?

7) What is your favorite Pathfinder Model from WizKids?

8) If you could get any one of your PCs made into a Reaper Miniature, who would you pick?

9) Do you have any guilty pleasure movies? If yes, care to name one?

10) Is there an Office Punching Bag / Scapegoat? As in, when a ton of books get delayed for reasons out of your control, you just look up at the heavens and shout, "CURSE YOU, [PAIZO EMPLOYEE]!"

11) Do you ever curse Golarion deities for your real world problems? Example: Light turns red at a junction. "CURSE YOU DESMA!"

12) If Cthulhu ran for Present of the United States, would you vote for him?

13) Do you have any siblings? If so, what do they think you do all day?

14) How long do you think it will take you to paint all of your Reaper Bones?

15) Paizo Bones Painting Parties?

16) What are you going to do with all of the anachronistic Bones in the Vampire Level pledge? I've been trying to figure out what to do with the Afro-Haired Vampire Hunter for WEEKS. 0_0

17) Cash or Card?

18) Are there youth organizations of any kind on Golarion? For some reason, the idea of a Boy Scouts-esque Ranger Corps amuses me to no end. Then again, I'm an Eagle Scout.

19) Do you play any Tabletop Wargames? If so, which?

20) Do you play any Trading Card Games? If so, which?

21) What was the most insightful thing you've ever learned reading threads on the Paizo.com forums.

22) What is one of the most outrageous things that you have done in a game that you've played in?

23) You've said that you've played D&D since you were a kid. Care to share any hilarious "Kid Mistakes" that you've made?

24) What was the most outrageous shirt you've ever worn?

25) If dinosaurs existed today, do you think P.E.H.T.A would lobby against making boots, purses, and other frill from their hide?

First off... when you do big list questions like this, please try to keep them to 10 or less in a post. Listing more than 10 makes quoting the list in my answer a bit clumsy and hard to refer back to the questions and answers all on one screen.

1) Alchemist.

2) If there are, we've not done much with them yet, nor do we plan to anytime soon...

3) I worked on the Warcraft RPG over a decade ago. When I was working on the first version of it that was originally going to be published by WotC, it was going to be based on Warcraft III, the real-time strategy game. The MMORPG was still years away from being released at that point. The panda people were not a big part of the game world at that time, and they weren't a part of the original RPG at all. I think that walrusfolk is probably the "jump the shark" point for the MMORPG. Kinda like it was for Dragonlance.

4) Yes.

5) Zero. I actually don't own any Pathfinder Battles minis.

6) Shensen. How can a Reaper mini based on my own character NOT be my favorite?

7) One that I can't talk about yet because it's not been announced.

8) Shensen (already done!)

9) Captain Ron.

10) Nope. That's not really a healthy way to run a business. :P

11) Now and then, but never Desna.

12) I would not exist in a farcical universe where something like that could happen.

13) Two sisters. Both of them have played D&D. One of them is a gamer today (mostly video games—she's been playing Skyrim a lot lately), and the other has two kids, the younger of whom seems to be getting into gaming. AKA: They pretty much know exactly what I do. :P

14) Forever. As in I'm not sure I'll even paint one of them. I hope that isn't the case, but we'll see...

15) They'll probably happen, since minis painting parties or lunch breaks already do happen.

16) Minis in the set that I don't like will either be set aside, put in a box and forgotten, or maybe even just thrown away.

17) Card.

18) Yes.

19) Nope, although I've dabbled now and then (mostly with Battletech).

20) Not currently, although I played a HELL of a lot of Magic back in college.

21) That I really have to be careful what I say in some cases.

22) What do you mean by outrageous? I've had a character get pregnant via an angel and then played that character's half-celestial daughter as a character... that's pretty outrageous, I guess.

23) Took me about a year to realize there was a difference between Hit Dice and hit points... or that the Basic Box was a different game than Advanced D&D.

24) There's that word again. Outrageous. Hmmm... I'm actually not really one for wearing outrageous clothes at all in the first place.

25) I would HOPE they would.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Alexander Augunas wrote:
18) Are there youth organizations of any kind on Golarion? For some reason, the idea of a Boy Scouts-esque Ranger Corps amuses me to no end. Then again, I'm an Eagle Scout.
James Jacobs wrote:
18) Yes.

Do green-clad attic whisperers sell cookies door-to-door in Geb?

Shadow Lodge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

Arizhel wrote:

Fortune (Su): The witch can grant a creature within 30 feet a bit of good luck for 1 round. The target can call upon this good luck once per round, allowing him to reroll any ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check, taking the better result. He must decide to use this ability before the first roll is made. At 8th level and 16th level, the duration of this hex is extended by 1 round. Once a creature has benefited from the fortune hex, it cannot benefit from it again for 24 hours. [emphasis added]

My home DM reads this last sentence with the logic that as soon as you roll twice, and take the better result, you have received benefit. Therefore hex ends, cackle provides more time in which to decide to use said benefit.

Is this correct?

There's actually already a FAQ for that question.


Presumably Misfortune should work the same way.

James Jacobs wrote:
The parts of Ultimate Campaign I'm most eager to see are the character background creation rules

Color me intrigued. I have found Pathfinder/Golarion to have a pretty robust background system already, by which I mean "traits with nice flavor/mechanics interaction." Normally I'd be a bit hesitant towards a setting independent system to create character backgrounds, but a level of interest over your own Kingdom Builder rules makes me eager for any little teasers you are able to throw our way.

Honestly though, I really have just one question: can you die during character creation? I think we all know that is an absolutely vital component of any background system.

James Jacobs:

1) What is your favorite Battlemech?

2) What is your favorite FASA Battletech technology era (ie: pre-clan invasion, during the clan invasion, post-clan invasion when the technology race really went all over the map)

3) Have you ever built your own mech? If so what were the basic stats (tonnage, weapon compliment, speed)?

- Gauss

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Arazni, Harlot Queen of Geb wrote:
Alexander Augunas wrote:
18) Are there youth organizations of any kind on Golarion? For some reason, the idea of a Boy Scouts-esque Ranger Corps amuses me to no end. Then again, I'm an Eagle Scout.
James Jacobs wrote:
18) Yes.
Do green-clad attic whisperers sell cookies door-to-door in Geb?


The undead do not like cookies.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Mort the Cleverly Named wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
The parts of Ultimate Campaign I'm most eager to see are the character background creation rules

Color me intrigued. I have found Pathfinder/Golarion to have a pretty robust background system already, by which I mean "traits with nice flavor/mechanics interaction." Normally I'd be a bit hesitant towards a setting independent system to create character backgrounds, but a level of interest over your own Kingdom Builder rules makes me eager for any little teasers you are able to throw our way.

Honestly though, I really have just one question: can you die during character creation? I think we all know that is an absolutely vital component of any background system.



While Traveler and Pathfinder are both about journeys... Pathfinder wants to make sure your journey at least has SOME stuff going on after the start. Also... no square root signs.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Gauss wrote:

James Jacobs:

1) What is your favorite Battlemech?

2) What is your favorite FASA Battletech technology era (ie: pre-clan invasion, during the clan invasion, post-clan invasion when the technology race really went all over the map)

3) Have you ever built your own mech? If so what were the basic stats (tonnage, weapon compliment, speed)?

- Gauss

1) Marauder or Hatchetman.

2) Whatever 1st edition was. I never really played much beyond 1990.

3) Yup. Lots of them. One was a dual axe-wielding Hatchetman. Another was a squat little thing called a chimera that had an autocannon, PPC gun, and flamethrower.

1. What's the most obscure RPG you own?

2. What's the most obscure RPG you've played?

3. Which of your homebrew campaigns are you most proud of?

4. Do you have any campaigns where you intended the plot to go one way, but then the players caused it to veer so far off it wasn't even close to what you'd planned? For example, did you have a campaign where you introduced a character who was supposed to be their boss and give them quests and stuff, but because of impulse or an unexpected decision on the party's part, he ended up becoming the primary antagonist?

James Jacobs:

I remember the rules for dual wielding Hatchetmen...there was some cool tech around the 3055 era for really buffing that build up. Get the mech hot and the damage for physical attacks went up (double iirc).

My favorite mech was a quad mech I built. 3050/3055 era, 75tons, 5/8/5 speed, near max armor, 12medium lasers with the (double) heat sinks to fire 10 of them and stay cool. No long range weaponry of course but the entire concept was to close as fast as possible and engage.

My nick is actually from Battletech. I was originally dubbed Gauss Death because of one Gauss Rifle wielding mech I used. Dropped 'Death' due to having to explain it too often. *shrugs*

- Gauss

Mr. James Jacobs,

In Golarion it is known that clerics require a deity. Do paladins and inquisitors also require a deity?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The NPC wrote:

Mr. James Jacobs,

In Golarion it is known that clerics require a deity. Do paladins and inquisitors also require a deity?

Nope. Most do have deities though.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Johnico wrote:

1. What's the most obscure RPG you own?

2. What's the most obscure RPG you've played?

3. Which of your homebrew campaigns are you most proud of?

4. Do you have any campaigns where you intended the plot to go one way, but then the players caused it to veer so far off it wasn't even close to what you'd planned? For example, did you have a campaign where you introduced a character who was supposed to be their boss and give them quests and stuff, but because of impulse or an unexpected decision on the party's part, he ended up becoming the primary antagonist?

1) Hmmm... probably one that's so obscure I've forgotten I own it?

2) If we count unpublished games... A game I designed from ground up based on a combination of my favorite horror movies and my High School. In it, the players were high-school students who were trying to earn good enough grades to qualify for college while facing horrific monsters, aliens, zombies, undead, and bullies.

3) Baria, since so much of it is now Golarion. It's also pretty much the ONLY homebrew campaign world I have.

4) Yes, often. Had a game where I was running White Plume Mountain and the PCs got captured by the vampire and ended up being geased to go release an ancient necromancer from its prison under a Desnan temple, and once that happened, the other ancient necromancers rose up as well and the PCs, now escaped from the Geas, had to try to stop them from taking over. The whole plotline would later be one of the primary inspirations for Rise of the Runelords.

James Jacobs wrote:
The NPC wrote:

Mr. James Jacobs,

In Golarion it is known that clerics require a deity. Do paladins and inquisitors also require a deity?

Nope. Most do have deities though.

That seems counter intuitive to me (At least for inquisitors anyway). Why do they not require one?

Hey James,
I'm currently running a Kitsune Heavens Oracle, and I was thinking Daikitsue would fit as a Heavens Deity since her domains are similar to Gozreh's. However, I'm trying to figure out how exactly nature gods like Daikitsue and Gozreh would fit in with the entire Heavens theme. Would this just be weather related, or do you think there can be more to it than that?

Hmm, I might as well also ask this. There's very little information about Daikitsue in print right now. Do you happen to know any tidbits that would be useful for a Kitsune Heavens Oracle (w/ blackened curse) background? ;)

The NPC wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
The NPC wrote:

Mr. James Jacobs,

In Golarion it is known that clerics require a deity. Do paladins and inquisitors also require a deity?

Nope. Most do have deities though.
That seems counter intuitive to me (At least for inquisitors anyway). Why do they not require one?

They follow an ideal/concept while pretending to follow a god?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The NPC wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
The NPC wrote:

Mr. James Jacobs,

In Golarion it is known that clerics require a deity. Do paladins and inquisitors also require a deity?

Nope. Most do have deities though.
That seems counter intuitive to me (At least for inquisitors anyway). Why do they not require one?

Because you can have an inquisitor who serves a government, for example (such as the inquisitors of House Thrune) or an inquisitor who serves a whole pantheon of related deities.

Clerics are the only class in the game who must choose part of their class options depending on what deity they worship—inquisitors are probably the closest second to the "who must worship a deity."

That said, in Golarion, the vast majority of divine spellcasters DO worship a deity or a pantheon of deities (with the exception of druids, who mostly worship nature/The Green Faith), so overall, it's only the exceptions to the rule. Which, as it turns out, seem mostly to be PCs.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Matrix Dragon wrote:

Hey James,

I'm currently running a Kitsune Heavens Oracle, and I was thinking Daikitsue would fit as a Heavens Deity since her domains are similar to Gozreh's. However, I'm trying to figure out how exactly nature gods like Daikitsue and Gozreh would fit in with the entire Heavens theme. Would this just be weather related, or do you think there can be more to it than that?

Hmm, I might as well also ask this. There's very little information about Daikitsue in print right now. Do you happen to know any tidbits that would be useful for a Kitsune Heavens Oracle (w/ blackened curse) background? ;)

The fun thing with oracles is that you the player get to decide how your character's personal take on faith and religion work if you want. You can be part of a larger faith, or you can be the only one.

Beyond what we've said in print about Daikitsue so far there's not much more in the works or behind the scenes, alas.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:
Arazni, Harlot Queen of Geb wrote:
Do green-clad attic whisperers sell cookies door-to-door in Geb?


The undead do not like cookies.

Not even if the cookies are made from real Girl Scouts?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Has Paizo ever considered selling tabs for their books? It's something I typically do to my own books by hand for easy reference, and one of my players said that it's a great idea and was surprised that you don't sell pre-made tabs for that purpose

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Arazni, Harlot Queen of Geb wrote:
Do green-clad attic whisperers sell cookies door-to-door in Geb?


The undead do not like cookies.

Not even if the cookies are made from real Girl Scouts?

Nope! Not even then.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Cori Marie wrote:
Has Paizo ever considered selling tabs for their books? It's something I typically do to my own books by hand for easy reference, and one of my players said that it's a great idea and was surprised that you don't sell pre-made tabs for that purpose

Nope. We're mostly doing book publishing. Something like custom tabs would be a thing we'd probably rather license than produce in house. And even then... not sure how well they'd sell...

James Jacobs wrote:
Cori Marie wrote:
Has Paizo ever considered selling tabs for their books? It's something I typically do to my own books by hand for easy reference, and one of my players said that it's a great idea and was surprised that you don't sell pre-made tabs for that purpose

Nope. We're mostly doing book publishing. Something like custom tabs would be a thing we'd probably rather license than produce in house. And even then... not sure how well they'd sell...

Halloween/etc costumes/outfits?

James Jacobs wrote:
Guy St-Amant wrote:

Which Video Game(s) (single/individual title(s) or series) would you partially or fully (try to) Pathfinder'ize if you could/wanted/etc?




^ Unspeakable Future?

You could have selected more than one if you wanted.

Mine would be "Skies of Arcadia" and "Suikoden".

James Jacobs wrote:
Beyond what we've said in print about Daikitsue so far there's not much more in the works or behind the scenes, alas.

Dang. Well, I'm going to have to just hope that the Dragon Empires books did well enough that you guys think it is a good idea to release some more material, lol. *hopes for Kitsunes of Golareon*

Paizo Employee Creative Director

C. Nutcase wrote:

Halloween/etc costumes/outfits?

What about them?

James Jacobs wrote:
C. Nutcase wrote:

Halloween/etc costumes/outfits?
What about them?

Is that something Paizo would do? Or maybe just design?

Where did Galorion start? Where are it's roots, it's inspirations?

Mr. James Jacobs,

The average module is 32 pages yes? If so, is a module supposed to last an average of 4-6 hours? How many dungeons on average are in a module of that length?

Combat Feats, do you need Fighter levels to take them or not?

Belle Mythix wrote:

Combat Feats, do you need Fighter levels to take them or not?

I think we can save James from answering this one...

You only need Fighter levels to take a feat if the feat says it requires Fighter levels.

Also: "Any feat designated as a combat feat can be selected by fighters and gunslingers as a bonus feat. Characters of other classes can take these feats as long as they meet the prerequisites."

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Uhm, this isn't really a question, but ...

James, most of us are aware that any rules-related questions you answer in this thread are your personal opinions and "how I would do that" advice.

Sadly, recently your answers are being, mildly stating, abused.

Some time ago you voiced your opinion about how Amulet of Might Fists should interact with overcoming DR (short version: it shouldn't, monks have other ways of overcoming DR).

As you're likely aware, there's a raging firestorm in the rules forums where a vocal group of players is advocating for Monk changes. Recently, that AoMF post of yours was used as an example to support an opinion that Paizo employees have a personal dislike of Monk class and are actively looking to hinder it. I know it's ridiculous, but last night several posters used your and SKR's statements as figurative blunt objects to bludgeon others to death in discussion. For example, in this thread your advice is cited as "official answer from a member of the Paizo staff".

Perhaps, some disclaimer in your posts that answer rules queries? Something along the way of "Hi, I'm James Jacobs and that's how I run this in my games. Feel free to use my advice, but if you want 100% official Paizo statements on the matter that can be taken for errata/FAQ or referenced in PFS, Jason is your guy for that."

Dear Mr. Jacobs,

1. are there any Dark Tapestry oder Dominion of the Black related creatures in the Inner Sea Bestiary?

2. any chance of introducing a new Old One in AP #65?

3. and some little spoiler for Southern Garund? What´s up with the termite mounds or the cities in the trees mentioned in the Campaign Guide?

Thank´s in advance!

What are the chances of Cthulhu himself showing up in a Paizo product in the future? In an AP? Does the commercial success/failure of the Mythic rules increase/decrease this chance in any appreciable way?

James Jacobs wrote:
Leonardo Trancoso wrote:


Is it possible to create a Crossblooded Sorcerer with one or two Wildblooded Bloodlines?

Why would you want to? To give your poor GM a heart attack or a nosebleed?

In any case, since both of those are archetypes... you can if what the archetype replaces from the base class doesn't overlap. In this case, you probably could combine the two, since a wildblooded archetype changes the bloodline itself, and the crossblooded archetype doesn't do much that actually affects its bloodlines apart from the fact that it combines two of them.

But I have to wonder if this isn't the Pathfinder equivalent of ordering a chocolate fudge sunday and then topping it with candy bars, jelly beans, chocolate chips, gumdrops, skittles, maple syrup, circus peanuts, and powdered sugar. Just because you CAN do a thing doesn't mean you SHOULD. :-)

In my case, I wanted to do this 'cos I wanted to play an empyreal sorcerer with a familiar to keep him company (he's a PFS character, so I wanted him to have a constant companion even as he bounced between different groups of Pathfinders for different missions. I'm doing this by cross-blooding the empyreal and arcane bloodlines.

What would I need to do at level 9?

The crossblooded archetype says:
"At 1st, 3rd, 9th, 15th, and 20th levels, a crossblooded sorcerer gains one of the two new bloodline powers available to her at that level. She may instead select a lower-level bloodline power she did not choose in place of one of these higher-level powers."

The empyreal bloodline says:
"Sacred Cistern (Su): At 9th level, your bloodline makes you a natural receptacle of divine energy. You can channel energy once per day as a cleric of your sorcerer level – 4.

This bloodline power replaces wings of heaven."

Is my 9th level bloodline power replaced with Sacred Cistern in all circumstances, or am I free to pick the arcane bloodline's 9th level power?

Matrix Dragon wrote:
Belle Mythix wrote:

Combat Feats, do you need Fighter levels to take them or not?

I think we can save James from answering this one...

You only need Fighter levels to take a feat if the feat says it requires Fighter levels.

Also: "Any feat designated as a combat feat can be selected by fighters and gunslingers as a bonus feat. Characters of other classes can take these feats as long as they meet the prerequisites."

I am asking if there are "Fighter Only" Feat or if it is a misunderstanding?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Belle Mythix wrote:
Matrix Dragon wrote:
Belle Mythix wrote:

Combat Feats, do you need Fighter levels to take them or not?

I think we can save James from answering this one...

You only need Fighter levels to take a feat if the feat says it requires Fighter levels.

Also: "Any feat designated as a combat feat can be selected by fighters and gunslingers as a bonus feat. Characters of other classes can take these feats as long as they meet the prerequisites."

I am asking if there are "Fighter Only" Feat or if it is a misunderstanding?

There are fighter only feats (i.e. Weapon Specialization), but combat feats are not fighter only.

James Jacobs wrote:
Stratagemini wrote:
in Golarion, where does Ice Cream come from? I notice it's in Ultimate Equipment, so, where on Golarion was it invented, and who makes it now?

First off...

Just because something is in a rulebook doesn't mean it's in Golarion. The rulebooks are world-neutral.

That said, ice cream DOES exist in Golarion. It's unrevealed who invented it, but I suspect it's made the same way it's made here; with cream and sugar and salted ice and lots of elbow grease in a churner type gizmo. Which means it's made in cold areas where ice is available, or you have an alchemist or a spellcaster make the ice for you.

Homemade ice cream, by the way, is delicious.

Those darn Winter Witches are going to try to use ice cream to take over Golarion in Reign of Winter, aren't they? Admit it, that's their entire plan isn't it?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

C. Nutcase wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
C. Nutcase wrote:

Halloween/etc costumes/outfits?
What about them?

Is that something Paizo would do? Or maybe just design?

Ah. No... that's even MORE out of our specialty to create, and something even more appropriate for a licensor to do.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Demonskunk wrote:
Where did Galorion start? Where are it's roots, it's inspirations?

Golarion started 5 years ago when we needed a campaign setting to set all our adventures and Adventure Paths in once Wizards of the Coast decided not to renew our license to use D&D and its settings.

Large portions of Golarion (such as Varisia, Kyonin, Belkzen, Mediogalti, and bits and pieces all over, as with about 2/3 of the deities) are from my own homebrew campaign, which I've been working on since about 1981; importing all that info from my homebrew really helped save a lot of time in getting the Adventure Path off the ground, and that's why Varisia ended up being the focus of the first 3 Adventure Paths. Becasue at the time we were working on those first 18 volumes, Varisia was pretty much ALL we really had for Golarion.

Erik Mona and Jason Bulmahn wrote the Gazetter, which then went on to expand the Inner Sea Region into the campaign setting we know today, with lots more help from pretty much everyone at Paizo. Greyhawk and the Forgotten Realms were obviously inspirations for the setting, but perhaps even more so were the writings of authors we admire, such as Lovecraft, Robert E Howard, Fritz Leiber, Jack Vance, George Martin, Clark Ashton Smith... pretty much everyone listed in Appendix 3 of the Core Rulebook, really.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

The NPC wrote:

Mr. James Jacobs,

The average module is 32 pages yes? If so, is a module supposed to last an average of 4-6 hours? How many dungeons on average are in a module of that length?

Nope. How long an adventure takes depends entirely on the group and on the module. Some modules are fast and quick; others last lots longer. I've had 32 page modules last only one 4 hour session, and I've had them last for 5 or 6 8 hour sessions.

That said... on average, a typical encounter in a dungeon takes up 500 words. That's a little over half a page (without art or maps).

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Belle Mythix wrote:

Combat Feats, do you need Fighter levels to take them or not?

Nope. Anyone can take Combat feats.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Gorbacz wrote:

Uhm, this isn't really a question, but ...

James, most of us are aware that any rules-related questions you answer in this thread are your personal opinions and "how I would do that" advice.

Sadly, recently your answers are being, mildly stating, abused.

Some time ago you voiced your opinion about how Amulet of Might Fists should interact with overcoming DR (short version: it shouldn't, monks have other ways of overcoming DR).

As you're likely aware, there's a raging firestorm in the rules forums where a vocal group of players is advocating for Monk changes. Recently, that AoMF post of yours was used as an example to support an opinion that Paizo employees have a personal dislike of Monk class and are actively looking to hinder it. I know it's ridiculous, but last night several posters used your and SKR's statements as figurative blunt objects to bludgeon others to death in discussion. For example, in this thread your advice is cited as "official answer from a member of the Paizo staff".

Perhaps, some disclaimer in your posts that answer rules queries? Something along the way of "Hi, I'm James Jacobs and that's how I run this in my games. Feel free to use my advice, but if you want 100% official Paizo statements on the matter that can be taken for errata/FAQ or referenced in PFS, Jason is your guy for that."

There's not much I can do about my answers "being abused" if I want to keep answering them. I do often try to point out to people that the type of game I run and play and thus the type of game that I'm answering questions for is a game where the players respect the GM's authority. If that's not the case, that particular group has a lot bigger problems than "answer abuse."

I'm not interested in putting disclaimers on all of my posts. The thread's long enough as it is, already, and answer abusers are gonna abuse anyway.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Albus wrote:

Dear Mr. Jacobs,

1. are there any Dark Tapestry oder Dominion of the Black related creatures in the Inner Sea Bestiary?

2. any chance of introducing a new Old One in AP #65?

3. and some little spoiler for Southern Garund? What´s up with the termite mounds or the cities in the trees mentioned in the Campaign Guide?

Thank´s in advance!

1) Not really. There's a couple of planar and outer space monsters, but the bulk of the book is Inner Sea monsters.

2) Nope. We've got 10 or so active on Golarion as it is. That's half the number of the core deities. That's plenty for now.

3) No spoilers to give out there yet!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Orthos wrote:
What are the chances of Cthulhu himself showing up in a Paizo product in the future? In an AP? Does the commercial success/failure of the Mythic rules increase/decrease this chance in any appreciable way?

Cthulhu is on the level of a demigod, like a demon lord. That's something that Mythic Adventures is going to let us stat up.

How that all develops will be something we'll have to wait and see! ;-)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Belle Mythix wrote:
Matrix Dragon wrote:
Belle Mythix wrote:

Combat Feats, do you need Fighter levels to take them or not?

I think we can save James from answering this one...

You only need Fighter levels to take a feat if the feat says it requires Fighter levels.

Also: "Any feat designated as a combat feat can be selected by fighters and gunslingers as a bonus feat. Characters of other classes can take these feats as long as they meet the prerequisites."

I am asking if there are "Fighter Only" Feat or if it is a misunderstanding?

There are indeed "Fighter Only" feats. It says so in the feats when they are. Such as in Weapon Specialization, which lists "fighter level 4th" as one of the feat's requirements.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

FiddlersGreen wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Leonardo Trancoso wrote:


Is it possible to create a Crossblooded Sorcerer with one or two Wildblooded Bloodlines?

Why would you want to? To give your poor GM a heart attack or a nosebleed?

In any case, since both of those are archetypes... you can if what the archetype replaces from the base class doesn't overlap. In this case, you probably could combine the two, since a wildblooded archetype changes the bloodline itself, and the crossblooded archetype doesn't do much that actually affects its bloodlines apart from the fact that it combines two of them.

But I have to wonder if this isn't the Pathfinder equivalent of ordering a chocolate fudge sunday and then topping it with candy bars, jelly beans, chocolate chips, gumdrops, skittles, maple syrup, circus peanuts, and powdered sugar. Just because you CAN do a thing doesn't mean you SHOULD. :-)

In my case, I wanted to do this 'cos I wanted to play an empyreal sorcerer with a familiar to keep him company (he's a PFS character, so I wanted him to have a constant companion even as he bounced between different groups of Pathfinders for different missions. I'm doing this by cross-blooding the empyreal and arcane bloodlines.

What would I need to do at level 9?

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

This bloodline power replaces wings of heaven."

Is my 9th level bloodline power replaced with Sacred Cistern in all circumstances, or am I free to pick the arcane bloodline's 9th level power?

Archetypes always take precedence over the standards. In this case, the Archetype takes precedence over your bloodline, and thus you can pick the actual 9th level power as your archetype allows.

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